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> LaTeX General

LaTeX Math Command

Cat: SCO
Pub: 2016

Kanzo Kobayashi  $\frac{1}{x^{10}}$

up 16119
; absolute; accent; aleph; approximate; array; arrow; bar; binomial; bracket; brace; card mark; cases; centering; character; color; chemical equation; combination; diamond; divide; dots; exist; for all; fraction; Greek; hat; hyperbolic sine; include; integer; less than; limes; list; matrix; math font; multiply; nearly equal; not equal; nothing; nul; overbrace; parenthesis; partial; permutation; perpendicular; product; propotional; right-left arrow; roman font; set; similarity; sine-cosine; space; special character; square root; subset; sum; text; text size; trigonometry; underline; verbatim;
LaTeX command
LaTeX Sample

>Top <A1>:

  1. absolute-1
  2. parentheses
  3. parentheses-2
  4. parentheses-3
  5. parentheses-4
  6. parentheses-5
  7. parentheses-6
  8. accent
  9. vector


  1. \bigl| |x|+|y| \bigr|$
  2. \left( \right) \{ \} \left[ \right]$
  3. \bigl\{a_k\bigm| k \in \{1,2,3\} \bigr\}$
  4. \bigl\{ax+b \bigr\}\ \left(ax+b \right)\ \bigl(ax+b \bigr)\ \left[ax+b \right]\ \bigl[ax+b \bigr]$
  5. \left( \dfrac{A}{B} \right)$
  6. \left(x^2 \right.$
  7. \left( \dfrac{A}{B} \middle/ \dfrac{C}{D} \right)$
  8. \overrightarrow{a}\ \vec{a}\ \acute{a}\ \grave{a}\ \hat{a}\ \bar{a}\ \breve{a}\
    \check{a}\ \tilde{a}\ \dot{a}\
    \ddot{a}\ \dddot{a}\ \ddddot{a}
  9. \vec{a}=\vec{b}+\vec{c}\\


  1. $\bigl| |x|+|y| \bigr|$
  2. $\left( \right) \{ \} \left[ \right]$
  3. $\bigl\{a_k\bigm| k \in \{1,2,3\} \bigr\}$
  4. $\bigl\{ax+b \bigr\}\ \left(ax+b \right)\ \bigl(ax+b \bigr)\ \left[ax+b \right]\ \bigl[ax+b \bigr]$
  5. $\left( \dfrac{A}{B} \right)$
  6. $\left(x^2 \right.$
  7. $\left( \dfrac{A}{B} \middle/ \dfrac{C}{D} \right)$
  8. $\overrightarrow{a}\ \vec{a}\ \acute{a}\ \grave{a}\ \hat{a}\ \bar{a}\ \breve{a}\
    \check{a}\ \tilde{a}\ \dot{a}\
    \ddot{a}\ \dddot{a}\ \ddddot{a}$
  9. $\vec{a}=\vec{b}+\vec{c}\\
    +\overrightarrow{ABC} $

>Top <A2>:

  1. acute
  2. aleph
  3. amalgamation
  4. angle
  5. approximately
  6. arc cosine
  7. asymptotically equal to


  1. \acute{expression}$
  2. \aleph$
  3. \amalg$
  4. \angle$
  5. \approx$
  6. \arccos \ \arcsin \ \arctan$
  7. \asymp$


  1. $\acute{expression}$
  2. $\aleph$
  3. $\amalg$
  4. $\angle$
  5. $\approx$
  6. $\arccos \ \arcsin \ \arctan$
  7. $\asymp$

>Top <A3>:

  1. accent
  2. acute
  3. aleph
  4. align-1
  5. align-2
  6. aling-3
  7. amalgamation
  8. amalg
  9. angle
  10. angle/surd
  11. approx equal-1
  12. approx equal-2
  13. approx equal-3
  14. approx equal-4
  15. arc cosine


  1. \hat{a}\ \dot{a}\ \ddot{a}\ \bar{a}\ \acute{a}\ \check{a}\ \grave{a}\ \vec{a}\ \breve{a}\ \tilde{a}$
  2. \acute{expression}$
  3. \aleph\ \beth\ \daleth\ \S\ \cdot\ \bullet\ \circ\ \diamond\ \ast\ \star\ \wr\ \prime$
  4. begin{align*}
    2x-5y &=8\\
    3x+9y &=-12
  5. begin{alignat}{2}
    (a+b)^2 &=a^2+2ab+b^2 &\qquad & \text{展開}\\
    &= a(a+2b)+b^2 ˆˆ& & \text{$a$で括る}
  6. begin{multline}
    a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k \\
    +l+m+n+o+p+q+r+s+y+u+v \\
  7. \alpha$
  8. \amalg$
  9. \angle\ \measuredangle\ \sphericalangle\ \surd$
  10. \angle \mathrm{B}=30^{\circ}$
  11. \approx\ \approxeq\ \cong\ \backsim\ \backsimeq\ \asymp\ \eqsim$
  12. \fallingdotseq\ \doteq\ \doteqdot\ \circeq$
  13. \bumpeq\ \Bumpeq\ \eqcirc\ \gtreqless\ \gtreqqless$
  14. \lneq\ \lnapprox\ \lessapprox\ \lesseqgtr\ \lesseqqgtr\ \lesssim\ \lvertneqq$
  15. \arccos \ \arcsin \ \arctan$


  1. $\hat{a}\ \dot{a}\ \ddot{a}\ \bar{a}\ \acute{a}\ \check{a}\ \grave{a}\ \vec{a}\ \breve{a}\ \tilde{a}$
  2. $\acute{expression}$
  3. $\aleph\ \beth\ \daleth\ \S\ \cdot\ \bullet\ \circ\ \diamond\ \ast\ \star\ \wr\ \prime$
  4. $\begin{align*}
    2x-5y &=8\\
    3x+9y &=-12
  5. $\begin{alignat}{2}
    (a+b)^2 &=a^2+2ab+b^2 &\qquad & \text{展開}\\
    &= a(a+2b)+b^2 ˆˆ& & \text{$a$で括る}
  6. $\begin{multline}
    a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h+i+j+k \\
    +l+m+n+o+p+q+r+s+y+u+v \\
  7. $\alpha$
  8. $\amalg$
  9. $\angle\ \measuredangle\ \sphericalangle\ \surd$
  10. $\angle \mathrm{B}=30^{\circ}$
  11. $\approx\ \approxeq\ \cong\ \backsim\ \backsimeq\ \asymp\ \eqsim$
  12. $\fallingdotseq\ \doteq\ \doteqdot\ \circeq$
  13. $\bumpeq\ \Bumpeq\ \eqcirc\ \gtreqless\ \gtreqqless$
  14. $\lneq\ \lnapprox\ \lessapprox\ \lesseqgtr\ \lesseqqgtr\ \lesssim\ \lvertneqq$
  15. $\arccos\ \arcsin\ \arctan$

>Top <A4>:

  1. arrow (right)
  2. arrow (left)
  3. arrow+character
  4. arrow (dash)
  5. arrow (leftright)
  6. arrow (mapsto)
  7. arrow (harpoon)
  8. arrow (tail)
  9. arrow (twohead)
  10. arrow (not)
  11. arrow (double not)
  12. arrow (up/down harpoon)
  13. arrow (up/down)
  14. arrow (oblique)
  15. arrow (curved)
  16. arrow (loop)
  17. arrow (extendable)
  18. arrow (extendable){upper}
  19. vertical line
  20. asymptotically equal
  21. asymptotically equal to
  22. marks


  1. \rightarrow\ \Rightarrow\ \Rrightarrow\ \longrightarrow\ \Longrightarrow$
  2. \leftarrow\ \Leftarrow\ \Lleftarrow\ \longleftarrow\ \Longleftarrow$
  3. \xrightarrow[lower]{upper character}$
  4. \dashrightarrow\ \dashleftarrow$
  5. \leftrightarrow\ \Leftrightarrow\ \longleftrightarrow\ \Longleftrightarrow$
  6. \mapsto\ \longmapsto\ \hookrightarrow\ \hookleftarrow\ \leadsto\ \leftrightsquigarrow$
  7. \rightharpoonup\ \rightharpoondown\ \leftharpoonup\ \leftharpoondown\ \rightleftharpoons\ \leftrightharpoons$
  8. \rightarrowtail\ \leftarrowtail$
  9. \twoheadrightarrow\ \twoheadleftarrow$
  10. \nrightarrow\ \nleftarrow$
  11. \nleftrightarrow\ \nLeftrightarrow$
  12. \downharpoonright\ \downharpoonleft\ \upharpoonright\ \upharpoonleft$
  13. \uparrow\ \Uparrow\ \downarrow\ \Downarrow\ \updownarrow\ \Updownarrow$
  14. \nearrow\ \searrow\ \swarrow\ \nwarrow$
  15. \curvearrowright\ \curvearrowleft\ \circlearrowright\ \circlearrowleft$
  16. \looparrowright\ \looparrowleft\ \leadsto$
  17. [ \text{Java source}\xrightarrow{\text{javac compiler}}\text{class file} $]
  18. \xrightarrow{\text{k_1,K_r}}$
  19. \|\ \backslash$
  20. \simeq$
  21. \asymp$
  22. \multimap\ \neg$


  1. $\rightarrow\ \Rightarrow\ \Rrightarrow\ \longrightarrow\ \Longrightarrow$
  2. $\leftarrow\ \Leftarrow\ \Lleftarrow\ \longleftarrow\ \Longleftarrow$
  3. $\xrightarrow[lower]{upper character}$
  4. $\dashrightarrow\ \dashleftarrow$
  5. $\leftrightarrow\ \Leftrightarrow\ \longleftrightarrow\ \Longleftrightarrow$
  6. $\mapsto\ \longmapsto\ \hookrightarrow\ \hookleftarrow\ \leadsto\ \leftrightsquigarrow$
  7. $\rightharpoonup\ \rightharpoondown\ \leftharpoonup\ \leftharpoondown\ \rightleftharpoons\ \leftrightharpoons$
  8. $\rightarrowtail\ \leftarrowtail$
  9. $\twoheadrightarrow\ \twoheadleftarrow$
  10. $\nrightarrow\ \nleftarrow\ \nRightarrow\ \nLeftarrow\ \nleftrightarrow\ \nLeftrightarrow$
  11. $\nleftrightarrow\ \nLeftrightarrow$
  12. $\downharpoonright\ \downharpoonleft\ \upharpoonright\ \upharpoonleft$
  13. $\uparrow\ \Uparrow\ \upuparrows\ \downarrow\ \Downarrow\ \downdownarrows\ \updownarrow\ \Updownarrow$
  14. $\nearrow\ \searrow\ \swarrow\ \nwarrow$
  15. $\curvearrowright\ \curvearrowleft\ \circlearrowright\ \circlearrowleft$
  16. $\looparrowright\ \looparrowleft\ \leadsto$
  17. $[ \text{Java source}\xrightarrow{\text{javac compiler}}\text{class file} $]
  18. $\xrightarrow{\text{k_1,K_r}}$
  19. $\|\ \backslash$
  20. $\simeq$
  21. $\asymp$
  22. $\multimap\ \neg$

>Top <A5>:

  1. equation
  2. ひょう
  3. array caption
  4. array
  5. array line
  6. array line2


  1. begin{align*}
    x&=y & w&=z & a &=b+c\\
    2x&=-y & 3w&=\dfrac{1}{2}z & a & =b\\
    -4+5x&=2+y & w+2&=-1+w & ab & =cb
  2. begin{array}{c|l}a&1\\ \hline b&2\end{array}
  3. \frac{\ begin{array}{c}Caption\\ \end{array}}{\ begin{array}{c|l}a&1\\ \hline b&2\end{array}}
  4. begin{array}{lc|r}
    a+b & c & d+e\\
    A & B & C\\ \hline
    1 & 2 & 3
  5. begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
    0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ \hline
    5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 \\ \hline
  6. begin{array}{|l|c|r||r|} \hline メニュー & サイズ & 値段 & カロリー \\ \hline \hline 牛丼 & 並盛 & 500円 & 600 kcal \\ 牛丼 & 大盛 & 1,000円 & 800 kcal \\ 牛丼 & 特盛 & 1,500円 & 1,000 kcal \\ \hline 牛皿 & 並盛 & 300円 & 250 kcal \\ 牛皿 & 大盛 & 700円 & 300 kcal \\ 牛皿 & 特盛 & 1,000円 & 350 kcal \\ \hline \end{array}


