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Note on The Third Industrial Revolution

Cat: LAN
Pub: 2014
#: 1421a

Kanzo Kobayashi

UP 14930
  • It is effective to take a note concurrently reading the main sentence.
  • Taking a note is not to remember, but to forget them. Remember something may occur lastly after repetition of forgetting many times; which would be the last process of forgetting of the repetition of fidgeting.
  • 本文読解と同時にメモを取ること。
  • メモは覚えるためではなく、忘れるために行う。覚えることは何回も忘れることを繰り返すと最後に覚えるかも知れない。忘れることを忘れるという意味で。

>Top <A>:

  1. adage
  2. affordability
  3. anaerobic
  4. anathema
  5. awash



  1. a proverb, maxim
  2. a sudden and ignominious failure
  3. relating to an absence of free oxygen; fossil fuels from anaerobic decomposition of dead organisms ⇔aerobic
  4. a formal ecclesiastical ban, curse
  5. covered or flooded with water


  1. 格言 géyán
  2. 値ごろ感、入手可能
  3. 嫌気性の;
  4. 呪い、憎悪;
  5. 冠水して; 淹没 yānmò

>Top <B>:

  1. begrudge
  2. biomimicry
  3. biophilia
  4. blight
  5. boggle
  6. bullish


  1. envy the possession of; give reluctantly;
  2. the design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modeled on biological entities and processes. <pedagogue=a teacher
  3. innate affinity of human beings with the natural world
  4. a plant disease; an ugly, neglected or rundown condition of an urban area
  5. cause to be astonished
  6. characterized by rising share prices; ⇔bearish


  1. ねたむ、渋る; 吝惜 lìnxī
  2. 生物模倣技術
  3. 生命愛
  4. 損傷、荒廃; 毁坏 huǐhuài
  5. ぎょっとする; 吃惊 chījīng
  6. 上向きの

>Top <C>:

  1. chronopharmacology
  2. concede
  3. conjoin
  4. contagion
  5. conundrum
  6. cozy


  1. use of circadian or other rhythmic cycles in the application of therapy
  2. admit that something is true or valid
  3. join; combine
  4. communication of disease from one person to another by close contact
  5. a confusing and difficult problem or question; a riddle
  6. giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation


  1. 時間薬理学
  2. 承认 chéngrèn
  3. 結合する; 连接 liánjiē
  4. 接触感染; 接触传染 jiēchù chuánrǎn
  5. 難問、なぞ;字谜 zìmí
  6. 舒适 shūshì

>Top <D>:

  1. debacle
  2. deceleration
  3. deleterious
  4. diminution
  5. by dint of
  6. dirty rich
  7. dislodge
  8. down with
  9. draconian
  10. dub
  11. d-word


  1. a
  2. reduce speed
  3. causing harm or damage
  4. a reduction is size, extent, or importance
  5. by dint of hard work; dint=blow or stoke
  6. make fortunes in the polluting, extractive industries
  7. knock or force out to position
  8. Down with big oil!
  9. (of laws) excessively harsh and severe
  10. give an unofficial name; nickname to
  11. death


  1. 総崩れ; 溃败 kuìbài
  2. 减速 jiǎnsù
  3. 害毒を及ぼす;
  4. 減少、減額、先細り
  5. の力で
  6. 汚れ成金
  7. 除去、駆逐する; 逐出 zhúchū
  8. を倒せ;
  9. 严苛的 yánkē
  10. あだ名をつける;
  11. a

>Top <E>:

  1. ebb
  2. emissary
  3. empathic
  4. enclave
  5. endgame
  6. eradication
  7. Etsy
  8. extol


  1. ebb and flow are two flows of the tide; ebb is outgoing phase, flow is incoming phase.
  2. a person sent on a special mission; < send out
  3. ability to understand and share the feelings of another; empathic consciousness
  4. a portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory
  5. the final stage of a chess game.
  6. complete destruction; eradication of poverty;
  7. Etsy is a peer-to-peer (P2P) e-commerce website
  8. praise enthusiastically


  1. 干満、盛衰;退潮 tuìcháo
  2. 使者、密偵; 密使 mìshǐ
  3. 共感できる; 同情 tóngqíng
  4. 孤立地域; 飞地 fēidì
  5. 終盤; 残局 cánjú
  6. 根除 gēnchú
  7. a
  8. 称揚する; 赞美 zànměi

>Top <F>:

  1. fathomable
  2. fidget
  3. forage
  4. fray


  1. < fathom; a unit of length, 6 feet; understand a difficult problem
  2. make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience
  3. search widely for food or provisions
  4. show the effects of strain


  1. 測れる
  2. そわそわ、うずうず; 烦躁 fánzào
  3. 飼料、略奪; 搜寻 sōuxún
  4. 口論; 争斗 zhēngdòu

>Top <G>:

  1. generativity


  1. a self-contained system from which its use draws an independent ability to create, generate, or produce new content unique to that system without input from the system's original creators.


