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The Tale of the Heike (Resume)

Cat: HIS
Pub: 2012
#: 2205b

Royall Tyler


The Tale of the Heike (Resume)

平家物語 (抄)

  1. Introduction:
  2. The Jetavana Temple:
  3. The Night Attack in the Palace:
  4. Gio:
  5. Shishi-no-Tani:
  6. Stamping in Frenzy:
  7. The Battle on the Bridge:
  8. Moon Viewing:
  9. The Courier:
  10. The Fuji River:
  11. The Burning of Nara:
  12. Kogo:
  13. The Death of Kiyomori:
  14. The Gion Consort:
  15. Tadamori's Flight from the Capital:
  16. His Cloistered Eminence Appoints a Supreme Commander:
  17. Ikezuki:
  18. First Across the Uji River:
  19. The Death of Kiso:
  20. The Charge Down Hiyodori Ravine:
  21. The Death of Tadamori:
  22. The Death of Atsumori:
  23. Nasu-no-Yoichi:
  24. The Dropped Bow:
  25. The Battle at Dan-no-ura:
  26. The Drowing of Emperor Antoku:
  27. The Death of Noritsune:
  28. Koshigoe:
  29. The Great Earthquake:
  30. Yoshitsune's Flight:
  31. The Cloistered Emperor's Visit to Ohara:
  32. Passage Through the Six Realms:
  1. 序文:
  2. 祇園精舎(巻第一):
  3. 殿上闇討(巻第一):
  4. 祇王(巻第一):
  5. 鹿谷(巻第一):
  6. 足摺(巻第三):
  7. 橋合戦(巻第四):
  8. 月見(巻第五):
  9. 早馬(巻第五):
  10. 富士川(巻第五):
  11. 奈良炎上(巻第五):
  12. 小督(巻第六):
  13. 入道死去(巻第六)
  14. 祇園女御(巻第六):
  15. 忠度都落:
  16. 征夷大将軍院宣(巻第八):
  17. 生食:
  18. 宇治川先陣(巻第九):
  19. 木曽最後(巻第九):
  20. 坂落 (巻第九):
  21. 忠度最後(巻第九):
  22. 敦盛(巻第九):
  23. 扇的(巻第十一):
  24. 弓流(巻第十一):
  25. 壇浦合戦(巻第十一):
  26. 先帝身投(巻第十一):
  27. 能登最後(巻第十一):
  28. 腰越(巻第十一):
  29. 大地震(巻第十二):
  30. 判官都落(巻第十二):
  31. 大原御幸(潅頂巻):
  32. 六堂(潅頂巻):
; ; ; Chamberlain; Cloiistered Emperor; ; ; Privy gentlemen; ; Supreme Commander; Transience;

>Top 0. Introduction:

  • The Tale of the Heike - No work of Japan's classical literature influenced more pervasively the art, literature, and drama of later centuries, occurred in late 12c.
    • Awareness of transience, often cited as a governing theme in Japanese literature.
    • An educated writer and blind performer indicates an interplay between written and oral origins that is visible both in the character of surviving Heike texts.
    • religious institutions play a mjor rol in its story.
  • Translaed by Royall Tyler. Penguin Books.
    • Added the Family tree as appropriate.
    • Added the year when the incident occured.
    • Added several historical remarks below each chapter related the story.

0. 序文:

  • transience: 無常
  • spoken dialogue: speech 白声
  • recitative: recitative 朗読
  • aria in oratorio: song 歌
  • poignant: 感動的な
  • retired emperor's decree: 院宣
  • exoteric: 公開の ⇔esoteric 秘伝の
  • ravine: 峠
  • menci: dangerous
  • internecine: 相互破滅的な
  • 鎌倉時代に成立。平家の栄華と没落を描いた軍記物 *1
  • 作者は、信濃前司行長と言われ、1309年以前には成立。*2
  • 語り本系と読み本系がある。
  • 巻1-5 平家の栄華; 巻6-8 源氏の興隆; 巻9-12 義経の合戦・平家滅亡; 灌頂 後日譚
  • 徒然草226段: 信濃前司行長…この平家物語を作りて、生仏といひける盲目に教へて語らせけり。
  • 作成は、1205-1219の間か。新古今は1205、方丈記は1212に成立

>Top 1. The Jetavana Temple:

  • The Jetvana Temple bells ring the passing of all things. Twinned sal trees, white in full flower, declare the great man's certain fall. The arrogant do not long endure: They are like a dream one night in spring. The bold and brave perish in the end: They are as dust before the wind.
  • Far away in the Other Realm, Zhao Gao of Qin, Wang Mang of Han, Z̉hu Yi of Liang, Lushan of Tang spurned the governance established by their lords of old, by sovereigns past, sought pleasure and ignored all warnings, blind to ruin threatening the realm, deaf to the suffering people's cries. So it was that they did not last: Their lot was annihilation.
  • Closer to us here, in our own land, Masakado in the Shohei years, in the Tengyo era Sumitomo, during Kowa, Yoshichika, during Heiji, Nobuyori, each stood out in pride and velor, yet all still pale beside that man among us in the recent past: the novice monk of Rokuhara, former chancellor, his lordship Taira no Kiyomori, tales of whose deeds and ways surpass the imagination, exceed all that the tongue can tell.
  • What ancestry could this lord claim? He was the firstborn of Tadamori, lord of Justice; his grandfather Masamori, governor of Sanuki, looked nine generations back to a prince of the first rank: Kazurahara, lord of Ceremonial, the fifth son of Emperor Kanmu. That prince's offspring, Takami, died without holding rank or office. His son, known as Takamochi, first received the surname Taira with appointment as deputy to the governor of Kazusa. Imperial no more, he was a subject. Next, his son, Yoshimochi, the guardian of the Northern Marches, assumed a new name: Kunika. Six generations followed him, Kunika down to Masamori, living as provincial governors. None of them was ever granted listing as a privy gentleman.

1. 祇園精舎:(巻第一)

  • 祇園精舎の鐘の声、諸行無常の響あり。沙羅双樹の花の色、盛者必衰の理をあらはす。おごれる人も久しからず、ただ春の夜の夢のごとし。たけき者も遂にはには滅びぬ、ひとへに風の前の塵に同じ。
  • 遠く異朝をとぶらへば、秦の趙高、漢の王莽、梁の朱异、唐の禄山、これらはみな旧主先皇の政にも従はず、楽しみをきはめ、諌をも思ひ入れず、天下の乱れんことを悟らずして、民間の憂ふるところを知らざつしかば、久しからずして、亡じにし者どもなり。
  • 近く本朝をうかがふに、承平の将門、天慶の純友、康和の義親、平治の信頼、これらはおごれる心もたけきことも、みなとりどりにこそありしかども、まぢかくは六波羅の入道前の太政大臣平朝臣清盛公と申しし人のありさま、伝え承るこそ、心も詞も及ばれね。
  • その先祖を尋ぬれば、桓武天皇第五の皇子、一品式部卿葛原の親王九代の後胤、讃岐守正盛が孫、刑部卿忠盛の朝臣の嫡男なり。かの親王の御子、高見王、無官無位にしてうせ給ひぬ。その御子高望の王の時、始めて平の姓を給はって、上総の介になり給ひしより、忽ちに王氏を出でて人臣につらなる。その子鎮守府の将軍良望、後には国香とあらたむ。国香より正盛に至るまで、六代は諸国の受領たりしかども、殿上の仙籍をばいまだゆるされず。
  • 1167/2/11 平清盛太政大臣従一位

>Top 2. (1149) The Night Attack in the Palace:

  • …Sure enough, once the Gosechi Festivities were over, the privy gentlemen protested with one voice, "To appear at an imperial banquet equipped with a dagger or to frequent the palace with an armed attendant - such things are permitted only in conformity with rules and regulations. They require the emperor's express authorization. Lord Tadamori, however, joined the Gosechi company with a warrior in a plain hunting cloak, supposedly a hereditary retainer of his, posted in the small court beside the hall and with a dagger at his side. Both offenses are unprecedented, and each compounds the other. Leniency is out of the question."
  • He must be struck from the roaster at once and dismissed from his duties." The astonished retired emperor called Tadamori in for questioning. Tadamori respectfully replied, "As far as that man of mine is concerned, stationed to serve me in the small court, I never knew that he was there. But there have been rumors, lately, concerning a plot against my life; and he, being an old retainer, in all likelihood heard them, too, so that he acted to spare me shame without breathing a word to me. I could do nothing to stop him.
  • Shall I summon and deliver him to you, if he has erred? Then there is the dagger. I entrusted it to a palace lady. You might call for it and weigh the matter by considering whether or not it is real." His Eminence agreed. He called for the dagger and examined it: Scabbard and handle were no doubt black lacquer, but the blade was only silver foil over wood. "Keen to avoid threatened dishonor, he showed himself armed with a dagger, yet knew doing so might lead to charges, so prudently gave it a wooden blade. This was a stroke of genius! All those who in life wield bow and arrow should show equal sense in what they do. As for that man of his in the small court, that is what a warrior's man does. Tadamori has committed no offense." The retired emperor was so impressed that all talk of punishment ceased.

2. 殿上闇討:(巻第一)

  • privy gentlemen: 殿上人
  • leniency: 慈悲・寛容
  • …案の如く五節果てにしかば、殿上人一同に訴へ申されけるは、それ雄剣を帯して公宴に列し兵仗を賜はりて宮中を出入りするは、皆格式の礼を守る綸命由ある先規なり。然るを忠盛朝臣或いは、相伝の郎従と号して布衣の兵を殿上の小庭に召し置き或いは腰の刀を横へ差いて節会の座に列なる両条稀代未だ聞かざる狼藉なり。事既に重畳せり。罪科尤も遁れ難し。
  • 早く殿上の御札を削りて欠官停任せらるべき。由諸卿一同に訴へ申されければ、上皇大きに驚かせ給ひて忠盛を召して御尋ねあり陳じ申されけるは、まづ郎従小庭に伺候の由全く覚悟仕らず。但し近日人々相巧まるる旨子細あるかの間、年来の家人事を伝へ聞くかによつてその恥を助けんが為に忠盛には知らせずして、密かに参候の条力及ばざる次第なり。
  • もしその咎あるべくばかの身を召し進ずべきか。次に刀の事は主殿司に預け置き候ひ畢んぬ。召し出だされ刀の実否に付きて咎の左右あるべきかと申す。この儀尤も然るべし。とてかの刀を召し出でて叡覧あるに上は鞘巻の黒う塗つたりけるが、中は木刀に銀薄をぞ押したりける。当座の恥辱を遁れんが為に刀を帯する由顕すといへども、後日の訴訟を存じて木刀を帯したる用意のほどこそ神妙なれ。弓箭に携らんほどの者の謀は尤もかうこそあらまほしけれ。予てはまた郎従小庭に伺候の由、且つは武士の郎等の習ひなり。忠盛が咎にはあらず。とて却つて叡感に預かりし上は、敢へて罪科の沙汰はなかりけり。
  • 1131/3/13 平忠盛、得長寿院造進により昇殿

>Top 3. (1176?) Gio:

  • … Lord Kiyomori, who held in his hands the world within the four seas, dismissed censure, ignored mockery, and indulged every odd whim. For instance, two shirabyoshi dancers were then the talk of the town: Gio and Ginyo, daughters of the dancer Toji. Gio, the elder, was Kiyomori's favorite, so people prized Ginyo as well. He built Gio's mother a fine house and provided her monthly with rice in the amount of one hundred bushels and one hundred strings of cash. The household prospered and lived very comfortably.
  • In our land shirabyoshi dancing began in Emperor Toba's reign, long ago, when a pair of women, Shima no Senzai and Waka no Mai, first devised it. They wore in those days suikan robes; tall, black-lacquered hats; daggers silver-trimmed, hilt and scabbard; and called this dance of theirs "Manly Grace." But hat and dagger dropped out in time, leaving only the suikan robe; hence the current name: shirabyoshi.
  • Every shirabyoshi dancer in the capital learned of Gio's success. Some envied her, others were jealous. "Oh, she's lucky girl, that Gio Gozen!" the envious cried. "Who wouldn't want to be just like her? I know: The only reason she's done so well is that gi in her name. I'll use it, too!" One dubbed herself Giichi, another Gini, others Gifuku, Gitoku, and so on. "How cold anyone succeed on the mere strength of a name?" the jealous objected. "It all depends on the karma you bring from past lives." So many also ignored the gi.
  • This had been going on for three years when another famous shirabyoshi dancer appeared in the capital. She was from Kaga province, and her name was Hotoke. This was her sixteenth year. Everyone in the city, high or low, praised her to the skies. "There have always been plenty of shirabyoshi around," they kept saying, "but never one who could dance like this!"
  • Hotoke Gozen remarked, "Everyone everywhere has heard of me, but it is disappointing that Lord Kiyomori, who stands so high in the world these days, has not yet called me to his residence. I shall go there on my own, as entertainers do. I see no reason not to." So off she went to Nishi-Hachijo. "Your Excellency," they told him, "Hotoke Gozen is here. Everyone in the city knows her." "Here?" exclaimed Kiyomori. "She's an entertainer - she comes when called. The nerve of her, to turn up uninvited! Kami or hotoke, god or Buddha, she has no business appearing in Gio's presence. Send her away!"
  • Hotoke, bluntly dismissed, was leaving when Gio addressed her lord and master: "It is normal for any dancer to present herself uninvited. Besides, they say she is only a girl. Now that she has come so bravely, you are too harsh to order her gone. I would feel sorrow and shame for her! Her profession is mine. I understand. You need not have her dance or sing, but it would simply be a kindness at least to see her before she goes. Do please, this once, call her back." "Fine, fine," Kiyomori replied. "I'll get her back and ask her in, if you feel that strongly about it." He sent someone after her.
  • Hotoke Gozen was in her carriage, leaving after that sharp rebuff, when his summons reached her. She turned back and entered. He came forward to greet her. "I didn't mean to see you today," he said, "but for some reason Gio insisted, so in the end I humored her." Now that you're here, I might as well hear your voice. Sing me an imayo." "As you wish, my lord," she said. And she did.
    • "Seeing you, my lord, this way, as never before, a maiden pine feels the gift of a thousand years. On the Tortoise Island rock rising from your lake, cranes gather in flocks, it seems, for their own delight."
  • She sang the song through three times, amazing everyone who heard her. Lord Kiyomori seemed captivated. "You can certainly sing imayo! You must be quite a dancer, too. Dance for me, then! Get us a drummer!" She did him a dance to the beat of a drum.
  • Hotoke Gozen was a true beauty: her hair, her face, her lovely figure, her deliciously lilting voice. Her dancing could not have failed to please. By the time she had finished her dance - most unwillingly - Lord Kiyomori, entranced, could thing only of her. "I hardly know what to say, my lord," Hotoke pretested. "When I came, I did so unasked and was ordered to leave. Only Gio Gozen's intercession moved you to call me back. I blush to imagine her feelings if you keep me. Please allow me to withdraw." "Certainly not," answered Lord Kiyomori. "Does Gio being here bother you? Then Gio will have to go." "But, my lord," said Hotoke, "how could you? It would be painful enough if you were to keep me here with her, but I hate to imagine her opinion of me if you keep me alone. If you do not forget me, my lord, then I will come again when you call. But today," she pleaded, "I bet to go." He answered, "You will do no such thing. Gio, leave immediately!" He had her brought this order three times.…
  • …"What? Hotoke Gozen? Am I dreaming? Is this real? Hotoke fought back her tears. "It may shock you to hear all this," she answered, "but it would be wrong of me not to tell you. So here is the whole story. It was entirely my idea to present myself at Lord Kiyomori's residence and when I did, I was ordered to leave. Only your intervention convinced him to call me back. We women can so seldom follow our wishes! I wanted to leave, but he made me stay. I hated it. And the one day he got you back, and you sang an imayo. That brought it all home to me: One day the same would happen to me. I did not like that at all. And then there was the poem you left on the sliding door, the one that said
    • 'destined, every one, to feel the withering touch of fall.'
  • I knew you were right. I did not know where you had gone, but I envied you, once I heard that you had all become nuns together. I kept asking for leave to go, but he always refused. Reflection reveals worldly glory for what it is: a dram in a dram. Pleasure and riches are vanity. Human birth is a rare privilege; so, too, hearing the Buddha's Teaching. Should I now fall to the pit of hell, no aeons of lives might raise me again; nor can youth save me, for many die young, and breathing out never assures that the breath will pass in again. Summer heat shimmer, a flash of lightning: Life vanishes still more swiftly. I could not bear to ignore the life to come just for the sake of a moment's pleasure; so this morning I stole away, to come to you as you see me now." She slipped the robe form over her head, and there she was: already a nun."

3. 祇王:(巻第一)

  • 入道は相国一天四海を掌の内に握り給ひし上は世の謗りをも憚らず人の嘲りをも返り見ず不思議の事をのみし給へり。たとへばその比都に聞えたる白拍子の上手妓王妓女とておとといあり。刀自といふ白拍子の娘なり。然るに姉の妓王をば入道相国寵愛せられけり。これによりて妹の妓女をも世の人もてなす事斜めならず。母刀自にもよき屋造つて取らせ毎月百石百貫を送られければ家内富貴して楽しい事斜めならず。
  • 抑も我が朝に白拍子の始まりける事は昔鳥羽院の御宇に島千歳和歌前彼等二人が舞ひ出だしたりけるなり。初めは水干に立烏帽子白鞘巻を差いて舞ひければ男舞とぞ申しける。然るを中比より烏帽子刀を除けられ水干ばかりを用ひたり。さてこそ白拍子とは名付けけれ。
  • 京中の白拍子共妓王が幸のめでたきやうを聞きて羨む者もあり嫉む者もありけり。羨む者は、あなめでたの妓王御前の幸やな、同じ遊女とならば誰も皆あのやうでこそありたけれ。いかさまこれは妓といふ文字を名に付けてかくはめでたきやらん。いざ我等もついてみん、とて或いは妓一と付き妓二と付き或いは祗福祗徳などいふ者もありけり。嫉む者は、何条名により文字には依るべき。幸はただ前世の生れ付きでこそあるなれ、とて付かぬ者も多かりけり。
  • かくて三年と申すに都にまた白拍子の上手一人出で来たり。加賀国の者なり。名をば仏とぞ申しける。年十六とぞ聞えし。昔より多くの白拍子共はありしかどもかかる舞は未だ見ず、とて京中の上下もてなす事斜めならず。
  • ある時仏御前申しけるは、我天下に聞えたれども当時さしもめでたう栄えさせ給ふ西八条殿へ召されぬ事こそ本意なけれ。遊び者の習ひ何かは苦しかるべき。推参して見ん、とてある時西八条殿へぞ参りたる。人参りて、当時都に聞え候ふ仏御前こそ参りて候ふ、と申しければ入道、何条さやうの遊び者は人の召しに随ひてこそ参れ。左右なう推参するやうやある。その上神ともいへ仏ともいへ祇王があらん所へはいかにも叶ふまじい。疾う疾う罷り出でよ、とぞ宣ひける。
  • 仏御前はすげなう云はれ奉りて既に出でんとしけるを祇王入道殿に申しけるは、遊び者の推参は常の習にてこそ候へ。その上年も未だ幼う候ふなるがたまたま思ひ立ちて参りて候ふをすげなう仰せられて返させ給はん事こそ不便なれ。いかばかり恥づかしうかたはら痛くも候ふらん。我が立てし道なれば人の上とも覚えず。たとひ舞を御覧じ歌を聞し召さずとも御対面ばかりはなじかは苦しう候ふべき。ただ理を枉げて召し返し御対面ありて返させ給はば有難き御情でこそ候はんずらめ、と申しければ入道、いでいで和御前があまりに云ふ事なれば見参して返さん、とて御使を立てて召されけり。
  • 仏御前はすげなう云はれ奉りて車に乗りて既に出でんとしけるが召されて帰り参りたり。入道やがて出会ひ対面ありて、今日の見参はあるまじかりつるを妓王が何と思ふやらんあまりに申し進むる間見参はしつ、見参するほどではいかでか声をも聞かであるべき。まづ今様一つ歌へかし、と宣へば仏御前、承り候ふ、とて今様一つぞ歌ふたる。
    • 君を初めて見る折は千代も経ぬべし姫小松
  • と押し返し押し返し三遍歌ひ澄ましけれ。見聞の人々皆耳目を驚かす。入道も面白げに思ひ給ひて、和御前は今様は上手でありけり。この定では舞も定めてよかるらん。一番見ばや、鼓打召せ、とて召されけり。打たせて一番舞ふたりけり。
  • 仏御前は髪姿より始めて眉目形世に勝れ声よく節も上手なりければなじかは舞も損ずべき。心も及ばず舞ひ澄ましたりければ入道相国舞に愛で給ひて仏に心を移されたり。仏御前、こはされば何事候ふぞや。もとよりわらはは推参の者にて出だされ参らせ候ひしを妓王御前の申し諚によつてこそ召し返されても候へ。かやうに召し置かれなば妓王御前の思ひ給はん心の内は恥づかしう侍るべし。早々暇給ひて出ださせおはしませ、と申しければ入道、すべてその儀あさまし。妓王があるを憚るか。その儀ならば妓王をこそ出ださめ。それまたいかでかさる事候ふべき。諸共に召し置かれんだにも心憂く候ふべきに妓王御前を出ださせ参らせてわらはが一人召し置かれなばいとど心憂く候ふべし。自づから後まで忘れぬ御事ならば召されてまたは参るとも今日は暇を給はらん、とぞ申しける。入道、何条その儀あるべき。ただ妓王を出ださめとて、疾う疾う罷り出でよ、と御使重ねて三度までこそ立てられけれ…。
  • …妓王、あれはいかに、仏御前と見奉るは夢かや現か、と云ひければ仏御前涙を押さへて、かやうの事申せば事新しう候へども申さずばまた思ひ知らぬ身ともなりぬべければ始めよりして申すなり。もとよりわらはは推参の者にて出だされ参らせ候ひしを妓王御前の申諚によつてこそ召し返されても候ふに女の云ふかひなき事我が身を心に任せずして押し留められ参らせし事心憂くこそ侍りしか。和御前の出だされ給ひしを見しに付けてもいつかまた我が身の上と思ひて嬉しとは更に思はず。障子にまた
    • いづれか秋にあはではつべき、と書き置き給ひし筆の跡げにもと思ひ侍りしぞや。
  • その後は御行方を何処とも知り参らせざりつるがかやうに一所にと承りて後はあまりに羨ましくて常には暇を申ししかども入道殿更に御用ひましまさず。つくづくものを案ずるに娑婆の栄花は夢の夢、楽しみ栄えて何かせん。人身受け難く仏教には遇ひ難し。この度泥梨に沈みなば多生広劫をば隔つとも浮かび上らん事難し。年の若きを頼むべきにあらず。老少不定の境なり。出づる息入るをも待つべからず。陽炎稲妻よりもなほはかなし。一旦の楽しみに誇りて後世を知らざらん事の悲しさに今朝紛れ出でてかくなりてこそ参りたれ、とて被いたる衣をうち退けたるを見れば尼に成りてぞ出で来たる。

>Top 4. (1177) Shishi-no-tani:

  • Shishi-no-tani, a ravine below the Eastern Hills, runs at the back into Miidera land. It makes a perfect fortress. The prelate Shunkan had a villa there, and there the conspirators met regularly, to plot the downfall of the Heike. Once Cloistered Emperor Go-Shirakawa himself made a progress to the villa, accompanied by the monk Joken, a son of the late minor counselor Shinzei.`
  • His Cloistered Eminence mentioned the subject to Joken that night at the drinking party. Joken was horrified. "How appalling!" he cried. "A lot of people know about it already, and there will be very big trouble if it gets out."
  • Narichika paled and rose abruptly to his feet. The sleeve of his hunting cloak caught the wine jar that stood before the sovereign and knocked it over. "What does that mean>" Go-Shirakawa asked. Narichika shot back, "Down go the Heike!" His Eminence laughed aloud. "Come up here, each one of you," he called. "Come up and entertain us! "
  • The police lieutenant Yasuyori responded first. "Ah, these wine jars!" he complained. "There are too many, and I'm so drunk!"
    "What are we going to do about it?" asked Shunkan.
    "There's nothing like taking heads!" the monk Saiko answered. He knocked the head off a wine jar and vanished into an inner room.
    Joken remained speechless with shock. The whole thing was terrifying.
  • Who were they, then, these conspirators?
    The Omi captain and novice monk Renjo, in lay life known as Narimasa; Shunkan, the superintendent of Hosshoji; Mokokane, the governor of Yamashiro; Masatsuna, from the Bureau of Ceremonial; police lieutenants Yasuyori, Nobufusa, Sukeyuki; the chamberlain Yukitsuna, of the Settsu Genji; and many others beside them, all members of the cloistered emperor's guard.