  1. $\begin{align*}
    x&=y & w&=z & a &=b+c\\
    2x&=-y & 3w&=\dfrac{1}{2}z & a&=b\\
    -4+5x&=2+y & w+2&=-1+w & ab&=cb
  2. $\begin{array}{c|l}a&1\\ \hline b&2\end{array}$
  3. $\frac{\begin{array}{c}Caption\\ \end{array}}
    {\begin{array}{c|l}a&1\\ \hline b&2\end{array}}$
  4. $\begin{array}{lc|r}
    a+b & c & d+e\\
    A & B & C\\ \hline
    1 & 2 & 3
  5. $\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
    0 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ \hline
    5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 \\ \hline
  6. $\begin{array}{|l|c|r||r|} \hline メニュー & サイズ & 値段 & カロリー \\ \hline \hline 牛丼 & 並盛 & 500円 & 600 kcal \\ 牛丼 & 大盛 & 1,000円 & 800 kcal \\ 牛丼 & 特盛 & 1,500円 & 1,000 kcal \\ \hline 牛皿 & 並盛 & 300円 & 250 kcal \\ 牛皿 & 大盛 & 700円 & 300 kcal \\ 牛皿 & 特盛 & 1,000円 & 350 kcal \\ \hline \end{array}$
  1. begin{array}{ccc}
    1 & 3 & 5\\
    13 & 35 & 51\\
    135 & 351 & 513\\
    3 & 5 & 7
  2. begin{array}{rrr}
    1 & 3 & 5\\
    13 & 35 & 51\\
    135 & 351 & 513\\
    3 & 5 & 7
  3. begin{array}{lll}
    1 & 3 & 5\\
    13 & 35 & 51\\
    135 & 351 & 513\\
    3 & 5 & 7
  4. begin{equation} f(x)= begin{cases}
    -x^2 & \mbox{$x<0$ のとき}\\
    x & \mbox{$0\leq x <1$ のとき}\\
    x^3 & \mbox{$x\geq 1$ のとき}
    \end{cases} \end{equation}
  1. \begin{array}{ccc}
    1 & 3 & 5\\
    13 & 35 & 51\\
    135 & 351 & 513\\
    3 & 5 & 7
  2. \begin{array}{rrr}
    1 & 3 & 5\\
    13 & 35 & 51\\
    135 & 351 & 513\\
    3 & 5 & 7
  3. \begin{array}{lll}
    1 & 3 & 5\\
    13 & 35 & 51\\
    135 & 351 & 513\\
    3 & 5 & 7
  4. \begin{equation} f(x)= \begin{cases}
    -x^2 & \mbox{$x<0$ のとき}\\
    x & \mbox{$0\leq x <1$ のとき}\\
    x^3 & \mbox{$x\geq 1$ のとき}
    \end{cases} \end{equation}

>Top <B1>:

  1. backepsilon
  2. backprime
  3. backsim
  4. backslash
  5. bar
  6. double bar
  7. barwedge
  8. Bbbk
  9. because/therefore
  10. beta
  11. beth
  12. between
  13. big cap/big cup/big U plus
  14. big circle/ big circled dot
  15. big square cap/cup
  16. big triangel down/up
  17. big vee/wedge


  1. \backepsilon$
  2. \backprime$
  3. \backsim$
  4. \backslash$
  5. \bar{x}\ \overline{x}\ \overline{xyz}\ \bar{xyz}$
  6. \bar{\bar\tau}\quad\ \bar{\bar a}\ \overline{\overline x}\quad$
  7. \barwedge$
  8. \Bbbk$
  9. \because\ \therefore$
  10. \beta$
  11. \beth\ \gimel\ \daleth$
  12. \between$
  13. \bigcap\ \bigcup\ \biguplus$$
  14. \bigcirc\ \bigodot \ \bigoplus \ \bigotimes$
  15. \bigsqcap\ \bigsqcup$
  16. \bigtriangledown \ \bigtriangleup$
  17. \bigvee \ \bigwedge$


  1. $\backepsilon$
  2. $\backprime$
  3. $\backsim$
  4. $\backslash$
  5. $\bar{x}\ \overline{x}\ \overline{xyz}\ \bar{xyz}$
  6. $\bar{\bar\tau}\quad\ \bar{\bar a}\ \overline{\overline x}\quad$
  7. $\barwedge$
  8. $\Bbbk$
  9. $\because\ \therefore$
  10. $\beta$
  11. $\beth\ \gimel\ \daleth$
  12. $\between$
  13. $\bigcap\ \bigcup\ \biguplus$
  14. $\bigcirc\ \bigodot\ \bigoplus\ \bigotimes$
  15. $\sqcap\ \bigsqcup$
  16. $\bigtriangledown\ \bigtriangleup$
  17. $\bigvee\ \bigwedge$

>Top <B2>:

  1. binomial coefficient
  2. binomial coefficient (text style)
  3. binomial coefficient (display style)
  4. blackboard math font
  5. black lozenge/square
  6. black triangle (down)
  7. black triangel left/right
  8. bottom/bowtie
  9. box/boxdot/boxtimes
  10. boxminus/boxplus/ boxtimes
  11. fixed box
  12. overline
  13. braced fraction
  14. bracevert
  15. bracketed fraction
  16. breve
  17. build relation
  18. bullet
  19. Bumpeq/bumpeq


  1. \binom{upper}{lower}$
  2. \tbinom{upper}{lower}$
  3. \dbinom{upper}{lower}$
  4. \mathbb{math}$
  5. \blacklozenge \ \blacksquare$
  6. \blacktriangle \ \blacktriangledown$
  7. \blacktriangleleft \ \blacktriangleright$
  8. \bot \ \bowtie$
  9. Box\ \boxdot\ \boxed{text}\ \fbox{test}
  10. \boxminus \ \boxplus \ \boxtimes$
  11. This\ \fbox{ABC}\ is\, correct\;space\ more\ \space.
  12. \overline{overline}
  13. \brace$
  14. \bracevert$
  15. \brack$
  16. \breve{expression}$
  17. \buildrel{upper}\over{lower}$
  18. \bullet$
  19. \Bumpeq\ \bumpeq$


  1. $\binom{upper}{lower}$
  2. $\tbinom{upper}{lower}$
  3. $\dbinom{upper}{lower}$
  4. $\mathbb{math}$
  5. $\blacklozenge\ \blacksquare$
  6. $\blacktriangle\ \blacktriangledown$
  7. $\blacktriangleleft\ \blacktriangleright$
  8. $\bot\ \bowtie$
  9. $\Box\ \boxdot\ \boxed{text}\ \fbox{test}$
  10. $\boxminus\ \boxplus\ \boxtimes$
  11. $This\ \fbox{ABC}\ is\, correct\;space\ more\ \space.$
  12. $\overline{overline}\\ \underline{underline}\\ \underline{\underline{doubleunderline}}$
  13. $\brace$
  14. $\bracevert$
  15. $\brack$
  16. $\breve{expression}$
  17. $\buildrel{upper}\over{lower}$
  18. $\bullet$
  19. $\Bumpeq\ \bumpeq$

>Top <C1>:

  1. caligraphic font
  2. cap/cup/Cap/Cup
  3. Cap (square)/ Cup (square)
  4. けーす
  5. cases-1
  6. cases-2
  7. cases-3
  8. cases-4
  9. ceiling / floor function
  10. center dot
  11. cdotp
  12. centerdot
  13. check
  14. checkmark
  15. chemical element
  16. chemical equation
  17. chemical equation2
  18. chi
  19. choose k
  20. circle
  21. circeq
  22. circlearrow left/right
  23. circledast
  24. big circled dot
  25. circled plus/circled slash/circled times


  1. \cal{text}$
  2. \cap\ \cup\ \Cap\ \Cup$
  3. \sqcap\ \sqcup\ \prod\ \coprod\ \biguplus$
  4. \cases{a&b\\c&d}
  5. \cases{e1, & c1 \cr e2, & c2}$
  6. begin{cases}
    a=b\cos{C}+c\cos{B} \\
    b=c\cos{A}+a\cos{C} \\
  7. begin{equation}
    \lvert x\rvert=\begin{cases}
    x&\text{when, $x \ge 0$}\\
  8. |x|=\begin{cases}
    x & \text (when, x \ge 0)\\
    -x & \text (otherwise)
  9. \lceil x \rceil\ \lfloor x \rfloor$
  10. \cdot$
  11. \cdotp$
  12. \cdots$
  13. \check{expression}$
  14. \checkmark$
  15. _{\;6}^{12}\mathrm{C}\; {}^2_1\mathrm{H}\ \;0^\circ\mathrm{C}$
  16. NaNO$_3
  17. HF(aq) +H_{2}O(l) \rightleftharpoons H_{3}O^{+} (aq) +F^{-}(aq)$
  18. \chi$
  19. \choose k$
  20. \circ$
  21. \circeq$
  22. \circlearrowleft \ \circlearrowright$
  23. \circledast\ \circledcirc\ \circleddash\ \\circledR\ \circledS$
  24. \bigcircle\ \bigodot\ \bigoplus\ \bigotimes$
  25. \odot\ \oplus\ \ominus\ \oslash\ \otimes$


  1. $\cal{text}$
  2. $\cap\ \cup\ \Cap\ \Cup\ \displaystyle\bigcup_{k=1}^n{A_k}\
    \displaystyle\bigcap_{k=1}^n{A_k}\ $
  3. $\sqcap\ \sqcup\ \prod\ \coprod\ \biguplus$
  4. $\cases{a&b\\c&d}$
  5. $\cases{e1, & c1 \cr e2, & c2}$
  6. $\begin{cases}
    a=b\cos{C}+c\cos{B} \\
    b=c\cos{A}+a\cos{C} \\
  7. $\begin{equation}
    \lvert x\rvert=\begin{cases}
    x&\text{when, $x \ge 0$}\\
  8. $|x|=\begin{cases}
    x & \text (when, x \ge 0)\\
    -x & \text (otherwise)
  9. $\lceil x \rceil\ \lfloor x \rfloor$
  10. $\cdot$
  11. $\cdotp$
  12. $\cdots$
  13. $\check{expression}$
  14. $\checkmark$
  15. $_{\;6}^{12}\mathrm{C}\; {}^2_1\mathrm{H}\ \;0^\circ\mathrm{C}$
  16. NaNO$_3$
  17. $HF(aq) +H_{2}O(l) \rightleftharpoons H_{3}O^{+} (aq) +F^{-}(aq) $
  18. $\chi$
  19. $\choose k$
  20. $\circ$
  21. $\circeq$
  22. $\circlearrowleft\ \circlearrowright$
  23. $\circledast\ \circledcirc\ \circleddash\ \circledR\ \circledS$
  24. $\bigcirc\ \bigodot\ \bigoplus\ \bigotimes$
  25. $\odot\ \oplus\ \ominus\ \oslash\ \otimes$

>Top <C2>

  1. centering1
  2. centering2
  3. centering3
  4. centering4
  5. color
  1. begin{equation}
  2. begin{eqnarray}
  3. [ E=mc^2 \]
  4. 数式を改行する場合は、
    [y=ax^2+bx+c \]
  5. $\displaystyle\sum_
    {\color{red}\infty}a_n x^n


  1. \begin{equation}
  2. \begin{eqnarray}
  3. \[ E=mc^2 \]
  4. 数式を改行する場合は、
    \[y=ax^2+bx+c \]
  5. $\displaystyle\sum
    {\color{red}\infty}a_n x^n$

>Top <C3>:

  1. closed integral/closed integral (snippet)
  2. club suit
  3. colon-1
  4. colon-2
  5. color
  6. complement
  7. combination-1
  8. combination-2/ permutation/ repeated permutation
  9. complement
  10. contains as member
  11. coproduct
  12. coproduct (snippet)
  13. cosecant
  14. cosine/cotangent/
  15. operator name
  16. cup/cap
  17. curlyeqrec/ curlyeqsucc
  18. curvearrowleft/ arrowright
  19. chapter-1
  20. chapter-2
  21. chapter-3
  22. chapter-4
  23. chapter-5
  24. chapter-6