  1. 次世代育成能力

>Top <H>:

  1. halcyon
  2. hibernation
  3. hoax
  4. Homo empathicus


  1. calm and peaceful, golden
  2. spend the winter in a dormant state
  3. a humourous or malicious deception
  4. <empathy; age of faith, age of reason, and age of emphathy


  1. 太平記; 幸福美好 xìngfú měihǎo
  2. 冬眠 dōngmián
  3. 悪ふざけ; 恶作剧 èzuòjù
  4. 共感能力 ; 同感 tónggǎn

>Top < I >:

  1. innate
  2. interregnum
  3. intricate
  4. intrinsic

< I >:

  1. inborn; natural
  2. a period when normal government is suspended between successive reigns.
  3. very complicated or detailed
  4. belonging naturally; essential

< I >:

  1. 生来の; 天生 tiānshēng
  2. 空白期間、不在期間
  3. 错综复杂 cuòzōng-fùzá
  4. 本源、本質的な

>Top <J>:



>Top <K>:



>Top <L>:

  1. leapfrog
  2. lethargy
  3. longevity
  4. lukewarm


  1. surpass or overtake another to move into a leading or dominant position
  2. a lack of energy and enthusiasm
  3. long life or existence
  4. tepid; only moderately warm


  1. 特進する; 超过 chāoguò
  2. 倦怠、無感動; 没精打采 méijīng-dǎcǎi
  3. 長寿、年功; 长寿 chángshòu
  4. 生ぬるい; 温热 wēnrè

>Top <M>:

  1. makeover
  2. manure
  3. medication
  4. metastasize
  5. midwife
  6. moribund
  7. municipal solid waste (MSW)


  1. complete transformation or remodeling of something
  2. animal dung used for fetilizing land
  3. treatment using drugs
  4. spread to other sites in the body or metastasis;
  5. assis a woman during chilbirth; mid=with, a woman who is with
  6. at the point of death
  7. a waste type consisting of everyday item discarded as garbage.


  1. 修繕、改装; 改观 gǎiguān
  2. 肥料; 粪肥 fènféi
  3. 投薬; 药物治疗 yàowù zhìliáo
  4. (癌が)転移する
  5. 助产士 zhùchǎnshì
  6. 瀕死、絶滅の
  7. 都市ゴミ

>Top <N>:

  1. NIMBY


  1. Not In My BackYard; the developments are needed in society but should be further away.


  1. 迷惑施設;

>Top <O>:

  1. at odds


  1. in conflict or at variance


  1. 相争って

>Top <P>:

  1. parsimonious
  2. pegagogy
  3. permafrost
  4. perverse
  5. primordial
  6. purloin


  1. unwilling to spend money or use of resources
  2. the method and practice of teaching, especially as an academic subject or theoretical concept.
  3. a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year
  4. contrary ot he accepted or expected standard or practice
  5. existing from the begginin of time; primeval
  6. steal something; <F. put at a distance


  1. けちな; 吝啬 lìnsè
  2. 教育学
  3. 永久凍土; 冻结 dòngjié
  4. 強情、へそ曲がり; 过分的 guòfèn
  5. 始原の; 原始 yuánshǐ
  6. を盗む; 偷窃 tōuqiè

>Top <Q>:



>Top <R>:

  1. refuse-derived fuel (RDF)
  2. relic
  3. retrofit
  4. reverberate
  5. rudimentary


  1. a fuel produced by shredding and dehydrating solid waste
  2. an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest
  3. add a componet to something that did not have it wehn manufactured
  4. appear to vibrate or be disturbed
  5. involving or limited to basic principles


  1. 廃棄物利用燃料
  2. 遺跡、残骸;
  3. 改造する; 加装 jiāzhuāng
  4. 反響、影響する; 回响(響) huíxiǎng
  5. 基本の、未熟の; 原始 yuánshǐ

>Top <S>:

  1. saga
  2. schema; schemata
  3. scrutiny
  4. senescence
  5. silo effect
  6. sine qua non
  7. sojourn
  8. spigot
  9. stun


  1. a long story of heoic achievement
  2. a presentation of a plan or theory in the form of an outline or madel
  3. critical observation or examination
  4. condition or process of deterioration with aige
  5. in business, lack of communication and cross-departmental support often found in large companies
  6. an essential condition
  7. a temporary stay
  8. a small peg or plug of a cask; faucet; tap
  9. knock uncounscious or into a dazed state; <astonish


  1. 語りぐさ、武勇伝; 英雄传奇
  2. 図式、計画;
  3. 吟味、精査; 仔细观察 zǐxì guānchá
  4. 老境、老衰;
  5. 縦割り組織
  6. 必須条件; 必要条件 bìyào tiáojiàn
  7. 滞在、寄留; 逗留 dòuliú
  8. 樽の栓
  9. 気絶させる

>Top <T>:



>Top <U>:

  1. upshot
  2. usher


  1. final or eventual outcome
  2. a person who shows people to their seats


  1. 結末、終局、要点; 结局 jiéjú
  2. 案内役

>Top <V>:



>Top <W>:

  1. wildcatter
  2. workforce


  1. a prospector who sinks exploratory oil wells
  2. the people engaed in or availabe for work, either in a country or area


  1. 山師
  2. 労働力

>Top <X>:



>Top <Y>:



>Top <Z>:




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