4. 鹿谷:(巻第一)

  • …東山のふもと鹿の谷といふ所は、後ろは三井寺に続いてゆゆしき城郭にてぞありける。俊寛僧都の山荘あり。かれに常は寄り合い寄り合い平家滅ぼさんずるはかりことをぞめぐらしける。
  • あるとき法皇も御幸なる。故少納言信西が子息、浄憲法印御供つかまつる。その夜の酒宴に、この由を浄憲法印に仰せ合はせられければ、「あなあさまし。人あまた承り候ひぬ。ただ今もれ聞こえて、天下の大事に及び候ひなんず。」と大きに騒ぎ申しければ、新大納言けしき変はりて、さつと立たれけるが、御前に候ひける瓶子を狩衣の袖にかけて引き倒されたりけるを、法皇、「平氏倒れ候ひぬ。」とぞ申されける。法皇ゑつぼに入らせおはして、「者ども参って猿楽つかまつれ。」と仰せければ
  • 平判官康頼参りて、「ああ、あまりに、平氏の多う候ふに、もて酔ひて候ふ。」と申す。俊寛僧都、「さてそれをばいかがつかまつらんずる。」とて、瓶子の首をとってぞ入りにける。浄憲法印あまりのあさましさにつやつやもの申されず。かへすがへすも恐ろしかりしことどもなり。与力のともがらたれたれぞ。
  • 近江中将入道蓮浄、俗名成正、法勝寺執行俊寛僧都、山城守基兼、式部大輔雅綱、平判官康頼、宗判官信房、新平判官資行、摂津の国の源氏、多田蔵人行綱をはじめとして、北面のともがら多く与力したりけり。
  • 1177/6/1 鹿ヶ谷の平家打倒の陰謀事件。冤罪の可能性? 重盛は白山事件
  • 1179/8/1没、頼盛も妻の兄弟が俊寛で衰退。1179/11/20 後白河幽閉)

>Top 5 . (1178) Stamping in Frenzy:

  • Lord Kiyomori's envoy was one Motoyasu, a junior officer in the Left Gate Watch. He disembarked and shouted over and over again, "Exiles from the capital, Tanba Lieutenant Naritsune, Hosshoji Superintendent Shunkan, Taira Police Lieutenant and Novice Yasunori: Are you here?" Naritsune and Yasunori were off on their regular Kumano pilgrimage. Only Shunkan was nearby to hear him.
    "I'm so desperate, I must be dreaming," he said to himself.
    "Either that or the demons from the realm of desire have driven me mad. No, this can't be real!" In blind haste, half running, half falling, he raced to present himself before the envoy.
    "What do you want?" he cried. "Yes, I am Shunkan, in exile here from the capital!"
    An assistant, who carried Lord Kiyomori's writ of pardon in a purse around his neck, took the document out and gave it to him. Shunkan unfolded it. He read:
    • "Exile has redeemed your great crime. Hasten now, dispose yourselves to return to the capital. In connection with solemn prayers for the empress's coming birth, a special amnesty is proclaimed. The Kikai-ga-shima exiles, Naritsune and Yasuyori, are therefore pardoned." that was all. The document said nothing else: Of the name Shunkan not a trace. It must be on the wrapper, then! He looked: But no, it was not there. He read backward, from the end, he read forward, from the beginning, but the writ bore only two names. It said nothing about a third.
  • Soon Naritsune and Yasuyori arrived. Naritsune went over the writ himself, then Yasuyori dis the same; and still it listed just two names, with never a sign of the third. In dream, yes, this might happen, but this was no dream. It was real. In the way of reality, though, it made a more convincing dram. Not only that, but many letters had arrived from the capital addressed to the two gentlemen named; for Shunkan, though, nary a one to inquire how he was getting on. So, he reflected, everyone I might have counted as family has left the capital for good! The thought was utter agony.
    • "Why, all three of us," he cried, "share guilt for a single crime! All three suffered banishment together. Why is it, then, that amnesty call back only two of us and leaves one behind, alone? Have the Heike forgotten me? Was it a mere slip of the brush? What can possibly have happened?" He cast his gaze to the heavens, lay prostrate on the earth, weeping, wailing, all in vain.

5. 足摺:(巻第三)

  • 御使ひは丹左衛門尉基康といふ者なし。船より上がって、「これに都より流されたまひし丹波少将殿、法勝寺執行御房、平判官入道殿やおはする。」と声々にぞ尋ねける。二人の人々は例の熊野詣してなかりけり。俊寛一人残ったりけるが、これを聞き、「あまりに思へば夢やらん。また天魔波旬の、わが心をたぶらかさんとて言ふやらん。うつつとも覚えぬものかな。」とてあわてふためき、走るともなく、倒れるともなく急ぎ御使ひの前に走り向かひ、「何ごとぞ。これこそ京より流されたる俊寛よ。」と名のりたまへば、雑色が首に掛けさせたる文袋より、入道相国の赦し文取り出だいて奉る。開いて見れば、
    • 「重科は遠流に免ず。早く帰洛の思ひをなすべし。中宮御産の御祈りによって、非常の赦行なはる。しかるあひだ鬼界が島の流人、少将成経、康頼法師、赦免。」とばかり書かれていて、俊寛といふ文字はなし。礼紙にぞあるらんとて、礼紙を見るにも見えず。奥より端へ読み、端より奥へ読みけれども、二人とばかり書かれて、三人とは書かれず。
  • さるほどに少将や判官入道も出で来たり。少将の取って読むにも、康頼入道が読みけるにも、二人とばかり書かれて、三人とは書かざりけり。夢にこそかかることはあれ、夢かと思ひなさんとすればうつつなり。うつつかと思へばまた夢のごとし。そのうへ二人の人々のもとへは、都より言づけ文どもいくらもありけれども、俊寛僧都のもとへは、事問ふ文一つもなし。
    • 「そもそもわれら三人は罪も同じ罪、配所も一つ所なり。いかなれば赦免の時、二人は召し返されて、一人ここに残るべき。平家の思ひ忘れかや、執筆の誤りか。こはいかにしつることどもぞや。」と天に仰ぎ、地に伏して泣き悲しめどもかひぞなき。
  • 1177 藤原成経、平康頼と共に鬼界ヶ島へは衣類
  • 俊寛僧都 (1143-1179) 村上源氏出身、母は源国政の娘。姉妹に大納言局 (平頼盛の妻)

>Top 6. (1180) The Battle on the Bridge:

  • The spectacle moved the corps commander Tadakiyo to appeal to his chiefs. "Just look at that!" he said. "Look at the fierce fight on the bridge! we really should cross, but what with the fifth-month rains, the river is rising. Any attempt to ford it and we will lose many men and horses. We might instead go around by Yodo or Imoarai, or by the Kawachi road."
    At these words a man from the province of Shimotsuke, Ashikaga no Matataro Tadatsuna, stepped forward to reply,
    • "Yodo, Imoarai, you say? The Kawachi road? Are we to go hunting first for reinforcements off in India or China? No, it is up to us to fight now! There is the enemy, right there in front of us. If we do not strike now and he gets into Nara, the Yoshino and Totsugawa men will rush to join him. Then we will be in real trouble.
      A big river, the Tone, runs between Musashi and Kozuke. the Chichibu clan and the Ashikaga were feuding and forever at war when the main Ashikaga force once moved to attack across the Naggi ford, while the rear guard was to cross at Koga and Sugi. the Nitta Novice, a Kozuke man, had thrown in his lot with the Ashikaga and positioned boats at the Sugi crossing, but the Chichibu had destroyed them all. 'We warriors will never live it down if we don't get across right here, right now!" That is how everyone felt. 'If we all drown, so be it! Here we go!' And we did get across, by making horse rafts. that is the way we are, we fighting men of the east. With the enemy in sight on the far side of a river, no deeps or rapids can stop us. And the river that we see her -0 is it really deeper or faster than the Tone River I spoke of? I doubt that very much indeed. Follow me, then, gentlemen!"
  • He rode straight into the water, and after him Ogo, Omura, Fukazu and Yamagami, Naha no Taro, Sanuki no Hirotsuna, Onodera no Zenji Taro, Heyako no Shiro, and besides, a host of their trusted men: Ubukata no Jiro, Kiriu no Rokuro, Tanaka no Soda, and so on - in all, three hundred riders.
    • Ashikaga shouted in a great voice, "Keep the stronger horses upstream, the weaker ones below them! As long as their hooves touch bottom, keep a slack rein. Tighten the reins to make them swept once they loose footing. Give anyone in danger of being swept away a bow tip to hang on to. Link arms and cross shoulder to shoulder. Get a firm seat in your saddle and pres your feet onto the stirrups. If your horse's head goes under, pull it back up, but not too far. If water threatens to overwhelm you, slip back onto the rump. Relieve your horse of your weight as much as you can - let the water bear it. Do no shoot arrows from the river. Ignore any from the enemy. Keep your neck plate toward them. Never bend too far forward, lest you expose the crown of your helmet and take an arrow there. Head directly across the current, at a right angle. Do not let it carry you off, but also do not fight it. Now, get on over there! Just go!" So instructed, the three hundred crossed swiftly to the far bank and lost not one man.

6. 橋合戦:(巻第四)

  • …これを見て、平家の方の侍大将上総守忠清大将軍の御前に参って、「あれご覧候へ。橋の上のいくさ、手痛う候ふ。今は川を渡すべきで候ふが、をりふし五月雨のころで、水まさって候ふ。渡さば馬・人多く失せ候ひなんず。淀・一口へや向かふ候ふべき、河内路へや回り候ふべき。」と申すところに、下野の国の住人足利又太郎忠綱、進み出でて申しけるは、「淀・一口・河内路をば、天竺・震旦の武士を召して向けられ候はんずるか。それもわれらこそむかひ候はんずれ。目にかけたる敵を討たずして、南都へ入れ参らせ候ひなば、吉野・十津川の勢ども馳せ集まりて、いよいよ御大事でこそ候はんずらめ。武蔵と上野の境に利根川と申し候ふ大河候ふ。秩父、足利、仲たがひ、常は合戦をし候ひしに、大手は長井の渡り、搦手は故我杉の渡りより寄せ候ひしに、上野の国の住人新田入道、足利に語らはれて杉の渡しよりよせんとてもうけたる舟どもを、秩父が方よりみなわられて、申し候ひしは、『ただいまここを渡さずは、ながき弓矢のきずなるべし。水におぼれて死ななば死ね。いざ渡さん。』とて、馬いかだを作って渡せばこそ渡しけめ。坂東武者の習ひとして、敵を目にかけ、川を隔つるいくさに淵瀬きらふやうやある。この川の深さ・速さ、利根川にいくほどの劣りまさりはよもあらじ。続けや殿ばら。」とて、まっ先にこそ打ち入れたれ。続く人ども、大胡・大室・深須・山上・那和太郎・佐貫広綱四郎太夫・小野寺禅師太郎・辺屋子四郎・郎等には、宇夫方次郎・切生六郎・田中宗太をはじめとして、三百余騎ぞ続きける。足利、大音声をあげて、「強き馬をば上手に立てよ、弱き馬をば下手になせ。馬の足の及ばうほどは、手綱をくれて歩ませよ。はづまば掻い繰つて泳がせよ。さがらう者をば、弓のはずに取りつかせよ。手を取り組み、肩を並べて渡すべし。鞍壺によく乗り定まつて、鐙を強う踏め。馬のかしら沈まば、引き上げよ。いたう引いて、引つかづくな。水しとまば、三頭の上に乗りかかれ。馬には弱う、水には強う当たるべし。川中で弓引くな。敵射るとも、相引きすな、常に錏をかたぶけよ。いたう傾けて天辺射さすな。かねに渡いて押し落とさるな。水にしなうて渡せや渡せ。」と掟てて、三百余騎、一騎も流さず、向かひの岸へさっと渡す。
  • 1179/11/20 清盛、後白河法皇を幽閉
  • 1180/5/15 清盛、以仁王を土佐配流すべく御所攻撃
  • 1180/5/23 平家2万騎にて平等院攻撃。頼政自害、以仁王戦死。
  • 1180/9/18 頼朝追討軍、福原出立。大将維盛、副将忠度、侍大将忠清以下3万騎兵
  • 1180/11/13 福原新内裏造営。
  • 1180/12/28 重盛・通盛、4万騎にて東大寺・興福寺焼討

>Top 7. (1180) Moon Viewing:

  • …Load Sanesada's longing thoughts went to the moon of the old capital, and past the tenth of the eighth month he journeyed there from Fukuhara. He found the city wholly changed. Only rare houses were still standing, rank weeds clustered before their gates, dews heavy on neglected gardens. wormwood groves, wastes of scrubby weeds offered shelter only to birds or to crickets, plaintively singing where wildflowers dotted the field: gold, tiny chrysanthemums; mauve, nodding thoroughwort. One remaining spark from bygone days, the empress mother, lived even now by the Kamo River, at Konoe. Lord Sanesada went to see her. He had a man knock at the main gate. At this, from within, a woman cried, "Who is it, requesting admittance where now no caller ever comes to brush dew from the wormwood fronds?"
    ”Commander Sanesada is here from Fukuhara.,” the man answered. "The main gate is locked," she replied. "Come in through the small one to the east." Sanesada assented and did so.
  • Having little to occupy her time, the empress mother, perhaps from a wish to recapture old memories, had had her southern shutters thrown open and, when Sanesada arrived, was playing the biwa. "Is this a dream," she exclaimed, "or are you real? Come in! Come in!"
    In the Uji chapters of Genji, one of the Eighth Prince's daughters, sorry to bid autumn farewell, tunes her biwa and all night long plays to ease her unhappiness. At dawn, then, with the moon in the sky, perhaps in the end overcome, she beckons to it with the plectrum: a mood now easy to understand.
  • One of this lady's gentlewomen, Kojiju, had gained the nickname "Wait-All-Evening," because she replied to her mistress once, when asked, "Waiting all evening, and in the morning watching him go - which of the two do you find more intensely moving?:
    • Waiting all evening, while interminable hours pass, to booming bells: How could cockcrow in the morning when he leaves compare with that?
      This was the poem that earned her her nickname.
  • Lord Sansada call the gentlewomen in to chat about past and present, and late that night he made this imayho song on the decline of the old city:
    • To the ancient capital I return, to see a spreading wasteland of weeds, and desolation.
      The moon, shining in the sky, reveals all below, and only the autumn wind blows piercingly chill.
  • Thee time he sang the song over, very beautifully, and the ladies, empress and gentlewomen alike, moistened their sleeves with tears. Meanwhile night was turning to day. He bade them farewell and once more set off to Fukuhara.
    Summoning one of the chamberlains in his entourage, he said, "Kojiju looked utterly heartbroken. Go back to her, then, and give her from me whatever message comes to mind." The man ran back to the residence and, with every mark of respect, announced that his lord wished him to say:
    • How cold it compare? you apparently once asked, speaking of cockcrow. What about ii this morning makes you then so specially sad?
    • Kojiju replied, struggling not to weep,
      Waiting certainly weighs when long hours go by, marked by booming bells, but cockcrow can break your heart when it hurts to let him go.
  • >Top The chamberlain returned to his lord and reported his exchange with her. "Yes," his lord said, "that's why I sent you." Sanesada was deeply impressed. After that the man came to be called "Chamberlain Can't Compare."

7. 月見:(巻第五)

  • pectrum: 撥
  • chamberlain: 蔵人
  • …その中にも徳大寺左大将実定卿は、古き都の月を恋ひて、八月十日余りに、福原よりぞ上りたまふ。何事も皆変はり果てて、まれに残る家は、門前草深くして庭上露しげし。蓬が杣、浅茅が原、鳥のふしどと荒れ果てて、虫の声々恨みつつ、黄菊・紫蘭の野べとぞなりにける。故郷のなごりとては、近衛河原の大宮ばかりぞましましける。大将、その御所に参って、まづ随身に総門をたたかせらるるに、内より女の声して、「たそや、蓬生の露打ち払ふ人もなき所に。」ととがむれば、「福原より大将殿の御参り候ふ。」と申す。「総門は鍵のさされてさぶらふぞ。東面の小門より入らせたまへ。」と申しければ、大将さらばとて、東の門より参られけり。
  • 大宮は御つれづれに、昔をやおぼしめしいでさせたまひけん、南面の御格子上げさせて、御琵琶あそばされけるところに、大将まいられたりければ、「いかに夢かうつつか。これへこれへ。」とぞ仰せける。源氏の宇治の巻には、うばそくの宮の御娘、秋のなごりを惜しみ、琵琶を調めて夜もすがら心をすましたまひしに、有明の月のいでけるを、なほ堪へずやおぼしけん、撥にて招きたまひけんも、今こそ思ひ知られけれ。
  • 待宵の小侍従といふ女房も、この御所にぞ候ひける。この女房を待宵と申しけることは、ある時御所にて「待つ宵、帰る朝いづれか、あはれはまされる。」と御尋ねありければ、
    • 待つ宵のふけゆく鐘の声聞けば帰る朝の鳥はものかはとよみたりけるによってこそ、待宵とは召されけれ。
  • 大将、かの女房をよびいだし、昔今の物語して、小夜もやうやうふけゆけば、古き都の荒れゆくを、今様にころ歌はれけれ。
    • 古き都を来て見れば浅茅が原とぞ荒れにける
  • さるほどに夜も明けければ、大将いとま申して、福原へこそ帰られけれ。御供に候ふ蔵人を召して、「侍従があまりなごり惜しげに思ひたるに、汝帰って、なにとも言ひてこよ。」と仰せければ、蔵人走り帰つて、「かしこまり、『申せ。』と候ふ。」とて、
    • ものかはと君が言ひけん鳥の音のけさしもなどか悲しかるらん
    • 女房、涙を押へて、
  • 蔵人帰り参って、この由申したりければ、「さればこそ、汝をばつかはしつれ。」とて、大将大きに感ぜられけり。それよりして、ものかはの蔵人とはいはれけれ。

>Top 8. (1180) The Courier:

  • On the second of the ninth month, Oba no Saburo Kagechika, a man from Sagami province, set a courier to Fukuhara with this message: "The past eighth month, on the seventeenth, Yoritomo, the Izu exile, once of the Right Watch, sent his farther-in-law, Hojo Tokimasa, to strike under cover of darkness the province's deputy governor, Izumi Kanetaka, at Yamaki, his home. Kanetaka was killed.
  • Next, Doi, Tsuchiya, and Okazaki, with more than three hundred riders holed up at Mount Ishibashi. I myself led a force of a thousand - all, as I knew, Heike loyalists - to attack them there, and soon enough we reduced them to half a dozen around Yoritomo himself, who, after putting up fierce resistance, fled for refuge to Sugiyama. Then Hatakeyama joined us, with over five hundred men of his own, while Miura Yoshiaki's sons added three hundred mounted men to the strength mustered by the Ge3nji. The two sides clashed along the shore, there between Yui and Kotsubo. Hatakayama, defeated in battle, fell back to Musashi province. His next move was, with his whole clan - the Kawagoe, Inage, Edo, Kasai, Oyamada, and seven more warrior leagues, in all over three thousand men - to attack the Miura fortress of Kinugasa. Miura Yoshiaki was killed. All of his sons fled from Kurihama, by sea, to Awa and Kazusa."

8. 早馬:(巻第五)

  • さるほどに同じき九月二日相摸国の住人大庭三郎景親福原へ早馬を以て申しけるは、去んぬる八月十七日伊豆国の流人前右兵衛佐頼朝舅北条四郎時政を遣はして伊豆国の目代和泉判官兼高を八牧の館にて夜討に討ち候ひぬ。
  • その後土肥土屋岡崎を始めとして三百余騎石橋山に楯籠つて候ふ処を景親御方に志を存ずる者共一千余騎を引率して押し寄せて攻め候へば兵衛佐僅かに七八騎に討ち成され大童に戦ひなつて土肥の杉山へ逃げ籠り候ひぬ。畠山五百余騎で御方を仕る。三浦大介が子共三百余騎で源氏方して湯井小坪浦で攻め戦ふ。畠山軍に負けて武蔵国へ引き退く。その後畠山が一族河越稲毛小山田江戸葛西惣じて七党の兵共悉く起り合ひ都合その勢三千余騎三浦衣笠の城に押し寄せて一日一夜攻め候ひしほどに大介討たれ候ひぬ。子共は皆九里浜浦より船に乗つて安房上総へ渡り候ぬ、とこそ人申しけれ。
  • 1159 平治の乱
  • 1180/8/17 頼朝, 伊豆韮山で挙兵; 八木兼隆を夜襲

>Top 9. (1180) The Battle at Fujikawa:

  • …Tadakiyo returned it. "How many men does Yoritomo have?" he asked. "I have been on the road eight or nine days," the fellow replied, "and the whole time I have seen armed men everywhere. Moor and mountain, rivers and seas swarm with them. I can count up to a few hundred, or perhaps to a thousand, but beyond that I am lost. Whether there are many or few, I have no idea. But yesterday at the Kise River, I heard someone say that the Genji have two hundred thousand mounted men." "Ah!" Tadakiyo exclaimed. "How I wish our supreme commander, Lord Munemori, had taken less time to act. Had he sent off the punitive force just one day earlier, we would have been over Ashigara by now and into the eight provinces, where the Hatakeyama men and the Oba brothers would undoubtedly have joined us. With them on our side, not a leaf nor a blade of grass in the Kanto would have failed to bow before us." But his bitter regret did nothing to remedy the situation.
  • Commander Koremori summoned Saito Sanemori from Nagai in Musashi, to receive advice from him on the men of the east. "Tell me, Sanemori," he said, "how many of their bowmen can match your strength? " Sanemori smiled ruefully. "So, my lord," he replied, "you think I shoot a long arrow? Mine are only thirteen handbreadths long. Any number of them can do that. No one known as a powerful archer shoots an arrow less than fifteen hands long. And the bow, too - a strong man shoots one that it takes five or six to string. An arrow from such a bowman can pierce a double or triple suit of armor. And the smallest of their local lords commands at least five hundred riders. Once in the saddle, those men never fall, nor do they let their horses fall, galloping through the roughest terrain. Should a father or son be killed in battle, they ride straight over the body to fight on.
  • The way war is fought in the provinces of the west, when a warrior's father falls, he gives him a proper funeral and mourns him; only then does he fight again. Should the fallen be his son, his grief removes him from combat. When the troops' rice stores give out, they till the fields in spring, harvest the crop in autumn, and only then resume their campaign. Summer is too hot for them, and winter too cold. Things are no like that in the east. The Genji of Kai and Shinano know the terrain well. They will probably come up on our rear around the lower slopes of Mount Fuji. You may imagine, my lord, that I speak this way only to alarm you, but not so. As they say, what matters in war is less numbers than strategy. For myself, I do not expect to survive this campaign and return to the capital." The listening Heike warriors shook with fear.
  • Then came the twenty-third of the tenth month. The initial exchange of arrows between the Heike and the Genji was to take place the very next morning, there beside the Fuji River. Night fell. Looking out toward the Genji positions, the Heike saw cooking fires lit by peasants from Izu and Suruga, peasants who for fear of battle had fled either into the wilds or onto boats now riding on the river or out at sea. "Oh, no! Look at all those Genji fires! the Heike warriors cried. "Moor and mountain, rivers and seas, yes - the enemy is everywhere. Oh, what are we to do?" They were terribly upset.
  • In the middle of that same night, something started the waterbirds that in colossal flocks frequented the Fuji marshes; suddenly all rose with a beating of wings like thunder or the roar of a storm "Haven help us!" the Heike cried. "Here come the Genji! He had it right, Sanemori, when th told us they'd be coming around at our rear. We can't let ourselves be surrounded! No, we have to escape from here and dig in at the Owari River and Sunomata!" With that they fled pell-mell - too fast even to grab their belonging. In the panic one took his bow but forgot his arrows, another his arrows but not the bow. Some jumped onto others' horses; some lost their own mounts the same way. Some leaped onto tethered steeds and rode endlessly around in circles. From nearby establishments they had called in, for their pleasure, courtesans and singing girls, whose desperate screams now rent the air, for some were having their heads kicked in, some their backs broken underfoot. The next morning, the twenty-fourth, at the hour of the hare, the Genji, a full two hundred thousand strong, bore down on the Fuji River and thrice raised their great battle cry. The heavens rang, and the earth shook.