  1. \oint\ \oint_{region}$
  2. \clubsuit\ \diamondsuit\ \heartsuit\ \spadesuit$
  3. \colon$
  4. f : A\to B\; f{:}\ \ A\to B\ \;f\colon A \to B$
  5. $\color{red}{text},
  6. \complement$
  7. {}_nC_k\ \= _nC_k$
  8. \ begin{eqnarray}
    \ end{eqnarray}
    \ begin{eqnarray}
    \ end{eqnarray}
    \ end{eqnarray}$
  9. \complement$
  10. \ni$
  11. \coprod$
  12. \coprod_{lower}^{upper}expression$
  13. \csc$
  14. \cos\ \cot$
  15. operatorname{operator}$
  16. \cup\ \cap\ \sqcup\ \sqcap\ \bigcup\ \bigcap\ \biguplus$
  17. \curlyeqprec\ \curlyeqsucc$
  18. \curvearrowleft\ \curvearrowright$
  19. \S\ \div\ \ast\ \star\ \circ\ \bigcirc
  20. \bullet\ \diamond\ \Diamond\ \Box\ \dagger\ \ddagger
  21. \triangleright\ \triangleleft\ \bigtriangleup\ \bigtriangledown\ \lhd\ \rhd
  22. \oplus\ \ominus\ \otimes\ \oslash\ \odot\ \bigodot\ \bigotimes\ \bigoplus
  23. \ll\ \gg\ \in\ \ni\ \mid\ \equiv\ \angle\ \triangle
  24. \lceil\ \rceil\ \lfloor\ \rfloor\ \top\ \bot\ \bigvee\ \bigwedge\ \smile


  1. $\oint\ \oint_{region}$
  2. $\clubsuit\ \diamondsuit\ \heartsuit\ \spadesuit$
  3. $\colon$
  4. $f : A\to B\; f{:}\ \ A\to B\ \;f\colon A \to B$
  5. $\color{red}{text},
  6. $\complement$
  7. ${}_nC_k\ \ =_nC_k$
  8. $\begin{eqnarray}
  9. $\complement$
  10. $\ni$
  11. $\coprod$
  12. $\coprod_{lower}^{upper}expression$
  13. $\csc$
  14. $\cos\ \cot$
  15. $operatorname{operator}$
  16. $\cup\ \cap\ \sqcup\ \sqcap\ \bigcup\ \bigcap\ \biguplus$
  17. $\curlyeqprec\ \curlyeqsucc$
  18. $\curvearrowleft\ \curvearrowright$
  19. $\S\ \div\ \ast\ \star\ \circ\ \bigcirc$
  20. $\bullet\ \diamond\ \Diamond\ \Box\ \dagger\ \ddagger$
  21. $\triangleright\ \triangleleft\ \bigtriangleup\ \bigtriangledown\ \lhd\ \rhd$
  22. $\oplus\ \ominus\ \otimes\ \oslash\ \odot\ \bigodot\ \bigotimes\ \bigoplus$
  23. $\ll\ \gg\ \in\ \ni\ \mid\ \equiv\ \angle\ \triangle$
  24. $\lceil\ \rceil\ \lfloor\ \rfloor\ \top\ \bot\ \bigvee\ \bigwedge\ \smile$

>Top <D1>:

  1. dagger/double dagger
  2. daleth
  3. dashleftarrow/rightarrow
  4. degree
  5. delta/Delta
  6. determinant
  7. diagdown/up
  8. diamond/Diamond/ diamond suit
  9. digamma
  10. dimension
  11. direct limit
  12. divide/divideontimes/multiply
  13. divide/not divide
  14. not greater than


  1. \dagger\ \ddagger$
  2. \daleth$
  3. \dashleftarrow\ \dashrightarrow$
  4. \deg$
  5. \delta\ \Delta\ \varDelta$
  6. \det$
  7. \diagdown\ \diagup$
  8. \diamond\ \Diamond\ \diamondsuit$
  9. \digamma\ \Box$
  10. \dim$
  11. \varinjlim$
  12. \div\ \divideontimes \times$
  13. \mid\ \nmid$
  14. \ngeq\ \ngeqq\ \nleq\ \nleqq$


  1. $\dagger\ \ddagger$
  2. $\daleth$
  3. $\dashleftarrow\ \dashrightarrow$
  4. $\deg$
  5. $\delta\ \Delta\ \varDelta$
  6. $\det$
  7. $\diagdown\ \diagup$
  8. $\diamond\ \Diamond\ \diamondsuit\ \lozenge\ \blacklozenge$
  9. $\digamma\ \Box$
  10. $\dim$
  11. $\varinjlim$
  12. $\div\ \divideontimes \times$
  13. $\mid\ \nmid$
  14. $\ngeq\ \ngeqq\ \nleq\ \nleqq\ \nless\ \ngtr$

>Top <D2>:

  1. dot/double dot
  2. equals with dot/ doteq/ doteqdot
  3. rising dots/falling dots
  4. dots/dots between binary opertors/ dots between commas/ dots between integrals/ multiplication dots/ other dots
  5. ldots/cdots/vdots/ ddots/cdot
  6. dots-1
  7. dots-2
  8. dotplus
  9. doublebarwedge
  10. double integral
  11. down arrow (double)/ down arrow/downdownarrows/ up arrow (double)/ uparrow/ upuparrows
  12. downharpoonleft/right/ upharpoonleft/right


  1. \dot{x}\ \ddot{y}\ \dot{expression}\ \ddot{expression}
  2. \doteq\ \doteq\ \doteqdot$
  3. \fallingdotseq\ \reisingdotseq$
  4. \dots\ \dotsc\ \dotsi\ \dotsm\ \dotso$
  5. \ldots\ \cdots\ \vdots\ \ddots\ \cdot$
  6. \dotplus$
  7. a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n$
  8. a_1+a_2+\dots+a_n$
  9. \doublebarwedge$
  10. \iint$
  11. \Downarrow\ \downarrow\ \downdownarrows\ \Uparrow\ \uparrow\ \upuparrows$
  12. \downharpoonleft\ \downharpoonright\ \upharpoonleft\ \upharpoonright$


  1. $\dot{x}\ \ddot{y}\ \dot{expression}\ \ddot{expression}$
  2. $\doteq\ \doteq\ \doteqdot\ \divideontimes$
  3. $\fallingdotseq\ \risingdotseq$
  4. $\dots\ \dotsc\ \dotsi\ \dotsm\ \dotso$
  5. $\ldots\ \cdots\ \vdots\ \ddots\ \cdot$
  6. $\dotplus$
  7. $a_1,a_2,\dots,a_n$
  8. $a_1+a_2+\dots+a_n$
  9. $\doublebarwedge$
  10. $\iint$
  11. $\Downarrow\ \downarrow\ \downdownarrows\ \Uparrow\ \uparrow\ \upuparrows$
  12. $\downharpoonleft\ \downharpoonright\ \upharpoonleft\ \upharpoonright$
  1. display
  1. begin{equation}
  2. begin{equation}
    \int_0^\infty e^{-ax^2}dx=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}
  1. \begin{equation}
  2. \begin{equation}
    \int_0^\infty e^{-ax^2}dx=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}

>Top <E>:

  1. empty set/infinity
  2. epsilon/varepsilon/ backepsilon
  3. eqcirc
  4. eqslantgtr/eqslantless
  5. equation
  6. equivalent-1
  7. equivalent-2
  8. equivalent-3
  9. not equivalent (sample)
  10. eta
  11. eth
  12. exponential
  13. exists/for all
  14. extended right arrow/ extended left arrow


  1. \emptyset\ \infty\ \propto\ \parallel\ \perp\ \times$
  2. \epsilon\ \varepsilon\ \backepsilon$
  3. \eqcirc\ \eqsim$
  4. \eqslantgtr\ \eqslantless$
  5. \cases{a&b\\c&d}
  6. \begin{equation}
    1\; (x=1)\\
    0\; (x\ne 1)
    \end {equation}
  7. \equiv\ \simeq\ \eqsim\ \sim\ \approx\ \neq\ \doteq\ \cong$
  8. \fallingdotseq\ \lessgtr\ \gtrless\ \lesseqgtr\ \lesseqqgtr$
  9. \gtreqless\ \gtreqqless$
  10. A \not \equiv B$
  11. \eta$
  12. \eth$
  13. \exp$
  14. \exists\ ^\exists X\ \nexists\ \forall\ \Finv\ \Game\ \complement$
  15. ^{\forall}\epsilon\
    ^{\exists}\delta\ ^{12}\mathrm{C}\
  16. \xrightarrow[lower]{upper}\ \xleftarrow[lower]{upper}$


  1. $\emptyset\ \infty\ \propto\ \parallel\ \perp\ \times$
  2. $\epsilon\ \varepsilon\ \backepsilon$
  3. $\eqcirc\ \asymp$
  4. $\eqslantgtr\ \eqslantless$
  5. $\cases{a&b\\c&d}$
  6. $\begin{equation}
    1\; (x=1)\\
    0\; (x\ne 1)
    \end {equation}$
  7. $\equiv\ \simeq\ \eqsim\ \sim\ \approx\ \neq\ \doteq\ \cong$
  8. $\fallingdotseq\ \lessgtr\ \gtrless\ \lesseqgtr\ \lesseqqgtr$
  9. $\gtreqless\ \gtreqqless$
  10. $A \not \equiv B$
  11. $\eta$
  12. $\eth$
  13. $\exp$
  14. $\exists\ ^\exists X\ \nexists\ \forall\ \Finv\ \Game\ \complement$
  15. $^{\forall}\epsilon\
    ^{\exists}\delta\ ^{12}\mathrm{C}\
  16. $\xrightarrow[lower]{upper}\ \xleftarrow[lower]{upper}$

>Top <F>:

  1. fallingdotseq
  2. finv
  3. flat/sharp/natural
  4. for all/exists/ell
  5. fork
  6. わり/はん
  7. fraction
  8. fraction (continued)
  9. fraction (display style)
  10. fraction (text style)
  11. fraction (sample)
  12. fraction displaystyle
  13. fraction (continued-2)
  14. fraction (continued-3)
  15. Fraktur I
  16. Fraktur math font
  17. Fractur R
  18. frown


  1. \fallingdotseq$
  2. \Finv$
  3. \flat\ \sharp$
  4. \forall\ {}^\forall \exists\ {}^\exists\ \ell$
  5. \ptichfork$
  6. \frac{*}{*}\ \frac{1}{2}$
  7. \frac{upper}{lower}$
  8. \cfrac{upper}{lower}$
  9. \dfrac{upper}{lower}$
  10. \tfrac{upper}{lower}$
  11. \dfrac{d}{dx} \left(\dfrac{\log x}{x} \right)$
  12. y=\dfrac{1+x}{1-x}$
    \displaystyle y=\dfrac{1+x}{1-x}
  13. $\begin{equation}
    b_0+ \cfrac{c_1}{b_1+
  14. \Im$
  15. \Re$
  16. \mathfrak{math}$
  17. \frown\ \smile\ \asymp\ \sim\ \approx$


  1. $\fallingdotseq$
  2. $\Finv$
  3. $\flat\ \sharp\ \natural$
  4. $\forall\ {}^\forall \exists\ {}^\exists\ \ell$
  5. $\pitchfork$
  6. $\frac{*}{*}\ \frac{1}{2}$
  7. $\frac{upper}{lower}$
  8. $\cfrac{upper}{lower}$
  9. $\dfrac{upper}{lower}$
  10. $\tfrac{upper}{lower}$
  11. $\dfrac{d}{dx} \left(\dfrac{\log x}{x} \right)$
  12. $y=\dfrac{1+x}{1-x}$
    $\displaystyle y=\dfrac{1+x}{1-x}$
  13. $\begin{equation}
    b_0+ \cfrac{c_1}{b_1+
    \end{equation} $
  14. $\begin{equation}
    \frac{c_4}{b_4+{}}\, \dotsb
    \end{equation} $
  15. $\Im$
  16. $\Re$
  17. $\mathfrak{math}$
  18. $\frown\ \smile\ \asymp\ \sim\ \approx$

>Top <G>:

  1. game
  2. gamma/Gamma
  3. GCD (great common divisor)
  4. gets
  5. gnapprox/gneq/ gneqq/ gnism
  6. grave
  7. greater than or equal to/less than or equal to
  8. greater than or equal to (other)/geqq/greater than or equal to (slanted)
  9. much greater than/ ggg/ gggtr
  10. gt
  11. lessdot
  12. Greek
  13. Greek (Capital)
  14. other character


  1. \Game$
  2. \gamma\ \Gamma\ \varGamma\ \digamma$
  3. \gcd$
  4. \gets$
  5. \gnapprox\ \gneq\ \gneqq\ \gnsim$
  6. \grave{expression}$
  7. \ge\ \le$
  8. \geq\ \geqq\ \geqslant$
  9. \gg\ \ggg\ \gggtr$
  10. \gt\ \gtrapprox\ \gtreqless\ \gtreqqless\ \gtrless\ \gtrsim\ \gvertneqq$
  11. \lessdot\ \gtrdot\ \ltimes\ \rtimes$
  12. \alpha\ \beta\ \gamma\ \delta\ \epsilon\ \zeta
    \eta\ \theta\ \iota\ \kappa\ \lambda\ \mu$
    \nu\ \xi\ \omicron\ \pi\ \rho\ \sigma
    \tau\ \upsilon\ \phi\ \chi\ \psi\ \omega
    \varepsilon\ \vartheta\ \varpi\ \varrho\ \varsigma\ \varphi
  13. \Alpha\ \Beta\ \Gamma\ \Delta\ \Epsilon\ \Zeta\
    \Eta\ \Theta$
    \Iota\ \Kappa\ \Lambda\ \Mu\ \Nu\ \Xi\ \Omicron
    \Pi\ \Rho\ \Sigma\ \Tau\ \Upsilon\ \Phi\ \Chi\ \Psi\ \Omega\ \varDelta
  14. \aleph\ \beth\ \daleth\ \gimel\ \complement
    \ell\ \eth\ \hbar\ \hslash\ \mho\ \partial\ \wp\ \Re\ \Im


  1. $\Game$
  2. $\gamma\ \Gamma\ \varGamma\ \digamma$
  3. $\gcd$
  4. $\gets$
  5. $\gnapprox\ \gneq\ \gneqq\ \gnsim$
  6. $\grave{expression}$
  7. $\ge\ \le$
  8. $\geq\ \geqq\ \geqslant$
  9. $\gg\ \ggg\ \gggtr$
  10. $\gt\ \gtrapprox\ \gtreqless\ \gtreqqless\ \gtrless\ \gtrsim\ \gvertneqq$
  11. $\lessdot\ \gtrdot\ \ltimes\ \rtimes$
  12. $\alpha\ \beta\ \gamma\ \delta\ \epsilon\ \zeta$
    $\eta\ \theta\ \iota\ \kappa\ \lambda\ \mu$
    $\nu\ \xi\ \omicron\ \pi\ \rho\ \sigma$
    $\tau\ \upsilon\ \phi\ \chi\ \psi\ \omega$
    $\varepsilon\ \vartheta\ \varpi\ \varrho\ \varsigma\ \varphi$
  13. $\Alpha\ \Beta\ \Gamma\ \Delta\ \Epsilon\ \Zeta\
    \Eta\ \Theta$
    $\Iota\ \Kappa\ \Lambda\ \Mu\ \Nu\ \Xi\ \Omicron$
    $\Pi\ \Rho\ \Sigma\ \Tau\ \Upsilon\ \Phi\ \Chi\ \Psi\ \Omega\ \varDelta$
  14. $\aleph\ \beth\ \daleth\ \gimel\ \complement$
    $\ell\ \eth\ \hbar\ \hslash\ \mho\ \partial\ \wp\ \Re\ \Im$



>Top <H>:

  1. hat-1
  2. hat-2
  3. hat-3
  4. hbar/hslash
  5. heart suit
  6. hbox{##text##}
  7. hom
  8. hook left arrow/ right arrow
  9. hyperbolic cosine
  10. hyperbolic cotangent


  1. \hat{expression}$
  2. \hat{A}\ \widehat{A}\ \check{A}\ \tilde{A}\
    \widetilde{A}\ \acute{A}\
    \grave{A}\ \dot{A}$
  3. \ddot{A}\ \dddot{A}\ \ddddot{A}\ \breve{A}\ \bar{A}\ \vec{A}\ \overrightarrow{AB}$
  4. \hbar\ \hslash$
  5. \heartsuit$
  6. \hbox{text}$
  7. \hom$
  8. \hookleftarrow\ \hookrightarrow$
  9. \cosh$
  10. \coth$


  1. $\hat{expression}$
  2. $\hat{A}\ \widehat{A}\ \check{A}\ \tilde{A}\
    \widetilde{A}\ \acute{A}\
    \grave{A}\ \dot{A}$
  3. $\ddot{A}\ \dddot{A}\ \ddddot{A}\ \breve{A}\ \bar{A}\ \vec{A}\ \overrightarrow{AB}$
  4. $\hbar\ \hslash$
  5. $\heartsuit$
  6. $\hbox{text}$
  7. $\hom$
  8. $\hookleftarrow\ \hookrightarrow$
  9. $\cosh$
  10. $\coth$

>Top < I1>:

  1. acute
  2. aleph
  3. amalgamation
  4. angle
  5. approximately
  6. arc cosine
  7. asymptotically equal to
  8. inj lim
  9. いんて
  10. integer
  11. inter text
  12. integer (displaystyle)
  13. integer (difinite)
  14. mho
  15. iota
  16. integer sample
  17. italic text

< I1 >:

  1. \ldotp\ \ldots$
  2. \fallingdotseq\ \risingdotseq$
  3. \iff$
  4. iiiint$
  5. \implies\ \impliedby$
  6. \in\ \ni\ \notin\ \subset\ \supset\ \subseteq\ \supseteq\ \cap\ \cup$
  7. \infty\ \propto\ \varpropto\ \bowtie\ \Join$
  8. \injlim$
  9. \int_{}^{}\ \displaystyle\int_0^{}
  10. \int\ \iint\ \iint_D\ \iiint\ \iiiint\ \idotsint\ \oint\ \oint_L\mathbf{A}\cdot d\mathbf{r}$
  11. begin{align}
    \text{generally,} \\
  12. \displaystyle\int_{0}^{n}f(x)dx$
  13. \int^2_0 (x+1)dx=\left[\frac{1}{2}x^2+x\right]^2_0
    =\frac{1}{2}x^2+x\bigr|^2_0= 4$
  14. \mho\ \forall\ \exists$
  15. \iota$
  16. \int_{lower}^{upper}expression$
  17. \it{text}$

< I1 >:

  1. $\ldotp\ \ldots$
  2. $\fallingdotseq\ \risingdotseq$
  3. $\iff$
  4. $iiiint$
  5. $\implies\ \impliedby$
  6. $\in\ \ni\ \notin\ \subset\ \supset\ \subseteq\ \supseteq\ \cap\ \cup$
  7. $\infty\ \propto\ \varpropto\ \bowtie\ \Join$
  8. $\injlim$
  9. $\int_{*}^{*}\ \displaystyle\int_0^{*}$
  10. $\int\ \iint\ \iint_D\ \iiint\ \iiiint\ \idotsint\ \oint\ \oint_L\mathbf{A}\cdot d\mathbf{r}$
  11. $\begin{align}
    \text{generally,} \\
    \end{align} $
  12. $\displaystyle\int_{0}^{n}f(x)dx$
  13. $\int^2_0 (x+1)dx=\left[\frac{1}{2}x^2+x\right]^2_0
    =\frac{1}{2}x^2+x\bigr|^2_0 =4$
  14. $\mho\ \forall\ \exists$
  15. $\iota$
  16. $\int_{lower}^{upper}expression$
  17. $\it{text}$

>Top < I2>:

< I2 >:

  1. \ begin{eqnarray}
    a_0=\frac{1}{\pi} \left[\int_0^{\pi} a \sin kt \cdot dt + \int_{\pi}^{2\pi} (-a) \sin kt \cdot dt\right]=0
    \ end{eqnarray}$

< I2>:

  1. $\begin{eqnarray}
    a_0=\frac{1}{\pi}\left[\int_0^{\pi} a \sin kt \cdot dt + \int_{\pi}^{2\pi} (-a) \sin kt \cdot dt\right]=0

>Top <J>:

  1. join


  1. \Join$


  1. $\Join$

>Top <K>:

  1. kappa
  2. kernel


  1. \kappa$
  2. \ker$


  1. $\kappa\ \varkappa$
  2. $\ker$

>Top <L1>:

  1. lambda/Lambda
  2. LaTeX
  3. ldotp/ldots
  4. leads to
  5. left angle/right angle
  6. left arrow/right arrow
  7. Left arrow (double)/Right
  8. left brace/right brace
  9. left bracket/right bracket
  10. leftarrowtail/ rightarrowtail
  11. left ceiling/right ceiling
  12. left arrow (under)/ left right arrow (under)
  13. right arrow (under)/ underline
  14. left harpoon down/right
  15. left harpoon up/right
  16. leftleftarrows/ rightrightarrows
  17. left right arrow/ left right arrow (double)
  18. leftrgitrrows/left right
  19. leftthreetimes/ rightthreetimes
  20. harpoons/ leftrightssquigarrow
  21. left tack


  1. \lambda\ \Lambda\ \varLamda$
  2. \LaTeX$
  3. \ldotp\ \ldots$
  4. \leadsto$
  5. \langle\ \rangle$
  6. \leftarrow\ \rightarrow$
  7. \Leftarrow\ \Rightarrow$
  8. \lbrace\ \rbrace$
  9. \lbrack\ \rbrack$
  10. \leftarrowtail\ \rightarrowtail$
  11. \lceil\ \rceil\ \lfloor\ \rfloor\ \left[\ \right]$
  12. \underleftarrow{expression}\ \underleftrightarrow{expression}$
  13. \underrightarrow{expression}\ \underline{text}$
  14. \leftharpoondown\ \rightharpoondown$
  15. \leftharpoonup\ \rightharpoonup$
  16. \leftleftarrows\ \rightrightarrows$
  17. \leftrightarrow\ \Leftrightarrow$
  18. \leftrightarrows\ \ leftrightharpoons\ \leftrightsquigarrow$
  19. \leftthreetimes\ \rightthreetimes$
  20. \dashv$
  21. \le\ \ge$


  1. $\lambda\ \Lambda\ \varLambda$
  2. $\LaTeX$
  3. $\ldotp\ \ldots$
  4. $\leadsto$
  5. $\langle\ \rangle$
  6. $\leftarrow\ \rightarrow$
  7. $\Leftarrow\ \Rightarrow$
  8. $\lbrace\ \rbrace\ \{ \ \}$
  9. $\lbrack\ \rbrack$
  10. $\leftarrowtail\ \rightarrowtail$
  11. $\lceil\ \rceil\ \lfloor\ \rfloor\ \left[\ \right]$
  12. $\underleftarrow{expression}\ \underleftrightarrow{expression}$
  13. $\underrightarrow{expression}\ \underline{text}$
  14. $\leftharpoondown\ \rightharpoondown$
  15. $\leftharpoonup\ \rightharpoonup$
  16. $\leftleftarrows\ \rightrightarrows$
  17. $\leftrightarrow\ \Leftrightarrow$
  18. $\leftrightarrows\ \leftrightharpoons\ \leftrightsquigarrow$
  19. $\leftthreetimes\ \rightthreetimes$
  20. $\dashv$
  21. $\le\ \ge$

>Top <L2>:

  1. leqq/geqq
  2. lessapprox/ greaterapprox
  3. lessdot/greaterdot
  4. less than/greater than
  5. less than or equal to/ greater than or equal to
  6. less than or equal to (0ther)/greater than or equal to (other)/...
  7. less than or equal to (slanted)/greater than
  8. include
  9. limit inferior/ limit superior/ direct limit/ inverse limit
  10. include
  11. vdash
  12. varliminf


  1. \le\ \leq\ \ll\ \ge\ \geq\ \gg\ \leqq\ \geqq$
  2. \lessapprox\ \gtrapprox$
  3. \lessdot\ \gtrdot$
  4. \lt\ \gt$
  5. \leq\ \geq\ \pm\ \mp\ \times\ \div$
  6. \land\ \wedge\ \vee\ \cap\ \cup\ \sqcap\ \sqcup$
  7. \leqslant\ \geqslant\ \ll\ \lll\ \gg\ \ggg$
  8. \subset\ \subseteq\ \sqsubseteq\ \supset\ \supseteq\ \sqsupseteq$
  9. \prec\ \preceq\ \succ\ \succeq$
  10. \in\ \ni\ \notin$
  11. \vdash\ \dashv$
  12. \varliminf\ \varlimsup\ \varinjlim\ \varprojlim$