9. 富士川:(巻第五)

  • …平家の方の侍大将上総守忠清、さて当時鎌倉に源氏の勢はいかほどあるとか聞く 、と問ひければ 、下臈は四五百千までこそ物の数をば知つて候へそれより上は知らぬ候ふ 。四五百千より多いやらう少ないやらうは知り候はず 、凡そ八日九日の道にはたと続いて野も山も海も河も武者で候ふ 。昨日木瀬川で人の申し候ひつるは源氏の御勢二十万騎とこそ申候ひつれ 、と申しければ上総守、あな心憂や 、大将軍の御心の延びさせ給ひたるほど口惜しかりける事はなし 。今一日も先に討手を下させ給ひたらば大庭兄弟畠山が一族などか参らで候ふべき 。これらだに参り候はば伊豆駿河の勢は皆従ひ付くべかりつるものを 、と後悔すれどもかひぞなき。
  • 大将軍権亮少将維盛坂東の案内者とて長井斎藤別当実盛を召して 、やや実盛汝ほどの射手八箇国にいかほどあるぞ 、と問ひ給へば斎藤別当嘲笑ひて 、さ候へば君は実盛を大矢と思し召され候ふにこそ 、僅かに十三束こそ仕り候へ 。実盛ほど射候ふ者は八箇国に幾らも候ふ 。坂東に大矢と申す定の者の十五束に劣つて引くは候はず 、弓の強さもしたたかなる者五六人して張り候ふ 。かやうの精兵共が射候へば鎧の二三両は容易う懸けて射通し候ふなり 。大名一人して五百騎に劣つて持つは候はず 、馬に乗つて落つる道を知らず悪所を馳せれど馬を倒さず 、軍はまた親も討たれよ子も討たれよ死ぬれば乗り越え乗り越え戦ふ候ふ。
  • 西国の軍と申すはすべてその儀候はず 。親討たれぬれば引き退き仏事供養し忌み明けて寄せ子討たれぬればその憂へ嘆きとて寄せ候はず 。兵糧米尽きぬれば春は田作り秋は刈り収めて寄せ夏は熱しと厭ひ冬は寒しと嫌ひ候ふ 。東国の軍と申すはすべてそのやう候はず 。甲斐信濃の源氏等案内は知りたり 。富士の裾より搦手へも廻り候はんずらん 。かやうに申せば大将軍の御心を臆させ参らせんと申すとや思し召され候ふらん 。その儀では候はず 。その故は今度の軍に命生きて二度都へ参るべしとも存じ候はず 。但し軍は勢の多少にはより候はず謀によるとこそ申し伝へて候へ 、と申しければこれを聞く兵共皆震ひ戦慄き合へり 。
  • さるほどに同じき十月二十四日の卯の刻に富士川にて源平の矢合せとぞ定めける 。漸う二十三日の夜に入つて平家の兵共源氏の陣を見渡せば伊豆駿河の人民百姓等は軍に恐れて或いは野に入り山に隠れ或いは舟にとり乗つて海河に浮かびたるが営みの火見えけるを平家の兵共 、げにも野も山も海も河も皆敵でありけり 。いかがせん 、とぞあきれける 。
  • その夜の夜半ばかり富士の沼に幾らもありける水鳥共が何にかは驚きたりけん一度にはつと立ちける 。羽音の雷大風などのやうに聞えければ平家の兵共 、あはや源氏の大勢の向こうたるは 、昨日斎藤別当が申しつるやうに甲斐信濃の裾より搦手へや廻り候ふらん 。取り籠められては敵ふまじ 。此処を落ちて尾張川洲俣を防げや 、とて取る物も取り敢へず我先にとぞ落ち行きける 。あまりに周章て騒いで弓取る者は矢を知らず矢取る者は弓を知らず 。我が馬は人に乗られ人の馬には我れ乗り或いは繋いだる馬に乗つて馳すれば杭を繞る事腹踏折限りなし 。その辺近き宿々より遊君遊女共召し集め遊び酒盛りけるが、或いは頭蹴破られ或いは腰踏み折られて喚き叫ぶ事夥し 。同じき二十四日の卯の刻に源氏二十万騎富士川に押し寄せて天も響き大地も揺るぐばかりに鬨をぞ三箇度作りける。
  • 1180/10/23 平維盛軍、富士川の合戦で敗走

>Top 10. (1181) The Burinig of Nara:

  • …Kiyomori got wind of all this. He could hardly approve. Anxious to put an end immediately to the turmoil in Nara, he appointed Seno-o no Taro Kaneyasu, from Bitchu, to the Yamato provincial police. Kaneyasu then set out for Nara with five hundred mounted men. "Whatever mayhem the monks threaten," their order said, "do not for any reason respond in kind. Wear no armor and carry no bows or arrows." the monks, however, knew nothing of that. They seized over sixty of Kaneyasu's men, one by one cut off their heads, and exposed them all in a row beside Sarusawa Pond. Kiyomori was furious. "Well then,"n he said, "attack Nara!" The commander was Lord Shigehira, his deputy Lord Michimori. The mounted force, over forty thousand strong, set out for the southern capital.
  • Seven thousand monks, the old with the young, bound on their helmets and, at two places, Narazaka and Hannyaji, dug a deep trench across the road, built a wall of shields and an abatis, and lay in wait. Meanwhile the Taira split their forty thousand in tow and rode down on these makeshift forts with deafening battle cries. The monks, all on foot, were armed with blades. The warriors galloped around and around the, harrying them one way, then another, showering them with volleys of arrows, killing countless defenders outright,. The two sides traded opening arrows at the hour of the hare and fought all day. That night both fortified positions, Narazaka and Hannyaji, fell.
  • One of the fleeing monks, a fierce fighter, was Saka no Shiro Yokaru. In prowess with sword or bow, in strength, no monk of the Seven Great Nara Temples or Fifteen Great Temples compared with him. Over close-fitting armor laced in green, he wore outer armor with black lacing. Five neck plates completed his helmet. One hand gripped a plain halberd shaft, the blade curved like a long grass frond, the other a great sword, the hilt balck-lacquered. With a dozen or so men from his lodge, he fought his way out the Tengai Gate, to stand fast awhile, scything down many enemies and their horses. But the attackers just kept coming, wave after wave, until the companions once at Yokaku's side were all dead. Boundless courage he certainly had, but with no one to cover his back, he fled southward at great speed. They were fighting at night now.
  • It was pitch dark. Shigehira, the Heike commander, stood at the gat4e of Hannyaji. "Start a fire," he ordered. One Tomokata, an estate official from Fukui in Harima, promptly split a shield to make a torch and set fire to a local's house. The was the night of the twenty-eighth of the twelfth month. A strong wind was blowing, and its erratic guests soon carried the fire, originally sprung from a single source, to many temples.
  • Those monks who felt shame and wished to be well remembered had already met death at Narazaka or Hanyaji. Others, who could still walk, had fled for Yoshino and Totsugawa. Ancient monks unable to walk, great scholars, cherished acolytes, women and children had fled pell-mell into the grounds of Kofukuji. At Tokdaiji over a thousand people climbed to the second floor of the Great Buddha Hall and, lest the enemy follow them there, took up the ladders. Devouring fire swept straight into their huddled mass. Sinners burning in bottomless hell never uttered such hideous creams.
  • Kofukuji, founded by Lord Tankai, is the Fujiwara ancestral temple. The Shakyamuni in the East Golden Hall, made in the earliest days of the Buddha's Teaching; the Kanzeon in the West Golden Hall, risen spontaneously from the earth; the galley, four-sided around it court, gleaming as with rows of precious stones; the imposingly lofty Two-Story Hall, an brilliant vermilion and cinnabar; the twin pagodas, topped by nine rings, that rose, glittering, into the sky - alas, every one went up in smoke.
  • For Todaiji, Emperor Shomu conceived an image of the everlasting, indestructibly living Buddha Roshana, made of gilt bronze, one hundred and sixty feet tall, which he adorned with his own hands. This Buddha's hair knot soared a loft, disappearing into the clouds; hi noble full-moon countenance, the white curl between his eyebrows, inspired devotion ever renewed. Now the head, melted, had failed to earth; the body had fused to a molten mound. His eight-four thousand perfections were gone, as when the autumn moon slides from sight behind fivefold clouds; the ornaments of his enlightenment now drifted on winds on the ten evils like stars wandering the night sky.
  • Smoke filled the heavens. The sky was flame. Eyewitnesses could not bear to look and those told the story fainted with horror. The Hosso and Sanron holy scriptures, down to the vary last scroll, were gone. In this land of ours, needles to say, but equally in India or China, no disaster approaching tho one can ever before have struck the Teaching. Those statues made by King Udayana from refined gold, by Vishvakarman from red sandal were only life-size. This Buddha, then, so unparalleled in the whole realm of Jambudvipa, should clearly have lasted forever, but he succumbed to the world's poisons, leaving behind him eternal mourning. Brahma, Inddra, and the Four Kings, the Dragon Gods, the Eight Guardian Tribes, every denizen of the afterworld could only experience shock and horror. And how can the Kasuga God have felt, who mounts guards over the Hosso doctrine? The very dew on the Kasuga meadows changed color, and bitter reproach raged in the wind from Mount Mikasa. They recorded a careful count of all those who had died in the flames: on the Great Buddha Hall's upper floor, on thousand seven hundred people; eight hundred at Kofukuji, five hundred here, three hundred there: three thousand five hundred in all. One thousand monks had died on the battlefield. The victors hung a few of their heads at the gate of Hannyaji and took a few more back to the city.
  • On the twenty-ninth, having destroyed the southern capital, Shigehira returned northward. Lord Kiyomori alone indulged in vengeful rejoicing. The empress, Cloistered Emperor Go-Shirakawa, Retired Emperor Takakura, the regent and all below him lamented, saying, "Suppressing the warrior-0monks was all very well, but they really have to destroy the temples, too?" The original plan had been to parade the monks' heads through the avenues, then hang them on the trees in front of the prison, but that was unthinkable now. The destruction of Todaiji and Kofukuji was too great a disaster. They just tossed the heads here and there into gutters and ditches. Emperor Shomu had written in his own hand, "As long as my temple flourished, so shall the realm, in equal measure. Should my temple fall into decline, so, too, will the realm." Sure enough, the realm's decline was quite obvious. So this terrible year ended, and the fifth year of Jisho began.

10. 奈良炎上:(巻第五)

  • …入道相国且々南都の騒動を鎮めんとて瀬尾太郎兼康を大和国の検非所に補せらる。相構へて衆徒は狼藉を致すとも汝等は致すべからず。物の具なせそ、弓箭な帯しそ、とて遣はされたりけるを南都の大衆かかる内議をば知らずして兼康が余勢六十余人搦め捕つて一々に皆首を斬りて猿沢の池の端にぞ懸け並べたりける。入道相国大きに怒りて、さらば南都をも攻めよや、とて大将軍には頭中将重衡中宮亮通盛都合その勢四万余騎南都へ発向す。
  • 南都にも老少嫌はず七千余人甲の緒を締め奈良坂般若寺二箇所の路を掘り切つて掻楯かき逆茂木引いて待ちかけたり。平家四万余騎を二手に分かつて奈良坂般若寺二箇所の城郭に押し寄せて鬨をどつと作りける。大衆は徒歩立ち打物なり。官軍は馬にて駆け廻し駆け廻し攻めければ大衆数を尽くいて討たれにけり。卯の刻に矢合せして一日戦ひ暮らし夜に入りければ奈良坂般若寺二箇所の城郭共に敗れぬ。
  • 落ち行く衆徒の中に坂四郎永覚といふ悪僧あり。これは力の強さ弓箭打物取つて七大寺十五大寺に勝れたり。萌黄威の腹巻の上に黒糸威の腹巻を重ねてぞ着たりける。帽子甲に五枚甲の緒を締め茅の葉の如くに反つたる白柄の大長刀黒漆の大太刀左右の手に持つままに、同宿十余人前後に立て手掻門より打つて出でたり。これぞ暫く支へたる、多くの官兵馬の脚薙がれて討たれにけり。されども官軍は大勢にて入れ替へ入れ替へ攻めければ永覚が防ぐ所の同宿皆討たれにけり。永覚一人猛けれども後ろ顕になりしかば南を指してぞ落ち行きける。
  • 夜軍になつて大将軍頭中将重衡般若寺の門の前にうち立つて、暗さは暗し火を出だせ、と宣へば播磨国の住人福井庄下司次郎太夫友方といふ者楯を破り、松明にして在家に火をぞ懸けたりける。比は十二月二十八日の夜なりければ、折節風は烈しく火元は一つなりけれども吹き迷ふ風に多くの伽藍に吹きかけたり。
  • 恥をも思ひ名をも惜しむほどの者は奈良坂にて討死し般若寺にて討たれにけり。行歩に叶へる者は吉野十津川の方へ落ち行きける。歩みも得ぬ老僧や尋常なる修学者児共女童は、もしや助かると大仏殿山階寺の内へ我先にとぞ逃げ入りける。大仏殿の二階の上には千余人登り上がり、敵の続くを登せじと階を引きてけり。猛火は正しう押し懸けたり。喚き叫ぶ声焦熱大焦熱無間阿鼻の焔の底の罪人もこれには過ぎじとぞ見えし。
  • 興福寺は淡海公の御願藤氏累代の寺なり。東金堂におはします仏法最初の釈迦の像西金堂におはします自然湧出の観世音瑠璃を並べし、四面の廊朱丹を交へし、二階の楼九輪雲に輝きし二基の塔忽ちに煙となるこそ悲しけれ。
  • 東大寺は、常在不滅実報寂光の生身の御仏と思し召し準へて、聖武皇帝手づから磨き立て給ひし、金銅十六丈の盧舎那仏烏瑟高く現れて半天の雲に隠れ白毫新たに拝まさせ給ひし満月の尊容も、御頭は焼け落ちて大地にあり御身は鎔き合ひて山の如し。八万四千の相好は、秋の月早く五重の雲に隠れ、四十一地の珱珞は、夜の星空しう十悪の風に漂ふ。
  • 煙は中天に満ち満ちて、焔は虚空に隙もなく目の当たり見奉る者は、更に眼を当てず遥かに伝へ聞く人は肝魂を失へり。法相三輪の法門聖教すべて一巻も残らず。我が朝は云ふに及ばず、天竺震旦にもこれほどの法滅あるべしとも覚えず。毘須羯摩の紫摩金を磨き于填大王が赤栴檀を刻みしも、僅かに等身の御仏なり。況やこれは南閻浮提の中には唯一無双の御仏長く朽損の期あるべしとも覚えず。今毒焔の塵に交はつて久しく悲しみを残し給へり。梵釈四王龍神八部冥官冥衆も驚き騒ぎ給ふらんとぞ見えし。法相擁護の春日大明神いかなる事をか思しけん。
  • されば春日野の露も色変はり三笠山の嵐の音も恨むる様にぞ聞えける。焔の中にて焼け死ぬる人数を記いたれば大仏殿の二階の上には、一千七百余人山階寺には八百余人ある、御堂には五百余人ある、御堂には三百余人具さに記いたりければ 三千五百余人なり。戦場にして討たるる大衆千余人少々は 般若寺の門に切り懸けらる。少々は首共持たせて都へ上られける。
  • 明くる二十九日頭中将重衡卿南都滅ぼして北京へ帰り入らる。入道相国ばかりこそ憤り晴れて喜ばれけれ。中宮一院上皇も、悪僧をこそ滅ぼすとも伽藍を破滅すべしや、とぞ御嘆きありける。日比は衆徒の首大路を渡さるべき、由と公卿僉議ありしかども、東大寺興福寺の滅びぬる浅ましさに、何の沙汰にも及ばず此処や彼処の溝や堀にぞ捨て置きける。聖武皇帝の宸筆の御記文にも、我寺興福せば天下も興福すべし。我が寺衰微せば天下も衰微すべし、と遊ばされたる。されば天下の衰微せん事疑ひなしとぞ見えたりける。あさましかりつる年も暮れて治承も五年になりにけり
  • 1179/11/14 清盛クーデター(治承三年の製品); 関白藤原基房解任; 天台座主 明雲; 11/20 後白河法皇を鳥羽殿に幽閉
  • 1180/4 以仁王(後白河の第三皇子)/源頼政 挙兵; 5/15 皇籍剥奪
  • 1180/12/28 重衡・通盛 東大寺・興福寺焼き討ち

>Top 11. (1177) Kogo:

  • "A village far into the hills, where the stag bells." So the poet once described Saga, and Nakakuni felt its autumnal melancholy. Whenever he came across a house with such a gate, he stopped to listen discreetly for some sign of her but heard no one playing the koto. "Perhaps," he thought, "she has devoutly gone to visit the Shakado," so he went there, and he looked in at many other temples, too, but nowhere found any gentlewoman resembling in the least Kogo. "Rather than go back empty-handed, better not to go back at all." So Nakakuni said to himself. "If I could, I would wander on wherever the path I take might lead, but everywhere is the sovereign's realm, and no refuge could hide me for long. Then what in the world am I to do? Ah, yes! Horinji is not far off. Perhaps the moonlight has drawn her there." Nakakuni set off that way.
  • He was approaching Kameyama when, from near a grove of pines, he made out faint koto music. Wind on high, wind sighing through pines, or perhaps that lady's koto? He urged his mount on, and there it was: the one-door gate and, from within, the clear music of a koto. From a safe distance, he lent an ear: No, there was no mistaking now Kogo's distinctive touch on the strings. And what was it that she was playing? "I Love Him So," a woman's song of poignant longing for her lover. "Sure enough," he said to himself, "she is thing of our sovereign. Of all the pieces she might have played, how sad that she should choose this one!" Marveling at this stroke of fortune, he took out his flute, played a little, and rapped smartly at the gate. The music stopped. He called out, "Nakakuni is my name. I am here from His Majesty. Please have someone open the gate!" He knocked and knocked, to no effect.
  • Eventually, to his relief, he heard somebody emerge. He waited breathlessly. the latch lifted, the gate cracked open, and a pretty little gentlewoman peeked out. "You must have the wrong house," she said. "No one here would be expecting a message from the palace." Fearing that an inadequate answer might encourage her to close and lock the gate again, Nakakuni thrust it open, entered, and sat down on the veranda near the double doors.
  • "What can have possessed you, to move to such a place?" he began. "There may be reason to fear for His Majesty's life, the way he is pining for you. Perhaps you imagine that this is a fancy of mine, but I bring you a letter from him." He took it out and had the little gentlewoman give it to Kogo. Kogo unfolded it and read it: It really was from the emperor. Immediately she wrote a reply and sent it out with a set or robes suitable for a gentlewoman. With those robes over his shoulder, Nakakuni ventured to say, "No other messenger, I am sure, would wish to add anything more after receiving your reply, but can you really have forgotten how, when you used to play in the palace, I was called in for the flute part? I would be sorry now to start back without hearing a word in your voice." Kogo must have understood how he felt, for she answered him in person.
  • "As you have probably heard, Lord Kiyomori made such frightening threats that I fled the place in terror when news of them reached me. Living here lately has kept me from making music, but I cannot remain here forever. No, there is a step I mean to take tomorrow, out beyond Ohara, and the gentlewoman with whim I am staying begged me to play for her once, tonight, before I go. 'It is late now,' she said. 'No one will be out there to sop and listen.' and yes, I so missed all I had left that I did play may dear old koto, and you knew my touch right away." She cold not keep her tears from flowing, and Nakakuni, too, wet his sleeves.

11. 小督:(巻第六)

  • 小鹿鳴くこの山里と詠じけん、嵯峨のあたりの秋のころ、さこそはあはれにもおぼえけめ。片折り戸したる屋をみつけては、「この内にやおはすらん。」と、控へ控へ聞きけれども、琴ひく所もなかりけり。御堂なんどへ参りたまへることもやと、釈迦堂をはじめて、堂々見まはれども、小督の殿に似たる女房だにみえたまはず。「むなしう帰り参りたらんは、なかなか参らざらんよりあしかるべし。これよりもいづちへも迷ひゆかばや。」と思へども、いづくか王地ならぬ、身を隠すべき宿もなし。如何せんと思ひわづらふ。「まことや、法輪はほど近ければ、月の光に誘はれて、参りたまへることもや。」とそなたに向かひてぞ歩ませける。
  • 亀山のあたり近くに、松の一むらあるかたに、かすかに琴ぞ聞こえける。峰のあらしか、松風か、尋ぬる人の琴の音か、おぼつかなくは思へども、駒をはやめてゆくほどに、片折り戸したる内に、琴をぞひきすまされける。控へてこれを聞きければ、少しもまがふべうもなき小督の殿の爪音なり。楽はなんぞと聞きければ、夫を思うて恋ふとよむ想夫恋という楽なり。さればこそ、君の御事思ひいでまゐらせて、楽こそ多けれ、この楽をひきたまひけるやさしさよ。ありがたうおぼえて、腰より横笛を抜きいだし、ちっと鳴らいて、門をほとほととたたけば、やがてひきやみたまひぬ。高声に、「これは内裏より仲国が御使ひ参って候。あけさせたまへ。」とて、たたけどもたたけども、とがむる人もなかりけり。
  • ややあって、内より人のいづる音のしければ、うれしう思ひて待つところに、錠をはづし、門を細めにあけ、いたいけしたる小女房、顔ばかりさしいだいて、「門たがへてぞさぶらふらん。これには内裏より御使ひなんどたまはるべき所にてもさぶらはず。」と申せば、なかなか返事して、門たてられ、錠さされてはあしかりなんと思ひて、押しあけてぞ入りにける。
  • 妻戸のきはの縁にゐて、「いかに、かやうの所には御渡り候ふやらん。耳は御ゆゑにおぼしめし沈ませ給ひて、御命もすでにあやふにころ見えさせおはしまし候へ。ただうはの空に申すとやおぼしめされ候はむ。御書を給はって参って候。」とて御書取り出だいてたてまつる。ありつる女房取りついで、小督殿にまゐらせたり。あけて見給へば、まことに君の御書なりけり。やがて御返事書き、ひき結び、女房の装束一かさね添へて出だされたり。仲国、女房の装束をば肩にうちかけ、申しけるは、「余の御使ひで候はば、御返事のうへは、とかう申すには候はねども、日ごろ内裏にて御琴あそばつしとき、仲国笛の役に召され候ひし奉公をば、いかでか御忘れ候ふべき。ぢきの御返事を承らで帰り参らむことこそ、よに口惜しう候へ。」と申しければ、小督殿げにもとや思はれけむ、みづから返事し給ひけり。
  • 「それにも聞かせ給ひつらむ、入道相国のあまりに恐ろしきことをのみ申すと聞きしかば、あさましさに、内裏をば逃げ出でて、このほどはかかる住まひなれば、琴なんどひくこともなかりつれども、さてもあるべきならねば、あすより大原の奥に思ひたつことのさぶらへば、あるじの女房の、今宵ばからいのなごりを惜しうで。『今は夜もふけぬ。立ち聞く人もあらじ。』なんどすすむれば、さぞな昔のなごりもさすがゆかしくて、手なれし琴をひくほどに、やすうも聞き出されけりな。」とて、涙もせきあへ給はねば、仲国も袖をぞ濡らしける。
  • 1177 高倉天皇、小督局との間に範子内親王儲ける (徳子に先んじて)。清盛激怒。
  • 1178/5/24 徳子, 懐妊 11/12 皇子出産12月に立太子
  • 1179/11/14 清盛クーデター断行。後白河方法を鳥羽殿に幽閉 (治承三年の政変)

>Top 12. (1181) The Death of Kiyomori:

  • On the twenty-seventh, Load Munemori was due to set forth on his punitive campaign against the Genji in the east, but he delayed his departure because Lord Kiyomori was unwell. The next day, the twenty-eighth, Kiyomori's condition was grave. "This is it, then," people whispered at Rokuhara and throughout the city. From the very first day of Lord Kiyomori's illness, nothing passed his lips, not even water, and his body burned like fire. The heat within twenty-five or thirty feet of where he he lay was unbearable. His only words were "Hot! Hot!" This was clearly no common affliction. When he stepped down into a stone basin filled with water from the Senju spring on Mount Hiei, to cool himself, the water bubbled furiously around him and soon boiled. Water sprayed on him from a bamboo pipe, to give him relief, recoiled as though from hot stone or iron and never reached him. what water did touch him turned to fire. Black smoke filled the room, and flames swirled high in the air.
  • On the second of the intercalary second month, Lady Nii braved the terrible heat to approach her husband's pillow and address him, weeping. "My despair grows daily at the sight of you," she said. "If you still desire anything in this life, please, when your mind clears a little, tell me what it is." Lord Kiyomori, once so forbidding, managed to whisper painfully under his breath, "In Hogen, Heiji, and after, I subdued repeated uprisings against the court, received rewards beyond my station, and enjoyed the great good fortune of becoming chancellor and an emperor's grandfather. My children and grandchildren prosper, and in this life I have no further ambition. But there is one thin that I still desire. I cannot rest because I have not yet seen the head of the Izu exile, Yoritomo. Never mind building me temples and pagodas, never mind pious prayers for me once I am gone. No, I want Yoritomo 's head off and hung before my grave. that is the only commemoration I wish." What profoundly sinful words!
  • On the fourth his torment was such that, as a last resort, he lay down on a board dripping with water. It did not help. He writhed in agony, gasping for breath, and finally died in convulsions. The din of horses and carriages dashing madly hither and yon rang through the heavens and shook the earth. No sovereign 's fate, no emperor's end could have provoked a greater uproar. This year had been his sixty-fourth - not yet time to die of old age, but all at once his destined span was over.

12. 入道死去:(巻第六)

  • 1156: 保元の乱; 1159 平治の乱
  • 1179: 後白河法皇幽閉
  • 1180: 頼朝、伊豆で挙兵; 鎌倉入り
  • 1181: 清盛死亡
  • 1183: 義仲、京都入り; 後鳥羽天皇即位
  • 1185: 壇ノ浦の戦い; 1189: 義経没
  • 同じき二十七日前右大将宗盛卿、源氏追討のために東国へすでに門出と聞こえしが、入道相国違例の御心地とてどどまりたまひぬ。明くる二十八日より重病を受けたまへりとて、京中・六波羅、「すは、しつることを。」とぞささやきける。入道相国、病つきたまひし日よりして水をだにのどへも入れたまはず。身の内の熱きこと、火をたくがごとし。臥したまへる所四、五間が内へ入る者は、熱さ堪へがたし。ただのたまふこととては、「あた、あた。」とばかりなり。少しもただごととは見えざりけり。比叡山より千手井の水をくみ下し、石の舟にたたへて、それに降りて冷えたまへば、水おびただしく沸き上がってほどなく湯にぞなりにける。もしや助かりたまふと筧の水をまかせたれば、石や鉄なんどの焼けたるやうに、水ほとぼしつて寄りつかず。おのづから当たる水は火むらとなって燃えければ、黒けぶり殿中に満ち満ちて、炎うづまいて上がりけり。
  • 同じき閏二月二日、二位殿熱う堪へがたけれども、御まくらの上に寄って、泣く泣くのたまひけるは、「御ありさま見奉るに、日に添へて頼み少なうこそ見えさせたまへ。この世におぼしめしおくことあらば、少し物の覚えさせたまふ時、仰せおけ。」とぞのたまひける。入道相国、さしも日ごろはゆゆしげにおはせしかども、まことに苦しげにて、息の下にのたまひけるは、「われ、宝元・平治よりこのかた、度々の朝敵を平らげ、勧賞身に余り、かたじけなくも帝祖・太政大臣に至り、栄華子孫に及ぶ。今生の望み、一事も残るところなし。ただし思ひおくこととては、伊豆の国の流人、前兵衛佐頼朝が首を見ざりつるこそ安からね。われいかにもなりなん後は、堂塔をも建て、孝養をもすべからず。やがて討手をつかはし、頼朝が首をはねて、わが墓の前に掛けおくべし。それぞ孝養にてあらんずる。」とのたまひけること罪深けれ。
  • 同じ四日病にせめられ、せめてのことに、板に水を沃て、それに伏しまろびたまへども、助かるここちもしたまはず、悶絶躄地してつひにあつち死ぞしたまひける。馬・車の馳せちがふ音、天も響き大地もゆるぐほどなり。一天の君、万乗の主の、いかなる御時ましますとも、これには過ぎじとぞみえし。ことしは六十四にぞなりたまふ。
  • 1181/2/4 清盛64 病没

>Top 13. (1113?) The Gion Consort:

  • There were those, too, for whom Lord Kiyomori was not Tadamori's son but rather the son of Retired Emperor Shirakawa. This is the story: Back in the Eikyu years, there was a highly favored lady known as the Gion Consort. She was originally a gentlewoman, and she lived in the Gion district, below the Eastern Hills. Retired Emperor Shirakawa called on her frequently. Once hew was secretly on his way there, escorted by one or two privy gentlemen and a few of his guards. The twentieth day of the fifth month had passed, and night had fallen. It was too dark to see anything much up ahead, and besides, it was raining. The gloom was impenetrable. Now, a chapel stood not far from this gentlewoman's house, and there appeared next to this chapel some sort of creature, shining. The creature's head glittered and gleamed as though it sprouted silver needles. It had its two hands (if they were hands) lifted high; one, it seemed, held a mallet, the other something that gave off light. Sovereign and escort together cried out in fear and surprise. "That's scary!" "I'd say it's a real demon!" "That must be the treasure mallet, that thing it's holding!" "Oh, what are we to do?"
  • From among the escort, His Eminence summoned Tadamori, who at the time was still a junior member of his guard. "I believe that you are the man I need," he said. "Will you shoot that creature for me or stop it with your sword?" Tadamori dutifully started toward it, meanwhile reflecting, "It really doesn't look that powerful - it's probably just a fox or a badger. I'd hate to shoot it or run it through with my sword. No, I'll take it alive." So he kept going. The light flared and dimmed, flared and dimmed two or three times. Tadamori raced up and grasped the creature as hard as he could. "What's going on?" an agitated voice cried. It was no monster, but a man. The whole party then lit torches to get a good look at him. They saw a monk of sixty or so - namely, the one in charge of the chapel. He had been on his way to replenish the lamps on the altar, with a jug of oil in one hand and, in the other, a lamp in an earthen dis. It was pouring rain, so to avoid getting wet he had tied wheat straw into a bundle to wear on his head as a hat. The straw stalks gleamed like silver needles in the light of the flame. Now they understood everything. "Why, it would have been just awful if he had shot or stabbed the fellow! Tadamori showed superb judgment - just what one wants in a warrior." Such were His Eminence's thoughts, and he rewarded Tadamori by hiving him, for his very own, the gentlewoman he loved so well, known to all as the Gion Consort. Now, at the time who was carrying the retired emperor's child. He said, "If she gives birth to a girl, then that girl will by my daughter; but if she happens to bear a boy, Tadamori, that boy will be yours, to bring up in the profession of arms."
  • As she did indeed give birth to a son. Tadamori meant to report the event, but he sought in vain an occasion to do so. Then Retired Emperor Shirakawa set off on a pilgrimage to Kumano. At a spot called Itogazaka, he had the bearers put his palanquin down and rested awhile. A thicket nearby was full of wild yam sprouts. Tadamori put one in his sleeve and came before His Eminence.
    • A sweet sprout I know will be crawling very soon: Yes, the time has come, he said, and His Eminence caught his drift perfectly.
    • Keep that sprout, Tadamori, let it grow to nourish you, he added to complete the verse. From that time on, Tadamori brought the child up as his own. The boy cried loud and long at night. His Eminence, when he heard this, vouchsafed a further thought in verse:
    • Cry at night he may, but heed me, Tadamori: look after him well. through the years yet to come, pure wealth will accrue to him.
  • And that is how Kiyomori got his name. In his twelfth year, he became second-in-command of the Watch. In his eighteenth he was raised in that post to the fourth rank. Those ignorant of the circumstances grumbled, "Only sons of the very highest nobles get treatment like that!" Retired Emperor Toba, however, knew the truth. "As far as that goes," he said, "Kiyomori need not defer to anyone."
  • Emperor Tenchi, in the old days, mad a gift to Lord Kamatari: a consort of his, carrying hi child. "If she gives birth to girl," he said, "I will think of the child as mine, but a boy you may keep for yourself." The baby in the end was a son: none other than Abbot Joe, who founded the temple on Tonomine. Such things happed in ancient times, and so in this latter age Kiyomori may, sure enough, have been the son of Retired Emperor Shirakawa. Certainly that could nicely explain the momentous decisions he made - moving the capital and so on: decisions affecting the whole realm, the grand counselor Lord Kunitsuna passed away. His relationship with Kiyomori had been unusually close, which is perhaps why he fell ill on the same day and died in the same month.

13. 祇園女御:(巻第六)

  • また古い人の申しけるは、清盛公は只人にはあらず、まことには白河院の皇子なり。その故は去んぬる永久の比ほひ祇園女御とて幸人おはしき件の女房の住まひ所は東山の麓祇園の辺にてぞありける。白河院常は御幸成る、ある時殿上人一両人北面少々召し具して忍びの御幸ありしに、比は皐月二十日余りまだ宵の事なるに、五月雨さへ掻き暗しよろづ物いぶせかりける折節件の女房の宿所近う御堂あり。傍らより光る物こそ出で来たれ。頭には銀の針を磨き立てたるやうに燦めき左右の手と思しきを差し上げたるを見れば、片手には槌のやうなる物を持ち、片手には光る物をぞ持たりける。これぞまことの鬼と覚ゆる。手に持てる物は聞ゆる打出の小槌なるべし。いかがせん。君も臣も大きに騒がせおはします。
  • その時忠盛北面の下臈にて供奉せられたりけるを御前へ召して、あの者射殺し斬りも停めなんや、と仰せければ畏り承つて歩み向かふ。忠盛内々思ひけるは、この者さしも猛き者とは見えず。思ふに狐狸などにてぞあるらん。これを射も殺し斬りも留めたらんは無下に念なからまし。同じくは生捕にせん、と思つて歩み向かふ。とばかりあつては、はつと光りとばかりあつては、さつと光り二三度しけるを忠盛走り寄つてむずと組む。組まれて、こはいかに、と騒ぐ。変化の者にてはなかりけり。はや人にてぞ候ひける。その時上下手々に火を点いてこれを御覧じ見給ふに六十ばかりの法師なり。たとへば御堂の承仕法師でありけるが御明しを参らせんとて、片手には平瓶といふ物に油を入れて持ち、片手には土器に火を入れてぞ持つたりける。雨は沃に沃て降る。濡れじとて頭に小麦の藁を引き結んで被いたりけるが、小麦の藁が土器の火に輝いて銀の針の如くには見えけるなり。事の次第一々に皆顕れにけり。これを射も殺し斬りも留めたらんはいかに念なからまし。忠盛が振舞ひこそ殊に思慮深けれ。弓矢取は優しかりけるものかな、とてさしも御最愛と聞えし祇園女御を忠盛にこそ下されけれ。
  • この女御院の御子を孕み給へり。女御の生めらん子女子ならば朕が子にせん。男子ならば忠盛取りて弓矢取に為立てよ、とぞ仰せける。即ち男を生めり。事に触れては披露せざりけれども内々にはもてなしけり。この事いかにもして奏せばや、と思はれけれども然るべき便宜もなかりけるが、ある時白河院熊野へ御幸成る。紀伊国糸鹿坂といふ所に御輿舁き据ゑさせ暫く御休息ありけり。その時忠盛薮に幾らもありけるむかごを袖に盛り入れて御前へ参り畏つて
    • いもが子ははふほどにこそ成にけれ
    • ただもりとりてやしなひにせよ、
    • よなきすとただもり立てよ末の代に
  • それよりしてこそ、清盛とは名乗られけれ、十二の歳兵衛佐に成り十八の歳四品して、四位兵衛佐と申ししを子細存知せぬ人は、華族の人こそかうは、と申されければ鳥羽院も知ろし召して、清盛が華族は人に劣らじ、とこそ仰せけれ。
  • 昔も天智天皇孕み給へる女御を大織官に賜ふとて、この女御の生めらん子女子ならば朕が子にせん。男子ならば臣が子にせよ、と仰せけるに即ち男を生めり。多武峰の本願定恵和尚これなり。上代にもかかる例しありければ、末代にも清盛公まことに白河院の皇子としてさしも容易からぬ天下の大事都遷などといふ事も思ひ立たれけるにこそ。

>Top 14. Tadanori's Flight from the Capital:

  • Tadanori, governor of Satsuma, turned back from wherever he was and, with five housemen and a page, rode up to Lord Shunzei's house on Gojo. He found the gate closed. It did not open for him. He announced his name. "I am back from among the fleeing Heike," he added. This provoked a commotion within. Next he dismounted and declared in a loud voice, "I have only one reason for returning: I wish to speak to Lord Shunzei. IF the gate is to remain shut, so be it, but, Lord Shunzei, please come out so that I may talk to you!"
    "I have an idea what this may be about," Shunzei said. "There is nothing to fear from him. Let him in." They opened the gate, and the tow met.
  • It was in all ways a moving encounter. Tadanori said, "I have held you in high regard ever sine you gave me my first lesson in poetry, long ago, but the turmoil in the capital these last two or three years and rebellion in province after province - all matters affecting the fortunes of my house - have prevented me from calling on you regularly, despite my continuing devotion to the art. His Majesty has already left the city, and the days of ;Heike glory are over. there is to be, so I am told, a new imperial anthology, for which a selection must be made. You would do me the greatest honor ever to add luster to my life if you were, in your great kindness, to include just one poem of mine. I long entertained that hope, until disorder engulfed the world and, to my bitter disappointment, talk of this great project ceased. Surely, though, once peace returns, your work on the anthology will resume. Should you find anything suitable in the scroll I have brought you, be it a single poem, and favor it with your kindness, then the joy of it will reach me even beneath the moss, and from afar you shall have my grateful protection." From among his poems over the years, he had picked the hundred he thought best and written them all out on a scroll that he kept with him at the last. Now, from where his armor joined, he took it and gave it to Lord Shunzei.
  • Shunzei opened the scroll and cast his eyes over it. "Having received this precious token from you," he said, "I shall not - you may be certain of that - treat it in any way lightly. Have no doubt on that score. Why, the way you have come shows so deep a devotion to poetry that it brings tears to my eyes." Tadanori replied in great joy, "Let the waves of the western ocean swallow me if they will, let my corpse lie if it must in the wilderness, in this vale of tears I will leave no regrets. I bid your farewell."
    He remounted his horse, tied his helmet cord, and started out westward once more. Watching him recede into the distance, Shunzei heard what must have been his voice, loudly singing these Chinese lines: "The way that sill lies before me strtetches far; my thoughts race to the evening clouds over Mount Yan." Sorry indeed top see Tadanori go, Shunzei all but wept as he went back in.
  • Later on, when peace came again, he returned to his task of choosing poems to go into the Senzaishu, The Harvest of a Thousand Years. Thinking back to Tadanori's visit - his demeanor, the words he had spoken - Shunzei felt still ore deeply moved. There were in that scrool deserving poems, a good many of them, but tadanori was nonetheless under imperial ban and Shunzei had to leave out his name. the single poem he included, on "Blossoms in the Old Capital," appeard only as "author unknown":
    • By ripplig waters the old Shiga capital vanished long ago,
      yet, as then, Mount Nagra blossoms with mountain cherries.

14. 忠度都落:(巻第七)

  • 薩摩守忠度は、いづくよりや帰られたりけん、侍五騎、童一人、わか身とともに七騎とって返し、五条三位俊成卿の宿所におはしてみたまへば、門戸を閉ぢて開かず。「忠度」と名のりたまへば、「落人帰りきたり。」とて、その内騒ぎ合へり。薩摩守馬よりおり、みづから高らかにのたまひけるは、「別の仔細候はず、三位殿に申すべき事あって、忠度が帰り参って候。」門を開かれずとも、このきはまで立ち寄らせたまへ。」とのたまへば、俊成卿「さる事あるらん。其の人ならばくるしかるまじ。入れ申せ。」とて、門をあけて対面あり。事の体なにとなうあはれなり。
  • 薩摩守のたまひけるは、「年ごろ申し承って後、おろかならず御事に思ひまゐらせ候へども、この二、三年は、京都の騒ぎ、国々の乱れ、しかしながら当家の身の上の事に候ふ間、粗略を存ぜずといへども、常に参りよることも候はず、君すでに都をいでさせたまひぬ。一門の運命はや尽き候ひぬ。撰集のあるべき由承ひしかば、生涯の面目に、一首なりとも御恩をかうぶらうと存じて候ひしに、やがて世の乱れいできて、その沙汰なく候ふ条、ただ一身の嘆きと存じ候。世のしづまり候ひなば、勅撰の御沙汰候はずらん。これにさぶらふ巻き物のうちに、さりぬべきもの候はば、一首なりとも御恩をかうぶりて、草の陰にてもうれしと存じ候はば、遠き御守りでこそ候はんずれ。」とて、日ごろよみおかれたる歌どものなかに、秀歌とおぼしきを百余首書き集められたる巻き物を今はとてうつたたれける時、これをとって持たれたりしが、よろひの引き合はせより取り出てて、俊成卿に奉る。
  • 三位これをあけて見て、「かかる忘れがたみをたまはりおき候ひぬるうへは、ゆめゆめ粗略を存ずまじう候。御疑ひあるべからず。さてもただ今の御わたりにこそ、情けもすぐれて深う、哀れもことに思ひしられて、感涙押へがたう候へ。」とのたまへば、薩摩守喜びて、「今は西海の波の底に沈まば沈め、山野にかばねをさらさばさらせ、うき世に思ひおくこと候はず。さらばいとま申して。」とて、馬にうち乗りかぶとの緒をしめ、西をさいてぞ歩ませたまふ。三位うしろはるかに見送って立たれなば、忠度の声とおぼしくて、前途程遠し、思ひを雁山の夕べの雲に馳す。」と、高らかに口ずさみたまへば、俊成卿いとどなごり惜しう覚えて、涙を押へてとぞ入りたまふ。
  • その後、世しづまって千載集を撰ぜられけるに、忠度のありしありさま、言ひおきし言の葉、いまさら思ひいでて哀れなりければ、かの巻き物のうちにさりぬべき歌いくらもありけれども、勅勘の人なれば、名字をば現はされず、故郷の花という題にてよまれたりける歌一首ぞ、よみ人知らずと入れられける。
    • さざなみや志賀の都は荒れにしを
  • その身、朝敵となりにしうへは、子細に及ばずといひながら、恨めしかりしことどもなり。
  • 1183/5/11 義仲、倶利伽羅峠で平氏を討つ; 延暦寺 義仲軍に加勢
  • 1183/7/25 平家一門 (維盛・忠度・経正ら)都落
  • 1183/7/28 後白河法皇 都へ帰還、平家追討の院宣
  • 1183/8/10 義仲左馬頭備前守、行家備後守
  • 1183/8/16 平家一門160余人の官職剥奪

>Top 15. (1192) His Cloistered Eminence Appoints a Supreme Commander:

  • In Kamakura, meanwhile, Yoritomo received from the cloistered empeor a decree appointing him supreme commander of the imperial forces. The documents clerk Nakahara no Yasusada, the encoy who brought it, reached the Kanto on the fourteenth day of the tenth month. Yoritomo said, "After years under imperial ban, success in battle has won me His Cloistered Eminence's appointment to supreme command. Would I have the effrontery to receive it simply at home? No, I sha accept ti at the new shrine of Hachiman." He set forth there without delay. Hachiman's shrine stands at Tsuru-ga-oka. The landscape setting there resebles the one familiar at Iwashimizu. There is an encircling gallery, an imposing gate, and an approach along a new, mile-long avenue. A discussion held to consider precisely who should take the decree from the hand of Yasusada settle on Miura Yoshizumi. Why? Because this great warrior, famed throughout the eight provinces, also counted among his foebears Miura no Heitaro Tametsugu. Besides, his father, Yoshiaki, had laid down his life for Yoritomo, and this gesture would light hist way through the dark of the netherworld. That was how the reasoning ran.
  • Yasusada, the envoy bearing the decree, arrived with two retainers and ten attendants. By his order a servant carried the decree in a bag around his neck. Miura Yoshizumi came with retainers and attendants in equal numbers. The two retainers were Wada no Saburo Munezane and Hiki no Toshiro Yoshikazu. As to the ten attendants, he had had ten major local lords provide in haste one each. He wore that day, over a blue-black hitatare, black-silk-laced armor, with, at his side, a mighty sword and, at his back, twenty-0four black-and-white-banded arrows. Under his aram he carried a black-lacquered, rattan-wrapped bow, and his helment hung over his shoulders on a cord. He accepted the decree with a deep bow. "You who take this decree in hand," Yasusada said, "who are you? Name yourself!" Miura proudly announced his full name: Miura no Arajiro Yoshizumi. The decree was in a document case, which Miura presented to his lord. Yasusada soon got the case back. He opened it, because this time it was heavy: It contained one hundred taels of gold dust. Next he was treated to wind in the shrine's worship hall. Chikayoshi, an official in the Kamo Priestess's household, served him his meal, assisted by a man of the fith rank. Then three horses were led before him, one of them saddled. Kudo Ichiro Suketsune led that one; he had served Her Grand Imperial Majesty. Finally the envoy was install in an old, rush-thatched house, done up for the occasion. A chest containing two thickly padded bed jackets awaited him there, together with a thousand bolts of cloth, some white, some printed with indigo patterns, dark or light. Whine and food were served him in plenty, with superb elegance.
  • The following day Yasusada called on Yoritomo at home. The guardhouse outside the compound and a second within the gate were, each of them, sixteen bays long. The outer guards, kinsmen and allies, st formally, shoulder to shoulder. The inner guards, seated above, were Gneji warriors, and below sat greater and lesser local lords. Yasusada was conducted to the Genji seat of honor. He paused there a little while, then went on to the main house. They seated him in the lower aisle, on a mat with a purple border. Above him lay ready another mat, black-and-white-bordered, behind raised blinds. Then in he came": Yoritomo, wearing the plainest of hunting cloaks and on his head an eboshi. Borad of face and short in stature, he had pleasing looks and spoke language untainted by any uncouth accent. He set forth the situation at lengh:
  • "The Heike have fled the capital in fear of my might, but Kiso no Yoshinaka and Juro Yukiie have come in behind them, and they have been collecting offices and promotions at will, as though the triumph were all their own. They have even been turning up their noses at the gift of this province or that. Their behavior is intolerable. In the north, Hidehira is now governor of Mutsu and Satake Takayoshi of Hitachi, and both ignore my orders. What I need is a decree for His Cloister Eminence commanding me to crush them at once." Yasusadsa spoke in turn: "I should properly present you now with my formally recorded name, but because I am His Cloistered Eminence's envoy, I will prepare it and send it to you as soon as I return to the capital. My younger brother, the clerk Shigeyoshi, wishes me to give you the same message." Yoritomo smiled. "Your formal identification is the last thing on my mind at present," he said. "However, I shall expect it from you, since you tell me to do so." Yasusada then announced his return to the capital that day, but Yoritomo insisted that he stay a day longer.
  • The next day Yasusada returned to Yoritomo0's residence. Yoritomo had gifts for him: a suit of green-laced armor, a sword trimmed with silver, and a rattan-wrapped bow accompanied by a set of arrows. Thirteen horses were then led before him. three were saddled. Yasusada's twelve men received clothing and even saddles. Thirty packhorses bore all this, including fifty bushels of rice for each post station on the way from Kamakura to Kagami. The quantity was so great, they say, that a good deal of it went in alms.

15. 征夷大将軍院宣: (巻第八)

  • さるほどに鎌倉前右兵衛佐頼朝居ながら征夷将軍の院宣を下さる。御使は左史生中原泰定とぞ聞えし。十月十四日関東へ下着兵衛佐宣ひけるは、抑も頼朝武勇の名誉長ぜるによつて居ながら征夷将軍の院宣を蒙る。されば私にてはいかで受け取り奉るべき、若宮の拝殿にして受け取り奉るべし、とて若宮へこそ参り向かはれけれ。八幡は鶴岡に立たせ給ふ。地形石清水に違はず廻廊あり楼門あり作道十余町見下したり。抑も院宣をば誰してか受け取り奉るべき、と評定あり。三浦介義澄して受け取り奉るべし。その故は八箇国に聞えたる弓矢取三浦平太郎為嗣が末葉なり。その上父大介も君の為に命を捨てし兵なればかの義明が黄泉の闇を照らさんが為とぞ聞えし。
  • 院宣の御使泰定は家子郎等十人具したり。三浦介も家子二人郎等十人具したりけり。二人の家子は和田三郎宗実比企藤四郎能員なり。郎等十人をば大名十人して俄に一人づつ為立てられたり。三浦介その日の装束には褐の直垂に黒糸威の鎧着て黒漆の太刀を帯き二十四差いたる切斑の矢負ひ滋籐の弓脇に挟み甲を脱いで高紐に懸け腰を屈めて院宣を受け取り奉らんとす。左史生申しけるは、只今院宣受け取り奉らんとするは誰人ぞ名乗り給へ、と云ひければ、兵衛佐の佐の字にや恐れけん、三浦介とは名乗らずして本名を、三浦荒次郎義澄とこそ名乗つたれ。院宣をば覧箱に入れられたり。兵衛佐殿に奉る。ややあつて覧箱をば返されけり。重かりければ泰定これを開いて見るに砂金百両入れられたり。若宮の拝殿にして泰定に酒を勧めらる。斎院次官親義陪膳す。五位一人役送を勤む。馬三疋引かる。一疋に鞍置いたり。大宮侍狩野工藤一臈資経これを引く。古き萱屋を設うて入れられたり。厚綿の衣二両小袖十重長持に入れて設けたり。紺藍摺白布千端を積めり。杯盤豊かにして美麗なり。
  • 次の日兵衛佐の館へ向かふ。内外に侍あり共に十六間までありけり。外侍には家子郎等肩を並べ膝を組んで列び居たり。内侍には一門の源氏上座して末座には大名小名居流れたり。源氏の上座には泰定を据ゑらる。ややあつて神殿に向かふ。上には高麗縁の畳を敷き広廂には紫縁の畳を敷いて泰定を据ゑらる。御簾高く巻き上げさせて兵衛佐殿出でられたり。布衣に立烏帽子なり。顔大きに背低かりけり。容貌優美にして言語分明なり。まづ子細を一事述べたり。
  • 抑も平家、頼朝が威勢に恐れて都を落つ。その跡に木曾冠者十郎蔵人うち入りて我が高名顔に官加階を思ふ様に仕り剰へ国を嫌ひ申す条奇怪なり。また奥の秀衡が陸奥守に成り佐竹冠者が常陸守に成つてこれも頼朝が下知に従はず。急ぎ追討すべき院宣を賜ふべき由を申さる。泰定、やがてこれにて名簿をも参らせたうは候へども当時は御使の身で候へば罷り上つてやがて認めてこそ参らせめ。弟で候ふ史大夫重能もこの儀を申し候ふ。兵衛佐嘲笑うて、当時頼朝が身として各の名簿思ひも寄らず。さりながらも致さればさこそ存ぜめ、とぞ宣ひける。泰定やがて今日上洛の由を申す。今日ばかりは逗留あるべし、とて留めらる。
  • 次の日兵衛佐の館へ向かふ。萌黄糸威の腹巻一両白う作つたる太刀一振滋籐の弓に野矢副へて賜ぶ。馬十三疋引かる。三疋に鞍置いたり。十二人の家子郎等共に直垂小袖大口物具に及べり。馬だにも三百疋までありけり。鎌倉出の宿よりも鏡宿に至るまで宿々十石づづの米をぞ置かれたりければ沢山なるによつて施行に引けるとぞ聞えし。
  • 1184/1/20 義経・範頼 宇治・勢多の合戦で、義仲を破る
  • 1184/1/20 高綱・景季 宇治川の先陣争い

>Top 16. Ikezuki:

  • …On the eleventh of the first month, Kiso no Yoshinaka called on Cloistered Emperor Go-Shirakawa to announce his approaching departure for the provinces of the west on a campaign to suppress the Heike.
    on the thirteenth, even as word went out that he was leaving, news came that Yoritomo was on his way from the east with many tens of thousands of mounted men, aiming to put a stop to Kiso's insubordination, and that he had reached even now the provices of Mino and Ise.
    Kiso, thunderstruck, dismantled the Uji and Seta bridges and divided what men he had to mount a defense. At the time there were few enough of them. To meet the main attack, at the Seta Bridge, he dispatched three eight hundred men commanded by Imai no Shiro Kanehira. to the Uji Bridge went Nishina, Takanashi, and Yamada no Jiro, at the head of five hundred horse. To Shida no Saburo Yoshinori, his uncle, Kiso assigned Imoarai to hold with a band of three hundred. The main Genji force, coming from the east, followed the orders of Noriyori, the flanking force those of Yoshitsune. Thirty lesser commanders led, in all, sixty thousand warriors.
  • Load Yoritomo had two superb horses in those days: Ikezuki and Surusumi. Fujiwara Kagesue had often begged him for Ikezuki, only to be told, "When the time comes, I will ride Ikezuki into battle. Surusumi is just as good, thought." He gave Kajiwara Surusumi.
  • When Sasaki Takatsuna came to say good-bye, Yoritomo replied for some reason, "Many others have asked for him. I want you to know that." And he gave Sasaki Ikezuki. Sasaki respectfully answered, "On this horse I shall be first of all men across the Uji River. If you hear that I died there, you will know that someone crossed before me. If you hear that I am still alive, you will know that I crossed first." With this, Sasaki withdrew from his lord's presence. Those present, great and small, whispered among themselves, "He certainly talks big!"