  1. $\le\ \leq\ \ll\ \ge\ \geq\ \gg\ \leqq\ \geqq$
  2. $\lessapprox\ \gtrapprox$
  3. $\lessdot\ \gtrdot$
  4. $\lt\ \gt$
  5. $\leq\ \geq\ \pm\ \mp\ \times\ \div$
  6. $\land\ \wedge\ \vee\ \cap\ \cup\ \sqcap\ \sqcup$
  7. $\leqslant\ \geqslant\ \ll\ \lll\ \gg\ \ggg$
  8. $\subset\ \subseteq\ \sqsubseteq\ \supset\ \supseteq\ \sqsupseteq$
  9. $\prec\ \preceq\ \succ\ \succeq$
  10. $\in\ \ni\ \notin$
  11. $\vdash\ \dashv$
  12. $\varliminf\ \varlimsup\ \varinjlim\ \varprojlim$

>Top <L3>:

  1. log/sine/cosine type-1
  2. log type-2
  3. log type-3
  4. log type-4
  5. log type-5
  6. log type-6
  7. limit-1
  8. limit-2
  9. limit-3
  10. limit-4
  11. line break
  12. logical conjugation/ disjucation / negation /universal quantifier / existential quantifier
  13. lozenge
  14. lrcorner
  15. lsh/rsh
  16. ltimes/rtimes
  17. lVert/lvert/rVert/rvert
  18. lvertneqq/gvertneqq


  1. \arccos\ \arcsin\ \arctan\ \arg\ \cos$
  2. \cosh\ \cot\ \coth\ \csc\ \deg\ \det$
  3. \dim\ \exp\ \gcd\ \hom\ \inf\ \ker$
  4. \lg\ \lim\ \liminf\ \limsup\ \ln$
  5. \log\ \log_e\ \max\ \min\ \Pr \ \sec$
  6. \sin\ \sinh\ \sup\ \tan\ \tanh$
  7. \lim_{x\to \infty}f(x)$
  8. \displaystyle\lim_{x\to \infty}f(x)\
    _{\substack{p\to 0\\q\to 0}}f(x)$
  9. \ begin{eqnarray}
    \ lim_{s \to \infty}f(x)
    \ end{eqnarray}$
  10. \lim_{n\to\infty}\ \displaystyle\lim_{n\to\infty}$
  11. aaaa\\aaaa$
  12. \land\ \lor\ \lnot\ \forall\  \exists$
  13. \lozenge$
  14. \lrcorner$
  15. \Lsh\ \Rsh$
  16. \ltimes\ \rtimes$
  17. \lVert\ \lvert\ \rVert\ \rvert$
  18. \lvertneqq\ \gvertneqq$


  1. $\arccos\ \arcsin\ \arctan\ \arg\ \cos$
  2. $\cosh\ \cot\ \coth\ \csc\ \deg\ \det$
  3. $\dim\ \exp\ \gcd\ \hom\ \inf\ \ker$
  4. $\lg\ \lim\ \liminf\ \limsup\ \ln$
  5. $\log\ \log_e\ \max\ \min\ \Pr \ \sec$
  6. $\sin\ \sinh\ \sup\ \tan\ \tanh$
  7. $\lim_{x\to \infty}f(x)$
  8. $\displaystyle\lim_{x\to \infty}f(x)\
    \displaystyle\lim_{\substack{p\to 0\\q\to 0}}f(x)$
  9. $\begin{eqnarray}
    \lim_{s \to \infty}f(x)
  10. $\lim_{n\to\infty}\ \displaystyle\lim_{n\to\infty}$
  11. $aaaa\\aaaa$
  12. $\land\ \lor\ \lnot\ \forall\  \exists$
  13. $\lozenge$
  14. $\lrcorner$
  15. $\Lsh\ \Rsh$
  16. $\ltimes\ \rtimes$
  17. $\lVert\ \lvert\ \rVert\ \rvert$
  18. $\lvertneqq\ \gvertneqq$

>Top <L4>:

  1. line break
  2. half space
  3. ASCII+half space
  4. Comment line
  5. half space
  6. spacing
  7. special characters


  1. Type 'Enter' key twice ␣␣
  2. ’Empty row␣' means 'paragraph'
  3. ASCII+Enter means '␣'
  4. Neglect line break: add '%' (used adding comment)
  5. Fill␣in␣the␣(␣␣␣␣)'s.$
    Fill in the ( )'s.$
    Fill\ in\ the\ (\ )'s.$
  6. Fill~in~the~(~~~~~)'s.$
  7. \LaTeX is cool! $
    \LaTeX\ is\ cool! $ ... ok space
    \LaTeX{} is cool! $
    {\LaTeX} is cool! $
  8. \_\ \{\ \}\ \S\ \backslash\ \bullet\ \cdot
    \ \circ\ \ast\ \star
    \ \diamond \ \dagger$


  1. Type 'Enter' key twice ␣␣
  2. ’Empty row␣' means 'paragraph'
  3. ASCII+Enter means '␣'
  4. Neglect line break: add '%' (used adding comment)
  5. $Fill␣in␣the␣(␣␣␣␣)'s.$
    $Fill in the ( )'s.$
    $Fill\ in\ the\ (\ )'s.$
  6. $Fill~in~the~(~~~~~)'s.$
  7. $\LaTeX is cool! $
    $\LaTeX\ is\ cool! $ ... ok space
    $\LaTeX{} is cool! $
    ${\LaTeX} is cool! $
  8. $\_\ \{\ \}\ \S\ \backslash\ \bullet\ \cdot\ \circ\ \ast
    \ \star\ \diamond \ \dagger$

>Top <M>:

  1. maltese
  2. maps to
  3. math font-1
  4. math font-2
  5. math font-3
  6. math font-4
  7. math font-5
  8. math font-6
  9. math structure-1 (mathstrut)
  10. math structure-2 (vphantom)
  11. math structure-3


  1. \maltese$
  2. \mapsto$
  3. \mathbb{N}\ \mathbb{Z}\ \mathb{Q}\  \mathbb{R}\ \mathbb{C}\ \3\in\mathbb{B}\ \3.14\notin\math{Z}\ \mathbb{O}\subset\mathbb{R}
  4. \mathbf{math}\ \mathbb{math}\ \ mathcal{math}\ \mathfrak{math}\ \ mathit{math}\ \mathop{operator}\ \mathsf{math}\ \mathtt{math}$
  5. x+\mathrm{const}\ \ x\,\mathrm{cm}^2\ \ x_\mathrm{max}\ \mathit{diff}(x)$
  6. \ H(x) \ \mathrm{H}(x)\ \mathcal{H}(x)\ \mathsf{H}(x)\ \mathtt{H}(x)$
  8. \mathrm{H}(x)\ \mathcal{H}(x)\ \mathsf{H}(x)\ \mathtt{H}(x)$
  9. \sqrt{g}+\sqrt{h}$
    $\sqrt{\mathstrut g}+\sqrt{\mathstrut h}$
  10. \sqrt{\vphantom{gh} g}+\sqrt{\vphantom{gh} h}$
  11. \sqrt{x}+\sqrt{\smash[b]{y}}$


  1. $\maltese$
  2. $\mapsto$
  3. $\mathbb{N}\ \mathbb{Z}\ \mathbb{Q}\  \mathbb{R}\ \mathbb{C}\ 3\in\mathbb{B}\ 3.14\notin\mathbb{Z}\ \mathbb{O}\subset\mathbb{R}$
  4. $\mathbf{math}\ \mathbb{math}
    \ \mathcal{math}\ \mathfrak{math}$
    $\ \mathit{math}\ \mathop{operator}\ \mathsf{math}\ \mathtt{math}$
  5. $x+\mathrm{const}\ \ x\,\mathrm{cm}^2\ \ x_\mathrm{max}\ \mathit{diff}(x)$
  6. $\ H(x) \ \mathrm{H}(x)\ \mathcal{H}(x)\ \mathsf{H}(x)\ \mathtt{H}(x)$
  7. $\mathcal{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO\\
  8. $\mathrm{H}(x)\ \mathcal{H}(x)\ \mathsf{H}(x)\ \mathtt{H}(x)$
  9. $\sqrt{g}+\sqrt{h}$
    $\sqrt{\mathstrut g}+\sqrt{\mathstrut h}$
  10. $\sqrt{\vphantom{gh} g}+\sqrt{\vphantom{gh} h}$
  11. $\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{\smash[b]{y}}$

>Top <M2>:

  1. まとり
  2. まとり
  3. まとり
  4. matrix
  5. matrix pmatrix-1
  6. matrix vmatrix-2
  7. matrix pmatrix-2
  8. matrix bmatrix-2
  9. matrix vmatrix-3
  10. matrix Vmatrix
  11. matrix
  12. matrix
  13. matrix
  14. matrix
  15. matrix
  16. matrix
  17. elementary matrix
  18. matrix
  19. holizontal line
  20. matrix
  21. matrix
  22. measured angle
  23. min
  24. minus plus/plus minus
  25. mod-1
  26. mod-2
  27. models
  28. modulo
  29. modulo (parenthesized)
  30. mu
  31. multimap


  1. \pmatrix{a&b\\c&d}
  2. \pmatrix{1&0&0\\0&1&0\\0&0&1}
  3. \ begin{vmatrix}1&0\\1&-5\end{vmatrix}
  4. \matrix{a&b\cr c&d}
  5. \pmatrix{a&b\\c&d}
  6. $\begin{bmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{bmatrix}
  7. $\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{pmatrix}
  8. $\begin{vmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{vmatrix}
  9. \ begin{bmatrix}
    c&d \\
  10. \ begin{vmatrix}
    c&d \\
  11. \ begin{Vmatrix}
    c&d \\
    \ end{Vmatrix}
  12. A=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}
  13. ^t\A\ A^{\mathrm{T}}
  14. A=begin{pmatrix}
    a_{11} &\dots & a_{1n}\\
    a_{m1} &\dots & a_{mn}
  15. \pmatrix{a_{11}&\cdots&a_{1i}&\cdots&a_{1n}\\
  16. \left(\ begin{array}{ccc|c}1&0&-1&0
  17. $R_{i, j, c}=\pmatrix{1&&&&&&\\&\ddots&&&&&\\
  18. \ begin{array}{|c|c|}
    \ end{array}
  19. A=left(
    a_{11} & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ \hline
    0 & A_{22} & \ldots & a_{2n}\\
    \vdots & \vdots & \ddots &\vdots\\
    0 & a_{m2} & \ldots & a_{mn}
  20. \Lambda=\ begin{bmatrix}\lambda_{1}&&
  21. begin{pmatrix}
  22. \measuredangle$
  23. \min$
  24. \mp\ \pm$
  25. m \bmod n$
  26. a \equiv b \pmod{n}$
  27. \models$
  28. \mod{expression}$
  29. \pmod{expression}$
  30. \mu$
  31. \multimap$


  1. $\pmatrix{a&b\\c&d}$
  2. $\pmatrix{1&0&0\\0&1&0\\0&0&1}$
  3. $\begin{vmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{vmatrix}$
  4. $\matrix{a&b\cr c&d}$
  5. $\pmatrix{a&b\\c&d}$
  6. $\begin{bmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{bmatrix}$
  7. $\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{pmatrix}$
  8. $\begin{vmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{vmatrix}$
  9. $\begin{bmatrix}
    c&d \\
  10. $\begin{vmatrix}
    c&d \\
  11. $\begin{Vmatrix}
    c&d \\
  12. $A=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}
    g&h&i \end{array}\right]$
  13. $^tA\ A^{\mathrm{T}}$
  14. $A=\begin{pmatrix}
    a_{11} &\dots & a_{1n}\\
    &\ldots\ldots &\\
    a_{m1} &\dots & a_{mn}
  15. $\pmatrix{a_{11}&\cdots&a_{1i}&\cdots&a_{1n}\\
  16. $\left(\begin{array}{ccc|c}1&0&-1&0
  17. $R_{i, j, c}=\pmatrix{1&&&&&&\\&\ddots&&&&&\\
  18. $\begin{array}{|c|c|}
    \end{array} $
  19. $A=\left(
    a_{11} & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\ \hline
    0 & a_{22} & \ldots & a_{2n}\\
    \vdots & \vdots & \ddots &\vdots\\
    0 & a_{m2} & \ldots & a_{mn}
  20. $\Lambda=\begin{bmatrix}\lambda_{1}&&
  21. $\begin{pmatrix}
  22. $\measuredangle$
  23. $\min$
  24. $\mp\ \pm$
  25. $m \bmod n$
  26. $a \equiv b \pmod{n}$
  27. $\models$
  28. $\mod{expression}$
  29. $\pmod{expression}$
  30. $\mu$
  31. $\multimap$
  1. matrix1
  2. matrix2
  1. $R_\theta = \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin
    \theta \\ \sin \theta & \phantom{-} \cos \theta
  2. $\begin{matrix}
    c(1)^{n-1} & \dots & c(1)^2 & c(1) & 1 \\
    c(2)^{n-1} & \dots & c(2)^2 & c(2) & 1 \\
    \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\
    c(n)^{n-1} & \dots & 1 & 0 & 0
  1. $R_\theta = \begin{bmatrix} \cos \theta & -\sin
    \theta \\ \sin \theta & \phantom{-} \cos \theta
  2. $\begin{matrix}
    c(1)^{n-1} & \dots & c(1)^2 & c(1) & 1 \\
    c(2)^{n-1} & \dots & c(2)^2 & c(2) & 1 \\
    \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\
    c(n)^{n-1} & \dots & 1 & 0 & 0

>Top <N1>:

  1. nabla
  2. natural
  3. natural logarithm
  4. negation
  5. ncong
  6. ngeq/ngeqq/nleq/nleqq
  7. ngtr/ngeqslant/ nletr/nleqslant
  8. nleftrightarrow/ nLeftrightarrow
  9. nless/nleqslant/ ngrt/ngeqslant


  1. \nabla$
  2. \natural$
  3. \ln$
  4. \neg\ \lfloor\ \llcorner$
  5. \ncong$
  6. \ngeq\ \ngeqq\ \nleq\ \nleqq$
  7. \ngtr\ \ngeqslant\ \nless\ \nleqslant$
  8. \nleftrightarrow\ \nLeftrightarrow$
  9. \nless\ \nleqslant\ \ngtr\ \ngeqslant$


  1. $\nabla$
  2. $\natural$
  3. $\ln$
  4. $\neg\ \lfloor\ \llcorner$
  5. $\ncong$
  6. $\ngeq\ \ngeqq\ \nleq\ \nleqq$
  7. $\ngtr\ \ngeqslant\ \nless\ \nleqslant$
  8. $\nleftrightarrow\ \nLeftrightarrow$
  9. $\nless\ \nleqslant\ \ngtr\ \ngeqslant$

>Top <N2>:

  1. not
  2. not (sample)
  3. not equal to/not equal to
  4. not in
  5. not parallel
  6. nothing (var)
  7. NE arrow/NW arrow/ SE arrow/ SW arrow
  8. nprec/npreceq/ nsucc/ nsucceq
  9. prec/preceq/ succ/ succeq
  10. nrightarrow/nRightarrow/ nleftarrow/nLeftarrow
  11. rightarrow/Rightarrow/ leftarrow/Leftarrow
  12. nshortmid/nshortparallel
  13. shortmid/shortparallel


  1. \not\ \neg$
  2. \ begin{eqnarray}
    x \not=y
    x \not \equiv y
    \ end{eqnarray}
  3. \ne\ \neq$
  4. \notin\ \in$
  5. \nparallel\ \parallel$
  6. \varnothing\ \emptyset$
  7. \nearrow\ \nwarrow\ \searrow\ \swarrow$
  8. \nprec\ \npreceq\ \nsucc\ \nsucceq$
  9. \prec\ \preceq\ \succ\ \succeq$
  10. \nrightarrow\ \nRightarrow\ \nleftarrow\ \nLeftarrow$
  11. \rightarrow\ \Rightarrow\ \leftarrow\ \Leftarrow$
  12. \nshortmid\ \nshortparallel$
  13. \shortmid\ \shortparallel$


  1. $\not\ \neg$
  2. $\begin{eqnarray}
    x \not=y
    x \not \equiv y
  3. $\ne\ \neq$
  4. $\notin\ \in$
  5. $\nparallel\ \parallel$
  6. $\varnothing\ \emptyset$
  7. $\nearrow\ \nwarrow\ \searrow\ \swarrow$
  8. $\nprec\ \npreceq\ \nsucc\ \nsucceq$
  9. $\prec\ \preceq\ \succ\ \succeq$
  10. $\nrightarrow\ \nRightarrow\ \nleftarrow\ \nLeftarrow$
  11. $\rightarrow\ \Rightarrow\ \leftarrow\ \Leftarrow$
  12. $\nshortmid\ \nshortparallel$
  13. $\shortmid\ \shortparallel$

>Top <N3>:

  1. nsim/sim
  2. not a subset of or equal to/ nsuseteqq/ nsupseteq/ nsupseteqq
  3. a subset of or equal to/ suseteqq/supseteq/ supseteqq
  4. ntriangleleft/ ntrianglelefteq/ ntriangleright/ ntrianglerighteq
  5. triangleleft/
    trianglelefteq/ triangleright/ trianglerighteq
  6. nu
  7. nvdash/ nvDash/ nVdash/ nVDash
  8. vdash/ vDash/ Vdash


  1. \nsim\ \sim$
  2. \nsubseteq\ \nsubseteqq\ \nsupseteq\ \nsupseteqq$
  3. \subseteq\ \subseteqq\ \supseteq\ \supseteqq$
  4. \ntriangleleft\ \ntrianglelefteq\ \ntriangleright\ \ntrianglerighteq$
  5. \triangleleft\ \trianglelefteq\ \triangleright\ \trianglerighteq$
  6. \nu$
  7. \nvdash\ \nvDash\ \nVdash\ \nVDash$
  8. \vdash\ \vDash\ \Vdash$


  1. $\nsim\ \sim$
  2. $\nsubseteq\ \nsubseteqq\ \nsupseteq\ \nsupseteqq$
  3. $\subseteq\ \subseteqq\ \supseteq\ \supseteqq$
  4. $\ntriangleleft\ \ntrianglelefteq\ \ntriangleright\ \ntrianglerighteq$
  5. $\triangleleft\ \trianglelefteq\ \triangleright\ \trianglerighteq$
  6. $\nu$
  7. $\nvdash\ \nvDash\ \nVdash\ \nVDash$
  8. $\vdash\ \vDash\ \Vdash$

>Top <O>:

  1. omega/Omega
  2. omicron
  3. overbar
  4. over denominator
  5. overbrace
  6. overleftarrow/ overrightarrow/ overleftrightarrow
  7. overrightarrow (sample)
  8. overrightarrow-1
  9. overline
  10. overline-2
  11. overline-3
  12. overline-4
  13. overbrace
  14. overset
  15. owns


  1. \omega\ \Omega\ \varOmega$
  2. \omicron$
  3. \bar{expression}$
  4. \over denominator$
  5. \overbrace{expression}^{over}\ \ \underbrace{expression}_{under}$
  6. \overleftarrow{expression}\ \overrightarrow{expression}\ \overleftrightarrow{expession}$
  7. \begin{eqnarray}
    \overrightarrow{\rm OA}
  8. \overrightarrow{A}\ \overleftarrow{A}\ \overleftrightarrow{A}\ \underrightarrow{A}\ \underleftarrow{A}\ \underleftrightarrow{A}$
  9. \overline{P\cap Q}=\overline{P} \cup \overline{Q}
  10. \overline{x+y}\ \underline{x+y}\ \widehat{xyz}\ \widetilde{xy}$
  11. \overbrace{x+y}\ \underbrace{x+y}$
  12. \overrightarrow{\mathrm{OA}}\ \overleftarrow{\mathrm{OA}}$
  13. \overbrace{a+\cdots+z}^{26} \; \underbrace{a+\cdots+z}_{26}$
  14. \overset{upper}{lower}$
  15. \owns$


  1. $\omega\ \Omega\ \varOmega$
  2. $\omicron$
  3. $\bar{expression}$
  4. $\over denominator$
  5. $\overbrace{expression}^{over}\ \ \underbrace{expression}_{under}$
  6. $\overleftarrow{expression}\ \overrightarrow{expression}\ \overleftrightarrow{expession}$
  7. $\begin{eqnarray}
    \overrightarrow{\rm OA}
  8. $\overrightarrow{A}\ \overleftarrow{A}\ \overleftrightarrow{A}\ \underrightarrow{A}\ \underleftarrow{A}\ \underleftrightarrow{A}$
  9. $\overline{P\cap Q}=\overline{P} \cup \overline{Q}$
  10. $\overline{x+y}\ \underline{x+y}\ \widehat{xyz}\ \widetilde{xy}$
  11. $\overbrace{x+y}\ \underbrace{x+y}$
  12. $\overrightarrow{\mathrm{OA}}\ \overleftarrow{\mathrm{OA}}$
  13. $\overbrace{a+\cdots+z}^{26} \; \underbrace{a+\cdots+z}_{26}$
  14. $\overset{upper}{lower}$
  15. $\owns$

>Top <P1>:

  1. partial
  2. nabla
  3. parallel
  4. ちゅう
  5. 自動parenthesis
  6. parenthesis-1
  7. parenthesis-2
  8. various parenthesis
  9. bracket
  10. parenthesis (sample)
  11. parenthesis (extendable)
  12. parenthesis (extendable)
  13. absolute sign (sample)
  14. へんび
  15. partial
  16. perpendicular
  17. phi/Phi/varphi
  18. pi/Pi/varpi
  19. pitchfork
  20. Planck constant


  1. \frac{\partial f}{\partial y},
    \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial^2 y} $
  2. \Delta=\nabla^2=
    \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}+
    \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2}$
  3. \parallel\ \nparallel\ \shortparallel\ \nshortparallel\ \nmid\ \nshortmid
  4. \left.\right)\ \left(\right)\ \bigl(\bigr)\ \{\}\ \left[\right]\ \bigl[\bigr]\ \langle\ \rangle
  5. a\left(\left[b\left\{c\left(d+e)^x\right)\right\}
  6. a\Biggl( b\biggl( c\Bigl( d\bigl( d(f+g) \bigr) \Bigr) \biggr) \Biggr)
  7. a\Biggl\{ b\biggl\{ c\Bigl
    \{ d\bigl\{ d\{f+g\}
    \bigr\} \Bigr\}\biggr\} \Biggr\}
  8. a\left[ b\left\{
  9. \{\ \}\ \lfloor\ \rfloor\ \lceil\ \rceil\ \langle\ \rangle$
  10. a\Biggl[ b\biggl[ c\Bigl[ d\bigl[ d[f+g] \big] \Bigr] \biggr] \Biggr]$
  11. a\left[b\left\{\frac{1}{2}\left(c(d+e)^x
  12. \ begin{eqnarray}
    \ end{eqnarray}$
  13. \ begin{eqnarray}
    \ end{eqnarray}$
  14. \frac{\partial }{\partial }
  15. \partial$
  16. \perp\ \bot\ \top$
  17. \phi\ \Phi\ \varphi\ \varPhi$
  18. \pi\ \Pi\ \varpi$
  19. \pitchfork$
  20. \hbar$


  1. $\frac{\partial f}{\partial y},
    \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial^2 y} $
  2. $\Delta=\nabla^2=
    \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}+
    \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2}$
  3. $\parallel\ \nparallel\ \shortparallel\ \nshortparallel\ \nmid\ \nshortmid$
  4. $\left.\right)\ \left(\right)\ \bigl(\bigr)\ \{\}\ \left[\right]\ \bigl[\bigr]\ \langle\ \rangle$
  5. $a\left(\left[b\left\{c\left(d+e)^x\right)\right\}
  6. $a\Biggl( b\biggl( c\Bigl( d\bigl( d(f+g) \bigr) \Bigr) \biggr) \Biggr)$
  7. $a\Biggl\{ b\biggl\{ c\Bigl\{ d\bigl
    \{ d\{f+g\} \bigr\} \Bigr\} \biggr\} \Biggr\}$
  8. $a\left[ b\left\{
    \right] $
  9. $\{\ \}\ \lfloor\ \rfloor\ \lceil\ \rceil\ \langle\ \rangle$
  10. $a\Biggl[ b\biggl[ c\Bigl[ d\bigl[ d[f+g] \big] \Bigr] \biggr] \Biggr]$
  11. $a\left[b\left\{\frac{1}{2}\left(c(d+e)^x
  12. $\begin{eqnarray}
  13. $\begin{eqnarray}
  14. $\frac{\partial }{\partial }$
  15. $\partial$
  16. $\perp\ \bot\ \top$
  17. $\phi\ \Phi\ \varphi\ \varPhi$
  18. $\pi\ \Pi\ \varpi\ \varPi$
  19. $\pitchfork$
  20. $\hbar$