16. 生食: (巻第九)

  • …同じ正月十一日、木曽左馬頭義仲院参して、平家追討のために、西国へ発向すべき由、奏問す。同じき十三日、すでに門いでと聞こえしほどに、東国より前兵衛佐頼朝、木曽が狼藉静めんとて、数万騎の軍兵をさし上せられけるが、すでに美濃国・伊勢国に着くと聞こえしかば、木曽大きに驚き、宇治・瀬田の橋を引いて、軍兵どもをわかちつかはす。をりふし、勢もなかりけり。瀬田の橋へは、大手なればとて、今井の四郎兼平、八百余騎でさしつかはす。宇治橋へは、仁科・高梨・山田の次郎、五百余騎でさしつかはす。一口へは伯父の志太い三郎先生義教、三百余騎で向かひけり。東国より攻め上る大手の将軍は、蒲御曹司範頼、搦手の大将軍は、九郎御曹司義経、むねとの大名三十余人、つがふその勢六万余騎とぞ聞こえし。
  • そのころ鎌倉殿に、いけずき・するすみといふ名馬あり。いけずきをば梶原の源太景季しきりに望み申しけども、鎌倉殿、「自然のことあらん時、物の具して頼朝が乗るべき馬なり。するすみも劣らぬ名馬ぞ。」とて梶原にはするすみをころたうだりけれ。
  • 佐々木四郎高綱がいとも申しに参りたりけるに、鎌倉殿、いかがおぼしめされけん、「所望の者はいくらもあれども存知せよ。」とて、いけずきを佐々木にたぶ。佐々木かしこまりて申しけるは、「高綱、この御馬で宇治川の真っ先渡し候ふべし。宇治川でしにて候ふときこしめし候はば、人に先をせられてんげりとおぼしめし候へ。未だ生きて候ふと聞こしめされ候はば、さだめて先陣はしつらんものをとおぼしめされ候へ。」とて、お前をまかり立つ。参会したる大名・小名みな、「荒涼の申しやうかな。」とささやき合へり。

>Top 17. First Across the Uji River:

  • …The commander, Yoshitsune, strode to the bank and gazed across. Perhaps he wished to try his men's mettle, for he remarked, "This looks bad. Perhaps we should go around by Yodo or Imoarai. Or perhaps we should wait for the river to drop." Hatakeyama was then in only his twenty-first year, but he stepped forward nonetheless. "In Kamakura," he declared, "we heard all about this river. It is not as though you saw before you a river of which you know nothing. This river drains the lake in Omi. Wait? No, we could wait forever before the water level drops. And who, then, will build us a bridge? Look at that battle during Jisho: Ashikaga Tadatsuna crossed well enough - do you suppose some god or devil carried him? I, Shigetada, will test for you the depth and footing." Five hundred riders, mostly of the Tan League, pressed forward, bridle to bridle, to join him. From the tip of a little promontory, Tachibana-no-kojima, just northeast of the Byodo-in, two warriors galloped at breakneck speed. Kajiwara Kagesue was one, the other Sasaki Takatsuna. No one had guessed what they were planning, but secretly each had sworn to be first. Kajiwara was several lengths ahead when Sasaki shouted, "Of all the rivers here in the west, this is the biggest!" Your girth looks loose. Better tighten it!"
  • Kajiwara must have believed him: He held the stirrups away from his mount, tossed the reins over the mane, undid the girth, and cinched it tighter. Meanwhile Sasaki galloped past him and plunged with a splash into the river. No doubt knowing he had been tricked, Kajiwara plunged in right behind him. "Look out, Sasaki! Don't play the fool out of a desperate thirst for fame! There must be ropes stretched underwater!" So he shouted, at which Sasaki drew his sword and slashed through the ropes that already threatened his horse's legs.
  • Riding none other than Ikezuki, the most marvelous steed in the world, he cut straight across the Uji River and scrambles up on the opposite bank. Kajiwara, on Surusumi, found himself swept far down the river before he, too, came up on dry land. Sasaki rose in his stirrups and in a great voice declared his name: "Descended from Emperor Uda nine generations in the past, fourth son of Sasaki Hideyoshi, I am Sasaki Shiro Takatsuna, the first man across the Uji River!" Hatakeyama's five hundred men crossed then and there. An arrow from the far bank, from the bow of Yamada no Jiro, sank deep into the forehead of Hatakeyama's mount. In midstream Hatakeyama abandoned the stricken animal and continued on foot, bracing himself with his bow Waves crashing over the rocks spattered his helmet to eye level, but he ignored them.
  • He got across, treading the bottom, and was about to climb onto the bank when he felt a sharp tug from behind. "Who's that?" he demanded to know. "Shigechika!" "What? Okushi Shigechika?" "Yes." Hatakeyama had presided over Shigechika's coming-of-age. "The current was so fast it swept my horse from under me," Shigechika explained. "I had to hang on to you." "You youngsters, you're always getting grown men like me to save you!" Hatakeyama hauled him up and tossed him onto the bank. Instantly Shigechika righted himself. "Okushi no Jiro Shigechika, from Musashi: Yes, I am he, the first across the Uji River!" he announced, and friend or foe, all who heard him roared with laughter.
  • Hatakaeyama had found a new mount when one of the enemy came forward, red-laced armor worn over olive green, gilt-edged saddle on a dappled gray. "Who are you, advancing on me?" Hatakeyama asked. "Name yourself!" "I am a kinsman of Lord Kiso, Nagase no Hangandai Shigetsuna." He was the day's offering to the god of war: Hatakeyama moved beside him, gripped him fiercely, threw him down, twisted his head around, and cut it off. One of his men, Honda no Jiro, tied it onto the back of his saddle. So for Lord Kiso's men it began: Those sent to secure the Uji Bridge managed to hold it a little while, but the easterners, once all across, cut them to pieces and sent them fleeing for the Kohata hills and Fushimi. As for Seta, Inage Shigenari devised their success: At Tanagami, they crossed over the Kugo shallows.

17. 宇治川先陣: (巻第九)

  • …大将軍九郎御曹司川の端に進み出で水の面を見渡いて人々の心を見んとや思はれけん。淀一口へや向かふべき水の落足をや待つべき。いかがせん、と宣ふ処にここに武蔵国の住人畠山庄司次郎重忠生年に成りけるが、進み出でて申しけるは、この川の御沙汰は鎌倉にてもよくよく候ひしぞかし。日比知ろし召されぬ海川の俄に出で来ても候はばこそ。近江の湖の末なれば待つとも待つとも水干まじ。橋をばまた誰が渡いて参らすべき。一年治承の合戦に足利又太郎忠綱が渡しけるは鬼神か、重忠まづ瀬踏み仕らん、とて丹党を宗として五百余騎ひしひしと轡を並ぶる処に、ここに平等院の艮橘の小島崎より武者二騎引き懸け引き懸け出で来たり。一騎は梶原源太景季一騎は佐々木四郎高綱なり。人目には何とも見えざりけれども内々先に心をかけたりければ梶原は佐々木に一段ばかりぞ進んだる。
  • 佐々木、いかに梶原殿この川は西国一の大河ぞや。腹帯の延びて見えさうぞ、締め給へ、と云ひければ梶原さもあるらんとや思ひけん、手綱を馬の揺髪に捨て左右の鎧を踏み透かし腹帯を解いてぞ締めたりける。佐々木その間に其処をつと馳せ抜いて川へさつとぞうち入れたる。梶原謀られぬとや思ひけんやがて続いてうち入つたり。
  • 梶原、いかに佐々木殿高名せうとて不覚し給ふな。水の底には大綱あるらん心得給へ、と云ひければ佐々木太刀を抜いて馬の脚にかかりける大綱共をふつふつと打ち切り打ち切り宇治川速しといへども生食といふ世一の馬には乗つたりけり。一文字にさつと渡いて向かひの岸にぞ打ち上げたる。梶原が乗つたりける磨墨は川中より篦撓形に押し流され、遥かの下より打ち上げたり。
  • その後佐々木鐙踏ん張り立ち上がり大音声を揚げて、宇多天皇より九代の後胤佐々木三郎秀義が四男佐々木四郎高綱宇治川の先陣ぞや。木曾殿の御方に我と思はん人々は寄り合へや見参せん、とて喚いて駆く。畠山五百余騎でやがて渡す。向かひの岸より山田次郎が放つ矢に畠山馬の額を箆深に射させ弱れば川中より弓杖を突いて下り立つたり。岩波甲の手先へさつと押しかけけれども、畠山これを事ともせず水の底を潜つて向かひの岸にぞ着きにける。
  • 上がらんとする処に後より物こそむずと控へたれ。誰そ、と問へば、重親、と答ふ。いかに大串か。さん候ふ、大串次郎は畠山が為には烏帽子子にてぞ候ひける。あまりに水が速うて馬をば押し流され候ひぬ。力及ばでこれまで着き参つて候ふ、と言ひければ畠山、いつも和殿原がやうなる者は重忠にこそ助けられんずれ、と云ふまま大串を掴んで岸の上へぞ投げ上げたる。投げ上げられて立ち直り太刀を抜いて額に当て大音声を揚げて、武蔵国の住人大串次郎重親宇治川の徒歩立ちの先陣ぞやとぞ名乗つたる。敵も御方もこれを聞いて一度にどつとぞ笑ひける。

>Top 18. The Death of Kiso:

  • Lord Kiso had brought with him from Shinano two beauties: Tomoe and Yamabukil. Yamabuki was unwell and stayed in the capita. With her lovely white skin and long hair, Tomoe had enchanting looks. an archer of rare strength, a powerful warrior, and on foot or on horseback a swordsman to face any demon or god, she was a fighter to stand alone against a thousand. She could ride the wildest horse down the steepest slope. In battle, Kiso clad her in the finest armor, equipped her with a great sword and a mighty bow, and charged her with the attack on the opposing commander. She won such repeated glory that none could stand beside her. and that is why, when so many had already been cut down in their flight, Tomoe remained among the last seven.
  • Word spread that, via Nagasaka, Kiso was now heading for Tanba, or that he was crossing Ryuge Pass, aiming at last to reach the north. Actually, desperate to know what had become of Kanehira, he was in full flight toward Seta. Meanwhile Imai Kanehira, who with a force of eight hundred had done his best to hold that crossing, now was reduced to fifty men. Banner furled, he was heading back toward the city, anxious to know what fate had overtaken his lord, when the two men found each other in Otsu, along the Uchide shore. Each knew the other a hundred yards off. They urged their their mounts forward and met. Kiso took Kanehira's hands. "It seemed all over for me," he said, "on the riverbank at Rokujo, but I so longed to know about you that I broke through swarms of enemies and managed to reach you after all." Imai replied, "You do me too much honor. I had meant to die in battle at Seta, but concern fro you led me here."
    And Lord Kiso: "Then the bond between us still holds. The enemy has scattered my men and driven them into the woods. they must be somewhere nearby. Raise that furled banner of yours!" Imai did so. …
  • Lord Kiso wore that day Chinese damask-laced armor over a red brocade hitatare, a helmet with kuwagata horns, and a dauntingly long sword. At hi back the few arrows left to him after the day's battles projected above his head, fletched with eagle feathers. He carried a black, rattan-wrapped bow, and his exceptionally powerful steed, famous under the name Demon Roan, bore a gilt-edged saddle. He rose in his stirrups and announced in a great voice, "You will have long heard tell of me: the man from Kiso. Now with your eyes behold the chief left equerry and also the governor of Iyo, famed as the Asahi Shogun, Minamoto no Yoshinaka!" They say you are Ichijo no Jiro, from Kai. Then hear me! We are worthy opponents, you and I! Take my head and show it off to Yoritomo!"
  • With that he charged. Ichijo cried, "The man who just now shouted his name is their great commander! See that he does not slip away! Get him, young men of mine, strike him down!" Surrounding Kiso with a mass of men, Ichijo went for his life and his head. Kiso's three hundred, amid six thousand, slashed left, right, up, down, everywhere, meanwhile retreating till they broke out, just fifty now, cutting through all comers until they met a force of two thousand under Doi no Jiro Sanehira. They broke through that, too, and farther on, through four or five hundred, through two or three, through a hundred and forty or fifty, then a hundred, each time at a cost, until Kiso had only four left. This last remnant brand of five still included Tomoe.
  • Lord Kiso said to her, "Go, woman, go quickly, anywhere, far away. For myself, I shall die in battle or, if wounded, take my own life, and it must not be said that at the end I had a woman with me." She still did not go, but he kept pressing her until at last she reflected, "All I want is a worthy opponent, so that he can watch me fight my last fight." And while she waited, Onda no Hachiro Moroshige, a man from Musashi famed for his strength, rode up with thirty men. Tomoe charged, caught him in an iron grip, forced hi head down to her pommel, kept it pinned there, twisted it around, cut it off, and tossed it away, Then she abandoned her arms and armor and fled toward the east. Tezuka no taro was killed. Tezuka no Betto fled. Imai and Kiso were alone.…
  • Lord Kiso galloped off, alone, toward the pines of Awazu. It was the first month, the twenty-first day. The light was failing, and thin ice spread across the surrounding paddies. Never knowing he depth of the mud, he rode his mount straight into one. the horse sank in over its head. No stirtup, no whip could move it. Lord Kiso glanced back, worried about Imai, so that his tilted helmet offered an opening. Ishida no Jiro Tamehisa, close behind him, drew to the full, and his arrow sped through. The would was mortal. Kiso slumped forward onto his horse's neck. two of Ishida's men fell on him and took his head. Ishida impaled it on his sword, held it aloft, and shouted, "Lord Kiso, so famous lately throughout Japan, has fallen to Ishida no Jiro Tamehisa!" Imai Kenehira, still fighting, heard. "Well then, I have no one left to protect! Learn from the greatest brave in Japan how a warrior ends his life!" He took the point of his sward in his mouth, hurled himself headlong from his horse, and died transfixed. So it came to pass that no battle took place at Awazu.

18. 木曽最後:(巻第九)

  • close: clad
  • 木曽殿は信濃より、巴・山吹とて、二人の美女を具せられたり。山吹はいたはりあって、都にとどまりぬ。中にも巴は、色白く髪長く、容顔まことにすぐれたり。ありがたき強弓、精兵、馬の上、かち立ち、打ち物持っては鬼にも神にも会はうどいふ一人当千のつはものなり。究竟の荒馬乗り、悪所落とし、いくさといへば、さねよきよろひ着せ、大太刀・強弓待たせて、まづ一方の大将に向けられけり。度々の高名、肩を並ぶる者なし。さればこのたびも、多くの者ども落ち行き討たれける中に、七騎がうちまで巴は討たれざれけり。
  • 木曽は、長坂を経て丹波路へおもむくとも聞こえけり。また、龍花越えにかかって北国へとも聞こえけり。かかりしかども、今井が行くへを聞かばやとて、瀬田の方へ落ち行くほどに、今井の四郎兼平も、八百余騎で瀬田を固めたりけるが、わづかに五十騎ばかりに討ちなされ、旗をば巻かせて、主のおぼつかなきに、都へ取って返すほどに、大津の打出の浜にて、木曽殿に行き会ひ奉る。互ひに中一町ばかりよりそれと見知って、主従駒を速めてより会うたり。木曽殿、今井が手を取ってのたまひけるは、「義仲、六条河原でいかにもなるべかりつれども、なんぢが行くへの恋しさに、多くのかたきの中を駆け割って、これまではのがれたるなり。」今井の四郎が、「御諚まことにかがじけなう候。兼平も瀬田で討死つかまつるべう候ひついれども、御行くへのおぼつかなさに、これまで参って候。」とぞ申しける。木曽殿、「契はいまだ朽ちせざりけり。義仲が勢は、かたきに押し隔てられ、山林にはせ散って、この辺にもあるらんぞ。なんぢが巻かせて持たせたる旗、揚げさせよ。」とのたまへば、今井が旗をさし揚げたり。…
  • 木曽の左馬頭、その日の装束には、赤地の錦の直垂に、唐綾をどしのよろひ来て、くは形打つたるかぶとの緒締め、いか物造りの大太刀はき、石打の矢の、その日のいくさに射て少々残つなるを、かしら高に負ひなし、しげどうの弓持って、聞こゆる木曽の鬼葦毛といふ馬のきはめて太うたくましいに、金覆輪のくら置いてぞ乗つたりける。あぶみ踏んばり立ち上がり、大音声をあげて名のりけるは、「昔は聞けんものを、木曽の冠者、今は見るらん。左馬頭兼伊予守、朝日の将軍源義仲ぞや。甲斐の一条の次郎こそ聞け。互ひによいかたきぞ。義仲討って兵衛の佐に見せよや。」とて、をめいて駆く。
  • 一条の次郎、「ただ今名のるは大将軍ぞ。余すな者ども、漏らすな若党、討てや。」とて、大勢の中に取りこめて、われ討つ取らんとぞ進みける。木曽三百余騎、六千余騎が中を縦さま・横さま・くも手・十文字に駆け割って、後ろへつつといでたれば、五十騎ばかりになりにけり。そこを破って行くほどに、土肥の次郎実平二千余騎でささへたり。それをも破って行くほどに、あそこでは四、五百騎馬、ここでは二、三百騎、百四、五十騎馬、百騎ばかりが中を駆け割り、駆け割り行くほどに、主従五騎にぞなりにける。五騎がうちまで巴は討たれざりけり。
  • 木曽殿、「おのれはとうとう女なれば、いづちへの行け。われは討ち死にせんと思ふなり。もし人手にかからば自害をせんずれば、木曽殿の最後のいくさに女を具せられたりけりなんど言はれんことも、しかるべからず。」とのたまひけれども、なほ落ちも行かざりけるが、あまりに言はれ奉りて、「あっぱれ、よからうかたきがな。最後のいくさして、見せ奉らん。」とて控へたるところに、武蔵の国に聞こえたる大力、おん田の八郎師重、三十ばかりいで来たり。巴、その中へ駆け入り、おん田の八郎に押し並べ、むずと取って引き落とし、わが乗ったるくらの前輪に押しつけて、ちっとも働かさず、首ねぢ切って捨ててんげり。その後、物の具脱ぎ捨て、東国の方へ落ちぞ行く。手塚の太郎討ち死にす。手塚の別当落ちにけり。…
  • 木曽殿はただ一騎、粟津の松原へ駆けたまふが、正月二十一日入りあひばかりのことなるに、薄氷は張つたりけり。深田ありとも知らずして、馬をざっと打ち入れたれば、馬のかしらも見えざりけり。あふれどもあふれども、打てども打てども働かず。今井が行くへのおぼつかなさに、ふり仰ぎたまへる内かぶとを、三浦の石田の次郎為久、おつかかって、よつ引いて、ひやうふつと射る。痛手なれば、まつかうを馬のかしらに当ててうつ伏したまへるところに、石田が郎等二人落ち合うてつひに木曽殿の首をば取つてんげり。太刀の先に貫ぬき、高くさし上げ、大音声をあげて、「この日ごろ日本国に聞こえさせたまひつる木曽殿を、三浦の石田の次郎為久が討ち奉りたるぞや。」と名のりければ、今井の四郎、いくさしけるが、これを聞き、「今はたれをかばはんとてか、いくさをばすべき、これを見たまへ、東国の殿ばら。日本一の剛の者の自害する手本。」とて、太刀の先を口に含み、馬よりさかさまに飛び落ち、貫ぬかってぞ失せにける。さてころ粟津のいくさはなかりけれ。
  • 1184/1/20 範頼・義経、宇治・勢多合戦で義仲を破る。
  • 1184/1/20 範頼・義経 入京; 義仲 粟津にて戦死
  • 1184/2/7 義経 鵯越の坂落、平家大敗 忠度・敦盛ほか討死
  • 1184/4/1 維盛 那智の滝に入水

>Top 19. The Charge Down Hiyodori Ravine:

  • Yoshitsune stood looking out over the fortress below. "Let's send some horses down there," he said, "and see how they do." They drove down a number of saddled horses. Some broke their legs and fell, others got down safe and sound. three saddled steeds landed on top of Moritoshi's quarters and stood there, trembling. Yoshitsune was convinced. "As long as the riders are careful," he declared, "the horses can get down there perfectly well. So down we go! Do as I do!" And down he went, with thirty men. The whole force poured after him.
  • The slope was so steep that those behind found the front of their stirrups bumping the helmets of the riders ahead. Swiftly, over mixed sand and pebbles, they slid for some tow hundred yards, until, on a flat spot, they halted. From there they looked down. Huge, mossy boulders dropped plumb before them a good hundred and fifty feet. "This is it, then," they muttered, frozen. But Sato no Juro Yoshitsune stepped forward. "In Miura, where I come from," he said, "we gallop over places like this anytime, just chasing a bird. This is a Miura riding ground!" And down he went. Everyone followed, stifling whoops and shouts to the horses. The drop was so steep they shut their eyes. The feat seemed all but superhuman - something for gods or demons, not men. Short of the bottom, they roared their war cry: three thousand voices, answered by echoes swelling them to ten thousand strong.
  • Murakami Yasukuni loosed fire among the Heike camp buildings and burned every one to the ground. The strong wind then rolled billows of black smoke over the Heike men. they panicked, and most raced to save themselves by plunging into the sea. Many ships lay ready there, but with hundreds an hundreds of armed warriors clamoring all at once to board them, disaster was sure to follow, three sank in full view before they got more than a few hundred yards offshore.
  • It was next decided to let men of rank board but not the lower orders, who were to be fended off with swords and halberds. Knowing full well what awaited them, these held on for dear life nonetheless to ships they were forbidden to board. Some of them had their arms cut off, some their forearms, and there they lay at the water's edge, red with blood. Never once throughout many battles had Lord Noritsune's courage faltered, but now, for reasons best known to himself, he mounted his horse, Usuguro, and fled west as fast as he could. At Akashi, over in Harima, he boarded a ship and set sail at once for Sanuki province and Yashima.

19. 坂落:(巻第九)

  • close: clad
  • …さるほどに大将軍九郎御曹司義経平家の城廓遥かに見下しておはしけるが、馬共落いて見ん、とて少々落されけり。或いは中にて転んで落つるもあり。或いは中にて脚打ち折つて死ぬるもあり。されどもその中に鞍置馬三疋相違なく落ち着いて越中前司が屋形の上に身振ひしてこそ立つたりけれ。御曹司、馬は主々が心得て落さんいはいたう損ずまじかりけるぞ。くは落せ。義経を手本にせよ、とてまづ三十騎ばかり真先駆けて落されければ三千余騎の兵共皆続いて落す。
  • 小石の混じりの砂子なりければ流れ落しに二町ばかりさつと落いて壇なる所に控へたり。それより下を見下せば大磐石の苔生したるが釣瓶下ろしに十四五丈ぞ下つたる。それより先へは進むべしとも見えずまた後ろへ取つて返すべきやうもなかりしかば兵共、此処ぞ最後、と申してあきれて控へたる処に三浦佐原十郎義連進み出でて申しけるは、我等が方では鳥一つ立ちても朝夕かやうの所をば馳せ歩け。これは三浦の方の馬場や、とて真先駆けて落しければ大勢皆続いて落す。後陣に落す者の鎧の鼻は先陣の鎧甲にさはるほどなり。あまりのいぶせさに目を塞いで落しける。えいえい声を忍びにして馬に力を付けて落す。大方の人の為業とは見えずただ鬼神の所為とぞ見えし。落しも果ねぬに鬨をどつとぞ作りける。三千余騎が声なれども山彦答へて十万余騎とぞ聞えける。
  • 村上判官代康国が手より火を出だいて平家の屋形仮屋を皆焼き払ふ。折節風は烈しし黒煙既に押し懸けければ平家の兵共もしや助かると前の海へぞ多く走り入りける。渚に助け船共幾らもありけれども船一艘に鎧うたる者の四五百人千人ばかり混み乗つたらうになじかはよかるべき。渚より三町ばかり漕ぎ出でて目の前に大船三艘沈みにけり。
  • その後はよき武者をば乗すとも雑人原をば乗すべからずとて太刀長刀で薙がせけり。かくする事とは知りながら敵に逢ひては死なずして乗せじとする船には取り付き掴み付き或いは臂打ち斬られ或いは肘打ち落されて一谷の汀に朱になつてぞ並み臥したる。さるほどに大手にも浜の手にも武蔵相模の若殿原面も振らずし命も惜しまず此処を最後と攻め戦ふ。能登殿は度々の軍に一度も不覚し給はぬ人の今度はいかが思はれけん薄墨といふ馬にうち乗つて西を指してぞ落ち給ふ。播磨の高砂より御舟に召して讃岐の八島へ渡り給ひぬ。
  • 1184/1/20 範頼・義経、宇治・勢多合戦で義仲を破る。
  • 1184/1/20 範頼・義経 入京; 義仲 粟津にて戦死
  • 1184/2/7 義経 鵯越の坂落、平家大敗 忠度・敦盛ほか討死
  • 1184/4/1 維盛 那智の滝に入水

>Top 20. (1184) The Death of Tadanori:

  • Tadanori, governor of Satsuma, commanded the west Heike force at Ichi-no-tani. He wore black-laced armor over a dark blue brocade hitatare, and his powerful black horse sported a lacquered saddle sprinkled with silver and gold. Amid a hundred of his men, he coolly fought a series of skirmishes, meanwhile retreating, until Okabe Tadazumi, of the Inomata League, spotted him as a commander. Whip and stirrup, Okabe caught up with him. "Who are you? he demanded to know. "Declare your name!" "One of yours," Tadanori replied. He glanced back at the man, who glimpsed blackened teeth in the helmeted face. "Heavens! No one on our side blackens his teeth!" Okkabe reflected. "He must be a Taira noble!" Okabe rode up beside the man and seized him. Tadanori 's hundred, all forcibly drafted, came from an assortment of provinces, and none rushed to his aid. At the sight every man fled as fast as he could.
  • "You wretch!" said Tadanori. "When I told you I was one of yours, you should have let it go at that!" Having been brought up at Kumano, he was a strong man and very quick. In a flash he drew his dagger. He stabbed Okabe twice on horseback and once more after he had fallen. So it was that he struck three blows. The first two of these glanced off the armor, failing to penetrate it. the third went inside the helmet, but the wound was too light to kill. He had Okabe's head pinned to the ground and was about to cut it off when the man's page galloped up from behind, drew his sword, and cut off Tadanori's dagger arm at the elbow. Tadanori knew that this was the end. "Leave me a moment," he said. "I wish to call the Name ten times." He gripped Okabe and shoved him a bow length away. Then he turned his face to the west, called ten times on Amida, and ended, "You who illumine the worlds, you gather to you without fail all sentient beings who call your Name!" That very instant Okabe, from behind him, stuck off his head.
  • He knew he had killed a commander, but not who that commander was. He then read a strip of paper attached to the slain man's quiver. It bore a poem on the topic "Blossoms at a Wayside Inn":
    • Nighfall on the road, and should one then seek lodging beneath a cherry tree the blossoms themselves, that night, might prove a most gracious host.
      The signature read, "Tadanori."
  • He knew then who was his prize. He impaled the head on his sword, lifted it high, and announced in a great voice, "I, Okabe Tadazumi, have slain the great Heike commander Tadanori, governor of Satsuma!" Both sides, on hearing these words, were struck with pity. "Alas," they cried, "for a gentleman so accomplished both in poetry and in war! This great commander will be missed!"

20. 忠度最後:(巻第九)

  • 薩摩守忠度は一の谷西の手の大将軍にておはしけるが、紺地の錦の直垂に黒糸縅の鎧着て、黒き馬の太うたくましきに、いかけ地の鞍置いて乗りたまへり。その勢百騎ばかりが中にうち囲まれて、いと騒がず、控へ控へ落ちたまふを、猪俣党に岡辺六野太忠純、大将軍と目をかけ、鞭・鐙を合はせて追つつきたてまつり、「そもそもいかなる人でましまし候ふぞ。名のらせたまへ。」と申しければ、「これは味方ぞ。」とて、ふり仰ぎたまへる内甲より見入れたれば鉄漿黒なり。あっぱれ、味方には鉄漿つけたる人はないものを、平家の公達でおはするにこそと思ひ、押し並べてむずと組む。これを見て百騎ばかりあるつはどの、国々の馳武者なれば一騎も落ち合はず。われ先にとぞ落ち行きける。
  • 薩摩守、「につくいやつかな。味方ぞといはば、いはせよかし。」とて、熊野育ち、大力の早わざにておはしければ、やがて刀を抜き、六郎太を馬の上で二刀、落ち着くところで一刀、三刀までぞ突かれたる。二刀は鎧の上なれば通らず、一刀は内甲へ突き入れられたれども、薄手なれば死なざりけるを、取って押さへて首をかかんとしたまふところに六郎太が童、おくればせに馳せ来つて、打刀を抜き、薩摩守の右の腕をひぢのもとよりふつと斬り落とす。今はかうとや思はれけん、「しばし退け、十念唱えん。」とて、六郎太をつかうで、弓丈ばかり投げ退けられたり。その後、西に向かひ、高声に十念唱へ、「光明遍照十万世界、念仏衆生摂取不捨。」とのたまひも果てねば、六郎太うしろより寄つて、薩摩守の首を討つ。
  • よい大将軍討つたりと思ひけれども、名をばたれとも知らざりけるに、箙に結びつけられたる文を解いて見れば、「旅宿の花といふ題にて、一首の歌をぞ詠まれたる。
    • 行き暮れて木ノ下陰を宿とせば花や今宵のあるじならまし 忠度
  • と書かれたりけるにこそ、薩摩守とは知りてんげれ。太刀の先に貫き、高くさし上げ、大音声をあげて、「この日ごろ平家の御方に聞こえさせたまひつる薩摩守殿をば、岡辺六郎太忠純が討ちたてまつたるぞや。」と名のりければ、敵も味方もこれを聞いて、「あないとほし。武芸にも歌道にも達者にておはしつる人を。あつたら大将軍を。」とて涙を流し、袖をぬらさぬはなかりけり。
  1. 1183/7/5 忠度, 都落ち
  2. 1184/2/4 鵯越の坂落にて、忠度・敦盛・通盛ほか討死。重衡捕縛
  3. 1184/2/13 一谷で討たれた平氏の首, 六条河原に曝される
  4. 1184/3/10 重衡、梶原景時が鎌倉へ連行
  5. 1184/3/28 維盛27, 那智の滝へ入水
  6. 1984/9/12 範頼, 平氏追討へ発向

>Top 21. (1184) The Death of Atsumori:

  • The enemy army was finished, and Kumagai Naozane remarked, "The Heike lords will be falling back down to the water, so as to get away on their ships. I would gladly do battle with a worthy commander." He rode toward the shore and found a warrior there, wearing a silk hitatare embroidered with cranes under delicately tinted green armor, a helmet with spreading horns, a sword with gold fittings, and, on his back, arrows fletched with mottled feathers. He carried a lacquered, rattan-wrapped bow and rode a dappled gray with a gold-trimmed saddle. Eyes fixed on a ship out at sea, he plunged into the water and swam toward it some fifty yards. Kumagai shouted a challenge to him: "My eyes tell me that you are a man of high rank. For shame, to turn your face from an enemy! Come back! Come back!" He beckoned urgently with his fan, and the other came. Kumagai halted beside him even as he rode up onto the shore and gripped him hard. The pair fell. Kumagai pinned the head to the ground and, to take it, tore off the helmet. He beheld a youth in his sixteenth or seventeenth year, his face lightly powdered, his teeth blackened, and about the same age as Kumagai's son, Kojiro. He was very pretty, too. Kumagai could not bring himself to begin.
  • He spoke instead: "Who are you, if I may ask? Tell me your name. I will spare you." "And who are you?" the other answered. "Nobody you can have hear of: Kumagai no Jiro Naozane from the province of Musashi," Kumagai replied. "Well then, nothing about you requires me to give you may name. I am an worthy opponent. Take my head anyway and as around. Others will know me." "Ah!" Kumagai said to himself. "Then he is of very high rank! and what if I do behead him? His losing army cannot win. If, on the other hand, I do not, our winning army still cannot lose. Kojiro's wound, though slight, was still a terrible shock." How this young lord's father, then, will suffer when he learns that his son has been killed! No, I simply must spare his life." But then he glanced behind him. He saw Doi and Kajiwara galloping his way with fifty men.
  • Struggling to hold back his tears, he said, "What I want, you know, is to spare you, but the great host of men on my side will never allow you to get away. Rather than leave your fate to others, I prefer to see to it myself and to pray for you in the afterlife." So he spoke; and the lordly youth: "Just take my head now. Only be quick." Kumagai, overcome by pity, hardly knew how even to begin. His sight darkened, his courage faltered, he barely knew what he was doing, but there was simply no escape: In tears, he took the head after all. "Alas," he murmured in bitter grief, "the warrior's calling is harder than any. Had I not been born to a warlike house, never would I have known such sorrow!" What cruelty has been forced on me!"
  • He pressed his sleeves to his eyes and wept. A moment went by. there was more to do. He took off the young man's hitatare, meaning to use it to wrap the head, and found at his waist a brocade bag containing a flute. "Oh, how awful!" At dawn today, within the fortress, you could hear men making music, and obviously he was one of them! We boast in our army from the east warriors by the tens of thousands, but I am certain not one of them brought a flute with him into battle! These noble gentlemen are so refined!" Kumagai went to present himself before Yoshitsune, and the sight of the head drew tears from every man present. Only later on did Kuamagai learn that the youth had been Atsumori, the son of Taira no Tsunemori, the director of palace upkeep. He had been in his seventeenth year. It was then that Kuamagai felt rise compellingly within him the aspiration to enlightenment. Now, as to Atsumori's flute, his grandfather, Tadamori, a most accomplished musician, had once received it as a gift from Retired Emperor Toba. He then passed it down in his line, and it had come, or so they say, or his talent, to Atsumori. The name of the flute was Saeda. It is a touching thought indeed that the giddy charms of music served to turn a warrior's mind to praise the way traced by the Buddha.

21. 敦盛最後:(巻第九)

  • さるほどに一谷の軍敗れにしかば武蔵国の住人熊谷次郎直実、平家の君達助け舟に乗らんとて汀の方へや落ち行き給ふらん。あつぱれよき大将軍に組まばや、と思ひ渚を指して歩まする処に、ここに鶴縫うたる直垂に萌黄匂の鎧着て鍬形打つたる甲の緒を締め金作の太刀を帯き二十四差いたる切斑の矢負ひ滋籐の弓持ち連銭葦毛なる馬に金覆輪の鞍置いて乗つたる武者一騎、沖なる舟を目にかけ海へさつとうち入れ五六段ばかり泳がせける。熊谷、あれはいかによき大将軍とこそ見参らせ候へ。正なうも敵に後ろを見せ給ふものかな。返させ給へ返させ給へ、と扇を挙げて招きければ、招かれて取つて返し渚に打ち上がらんとし給ふ処に、波打際にて押し並びむずと組んでどうと落ち取つて押さへて首を馘かんとて内甲を押し仰けて見たりければ年の齢十六七ばかりなるが薄仮粧して鉄漿黒なり。我が子の小次郎が齢ほどにて容顔まことに美麗なりければ何処に刀を立つべしとも覚えず。
  • 熊谷、いかなる人にて渡らせ給ひやらん。名乗らせ給へ。助け参らせん、と申せば、汝は誰そ、名乗れ聞かう物その者では候はねども武蔵国の住人熊谷次郎直実、と名乗り申す。汝が為にはよい敵ぞ、名乗らずとも首を取つて人に問へ、見知らうずるぞ、とぞ宣ひける。熊谷、あつぱれ大将軍や。この人一人討ち奉りたりとも負くべき軍に勝つ事はよもあらじ。また助け奉るとも勝つ軍に負くる事もよもあらじ。我が子の小次郎が薄手負うたるをだに直実は心苦しう思ふぞかし。この殿の父討たれ給ひぬと聞き給ひてさこそは嘆き悲しび給はんずらめ。助け参らせん、とて後ろを顧みたりければ、土肥梶原五十騎ばかりで出で来たり。
  • 熊谷涙をはらはらと流いて、あれ御覧候へ、いかにもして助け参らせんとは存じ候へども御方の軍兵雲霞の如くに満ち満ちてよも遁れ参らせ候はじ。あはれ同じうは直実が手に懸け奉つてこそ後の御孝養をも仕り候はめ、と申しければ、ただいかやうにも疾う疾う首を取れとぞ宣ひける。熊谷あまりにいとほしくて何処に刀を立つべしとも覚えず、目も眩れ心も消え果てて前後不覚に覚えけれども、さてしもあるべき事ならねば泣く泣く首をぞ馘いてける。あはれ弓矢取る身ほど口惜しかりける事はなし。武芸の家に生れずば何しに只今かかる憂き目をば見るべき、情なうも討ち奉つたるものかな、と袖を顔に押し当てさめざめとぞ泣き居たる。
  • 首を包まんとて鎧直垂を解いて見ければ錦の袋に入れられたりける笛をぞ腰に差されたる。あないとほし。この暁、城の内にて管絃し給ひつるはこの人々にておはしけり。当時御方に東国の勢何万騎かあるらめども軍の陣へ笛持つ人はよもあらじ。上臈はなほも優しかりけるものを、とてこれを取つて大将軍の御見参に入れたりければ、見る人涙を流しけり。後に聞けば修理大夫経盛の子息大夫敦盛とて生年十七にぞ成られける。それよりしてこそ熊谷が発心の心は出来にけれ。件の笛は祖父忠盛笛の上手にて鳥羽院より下し賜はられたりしを、敦盛の器量たるによつてこの笛をぞ持たれたりける。名をば、小枝とぞ申しける。狂言綺語の理、と云ひながら、つひに讃仏乗の因となるこそ哀れなれ。
  • 1184/2/7 鵯越の坂落; 平家大敗; 敦盛の最後
  • 1184/3/10 重衡, 鎌倉へ連行
  • 1184/4/1 頼朝, 義仲追討の賞として正四位下
  • 1184/2/7 平敦盛の最後

>Top 22. (1185) Nasu-no-Yoichi:

  • While all this was going on, men of Awa and Sanuki, once Heike allies but now at Genji disposal - fourteen or fifteen at a time, or as many as twenty - came drifting in from scattered peaks and hollows until soon Yoshitsune commanded over three hundred horse. "The sun is low," he remarked. "Too little day is left to decide victory or defeat." He was just drawing his men back when, from farther out at sea, a prettily decorated boat came rowing in toward land. Some hundred yards out, it turned broadside to the shore. All were wondering what it was up to when a stunning girl, not yet twenty, wearing a fivefold "willow" layering and a red hakama divide skirt, came to the side and planted there, upright, a red fan bearing a sun disk She then beckoned toward the land. Yoshitsune summoned Gotobyoe Sanemoto. "What does she want?" he asked. "She seems to want us to shoot the fan. But I suspect that the idea is really to tempt you, our commander, into range for a better look at her and then have some sturdy fellow bring you down with an arrow. Anyhow, you should probably have someone shoot the fan." "And who among us is up to that?" "We have many fine archers, but the best of them is probably Nasu no Yoichi Munetaka from Shimosa a son of Nasu no Taro Suketaka. He is short but very good." "How do you know?" Yoshitsune asked. "Whenever they go shooting birds on the wing, he hits two out of three." "Very well, bring him here." Sanemoto did so. Yoichi, then in his twentieth year, was wearing a dark blue hitatare trimmed, collar and sleeves, with red brocade under green-laced armor. His sword hung at his side from s silver ring, and the few arrows that the day's clashes had left him lifted their eagle feathers, black-and-white-banded, over his head, in company with a humming arrow fletched from both eagle and hawk, and tipped with deer horn. Under his arm he clasped a lacquered, rattan-wrapped bow, and his helmet hung over his back. With every m mark of deep respect, he knelt before Yoshitsune. "Now, Yoichi, I want you to score a bull's-eye on that fan and show the Heike a thing or two." Yoichi made bold to reply, "But, sir, I am not sue that I can hit it, and i I miss, the shame will be ours forever. Please give someone else this task - someone more likely to succeed." "No man come to the west with me, all the way from Kamakura, may decline when I give an order! Any backchat from anyone and I want the man gone!" Yoichi must have thought better of refusing a second time. "I may or may not miss, sir," he said, "but I will try, since you wish it." He withdrew from his commander's presence. Mounting a powerful black horse with a tasseled crupper and a saddle inlaid with a sea-squirt motif in mother-of-pearl, he got a good grip on his bow, drew in the reins, and started toward the edge of the water. His fellows watched him from a distance. "He'll do it, I know he will!" they were saying, and Yoshitsune, too, seemed sure that he would.
  • The fan was so far away that Yoichi rode out thirty or forty feet. but from there it still looked a good hundred yards off. It was the eighteenth of the second month, the hour of the cock - vary late in the day - and a strong north wind was blowing. High waves were breaking on the beach. The drifting boat tossed up and down, the fan kept fluttering on its pole. the sea was dark with Heike boats gathered to watch, while on the shore the Genji gazed out, bridle to bridle. Both sides seemed in a festive mood.
  • With one hand Yoichi covered his eyes and silently prayed the following prayer: "Hail Hachiman, Great Bodhisattva, Nikko Gongen of Utsunomiya, Yuzen Daimyojin of Nasu, I beg of you, guide my arrow to hit the center of that fan! For should the arrow miss its mark, I shall break my bow and die, nor ever again face any man. If you wish me to return, let this arrow of mine strike home!" Once more he opened his eyes. the wind had dropped just a little; the fan looked easier to hit. He took out his humming arrow, put it to the string, and let fly. Small as he was, it was still long - twelve full handbreadths and three fingers and he drew a strong man's bow. the arrow's song rang out afar. Unerringly, it struck the fan an inch above the pivot pin and flew straight on into the sea. the fan shot up into the air, fluttered there a moment of two, then, buffeted by the spring wind, dropped to the water with a splash. the waning sunset's slanting rays lit the red fan, with its sun disk, adrift on the white-foaming waves, bobbin high and low. the Heike, out at sea, in admiration pounded the gunwales of their boats, while on shore the delighted Genji beat on their quivers a sharp tattoo.

22. 扇的:(巻第十一)

  • さるほどに阿波讃岐に平家を背いて源氏を待ちける者共彼処の峰此処の洞より十四五騎二十騎うち連れうち連れ馳せ来たるほどに、判官ほどなく三百余騎になり給ひぬ。今日は日暮れぬ勝負を決すべからず、とて引き退く処にここに沖の方より尋常に飾つたる小舟一艘汀へ向かひて漕ぎ寄せさせ、渚より七八段ばかりにもなりしかば舟を横様に成す。あれはいかにと見るほどに、舟の内より年の齢十八九ばかりなる女房の、柳の五衣に紅の袴着たるが皆紅の扇の日出だいたるを、舟の船枻に挟み立て陸へ向かつてぞ招きける。判官後藤兵衛実基を召して、あれはいかに、と宣へば、射よ、とにこそ候ふめれ。但し大将軍の矢面に進んで傾城を御覧ぜられん処を手練れに狙うて射落せとの謀と存じ候へ。さりながらも扇をば射させらるべうもや候ふらん。と申しければ判官、御方に射つべき仁は誰かある、と宣へば、上手共多う候ふ中に下野国の住人那須太郎資高が子に与一宗高こそ小兵では候へども手は利いて候ふ、と申す。判官、証拠いかに、と宣へば、さん候ふ翔鳥などを争うて三つに二つは必ず射落し候ふ、と申しければ判官、さらば与一召せ、とて召されけり。
  • 与一その比は未だ二十ばかりの男なり。褐に赤地の錦を以て、いたる切斑の矢負ひ薄切斑に鷹の羽割り合はせて矧いだりける觘目の鏑をぞ差し添へたる、滋籐の弓脇に挟み甲をば脱ぎ高紐に懸け判官の御前に畏る。判官、いかに宗高あの扇の真中射て敵に見物せさせよかし、と宣へば与一、仕つとも存じ候はず。これを射損ずるほどならば、長き御方の御弓箭の瑕にて候ふべし。一定仕らうずる仁に仰せ付けらるべうもや候ふらん、と申しければ判官大きに怒つて、今度鎌倉を立つて西国へ赴かんずる者共は皆義経が命を背くべからず。それに少しも子細を存ぜん殿原は、これより疾う疾う鎌倉へ帰らるべし、とぞ宣ひける。
  • 与一、重ねて辞せば悪しかりなん、とや思ひけん。さ候はば外れんをば知り候ふまじ、御諚で候へば仕つてこそ見候はめ、とて御前を罷り立ち黒き馬の太う逞しきに丸海鞘摺つたる金覆輪の鞍置いてぞ乗つたりける、弓取り直し手綱掻い繰つて汀へ向いてぞ歩ませける。御方の兵共与一が後ろを遥かに見送りて、一定この若者仕つつべう存じ候ふ、と申しければ、判官世にも頼もしげにぞ見給ひける。矢比少し遠かりければ、海の面一段ばかりうち入れたりけれども、なほ扇のあはひは七段ばかりもあるらんとぞ見えし。比は二月十八日酉の刻ばかりの事なるに折節、北風烈しくて磯打つ波も高かりけり。舟は揺り上げ揺り据ゑて漂へば扇も串に定まらず閃いたり。沖には平家舟を一面に並べて見物す。陸には源氏轡を並べてこれを見る。いづれもいづれも晴れならずといふ事なし。
  • 与一目を塞いで、南無八幡大菩薩別しては我国の神明日光権現宇都宮那須湯泉大明神、願はくはあの扇の真中射させて賜ばせ給へ。射損ずるほどならば弓切り折り自害して、人に二度面を向くべからず。今一度本国へ迎へんと思し召さば、この矢外させ給ふな、と心の内に祈念して目を見開いたれば、風少し吹き弱つて扇も射よげにぞなりにけれ。与一鏑を取つて番ひよつ引いてひやうと放つ。
  • 小兵といふ条十二束三伏弓は強し鏑は浦響くほどに長鳴りして過たず、扇の要際一寸ばかり置いてひいふつとぞ射切つたる。鏑は海に入りければ、扇は空へぞ揚がりける。春風に一揉み二揉み揉まれて海へさつとぞ散つたりける。皆紅の扇の日出だいたるが夕日に輝いて白波の上に浮きぬ沈みぬ揺られけるを、沖には平家舷を叩いて感じたり。陸には源氏箙を叩いて響めきけり。
  • 1185/2/18 屋島の戦い; 那須与一, 扇の的を射る

>Top 23. (1185) The dropped Bow:

  • The pursuer stopped, leaned on his halberd, raised his neckpiece, and shouted. "You will have heard of me by now, and here I am, before your eyes: the one I hear the youth of the city call Akushichibyoe Kagekiyo the hard man form Kazusa!" Heartened, the Heike cried, "Don't let hem get Akushichibyoe! Forward, men! Stay with him!" Two hundred came up on the beach, their shields overlapping like chicken feathers. "All right, you Genji, try us!" they shouted. "I don't like this," Yoshitsune observed. He gave the lead to Gotobyoe, father and son, and to the Kaneko brothers; posted Sato Shirobyoe from Mutsu and Ise Yoshimori to his left and right; assigned Tashiro Nobutsuna to his rear; and charged with eighty fiercely yelling men. The enemy were not mounted, most being foot soldiers. They drew back for fear that the horses might trample them and reboarded their vessels.
  • Yoshitsune's men scattered the shields far and wide, like counting sticks. Then, flushed with victory, they rode their horses belly-deep into the water, to fight on. While Yoshitsune sailed forth deeper still, men on the surrounding boats reached to his neckpiece with grappling hooks and caught it several times, but with sword and halberd his own warriors managed each time to knock the hook away. Then, somehow, one snagged Yoshitsune's bow, and he dropped it into the sea. He bent down and tried several times to retrieve it with his whip. "Let it go, let it go!" his men cried, but he got it back in the end and returned, laughing, to the beach. The older warriors snapped their fingers in disapproval. "You should not have done that, sir!" they protested. "How could you possibly trade your life for a bow, whatever its value in coins?" "It was not the bow I wanted," Yoshitsune replied. "If mine, like my uncle Tametomo's took two or three men merely to string it, I might have dropped it for them on purpose. But with their hands on this weak little bow, they would have laughed: "Why, just look at that! this is the bow he draws, Yoshitsune, the man who commands the Genji force! No, I could not allow that to happen. that is why I risked my life for it." His words deeply impressed them all.
  • Meanwhile the sun had set. The Heike rode in their boats, offshore, while the Genji withdrew to camp for the night on the heights between Mure and Takamatsu They had had no rest for the last three days. two days past, they had let Watanabe and Fukushima, only to spend a sleepless night buffered by rough seas, the day before, they had fought a skirmish at Katsu-ura, then spent the night crossing the mountains toward another whole day of fighting. Every one of them was exhausted. Some pillowed their heads on their helmets, others on their armor or quiver, and there they all lay, dead to the world. Only tow men, Yoshitsune and Yoshimori, did not sleep. the first went up to a high place to keep a lookout for the enemy; the second went to lurk in a hollow, to shoot enemy mounts in the belly. The Heike meanwhile gave Noritsune a force of five hundred mounted men to strike the Genji that very night, but there arouse between Moritsugi and Emi no Jiro Morikata a quarrel over which would lead. The night went to waste, and dawn came. Had they managed that night attack, they would have finished the Genji. that they did not made it all too clear that the Heike had had their day.

23. 弓流:(巻第十一)

  • …敵は追うて来ず白柄の長刀杖につき甲の錣を高く差し上げ大音声を揚げて、遠からん者は音にも聞け、近からん者は目にも見給へ。これこそ京童部の喚ぶなる上総悪七兵衛景清よ、と名乗り捨ててぞ退きにける。平家これに少し心地を直いて、悪七兵衛討たすな者共、景清討たすな続けや、とて二百余人渚に上がり楯を雌鳥羽に築き並べて、源氏此処を寄せやとぞ招いたる。判官、安からぬ事なり、とて伊勢三郎義盛奥州佐藤四郎兵衛忠信を前に立て、後藤兵衛父子金子兄弟弓手馬手に立て、田代冠者を後ろになして、判官八十余騎喚いて先を駆け給へば平家の方には馬に乗つたる勢は少なし。大略徒武者なりければ馬に当てられじとや思ひけん、引き退き皆舟にぞ乗りにける、楯は算を散らしたるやうに散々に懸けなされぬ。
  • 源氏勝ちに乗つて馬の太腹浸かるほどにうち入れうち入れ攻め戦ふ。舟の内より熊手を持つて、判官の甲の錣にからりからりと二三度しけれども、御方の兵共太刀長刀の鋒にて打ち払い打ち払い攻め戦ひけるが、判官いかがはし給ひたりけん弓を懸け落されぬ。俯して鞭を持つて掻き寄せ取らん取らんとし給へば、御方の兵共、ただ捨てさせ給へ捨てさせ給へ、と云ひけれどもつひに取つて笑うてぞ帰られける、大人共は皆爪弾きをして、たとひ千疋万疋に代へさせ給ふべき御たらしなりと申すとも、いかでか御命には替へさせ給ふべきか、と申しければ判官、弓の惜しさに取らばこそ、義経が弓といはば二人しても張りもしは三人しても張り伯父為朝が弓のやうならば、態も落して取らすべし。尫弱たる弓を敵の取り持つて、これこそ源氏の大将軍九郎義経が弓よ、など嘲哢せられんが口惜しさに命に替へて取つたるぞかし、と宣へば皆またこれをぞ感じける。
  • 一日戦ひ暮らし夜に入りければ、平家の舟は沖に浮かび、源氏は陸にうち上がつて、牟礼高松の中なる野山に陣をぞ取つたりける。源氏の兵共はこの三日が間は寝ざりけり。一昨日渡辺福島を出で大波に揺られて微睡まず、昨日阿波国勝浦に着いて軍し終夜中山越え、今日また一日戦ひ暮らしたりければ人も馬も皆疲れ果てて、或いは甲を枕にし或いは鎧の袖箙など枕として、前後も知らずぞ臥しにける、されどもその中に判官と伊勢三郎は寝ざりけり。判官は高き所にうち上がつて、敵や寄すると遠見し給へば、伊勢三郎は窪き所に隠れ居て敵寄せばまづ馬の太腹射んとて待ちかけたり。平家の方には能登殿を大将軍としてその夜夜討に寄すべかりしを、越中次郎兵衛盛嗣と海老次郎が先陣を争ふほどに、その夜も空しく明けにけり。寄せたれば源氏なじかはあらまし、寄せざりけるこそせめての運の極めなれ。
  • 1185/2/18 屋島の戦い; 那須与一, 扇の的を射る

>Top 24. (1185) The Battle at Dan-no-ura:

  • Genryaku 2, third month and twenty-fourth day, the hour of he hare: The Genji and Heike exchanged opening arrows in the straight between Moji-no-seki in Buzen and Akama-no-seki in Nagato. Yoshitsune and Kajiwara Kagetoki had already nearly come to blows. Kajiwara said o Yoshitsune, "Let me go first into battle today." "If I were somewhere else, fine," Yoshitsune replied, "but I am here." Kajiwara retorted, "That is not right. you are our commander, sir, after all." "Absolutely not," Yoshitsune retorted. "Our commander is Lord Yoritomo in Kamakura. I am his agent and follow his orders, just like the rest of you." His hope of going first dashed, Kajiwara muttered, "This lord lacks what it takes to be a leader of men!" Yoshitsune heard him. "You are the biggest fool in Japan!" he snapped, and put his hand to his sword. Kajiwara replied, "I take orders from Lord Yoritomo himself, no one else!" He, too, reached for his sword.
  • Kajiwara's three sons moved to him: Kagesue, Kagetaka, and Kageie. Seeing the threat to Yoshitsune, Sato Tadanobu, Ise Yoshimori, Genpachi Hirotsuna, Eda no Genzo, Kumai taro, and Musashibo Benkei - each man ready to face a thousand - came at Kajiwara from all sides, each eager to kill his lord's enemy. Miura no Suke, however, rushed to Yoshitsune's side, while Doi no Jiro clung to Kajiwara. Both, rubbing their hands in supplication, begged the two men to desist. "With such a crucial battle before us," they protested, "a fight between our commanders would only strengthen the Heike! It would be a disaster for the news to reach Lord Yoritomo!" Yoshitsune calmed down, and Kajiwara could not pursue the matter. Thereafter Kajiwara so hated Yoshitsune that his slander destroyed him.
  • Meanwhile some two miles of sea separated Genji and Heike. the tide was ebbing fast past Moji, Akama, and Dan-no-ura, against the course of the Genji fleet, which it swept steadily backward. The Heike fleet came down on the Genji with the tide. Out in the strait, the flow was so strong that Kajiwara hugged the shore, thus crossing paths with a Heike boat, which his men caught with a grappling hook. Old and young, they all boarded it and with their blades, bow and stern, laid about hem mercilessly, so that they gathered many trophies. In the list of exploits that day, theirs figured firs of all.