>Top <P2>:

  1. plus or minus/ minus or plus
  2. poor man's bold
  3. precedes/ precapprox/ precneqq/ precnsim/ precsim
  4. succedes/ succapprox/ succneqq/ succnsim/ succsim/
  5. prime
  6. product
  7. product (snippet)
  8. project limit
  9. proportional to/varpropto
  10. psi



  1. \pm\ \mp$
  2. \pmb{math}$
  3. \prec\ \precapprox\ \precneqq\ \precnsim\ \precsim
  4. \succ\ \succapprox\ \succneqq\ \succnsim\ \succsim$
  5. \prime$
  6. \prod\ \coprod\ \bigcup\ \bigsqcup$
  7. \prod_{lower}^{upper}expression$
  8. \projlim$
  9. \propto\ \varpropto$
  10. \varPsi$


  1. $\pm\ \mp$
  2. $\pmb{math}$
  3. $\prec\ \precapprox\ \precneqq\ \precnsim\ \precsim$
  4. $\succ\ \succapprox\ \succneqq\ \succnsim\ \succsim$
  5. $\prime\ \backprime$
  6. $\prod\ \coprod\ \bigcup\ \bigsqcup$
  7. $\prod_{lower}^{upper}expression$
  8. $\projlim$
  9. $\propto\ \varpropto$
  10. $\varPsi$
  1. phantom1
  2. phantom2
  1. $|x| = \begin{cases} \phantom{-} x& \text{if } x \geq 0 \\ -x & \text{if } x<0 \end{cases)
  2. $\begin{aligned}
    \text{first number} && \text{second number} \\
    10 \mbox{\phantom{=digit}} &&
    9 \mbox{\phantom{=digit}}
  1. $|x| = \begin{cases} \phantom{-} x& \text{if } x \geq 0 \\ -x & \text{if } x<0 \end{cases} $
  2. $\begin{aligned}
    \text{first number} &&
    \text{second number} \\
    10 \mbox{\phantom{=digit}} &&
    9 \mbox{\phantom{=digit}}

>Top <Q>:



>Top <R1>:

  1. reference
  2. restriction
  3. rhd
  4. rho/varrho
  5. right angle/left angle
  6. right arrow/ right arrow (double)/ rightarrowtail/ right harpoon down/ right harpoon up
  7. left arrow/ left arrow (double)/ leftarrowtail/ left harpoon down/ left harpoon up/


  1. \Re\ \wp\ \ell\ \imath\ \jmath\ \aleph\ \hbar\ \Im\ \mho$
  2. \restriction$
  3. \rhd$
  4. \rho\ \varrho$
  5. \rangle\ \langle$
  6. \rightarrow\ \Rightarrow\ \rightarrowtail\ \rightharpoondown\ \rightharpoonup
  7. \leftarrow\ \Leftarrow\ \leftarrowtail\ \leftharpoondown\ \leftharpoonup$


  1. $\Re\ \wp\ \ell\ \imath\ \jmath\ \aleph\ \hbar\ \Im\ \mho$
  2. $\restriction$
  3. $\rhd\ \lhd\ \unrhd\ \unlhd$
  4. $\rho\ \varrho$
  5. $\rangle\ \langle$
  6. $\rightarrow\ \Rightarrow\ \rightarrowtail\ \rightharpoondown\ \rightharpoonup$
  7. $\leftarrow\ \Leftarrow\ \leftarrowtail\ \leftharpoondown\ \leftharpoonup$

>Top <R2>:

  1. right brace/left brace
  2. right bracket/left bracket
  3. right ceiling/left ceiling
  4. right floor/left floor
  5. right group/left group
  6. right left arrows/ left right arrows/ right left harpoons/ left right harpoons
  7. right moustache/ left moustache
  8. rightrightarrows/ leftleftarrows
  9. rightsquigarrow
  10. right tack/ Vdash/ vDash


  1. \rbrace\ \lbrace$
  2. \rbrack\ \lbrack$
  3. \rceil\ \lceil$
  4. \rfloor\ \lfloor$
  5. \rgroup\ \lgroup$
  6. \rightleftarrows\ \leftrightarrows\ \rightleftharpoons\ \leftrightharpoons$
  7. \rmoustache\ \lmoustache$
  8. \rightrightarrows\ \leftleftarrows$
  9. \rightsquigarrow$
  10. \vdash\ \Vdash\ \vDash$


  1. $\rbrace\ \lbrace$
  2. $\rbrack\ \lbrack$
  3. $\rceil\ \lceil$
  4. $\rfloor\ \lfloor$
  5. $\rgroup\ \lgroup$
  6. $\rightleftarrows\ \leftrightarrows\ \rightleftharpoons\ \leftrightharpoons$
  7. $\rmoustache\ \lmoustache$
  8. $\rightrightarrows\ \leftleftarrows$
  9. $\rightsquigarrow$
  10. $\vdash\ \Vdash\ \vDash$

>Top <R3>:

  1. rightthreetimes/ leftthreetimes
  2. risingdotseq
  3. rtimes/ltimes
  4. Roman math font
  5. Roman number (Ⅰ-Ⅴ)
  6. Roman number (Ⅵ-Ⅹ)
  7. rvert/rVert


  1. \rightthreetimes\ \leftthreetimes$
  2. \risingdotseq\ \fallingdotseq\ \approx\ \cong$
  3. \rtimes\ \ltimes$
  4. \mathrm{math}$
  5. I\ \
    I\hspace{-.1em}I\ \
    I\hspace{-.1em}I\hspace{-.1em}I\ \
    I\hspace{-.1em}V\ \
  6. V\hspace{-.1em}I\ \
    V\hspace{-.1em}I\hspace{-.1em}I\ \ V\hspace{-.1em}I\hspace{-.1em}I\hspace{-.1em}I\ \
    I\hspace{-.1em}X\ \
  7. \rvert\ \rVert$


  1. $\rightthreetimes\ \leftthreetimes$
  2. $\risingdotseq\ \fallingdotseq\ \approx\ \cong$
  3. $\rtimes\ \ltimes$
  4. $\mathrm{math}$
  5. $I\ \
    I\hspace{-.1em}I\ \
    I\hspace{-.1em}I\hspace{-.1em}I\ \
    I\hspace{-.1em}V\ \
  6. $V\hspace{-.1em}I\ \
    V\hspace{-.1em}I\hspace{-.1em}I\ \ V\hspace{-.1em}I\hspace{-.1em}I\hspace{-.1em}I\ \
    I\hspace{-.1em}X\ \
  7. $\rvert\ \rVert$

>Top <S1>:

  1. Sans serif math font
  2. Script math font
  3. Script size
  4. Script small l
  5. secant
  6. section
  7. set-1
  8. set-2
  9. set-3
  10. set-4
  11. set minus
  12. sharp/flat
  13. shortmid
  14. shortparallel
  15. sigma/Sigma/varsigma
  16. similar to
  17. sine/cosine
  18. hyperbolic sine


  1. \mathsf{math}$
  2. \mathscr{math}$
  3. \scriptsize{text}$
  4. \ell$
  5. \sec$
  6. \S\ \cdot\ \bullet\ \circ\ \diamond\ \ast\ \star\ \wr\ \prime$
  7. a\in A\ A\ni a\ \notin\
  8. \subset\ \supset\ \subseteq\
  9. \nsubseteq\ \nsupseteq\ \subsetneq\ \supsetneq\
  10. \cap\ \cup\ \emptyset\ \backslash\ \A^c\ \overline{A}$
  11. \setminus\ \# \ \$ \ \% \ \& \ \_ \verb|\| \ \verb|^|\
    \verb|~| \ \verb+|+ \ \S$
  12. \sharp\ \flat$
  13. \shortmid$
  14. \shortparallel$
  15. \sigma\ \Sigma\ \varsigma\ \varSigma$
  16. \sim$
  17. \sin{\alpha}\ \sin^2{\alpha}\ \cos{\beta}\ \cos^3{\beta}$
  18. \sinh\ \sinh^2{\alpha}$


  1. $\mathsf{math}$
  2. $\mathscr{math}$
  3. $\scriptsize{text}$
  4. $\ell$
  5. $\sec$
  6. $\S\ \cdot\ \bullet\ \circ\ \diamond\ \ast\ \star\ \wr\ \prime$
  7. $a\in A\ A\ni a\ \notin$
  8. $\subset\ \supset\ \subseteq\ \supseteq$
  9. $\nsubseteq\ \nsupseteq\ \subsetneq\ \supsetneq$
  10. $\cap\ \cup\ \emptyset\ \backslash\ A^c\ \overline{A}$
  11. $\setminus\ \# \ \$ \ \% \ \& \ \_ \verb|\| \ \verb|^|\
    \verb|~| \ \verb+|+ \ \S $
  12. $\sharp\ \flat$
  13. $\shortmid$
  14. $\shortparallel$
  15. $\sigma\ \Sigma\ \varsigma\ \varSigma$
  16. $\sim$
  17. $\sin{\alpha}\ \sin^2{\alpha}\ \cos{\beta}\
  18. $\sinh\ \sinh^2{\alpha}$

>Top <S2>:

  1. Slanted font
  2. small frown
  3. small integral
  4. small size
  5. small smile
  6. smash
  7. smile
  8. space
  9. hspace
  10. spade suit/club/heart/diamond


  1. \sf{text}$
  2. \smallfrown$
  3. \smallint$
  4. \small{text}$
  5. \smallsmile$
  6. \smash{text}$
  7. \smile\ \frown\ \asymp\ \sim\ \simeq\ \nsim$
  8. a\!b\ \ a\,b\ \ a\>b
    a\:b\ \ a\;b\ \ a{}b
    a\!\!b\ \ a\:\:b\ \ a\;\;b
    A\quad B\ \ A\qquad B\\
  9. a \hspace{50pt}b \hspace{1cm}c$
  10. \spadesuit\ \clubsuit\ \heartsuit\ \diamondsuit\ \diamond$


  1. $\sf{text}$
  2. $\smallfrown$
  3. $\smallint$
  4. $\small{text}$
  5. $\smallsmile$
  6. $\smash{text}$
  7. $\smile\ \frown\ \asymp\ \sim\ \simeq\ \nsim$
  8. $a\!b\ \ a\,b\ \ a\>b$
    $a\:b\ \ a\;b\ \ a{}b$
    $a\!\!b\ \ a\:\:b\ \ a\;\;b$
    $A\quad B\ \ A\qquad B$
  9. $y\quad=ax\qquad+b$
  10. $a \hspace{50pt}b \hspace{1cm}c$
  11. $\spadesuit\ \clubsuit\ \heartsuit\ \diamondsuit\ \diamond$

>Top <S3>:

  1. square
  2. square
  3. るーと
  4. square root (sample1)
  5. square root (sample2)
  6. stacked relation
  7. square root - smash
  8. stackrel{upper}{lower}
  9. star/bigstar
  10. subsetset/superset-1
  11. subsetset/superset-2
  12. sqsubset/sqsupset
  13. sub_text


  1. \sphericalangle$
  2. \square$
  3. \sqrt{}
  4. \sqrt{expression}\ \sqrt[n]{expression}$
  5. x^{\frac{a}{b}}=\sqrt[b]{x^a}$
  6. \stackrel{upper}{lower}$
  7. \sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}\\ \sqrt{x}+\sqrt{\smash[b]{y}}$
  8. \stackrel{upper}{lower}$
  9. \star\ \bigstar$
  10. \subset\ \Subset\ \subseteq\ \subseteqq\ \subsetneq\ \subsetneqq$
  11. \supset\ \Supset\ \supseteq\ \supseteqq\ \supsetneq\ \supsetneqq$
  12. \sqsubset\ \sqsupset\ \sqsubseteq\ \sqsupseteq$
  13. A_{\text{max}}=\text{some constant}$


  1. $\sphericalangle$
  2. $\square$
  3. $\sqrt{*}$
  4. $\sqrt{expression}\ \sqrt[n]{expression}$
  5. $x^{\frac{a}{b}}=\sqrt[b]{x^a}$
  6. $\sqrt{a+b+2\sqrt{ab}}=\sqrt{a+b}$
  7. $\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}\\ \sqrt{x}+\sqrt{\smash[b]{y}}$
  8. $\stackrel{upper}{lower}$
  9. $\star\ \bigstar$
  10. $\subset\ \Subset\ \subseteq\ \subseteqq\ \subsetneq\ \subsetneqq$
  11. $\supset\ \Supset\ \supseteq\ \supseteqq\ \supsetneq\ \supsetneqq$
  12. $\sqsubset\ \sqsupset\ \sqsubseteq\ \sqsupseteq$
  13. $A_{\text{max}}=\text{some constant}$