24. 壇浦合戦:(巻第十一)

  • 元歴二年三月二十四日卯の刻に豊前国田浦門司関赤間関にて源平矢合せとぞ定めける。その日判官と梶原と同志軍既にせんとす。梶原進み出でて、今日の先陣をば景時に賜び候へかし。判官、義経がなくばこそ、梶原、正なう候ふ殿は大将軍にしてましまし候ふものを、判官、それ思ひも寄らず、鎌倉殿こそ大将軍よ。義経はただ軍の奉行を承つたる身なればただ和殿原と同じ事よ、とぞ宣ひける。梶原先陣を所望しかねて、天性この殿は侍の主には成り難し、とぞ呟きける。判官、日本一の烏滸の者かな、とて太刀の柄に手を懸け給へば、梶原、鎌倉殿より外は主をば持ち奉らぬものを、とてこれも太刀の柄に手をかけける。
  • 父が気色を見て、嫡子源太景季、次男平次景高、同三郎、景家父子主従十四五人打物の鞘を外して、父と一所に寄り合ひたり。判官の気色を見奉つて伊勢三郎義盛、奥州佐藤四郎、兵衛忠信、源八広綱、江田源三、熊井太郎、武蔵坊弁慶などいふ一人当千の兵共梶原を中に取り籠めて、我討ち取らんとぞ進みける。されども判官には三浦介取り付き奉り、梶原には土肥次郎掴み付いて、両人手を擦つて申しけるは、これほどの御大事を前に抱へながら、同志軍し給ひなば、平家に勢つき候ひなんず。且つは鎌倉殿の返聞し召されんずる処も穏便ならず、と申しければ判官静まり給ひぬ。梶原進むに及ばず。それよりして梶原判官を憎み初め奉つて、つひに讒言して失ひ奉るとぞ聞えし。
  • さるほどに源平両陣を合はす、陣のあはひ海の面僅かに二十余町をぞ隔てたる。門司赤間壇浦は滾りて落つる潮なれば、源氏の舟は潮に向かつて押し落さる、平家の舟は潮に追うてぞ出で来たる。沖は潮の速ければ汀に付きて、梶原敵の舟の行き違ふを熊手に懸けて引き寄せ乗り移り、父子主従十四五人打物の鞘を外いて、艫舳に散々に薙いで廻り、分捕り数多してその日の高名一の筆にぞつきにける。
  • 1185/3/24 壇ノ浦合戦、教経・知盛討死
  • 1185/5/1 建礼門院 出家

>Top 25. (1185) The Drowning of Emperor Antoku:

  • Now came the Genji warriors, pouring onto the Heike vessels, slaughtering with arrow and sword every crewman, every helmsman, leaving not one to row or steer, their bodies lay littered underfoot. Tomomori rowed a small boat to the imperial barge. "As far as I can see," he said, "we are finished. Please throw anything unsightly into the sea." Racing about from prow to stern, he swept, wiped, collected rubbish, ans with his own hands cleaned all he could reach. "How the battle going, Lord Tomomori?" the gentlewomen asked. "Ladies," he answered, roaring with laughter, "you will soon meet some rare gallants from the east!" They wailed, "How can you joke at a time like this?"
  • For some time Lady Nii had expected what she now saw. She threw her two gray nun's robes over her head, lifted high her beaten silk trouser-skirts, clasped the sacred jewel to her side, thrust the treasure sword into her sash, and lifted the emperor in her arms. "I may be a woman," she said, "but I will not let the enemy take me. No, Your Majesty, I shall accompany you. All those loyal to our sovereign, follow me!" She stepped to the side of the boat. His Majesty, in his eighth year, was thoroughly grown up for his age, and his beauty shone around him. His rich black hair hung below his waist.
  • "Where are you taking me, Grandmother?" he asked with wonder in his eyes. "You still with wonder in his eyes. "You still do not know, Your Majesty? Your virtuous karma from past lives made you sovereign over the realm, but now the influence of some evil has brought your grandeur to an end. First, your Majesty, if you please, face east and say good-bye to the Grand shrine of Ise; then, trusting Amida to welcome you into his Western Paradise, face west and call his Name. This land of ours, a few millet grains scattered in remote seas, is not a nice place. I am taking you now to a much happier one, the Pure Land of Bliss." So she addressed him, weeping. Robed in dove gray, his hair in side loops like any boy's, cheeks streaming with tears, he pressed his dear little hands together, prostrated himself toward the east, and bade farewell to the Ise Shrine, then turned to the west, calling the Name. Lady Nii said, her arms around him, "Down there, far beneath the waves, another capital awaits us" - and plunged into the fathomless deep.
  • Alas! The spring winds of transience in one brief instant swept away the beauty of this lovely blossom; the billows of a heartless fate swallowed His Sovereign Majesty. Everlasting Life, it was called, the dwelling given him forever; Eternal youth, announced the name upon its gate, locked against old age, and yet before even his tenth year he lay at the bottom of the sea. The happy destiny of the monarch no longer meant anything at all. The dragon, fallen from the clouds to the ocean depths, was now a fish. A Brahma in his lofty palace, an Indra in his stern citadel, he whose word had once been law to ministers and senior nobles first sought refuge aboard a ship, then met his end beneath the waves: as sad a tale as any ever told.

25. 先帝身投:(巻第十一)*1

  • 判官これを、八幡大菩薩の現じ給へるにこそ、と悦んで甲を脱ぎ手水嗽してこれを拝し奉り給ふ。兵共も皆かくの如し。ややあつてまた沖の方より海豚といふ魚一二千這うて、平家の舟の方へぞ向かひける。大臣殿小博士晴信を召して、海豚は常に多けれども未だかやうの事なし。きつと勘へ申せ、と宣へば、この海豚は見返り候はば源氏滅び候ひなんず、直ぐ通り候はば御方の御軍危ふう候ふ、と申しも果てねばはや平家の舟の下を直ぐに這うてぞ通りける。世の中は今はかうとぞ見えし。阿波民部重能はこの三箇年が間平家に付いて忠を致したりしかども、子息田内左衛門教能を生捕にせられて叶はじとや思ひけん、忽ちに心変はりして源氏と一つになりにけり。新中納言知盛卿、あつぱれ重能めを斬つて捨つべかりつるものを、と後悔せられけれどもかひぞなき。
  • さるほどに平家の謀には、よき武者をば兵船に乗せ雑人原をば唐船に乗せて源氏憎さに唐船を攻めば、中に取り籠めて討たんと支度せられしかども、重能が返り忠の上は唐船には目も懸けず大将軍の窶し乗り給へる兵船をぞ攻めたりける、その後は四国鎮西の兵共皆平家を背いて源氏に付く。今まで従ひ付きたりしかども君に向かつて弓を引き主に対して太刀を抜く。さればかの岸に着かんとすれば波高うして叶ひ難し。この汀に寄せんとすれば敵矢先を揃へて待ちかけたり。源平の国争ひ今日を限りとぞ見えたりける。
  • さるほどに源氏の兵共平家の舟に乗り移り乗り移り、水主梶取共或いは射殺され或いは斬り殺されて舟を直すに及ばず舟底に皆倒れ臥しにけり。新中納言知盛卿小舟に乗り急ぎ御所の御舟へ参らせ給ひて、世の中は今はかうと覚え候へ。見苦しき物をば海へ入れて舟の掃除召され候へ、とて掃いたり拭うたり塵拾ひ艫舳に走り廻つて手づから掃除し給ひけり。女房達、中納言殿さて軍のやうはいかにやいかに、と問ひ給へば、珍しき東男をこそ御覧ぜられ候はんずらめ、とてからからと笑はれければ女房達、何条の只今の戯れぞや、とて声々に喚き叫び給ひけり。
  • 二位殿は日比より思ひ設け給へる事なれば、鈍色の二衣うち被き練袴の稜高く取り神璽を脇に挟み、宝剣を腰に差いて主上を抱き参らせて、我が身は女なりとも敵の手にはかかるまじ、主上の御供に参るなり。御志思ひ給はん人々は急ぎ続き給へや、とて静々と舷へぞ歩み出でられける。主上は今年八歳にぞ成らせおはしませども、御年のほどよりは遥かにねびさせ給ひて、御容美しう辺も照り輝くばかりなり。御髪黒う優々として御背中過ぎさせ給ひけり。
  • あきれたる御有様にて、抑も我をば何方へ具して行かんとはするぞ、と仰せければ二位殿、稚き君に向かひ参らせ涙をはらはらと流いて、君は未だ知ろし召され候はずや、前世の十善戒行の御力によつて、今万乗の主とは生れさせ給へども、悪縁に引かれて御運既に尽きさせ候ひぬ。まづ東に向かはせ給ひて伊勢大神宮に御暇申させおはしまし、その後西に向かはせ給ひて西方浄土の来迎に預からんと誓はせおはしまし御念仏候ふべし。この国は粟散辺土とて心憂き境なれば極楽浄土とてめでたき所へ具し参らせ候ふぞ、と泣く泣く掻き口説き申されければ、山鳩色の御衣に鬢結はせ給ひて、御涙に溺れ小さう美しき御手を合はせて、まづ東に向かはせ給ひて伊勢大神宮に御暇申させ給ひ、その後西に向かはせ給ひて御念仏ありしかば、二位殿やがて抱き参らせて、波の底にも都の候ふぞ、と慰め参らせて千尋の底にぞ沈み給ふ。
  • 悲しきかな無常の春の風忽ちに花の御姿を散らし、情無きかな分段の荒き波玉体を沈め奉る。殿をば、長生、と名付けて長き栖と定め門をば、不老、と号して、老いせぬ扉鎖、とは書きたれども未だ十歳の内にして底の水屑と成らせおはします。十善帝位の御果報申すも中々おろかなり。雲上の龍降つて海底の魚と成り給ふ。大梵高台の閣の上釈提喜見の宮の内古は槐門棘路の間に、九族を靡かし今は舟の内波の下にて御命を、一時に滅ぼし給ふこそ悲しけれ。
  • 1180/2/21 安徳 3歳で践祚
  • 1180/5 以仁王, 挙兵 (園城寺・興福寺の反平氏勢力)
  • 1181/1/14 高倉上皇21 崩御→中宮を法皇の後宮への案
  • 1181/2/4 清盛, 病死 →夫・父没により影響力低下→平家滅亡
  • 1184//7/28 後鳥羽先皇 践祚
  • 1985/3/24 壇ノ浦の戦い; 平時子(二位殿)と安徳天皇(6歳4ヶ月)入水

>Top 26. (1185) The Death of Noritsune:

  • Before this spectacle the emperor's mother, Kenreimon-in, slipped a warming stone and and an inkstone into the left and right folds of her robe, and threw herself into the sea, but without knowing who she was, a man of the Watanabe League, Genji Uma-no-jo Mutsuru, caught her hair with a grappling hook and retrieved her. "How awful!" the gentlewomen cried. "Why, that is her ladyship!"
    Yoshitsune, once informed, returned her at once to the imperial barge. Lady Dainagon-no-suke tried to throw herself into the sea, clutching the chest containing the sacred mirror, but an arrow pinned her skirts to the vessel's side so that she tripped and fell, and the warriors saw to it that she got no farther. Then they broke the chain that secured the chest and were starting to lift the lid when suddenly their vision failed. Blood poured from their noses. Taira no Tokitada, by then a prisoner, declared, "That chest holds the sacred mirror. No common many may look upon it!" At this the warriors drew back. Thereafter Yoshitsune, in consultation with Tokitada, saw to it that the chest was bound securely shut as before.
  • Meanwhile the brothers Norimori and Tsunemori, arm in arm, leaped in their armor, bearing an anchor, into the sea. So, too, the young lords Sukemori, Arimori, and Yukimori, arm in arm, sank from sight together. While others were thus engaged, Lord Munemori and his son Kiyomune betrayed no sign of meaning to drown bet wet instead to the side of their boat and looked around in horror. Shocked Heike men shoved Munemori into the water, as though pushing past, and Kiyomune leaped straight in after him. All the other men had entered the sea in full armor, carrying heavy objects to ensure that they sank at once, but not so this father and son, both of hem strong swimmers. They did not sink. "If Kiyomune goes down, I will, too," Munemori told himself. "If he survives, so will I." Kiyomuine likewise reflected, "I will sink or swim with him." While they swam around, keeping an eye on each other, Ise no Saburo Yoshimori rowed up in a small boat. He caught Kiyomune at once with his grappling hook and hauled him aboard. Munemori saw it happen but did nothing. Yoshimori got him, too. Lord Munemori's foster brother, Hida no Saburozaemon Kagetsune, boarded Yoshimori's boat from his own.
  • "Who are you," he demanded to know, "who dare to lay your hands on my lord? " He drew his sword and swiftly attacked. Yoshimori seemed in grave danger when his page intervened to save him. Coming between them, he attacked back. The first stroke from Kagetsune's sword split the page's helmet in half, and the second cut off his head. Yohimori remained under threat when Hori no Yataro Chikatsune shot full force from a boat alongside an arrow that caught Kagetsune under the helmet. His attack flagged. Chikatsune then boarded the boat and fought Kagetsune had to hand. A man of his came straight after him, raised Kagetsune's armor skirts, and stabbed him twice. For all the fame Kagetsune enjoyed as a fighter, his time had come: The wounds were deep, the enemy many. They cut him down. Dragged alive from the water, Munemori before his own eyes saw his foster brother killed. How can he have felt about that? As for Noritsune, no one courted an arrow from him, and he had none left. Perhaps he had known that this day was his last, for over a hitatare of red brocade he wore Chinese damask-laced armor. Wielding in one hand a dauntingly long sword and in the other a plain-handled halberd with a naked blade, he laid so fiercely about him, left and right, that no man there dared face him, and many died.
  • Tomomori sent a man to him. "Lord Noritsune," his message said, "spare yourself bearing too many sins. Was nay man here a worthy opponent?" "I see," Noritsune said to himself. "He wants me to take on their commander." Gripping his sword and halberd short, he boarded one Genji boat, then another, with fierce cries, always on the attack. Not knowing which man before him was Yoshitsune, he raced about, suspecting anyone finely equipped. Yoshitsune saw what he was up to. He made a show of moving forward by manged never to join with him.
  • Somehow or other, however, Noritsune succeeded after all in leaping with a shout of triumph straight onto Yoshitsune's boat. Yoshitsune must have thought himself lost, because he in turn, halberd under his arm, sprang twenty feet to another boat filled with warriors of his own. No doubt Noritsune knew all too well that he was nowhere near that agile. He made no attempt to follow. Seeing not that this was the end, he threw sword and halberd into the sea, doffed his helmet and tossed it away, tore off the lower skirts of his armor, loosed his wild hair, spread his arms wide in a stance inexpressibly terrifying, and cried in a great voice, "Any man who feels up to it, let him come forward, fight with me, and take Noritsune alive! I shall gladly go down to Kamakura for a word or two with Yoritomo! Come, gentlemen, come and get me!" No one would even approach him.
  • Now, there was a man from Tosa province, one Aki no Taro Sanemitsu, son of Aki no Dairyo Saneyasu, the head man of the district of Aki. Endowed with the strength of thirty men, he had a retainer as strong as he, and Jiro, his younger brother, was also far sturdier than most. the spectacle of Noritsune inspired Sanemitsu to remark, "A might man he may indeed be, but one we three get hold of him, no demon even a hundred fee tall could resist submitting to us." He and the other two took a small boat, brought it up beside Noritsune's leaped aboard, their neck plates well down, their swords drawn, and had at him. Noritsune, perfectly calm, moved up beside the strongman retainer as the fellow was coming straight at him and kicked him with a thunderous splash into the sea. The next, Sanemitsu, he clamped under his right arm, caught broth Jiro under his left, gave the two an almighty squeeze, and said, "Fine, you're coming with me, you tow louts, on the road to death," and in that, his twenty-sixth year, he plunged with them into the waves.

26. 能登最後:(巻第十一)

  • 女院はこの有様を見参らせ給ひて今はかうとや思し召されけん御硯御焼石左右の御懐に入れて海へ入らせ給ひける。渡辺党源五馬允眤小舟をつつと漕ぎ寄せて御髪を熊手に懸けて引き上げ奉る。女房達、それは女院にて渡らせ給ふぞ、過ち仕るな、と申されたりければ判官に申して急ぎ御所の御舟へ遷し奉る。大納言典侍局は内侍所の御唐櫃を脇に挟んで海へ入らんとし給ひけるが袴の裾を舷に射付けられて蹴纏ひ倒れ給ひけるを武者共取り留め奉る。その御唐櫃の鎖を捩ぢ切り御蓋を既に開かんとす。忽ちに目眩れ鼻血垂る、平大納言時忠卿は生捕にせられておはしけるがこの由を見奉つて、それは内侍所の渡らせ給へば凡夫は見奉らぬものぞ、と宣へば兵共皆逃げ去りぬ。その後時忠卿判官に申し合はせて元の如く絡げ納め奉る。
  • さるほどに門脇平中納言教盛、修理大夫経盛 兄弟手に手取り組み鎧の上に碇を負うて海に沈み給ひける。小松新三位中将資盛同少将有盛従弟左馬頭行盛も手に手を取り組み一所で海にぞ入り給ふ。人々はかやうにし給へども大臣殿父子はさもし給はず、舷に立ち出でて四方きつと見廻しておはしければ平家の侍共あまりの心憂さに傍をつつと走り通るやうにてまづ大臣殿を海へかはと突き入れ奉る。これを見て右衛門督やがて続いて飛び給ひぬ。人々は重き鎧の上へまた重き物を負うたり抱いたりして入ればこそ沈めこの人親子はさもし給はず憖に水練の上手にておはしければ大臣殿は、右衛門督沈まば我も沈まん、助からば我も共に助らん、と思ひ目と目をきつと見交はして彼方此方へ泳ぎ歩き給ひけるを伊勢三郎義盛小舟をつと漕ぎ寄せまづ右衛門督を熊手に懸けて引き上げ奉る。大臣殿いとど沈みもやり給はざつしを一所で取り奉つてけり。
  • 御乳母飛騨三郎左衛門景経この由を見奉つて、我が君取り奉るは何者ぞや、とて義盛が舟に押し並べて乗り移り太刀を抜いて打つてかかる。義盛が童主を討たせじと中に隔たり三郎左衛門に打つてかかる。三郎左衛門が打つ太刀に義盛が童甲の真向打ち割られ二の刀に首打ち落さる。義盛なほ危なう見えけるを隣の舟より堀弥太郎親経よつ引いてひやうと放つ、三郎左衛門内甲を射させて怯む処に義盛が舟に押し並べて乗り移り三郎左衛門に組んで伏す。堀が郎等主に続いて乗り移り三郎左衛門が鎧の草摺引き上げて柄も拳も通れ通れと三刀刺いて首を取る。大臣殿は生捕にせられておはしけるが乳母子の前にてかやうになるを見給ひていかばかりの事をか思はれけん。凡そ能登殿の矢先に廻る者こそなかりけれ。今日を最後とや思はれけん赤地の錦の直垂に唐綾威の鎧着て鍬形打つたる甲の緒を締め厳物作りの大太刀を帯き二十四差いたる切斑の矢負ひ重籐の弓持つて差し詰め引き詰め散々に射ければ者共多く手負ひ射殺さる。矢種皆尽きければ大太刀大長刀左右に持つて散々に薙いで廻り給ふ。
  • 新中納言知盛卿能登殿の許へ使者を立て、いたう罪な作り給ひそ。さりとてはよき敵かは、と宣へば、さては大将軍に組めごさんなれ、とて打物茎短かに取り持つて艫舳に散々に薙いで廻り給ふ。されども判官を見知給はねば物具のよき武者をば判官かと目を懸けて飛んで懸かる。いかがはし給ひたりけん判官の舟に乗り当たり。あはや、と目を懸けて飛んで懸かる、判官叶はじとや思はれけん長刀をば脇に掻い挟み御方の舟の二丈ばかり退いたりけるにゆらりと飛び乗り給ひぬ。能登殿早業や劣られたりけんやがて続いても飛び給はず。能登殿今はかうとや思はれけん大太刀大長刀をも海へ投げ入れ甲も脱いで捨てられけり。鎧の袖草摺をもかなぐり捨て胴ばかり着て大童になつて大手を広げて立たれたる。凡そ辺を払つてぞ見えし、能登殿大音声を揚げて、我と思はん者共は寄つて教経組んで生捕にせよ。鎌倉へ下り兵衛佐にもの一詞云はんと思ふなり。寄れや寄れ、と宣へども寄る者一人もなかりけり。
  • ここに土佐国の住人安芸郷を知行しける安芸大領実康が子に安芸太郎実光とて凡そ二十人が力現したる大力の剛の者我に劣らぬ郎等一人具したりけり。弟の次郎も普通には勝れたる兵なり。安芸太郎能登殿を見奉つ。心猛うましますとも何ほどの事をかおはすべき。たとひ長十丈の鬼なりとも我等三人が掴み付いたらんになどか従へ奉らさではあるるべき。いざや組み奉らん。とて能登殿の舟に押し並べて乗り移り太刀の鋒を調へて一面に打つて懸かる。能登殿まづ真先に進んだる安芸太郎が郎等をば裾を合はせて海へどうと蹴入れ給ふ。続いて懸かる安芸太郎をば弓手の脇に掻い挟み弟の次郎をば馬手の脇に取つて挟み一締め締めて、いざうれ己等さらば死出の山の供せよ、とて生年二十六にて海へつつとぞ入り給ふ。
  • 1985/3/24 壇ノ浦の戦い; 義経・梶原先陣争い; 教経・知盛討死
  • 1185/4/26 生捕りの平氏、都大路を渡さる。

>Top 27. (1185) Koshigoe:

  • Meanwhile Lord Munemori, accompanied by Kuro Yoshitsune, passed Awataguchi a dawn on the seventh of the month, thus leaving the world of city and palace behind. The clear spring at Osaka barrier drew this from him, with tears: That was my last sight, today, of the capital; and the barrier spring - will I ever come again, to see it reflect my form? He was so downcast on the way that Yoshitsune, kind as he was, did all he could to give him comfort. Lord Munemori said to him, "Please, I beg you, leave me my life." "I expect that he will banish you to some far province or some distant island," Yoshitsune answered. "He will hardly have you executed, and even if he mens to, I will plead for your life in exchange or the reward due me or my victories. By all means set your mind at rest." This reassuring speech elicited the unfortunate reply, "I will be grateful merely to keep this worthless life of mine, even among the savages in the Chishima Islands"
  • The days went by, and on the twenty-fourth they reached Kamakura. Kajiwara Kagetoki got there ahead of them. "You now control every corner of Japan," he said to Yoritomo. "As far as I can see, your final enemy if your younger brother, Kuro Yoshitsune Why do I say that? This is what he said: 'Without my charge down from above Ichi-no-tani, we would never have broken through the east and west gates. You are to present the prisoners and the dead to me and to no one else. The very idea of presenting them to Noriyori, who never lifted a finger! If he refuses to give me Shigehira, I will go and get him myself!' Yoshitsune and I almost came to blows, but I got Doi no Jiro to take charge of Shigehira, and your brother calmed down."
  • Yoritomo announce, "I her that Yoshitsune is due to reach Kamakura today. Men, I want you all on guard!" Warriors great and small raced to assemble. They soon numbered several thousand. Yoritomo put up a barrier at Kanearaizawa, took charge there of Munemori and his elder son, and sent Yoshitsune back to Koshigoe. From within a many-layered circle of mounted guards, he declared, "Yoshitsune is crafty enough to pop out at any moment from under this mat, but no, he will not get past me."
  • These were Yoshitsune's thoughts: "I crushed Yoshinaka in the first month of last year, then risked my life all the way from Ichi-no-tani to Dan-no-ura in the campaign to finish the Heike. I safely retrieved both the mirror and the chest containing the jewel, I took the Heike commander and his son prisoner, and now I have brought them here. Yoritomo cannot refuse at lest to see me, whatever this strange business may be. Not for a moment did I doubt that he would offer me appointment as commander over all Kyushu, or perhaps over the provinces sought of the city, to east or west along one seacoast or the other; or over all of Shikoku and Kii, there to provide a bulwark for him - but not, he now informs me that I am to have only Iyo, and he will not even let me enter Kamakura! I can hardly believe it! What does this mean? Were not Yoshinaka and I the ones who brought peace to Japan? Yoritomo's father was mine, too. Being born first makes him the elder, second makes me the younger brother, but that is all. Why, anyone eager to rule the realm can do so. And he will not even receive me, but sends me back instead to the city? I will never forgive him for this! So he muttered, bu all in vain. In solemnly sworn oath after written oath, Yoshitsune assured his brother that he harbored no disloyal thoughts, but Kagetoki's denunciation convinced Yoritomo to ignore them. At last the weeping Yoshitsune sent Oe no Hiromoto this letter:
    • Minamoto no Yoshitsune will all due respect wishes to communicate the following: On behalf of Lord Yoritomo, at his express request and acting as an imperial envoy in accordance with the relevant decree, I overthrew the enemies of the court and cleansed the shame once incurred by our house. Precisely when reward was due me, however, foul slander suddenly intervened to erase the great merit that I had accrued and to heap blame on my blameless self.
    • Innocent and deserving, I nonetheless suffer Lord Yoritomo's wrathful ban, and for this I weep vain tears of blood. I cannot defend myself until the truth of the accusations is subjected to scrutiny and I am allowed into Kamakura. Meanwhile I endure wasted days. It is so long since I beheld my noble brother's countenance that my bond of flesh and blood with him seems almost to have lapsed and our fated tie to be null and void. Or could it be that evil karma from past lives is at work? Alas! Who but my august father, reborn, could now plead my unhappy case? Who will take pit on me?
    • At the risk of seeming to voice an unwelcome complaint, I cannot refrain from observing that my father passed away only a few days after my birth, leaving me an orphan. My mother then carried me in her arms to Uda county in Yamato, and since then I have never known peace. My unworthy life remained mine, but i could not frequent the capital; instead I hid far away, in remote provinces, under the care of local people and peasants. Then, However, my fortunes turned. I was called up to the city, to wage war against the Heike. I first crushed Kiso no Yoshinaka. Next, in pursuit of victory, I whipped my swift steed over precipitous crags, in utter disregard of my life, or braved wind and wave on the boundless sea, ever at risk of sinking to the depths and being devoured by great fish. I slept in the wilds, pillowed on helmet or armor, in steadfast pursuit of the calling of arms, solely to soothe the wrath of my ancestors and to attain the long-cherished goal of triumph. I also found myself appointed an officer of the police, with the fifth rank: a weighty post and, for our house, a signal honor. Nevertheless profound grief now burdens me. What can I do, failing the aid of the gods and Buddhas, to convey my anguished plea?
    • Therefore I have sworn on the backs of protective talismans from countless temples and shrines that I have no ambition whatever, and I have presented prayers to that effect to divinities great and small throughout Japan. So far, however, he has not relaxed his suspicions. Now, this land of ours is the land of the gods, and the gods surely accept no offense against what is right.
    • I have no other recourse but you; to you alone I look for vast compassion. Should you successful discern the moment to bring my appeal before Lord Yoritomo, should you devise a way to convince him so throughly of my innocence that he grants me his pardon, then the excellent karma accrued will win your house everlasting glory, even as similes light up an anxious face now relieved of care and grateful for the prospect of a life lived in peace. I might have said more, but I have kept my remarks purposely brief. your humble servant, Yoshitsune."