>Top <S4>:

  1. varsubsetneq\ \varsubsetneqq\ \varsupsetneq\ \varsupsetneqq/
  2. succapprox/ succurlyeq/ succeq/ succnapprox/ succneqq/ succnsim/ succsim
  3. prec/preceq
  4. さむ
  5. sum/ sum (snippet)
  6. sum-1
  7. sum-2
  8. sum-2
  9. sum-3
  10. supremum
  11. surd


  1. \varsubsetneq\ \varsubsetneqq\ \varsupsetneq\ \varsupsetneqq$
  2. \succ\ \succapprox\ \succcurlyeq\ \succeq\ \succnapprox\ \succneqq\ \succnsim\ \succsim$
  3. \prec\ \precapprox\ \preccurlyeq\ \preceq\ \precnapprox\ \precneqq\ \precnsim\ \precsim$
  4. \displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}
    \ \\displaystyle\prod_{n=1}^n
  5. \sum\ \sum_{lower}^{upper}expression$
  6. \lim_{x \to \infty}f(x)$
  7. \displaystyle\lim_{x \to \infty}f(x)$
  8. \displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^5 a_k=a_1+a_2+a_3+a_4+a_5 $
  9. \ begin{eqnarray}
    \ end{eqnarray}$
  10. \sup$
  11. \surd$


  1. $\varsubsetneq\ \varsubsetneqq\ \varsupsetneq\ \varsupsetneqq$
  2. $\succ\ \succapprox\ \succcurlyeq\ \succeq\ \succnapprox\ \succneqq\ \succnsim\ \succsim$
  3. $\prec\ \precapprox\ \preccurlyeq\ \preceq\ \precnapprox\ \precneqq\ \precnsim\ \precsim$
  4. $\displaystyle\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\ \
  5. $\sum\ \sum_{lower}^{upper}expression$
  6. $\lim_{x \to \infty}f(x)$
  7. $\displaystyle\lim_{x \to \infty}f(x)$
  8. $\displaystyle \sum_{k=1}^5 a_k=a_1+a_2+a_3+a_4+a_5 $
  9. $\begin{eqnarray}
  10. $\sup$
  11. $\surd$

>Top <T1>:

  1. tanent/hyperbolic tangent
  2. tau
  3. binominal coeeficient (text syle)
  4. TeX/LaTeX
  5. Text/ Bold text font/ Italic text font/ Roman text font
  6. therefore ゆえに
  7. text font
  8. text size
  9. theta/Theta/vartheta
  10. thickapprox/thicksim
  11. tilde
  12. かけ
  13. times/div/equiv/neq
  14. tiny size


  1. \tan\ \tanh$
  2. \tau$
  3. \binom{m}{n}\ \tbinom{upper}{lower}\ \dbinom{m}{n}$
  4. \TeX\ \LaTeX$
  5. \text{text}\ \textbf{text}\ \textit{text}\ \textrm{text}$
  6. \therefore\ \because$
  7. $\rm{roman}\ \bf{bt}\ \it{italc}\\
    \sf{sans serif}\ \tt{typewriter}\\
    \mathfrak{MATHfraktur 0123}\\
  8. \tiny{A}\ \scriptsize{A}\ \large{A}\ \Large{A}\ \LARGE{A}\ \huge{A}\ \Huge{A}
  9. \theta\ \Theta\ \vartheta\ \varTheta$
  10. \thickapprox\ \thicksim$
  11. \tilde{expression}$
  12. \times
  13. \times\ \div\ \equiv\ \neq
  14. \tiny{text}$


  1. $\tan\ \tanh$
  2. $\tau$
  3. $ \binom{m}{n}\ \tbinom{upper}{lower}\ \dbinom{m}{n}$
  4. $\TeX\ \LaTeX$
  5. $\text{text}\ \textbf{text}\ \textit{text}\ \textrm{text}$
  6. $\therefore\ \because$
  7. $\rm{roman}\ \bf{bt}\ \it{it}\\
    \sf{sans serif}\ \tt{typewriter}\\
    \mathfrak{MATHfraktur 0123}\\
  8. $\tiny{A}\ \scriptsize{A}\ \large{A}\ \Large{A}\ \LARGE{A}\ \huge{A}\ \Huge{A}$
  9. $\theta\ \Theta\ \vartheta\ \varTheta$
  10. $\thickapprox\ \thicksim$
  11. $\tilde{expression}$
  12. $\times$
  13. $\times\ \div\ \equiv\ \neq$
  14. $\tiny{Remark:}$

>Top <T2>:

  1. to
  2. top
  3. triangle (white)
  4. triangle (equal)
  5. triangle (black)
  6. triangle (var)
  7. triangle (big)
  8. trigonometric function
  9. trigonometric/hypebolic
  10. lhd/rhd/unlhd/unrhd
  11. triple dot
  12. triple integral
  13. twoheadleftarrow/ twoheadrightarrow
  14. typewriter font
  15. Typewriter math font


  1. \to$
  2. \top\ \bot\ \perp$
  3. \triangle\ \triangledown\ \triangleright\ \triangleleft\ \bowtie$
  4. \triangleq\ \trianglerighteq\ \trianglelefteq$
  5. \blacktriangle\ \blacktriangledown\ \blacktriangleright\ \blacktriangleleft$
  6. \vartriangle\ \vartriangleright\ \vartriangleleft$
  7. \bigtriangleup\ \bigtriangledown\ \triangleright\ \triangleleft$
  8. \ begin{eqnarray}
    \sin x\\
    \cos x\\
    \tan x
    \ end{eqnarray}$
  9. \sin x \ \cos x\ \tan x\
    \csc x\ \sec x\ \cot x\ 
    \sinh x\ \cosh x\ \tanh x\
    \csch x\ \sech x\ \coth x\ 
    \arcsin x\ \arccos x\ \arctan x\ \arccot x
  10. \lhd\ \rhd\ \unlhd\ \unrhd$
  11. \dddot{expression}$
  12. \iiint$
  13. \twoheadleftarrow\ \twoheadrightarrow$
  14. \tt{text}$
  15. \mathtt{math}$


  1. $\to$
  2. $\top\ \bot\ \perp$
  3. $\triangle\ \triangledown\ \triangleright\ \triangleleft\ \bowtie\ \ltimes$
  4. $\triangleq\ \trianglerighteq\ \trianglelefteq$
  5. $\blacktriangle\ \blacktriangledown\ \blacktriangleright\ \blacktriangleleft$
  6. $\vartriangle\ \vartriangleright\ \vartriangleleft$
  7. $\bigtriangleup\ \bigtriangledown\ \triangleright\ \triangleleft$
  8. $\begin{eqnarray}
    \sin x\\
    \cos x\\
    \tan x
  9. $\sin x \ \cos x\ \tan x$
    $\csc x\ \sec x\ \cot x$
    $\sinh x\ \cosh x\ \tanh x$
    $\csch x\ \sech x\ \coth x$ 
    $\arcsin x\ \arccos x\ \arctan x\ \arccot x$
  10. $\lhd\ \rhd\ \unlhd\ \unrhd$
  11. $\dddot{expression}$
  12. $\iiint$
  13. $\twoheadleftarrow\ \twoheadrightarrow$
  14. $\tt{text}$
  15. $\mathtt{math}$

>Top <U1>:

  1. underbrace
  2. underline
  3. union plus
  4. unlhd/unrhd
  5. up arrow/down arrow
  6. up down arrow/ up down arrow (double)
  7. upharpoonleft/ upharpoonright
  8. uplus/oplus/
  9. upper left corner/ upper right corner
  10. upsilon/Upsilon
  11. upuparrows/ downdownarrows


  1. \underbrace{expression}_{under}$
  2. \underline{x+y}\\ \underline{x}+\underline{y}$
  3. \uplus\ \biguplus$
  4. \unlhd\ \unrhd$
  5. \uparrow\ \Uparrow$
  6. \updownarrow\ \Updownarrow$
  7. \upharpoonleft\ \upharpoonright$
  8. \uplus\ \oplus\ \ominus\otimes$
  9. \ulcorner\ \urcorner$
  10. \upsilon\ \Upsilon\ \varUpsilon$
  11. \upuparrows\ \downdownarrows$


  1. $\underbrace{expression}_{under}$
  2. $\underline{x+y}\\ \underline{x}+\underline{y}$
  3. $\uplus\ \biguplus$
  4. $\unlhd\ \unrhd$
  5. $\uparrow\ \Uparrow$
  6. $\updownarrow\ \Updownarrow$
  7. $\upharpoonleft\ \upharpoonright$
  8. $\uplus\ \oplus\ \ominus\otimes$
  9. $\ulcorner\ \urcorner$
  10. $\upsilon\ \Upsilon\ \varUpsilon$
  11. $\upuparrows\ \downdownarrows$

>Top <U2>:

  1. unit-1
  2. unit-2
  3. unit-3


  1. \mathrm{(m/s)}
  2. 0^\circ\rm{C}\ \mathrm{\mathring{A}}
  3. G_\mathrm{N}=6.67\times 10^{-11}\, [\text{N$\cdot$m$^2\cdot$kg$^{-2}$}]


  1. $\mathrm{(m/s)}$
  2. $0^\circ\rm{C}\ \mathrm{\mathring{A}}$
  3. $G_\mathrm{N}=6.67\times 10^{-11}\, [\text{N$\cdot$m$^2\cdot$kg$^{-2}$}]$

>Top <V>:

  1. verbatim
  2. vertical dots
  3. vector-1
  4. vector-2
  5. vector-3
  6. Vee/veebar
  7. vertical line/ vertical line (double)
  8. Vvdash


  1. \#\ \$\ \%\ \&\ \_ \{\ \} \verb|\|\ \verb|^|
  2. \vdots\ \ddots$
  3. \vec{expression}\ \overline{a}\ \overrightarrow{ab}\ \ \vec{A}\ \|x\|\ \vec{a}\perp\vec{b}\ \vec{a}\parallel\vec{b}
  4. ^t\bf{A}\ \bf{A}^{\mathrm{T}}
  5. \vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}\ \bf{A}\times\bf{B}
  6. \bf{A}=\left(
    \begin {array}{c}
    \end {array}
  7. \vee\ \bigvee\ \veebar\ \wedge$
  8. \vert\ \Vert$
  9. \Vvdash$


  1. $\#\ \$\ \%\ \&\ \_ \{\ \} \verb|\|\ \verb|^|$
  2. $\vdots\ \ddots$
  3. $\vec{expression}\ \overline{a}\ \overrightarrow{ab}\ \ \vec{A}\ \|x\|\ \vec{a}\perp\vec{b}\ \vec{a}\parallel\vec{b}$
  4. $^t\bf{A}\ \bf{A}^{\mathrm{T}}$
  5. $\vec{a}\cdot\vec{b}\ \bf{A}\times\bf{B}$
  6. $\bf{A}=\left(
  7. $\vee\ \bigvee\ \veebar\ \wedge$
  8. $\vert\ \Vert$
  9. $\Vvdash$

>Top <W>:

  1. wedge
  2. bar wedge
  3. weierstrass elliptic
  4. wide hat/ wide tilde
  5. wreath product


  1. \wedge\ \vee\ \bigwedge\ \bigvee$
  2. \barwedge\ \veebar\ \doublebarwedge$
  3. \wp$
  4. \widehat{text}\ \widetilde{text}$
  5. \wr$


  1. $\wedge\ \vee\ \bigwedge\ \bigvee\ \curlywedge\ \curlyvee$
  2. $\barwedge\ \veebar\ \doublebarwedge$
  3. $\wp$
  4. $\widehat{text}\ \widetilde{text}$
  5. $\wr$

>Top <X>:

  1. xi/Xi


  1. \xi\ \Xi\ \varXi$


  1. $\xi\ \Xi\ \varXi$

>Top <Y>:

  1. yen


  1. \yen$


  1. $\yen$

>Top <Z>:

  1. zeta


  1. \zeta$


  1. $\zeta$
  • a
  • a

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