27. 腰越:(巻第十一)

  • 日数経れば同じき二十三日判官、鎌倉へ下り着き給ひしかば、梶原平三景時、判官に一日先立つて鎌倉殿に申しけるは、今は日本国は残る所もなう従ひ付き奉りて候ふ。さは候へども御弟九郎大夫判官殿こそ終の御敵とは見えさせ給ひて候へ。その故は一を以て万とすとて、一谷を上の山より義経が落さずば、東西の木戸口破れ難し。されば生捕をも死捕をもまづ義経にこそ見すべきに、物の用にも逢ひ給はぬ蒲殿の方へ見参に入るべきやうやある。本三位中将殿を急ぎこれへ賜び候へ、賜ばずば参つて給はらん、とて既に事出で来んとし候ひしをも、景時がよく計らひて、土肥に心を合はせて本三位中将殿を土肥次郎実平が許に預け、置き奉りて後こそ世は鎮まつて候へ、と申しければ鎌倉殿大きにうち頷いて、九郎が今日これへ入るなる。各用意し給へ、と宣へば八箇国の大名小名馳せ集まりて、鎌倉殿はほどなくほどなく数千騎にこそなり給へ。
  • 鎌倉殿は軍兵七重八重に据ゑ置き、我が身はその内におはしましながら、九郎はすすどき者なればこの畳の下よりも這ひ出でんずる者なり。されども頼朝はせらるまじ、とぞ宣ひける。金洗沢に関据ゑて大臣殿父子受け取り奉つて、それより判官をば腰越へ追ひ返さる。判官、こはされば何事ぞや、去年の春木曾義仲を追討せしより以来、今年の春平家を滅ぼし果てて内侍所璽の御箱事故なう宮尾へ還し入れ奉り剰へ、大将軍父子生捕にして、これまで下りたらんずるにはたとひいかなる不思議ありとも一度はなどか対面なからん。凡そ九国の惣追捕使にも補せられ山陰山陽南海道いづれなりとも預けられ、一方の御固めにも成されんずるかとこそ思ひたれば、僅かに伊予国ばかり知行すべき由宣ひて鎌倉中へだにも入れられずして、追ひ上せらるる事こは何事ぞや、日本国中を鎮むる事は義仲義経が為業にあらずや。たとへば同じ父が子にて先に生るるを兄とし、後に生るるを弟とするばかりなり。天下を知らんに誰かは知らざらん。剰へ見参をだに遂げずして追ひ上せらるる事謝するところを知らず、と呟かれけれどもかひぞなき。判官漸うに陳じ申されけれども景時が讒言の上は鎌倉殿用ひ給はず。判官泣く泣く一通の状を書いて広元の許へ遣はさる。
    • 『源義経恐れながら申し上げ候ふ意趣は御代官その一つに選ばれ勅宣の御使として朝敵を平らげ会稽の恥辱を雪ぐ、勲賞行はるるべき処に思ひの外に虎口の讒言によつて莫大の勲功を黙せらる、義経犯す事無うして科を蒙る。功有つて謬り無しといへども御勘気を蒙るの間空しく紅涙に沈む。讒者の実否を正されず鎌倉中へだに入れられざる間素意を述ぶるに能はず徒ら数日を送る。この時に当たつて永く恩顔を拝し奉らず、骨肉同胞の義既に絶え宿運極めて空しきに似たるか、はたまた先世の業因を感ずるか。悲しきかな。
    • この条故亡父尊霊再誕し給はずんば誰の人か愚意の悲嘆を申し被かん。いづれの人か哀憐を垂れんや。事新しき申し状述懐に似たりといへども義経かの身体髪膚を父母に受け幾ばくの時節を経ずして故頭殿御他界の間孤子となつて母の懐の内に抱かれて大和国宇多郡に赴きしより、以来一日片時安堵の思ひに住せずかひなき命は存すといへども、京都の経廻難治の間身を在々所々に隠し辺土遠国を栖として土民百姓等に服仕せらる。然れども交契忽ちに純熟して平家の一族追討の為に上洛せしむる手合せに木曾義仲を誅戮の後、平家を傾けんが為に或時は峨々たる巌石に駿馬に鞭打つて敵の為に命を亡ぼさん事を顧みず。ある時は漫々たる大海に風波の難を凌ぎ身を海底に沈めんことを痛まずして骸を鯨鯢の腮に懸く。しかのみならず甲冑を枕とし弓箭を業とする本意併しながら亡魂の憤を休め奉り、年来の宿望を遂げんと欲する外は他事無し。剰へ義経五位尉に補任の条当家の重職何事かこれに若かん。然りといへども今憂へ深く嘆き切なり。仏神の御助にあらずより外はいかでか愁訴を達せん。これによつて諸神諸社の牛王宝印の裏を以て全く野心を差し挿まざる旨、日本国中の大小の神祇冥道を請じ驚し奉つて数通の起請文を書き進ずといへどもなほ以て御宥免無し。
    • それ我が国は神国なり神は非礼を受け給ふべからず。頼む所他にあらず偏に貴殿広大の慈悲を仰ぎ便宜を伺ひ高聞に達せしめ秘計を廻らして、過り無き旨を宥ぜられ放免に預らば積善の余慶家門に及び栄花永く子孫に伝へん。よつて年来の愁眉を開き一期の安寧を得ん。書紙に尽くさず。併しながら省略せしめ候ひ畢んぬ。義経恐惶謹んで申す。
    • 源義経乍㆑恐申上候意趣被㆑選㆓御代官其一㆒為㆓勅宣御使㆒平㆓朝敵㆒雪㆓会稽恥辱㆒可㆑被㆑行㆓勲賞㆒処思外依㆓虎口讒言㆒被㆑黙㆓莫大勲功㆒。義経無㆑犯而蒙㆑科雖㆓有㆑功而無㆒㆑謬蒙㆓御勘気㆒間空沈㆓紅涙㆒。不㆑被㆑正㆓讒者実否㆒不㆑被㆑入㆓鎌倉中㆒間不㆑能㆑述㆓素意㆒徒送㆓数日㆒。
    • 当㆓此時㆒永不㆑奉㆑拝㆓恩顔㆒。骨肉同胞義已絶宿運極似㆑空乎。将亦感㆓先世業因㆒乎。悲哉、此条故亡父尊霊不㆓再誕㆒誰人申被㆓愚意悲嘆㆒、何人垂㆓哀憐㆒乎。事新申状雖㆑似㆓述懐㆒義経彼身体髪膚受㆓父母㆒不㆑経㆓幾時節㆒故頭殿御他界間為㆑孤被㆑抱㆓母懐中㆒自㆑赴㆓大和国宇多郡㆒以来未㆑住㆓一日片時安堵思㆒雖㆑存㆘無㆓甲斐㆒命㆖京都経廻難治間隠㆓身在在所所㆒為㆑栖㆓辺土遠国㆒被㆑服㆓仕土民百姓等㆒。然交契忽純熟為㆓平家一族追討㆒令㆓上洛㆒手合誅戮㆓木曾義仲㆒後為㆑傾㆓平家㆒或時峨峨巌石鞭㆓駿馬㆒為㆑敵不㆑顧㆑亡㆑命、或時漫漫大海凌㆓風波難㆒不㆑痛㆑沈㆓身於海底㆒懸㆓骸於鯨鯢腮㆒。加㆑之枕㆓甲冑㆒業㆓弓箭本意㆒併奉㆑休㆓亡魂憤㆒欲㆑遂㆓年来宿望㆒外無㆓他事㆒。剰義経補㆓任五位尉㆒条当家重職何事若㆑是、雖㆑然今憂深嘆切也。自㆑非㆓仏神御助㆒外争達㆓愁訴㆒。依㆑之以㆓諸神諸社牛王宝印裏㆒全不㆑挿㆓野心㆒旨奉㆑請㆓驚日本国中大小神祇冥道㆒雖㆑書㆓進数通起請文㆒猶以無㆓御宥免㆒。夫我国神国也神不㆑享㆓非礼㆒。所㆑憑非㆑他偏仰㆓貴殿広大慈悲㆒窺㆓便宜㆒令㆑達㆓高聞㆒廻㆓秘計㆒被㆑宥㆓無㆑過旨㆒預㆓放免㆒積善余慶及㆓家門㆒栄花永伝㆓子孫㆒。仍開㆓年来愁眉㆒得㆓一期安寧㆒。不㆑尽㆓書紙㆒。併令㆓省略㆒候畢
    • 元歴二年六月五日 源義経進上
  • 1185/6/5 義経, 腰越状
  • 1189/6/15 義経, 衣川舘にて自刃
  • 1187/11/30 藤原秀衡没
  • 1189/10/14 泰衡没

>Top 28. (1185/8/6) The Great Earthquake:

  • The men of the Heike were no more, and all was quiet in the west. Provinces obeyed their governors and estates their stewards. People high and low were feeling secure when, on the ninth of the seventh month, at midday, the earth shook violently for quite a long time. Within the confines of the imperial capital, in the Shirakawa district of the city, the shock destroyed six great temples. Of the Hoshoji pagoda's nine stories, the upper six fell to the ground. At Tokujoju-in pagoda's nine stories, the upper six fell to the ground. At Tokujoju-in seventeen bays of the thirty-three-bay hall collapsed.
    • Imperial palace buildings, the homes of the noblest gentlemen, shrines to the gods, imposing temples, houses of the least of the people came crashing down with a thunderous roar, while dust rose like smoke in billowing clouds. The sky turned black, blotting out the sun. Old and young grew faint with terror; fear struck courtiers and commoners. Provinces far and wide suffered equal disaster. The earth split open, and water gushed forth; great boulders cracked and rolled into ravines; mountains gave way and slid into rivers; the sea burst from its bed and swamped the shore. Waves flung coasting boats violently about; under the hooves of passing horses, the ground failed. When flood threatens, high ground offers safety, and crossing a river affords refuge from fire, but crossing a river affords refuge from fire, but there is no escape from an earthquake. Only a bird could fly away through the sky; only a dragon could rise and mount the clouds. The number of people crushed beneath the ruins around Shirakawa or Rokuhara and throughout the city passed all counting. three among the four major elements - water, fire, and air - cause harm often enough, but not earth, surely. Moved by blind panic, high and low shut themselves behind closed doors. Each time the heavens roared or the ground shook, a chorus of voices, certain of death, rose in screams and loud appeals to the Name. Seventy-, eight-, or ninety-year-olds, aghast that the world should end so very soon, raised shrieks that set the children bawling.
    • Cloistered Emperor Go-Shirakawa happened then to be on a pilgrimage to Imagumano So many deaths and the resulting pollution hastened his return to his Rokujo residence. What he and his entourage saw on the way must have torn at their hearts. While the emperor rode in the imperial palanquin out to the shore of his lake, the cloistered sovereign settled into a tent in the garden south of his mansion. The greatest ladies fled their collapsed residences by palanquin or carriage. Doctors learned in astrology rushed in, warning that that very night, at the hours of the boar or the rat, the world would overturn. To call this prediction terrifying would be a gross understatement.
    • They say that during the earthquake in Saiko 3, third month and eighth day, under the reign of Emperor Montoku, the head of the Buddha at Todaiji fell to the ground. During another, in Tengyo 2, fourth month, fifth day, the emperor fled his palace for refuge in a fifty-foot tent put up before the Joneiden. But all that happened too long ago to merit that much attention now. Surely the like of this disaster will never in times to come recur. The emperor had left his capital, to drown far away in the ocean; ministers and senior nobles had been paraded through the streets and their heads hung at the prison gate. There has always been reason to fear the vengeful rage of angry ghosts. Everyone endowed with some sense therefore looked with deep apprehension to what the future might bring.

28. 大地震:(巻第十二)

  • さるほどに平家滅び源氏の世になりて後、国は国司に順ひ庄は領家のままなりけり。上下安堵して覚えしほどに同じき七月九日の午の刻ばかりに大地夥しう動いてやや久し。赤県の内白河の辺六勝寺皆破れ崩る。九重塔も上六重を揺り落す。得長寿院の三十三間の御堂を十七間まで揺り倒す。皇居を始めて在々所々の神社仏閣賤しの民屋さながら破れ崩る。崩るる音は雷の如く上がる塵は煙に同じ、天暗うして日の光も見えず老少共に魂を消し朝衆悉く心を尽す。また遠国近国もかくの如し。山崩れて河を埋み海漂ひて浜を浸す。渚漕ぐ舟は波に揺られ陸行く駒は脚の立所を失へり。大地裂けて水湧き出で磐石破れて谷へ転ぶ。洪水漲り来たらば岡に登つてもなどか助からざらん。猛火燃え来たらば川を隔てても暫しは避けぬべし。鳥にあらざれば空をも翔り難く龍にあらざれば雲にもまた上り難し。ただ悲かりけるは大地震なり。
  • 白河京中六波羅にうち埋まるる者幾らといふ数を知らず。四大種の中に水火風は常に害を為せども大地に於いては異なる変を為さず。今度ぞ世の失せ果て上下遣戸障子を立てて天の鳴り地の動く度毎には声々に念仏申し喚き叫ぶ事夥し。八九十七八十の者共、世の滅するなどいふ事は世の習ひなれどもさすが今日明日とは聞かざりしものを、と云ひければ童部共はこれを聞きて喚き叫びけり。法皇は新熊野へ御幸成つて御花参らせ給ふ。折節かかる大地震あつて触穢出で来にければ急ぎ御輿に召して六条殿へ還御成る、御供の公卿殿上人道すがらいかばかりの心をか砕かれけん。法皇は南庭に幄屋を立ててぞおはします。
  • 主上は鳳輦に召して池の汀へ行幸成る。御所内裏皆揺り崩れければ女院宮々は御車に奉つて他所へ行啓有りけり。天文博士急ぎ馳せ参つて、夕さりの亥子の刻には大地必ず打ち返すべき、由申しければ恐ろしなどもおろかなり。
  • 昔文徳天皇齊衡三年三月八日の大地震には東大寺の仏の御頭を揺り落したりけるとかや、また天慶二年四月二日の大地震には主上御殿を去つて常寧殿の前に五丈の幄屋を立てておはしけるとぞ承る。それは上代なればいかがありけんこの後はかやうの事あるべしとも覚えず。十善帝王都を出でさせ給ひて御身を海底に沈め大臣公卿囚はれて旧里に帰り或いは頭を刎ねて大路を渡さる。或いは妻子に別れて遠流せさる。平家の怨霊にて世の失すべき由申しければ心ある人の嘆き悲しまぬはなかりけり。
  • 1185/7/9 京都大地震

>Top 29. (1185/11/3) Yoshitsune's Flight:

  • Now, there was one Adachi no Shinzaburo, a man-of-all-work. Yoritomo had given him to Yoshitsune with the assurance, "This fellow is a complete nobody, of course, but he is unusually sharp." Yoritomo ordered Adachi to keep an eye on what Yoshitsune was up to and to report to him whatever he noted. After the execution of Tosabo, Adachi raced day and night down to Kamakura, where he informed Yoritomo of what had happened. Yoritomo commanded Noriyori, his younger brother, to lead a punitive force straight up to the capital. Noriyori declined repeatedly to do so, but Yoritomo insisted so forcefully that in the end he gave in. Noriyori appeared fully armed before Yoritomo to bid him farewell. "Don't you go and follow Kuro's example," Yoritomo warned him.
  • Noriyori was so frightened that he put off arms and armor then and there and gave up his expedition to the city. He wrote out every day ten oaths swearing undying loyalty and every night read them aloud: a hundred days, a thousand oaths for his brother, Yoritomo. But no, they still were not enough. Yoritomo had him executed.
  • Yoshitsune learned next that a punitive force under Hojo no Shiro Tokimasa was on its way. He decided to flee toward Kyushu, and in that connection he appealed for help to Ogata no Saburo Koreyoshi, who was powerful enough to have driven the Heike from the nine provinces of the island. "All right," Koreyoshi answered, "one of your men, Kikuchi no Jiro Takanao, is an old enemy of mine. Give him to me, and I will cut off his head. Then you may count on me." Yoshitsune complied at once. Takanao was taken out to the Rokujo riverbank and beheaded. Koreyoshi then upheld his side of the bargain.
  • On the second of the eleventh month, Yoshitsune call on the cloister emperor and through Yasutsune, the lord of the Treasury, addressed him as follows: "It is unnecessary at this juncture to rehearse the loyal service that I have humbly rendered your Cloister Eminence in the past. In the present, however, slander issuing from among the men in Kamakura has moved Yoritomo to order me killed. I mean therefore to go down for a while to Kyushu. For that reason I should be extremely grateful if you were to have your office proved me with a letter of support." The sovereign's response was to wonder what consequences might follow if his having issued such a document came to Yoritomo's attention. He therefore assembled the senior nobles in council.
  • All present agree as follows: "Should Yoshitsune remain in the capital and a large Kanto army then invade the city, endless violence and turmoil would ensue. However Yoshitsune were to remove himself to some distant region, that danger would for some time cease to exist." Ogata Koreoshi, the men of the Usuki, the Betsugi, and the Matsura leagues - indeed every influential Kyushu warrior - therefore received a decree requiring obedience to their commander, Minamoto no Yoshitsune. The next day, the third, at the hour of the hare, Yoshitsune left the capital with some five hundred mounted men. His departure caused no disturbance whatever.
  • A warrior of the Settsu Genji, Ota no Taro Yorimoto, declared, "Must I allow this man to pass may gate and never shoot against him one single arrow?" At a place named Kawarazu, he caught up with Yoshitsune, attacked, and joined battle with him. Yoshitsune had five hundred men. Yoritomo's small force of sixty quickly ended up surrounded. "Get them, men! Let no one escape!" the cry went up. The fierce attack left Yorimoto himself wounded and most of his retainers killed. Yorimoto beat a hasty retreat, with an arrow in his mount's belly. Yoshitsune took many heads and hung them up for the god ow war. "A fine start, that!" he said, pleased.
  • He put to sea from Daimotsu-no-ura, only to meet a westerly gale that drove him ashore at Sumiyoshi. From there he sought refuge in the Yoshino wilds, but the Yoshino monks attacked, so he fled to Nara. When the Nara monks, too, attacked, he made his way back to the city and set off from there toward the far north. He had started our from the capital with a dozen women, whom he abandoned at Sumiyoshi. From there he sought refuge in the Yoshino wilds, but the Yoshino monks attacked, so he fled to Nara. When the Nara monks, too, attacked, he made his way back to the city and set off from there toward the far north. He had started out from the capital with a dozen women, whom he abandoned at Sumiyoshi. On the sand, under the pines, they stumbled about or lay weeping, forlorn, until the Sumiyoshi priests took pity on them in their plight and sent the back to the city. The boats carrying Yoshitsune's most trusted lieutenants - his uncle Shida no Saburo Yoshinori, Juro Yukiie, Ogata no Saburo Koreyoshi - were blown onto shores and islands hither and yon, and none knew the fate of the others. That sudden, violent wind from the west seemed the work of the angry Heike dead.
  • On the seventh of the eleventh month, Hojo no Shiro Tokimasa, representing Lord Yoritomo in Kamakura, reach the capital at the head of sixty thousand mounted men. The next day, the eighth, he called on the cloistered emperor to urge pursuit and suppression of Yoshitsune, Yukiie, and Yoshinori. The sovereign granted the decree on the spot. Just a few days earlier, on the second, at Yoshitsune's request, his office had issued a call for rebellion against Yoritomo. Now, on the eighth of the very same month, a decree from him directed that Yoshitsune be crushed. So it goes, alas, in this world where, morning and evening, everything changes.

29. 判官都落:(巻第十二)

  • ここに足立新三郎といふ雑色あり。彼奴は下臈なれども賢々しき者にて候ふ。召し使はれ候へ、とて鎌倉殿より判官に付けられたりけるが、これは内々九郎が振舞ひ見て我に知らせよとなり。土佐房が斬らるるを見て夜を日に継いで馳せ下りこの由かくと申しければ鎌倉殿大きに驚き、舎弟三河守範頼討手に上り給ふべき由宣へば、頻りに辞し申されけれどもいかにも叶ふまじき由を宣ふ間、力及ばず急ぎ物具して御暇申しに参られたりければ、鎌倉殿、和殿もまた九郎が振舞ひし給ふなよと宣ひける。
  • 御詞に恐れて宿所に帰り物具脱ぎ置き京上りは思ひ留まりけり。不忠なき由の起請文を一日に十枚づつ、昼は書き夜は御坪の内にて読み上げ読み上げ、百日に千枚の起請を書いて参らせられたりけれども、叶はずしてつひに討たれ給ひけり。
  • 次に北条四郎時政に六万余騎を差し副へて討手に上らせる由聞えしかば、暫く鎮西の方へ落ち行かばや、と思はれけるが、ここに緒方三郎維義は平家を九国の内へも入れずして追ひ出だすほどの多勢の者なり。我に頼まれよ、と宣へば、御内に候ふ菊池次郎高直は年来の敵で候ふ間、賜はつて斬つて後頼まれ奉らん、と申す。判官左右なく賜うてけり。六条河原へ引き出だいてぞ斬つてける。その後維義領状す。
  • 同じき十一月二日九郎大夫判官院参して大蔵卿泰経朝臣を以て奏聞せられけるは、事新しき申し事にて候へども、摂津国一谷長門国壇浦に至るまで平家を攻め滅ぼし、一天を鎮め四海を澄まし勧賞行はるべきところに、鎌倉の頼朝郎等共が讒言によつて義経討たんと仕り候ふ。暫く鎮西の方へも落ち行かばやと存じ候ふ。あはれ院庁の御下文を一通賜はり候はばや、生涯の所望ただこの事に候ふ、と申されたりければ、法皇、頼朝が返り聞かんずるところいかがあらんずらん、と思し召し煩はせ給ひて諸卿に仰せ合はせらる。
  • 諸卿申されけるは、義経都に候ひなば東国の大勢乱れ入つて京都の騒動絶えまじう候ふ。暫く鎮西の方へも落ち行き候はばその恐れあるまじう候ふ、と申されたりければ、さらばとて鎮西の者共緒方三郎惟義を始めとして臼杵戸次松浦党に至るまで皆義経が下知に従ふべき由の院庁の御下文を賜はつて、明くる三日都に聊かの煩ひも為さず、荒き波風も立てずしてその勢五百余騎でぞ下られける。
  • ここに摂津国源氏太田太郎頼基、我が門の前を通しながら矢一つをだに射ずして通しなば鎌倉殿の返り聞し召されんずるところもあり矢一つ射かけ奉らん、とて手勢六十騎余騎河原津といふ所に追ひ付いて攻め戦ふ。判官五百余騎取つて返し太田太郎六十余騎を中に取り籠めて、余すな洩らすな討てや、とて散々に攻め給へば太田太郎頼基馬の太腹射させ力及ばで引き退く。残り留まつて防ぎ矢射ける兵共二十余人が首斬り懸けさせ軍神に祭り鬨をどつと作り、門出よしとぞ悦ばれける。
  • 摂津国大物浦より舟にて下られけるが折節西の風烈しう吹きければ判官の乗り給へる舟は住吉浦に打ち上げられてそれより吉野山へぞ籠られける。吉野法師に攻められて奈良へ落つ。奈良法師に攻められてまた都へ帰り上り北国に懸かつてつひに奥へぞ下られける。さるほどに判官の都より引き具せられたりける十余人の女房達をば、住吉浦に捨て置かれたりければ、或いは松の根苔の莚に倒れ臥し、或いは沙の上に袖片敷いて泣き居たりけるを、住吉の神官これを憐れんで乗物共を為立てて皆京へぞ送りける。判官の宗と頼まれたりける緒方三郎維義、信太三郎先生義教、十郎蔵人等が乗りたる舟共も、浦々島々に打ち上げられて互ひにその行方を知らざりけり。西の風の忽ちに吹きけるは平家の怨霊とぞ聞えし。
  • 同じき七日の夜に入りて北条四郎時政六万余騎を相具して上洛す。八日院参して、伊予守源義経並びに備前守行家追討すべき由の院宣賜はるべき、由奏聞されたりければ法皇やがて院宣をぞ下されける。去んぬる二日は義経朝臣申し請くる旨に任せて、頼朝背くべき由の院庁の御下文を為され、同じき八日は頼朝卿の申状によつて義経討つべき由の院宣をぞ下されける。朝に替はり夕べに変ずただ世間の不定こそ悲しけれ。
  • 1185/4/26 生捕りの平氏、都大路を渡さる。
  • 1985/5/1 建礼門院、吉田にて出家
  • 1185/6/5 梶原景時の讒により、義経、腰越から追い返される。
  • 1185/11/2 義経に九州平定の院宣。 11/3 都を離れる。
  • 1185/11/8 義経追討の院宣
  • 1189/6/15 義経31、衣川舘で自刃

>Top 30. (1186/4/14) The Cloistered Emperor's Visit to Ohara:

  • … It was late in the fourth month. Pushing on through the summer growth, the soverign, on his first such journey, wondered anew at each passing scene and noted with profound emotion that signs of human presence were gone. To the west, up against the hills, rose a single temple: Jakko-in. The rocks and waters of the garden, the ancient grove eloquently evoked imposing depths of time. "Through broken tiles mists pour in, keeping perpetual incense burning; through gaping doorways moonlight shines, sustaining eternal altar flames": These lines well describe the place. In a garden thick with summer grasses, green willow fronds swayed in the breeze, and waterweeds drifted on the pond. All seemed a wide brocade expanse. Wisteria billows, twined around the pines standing on the pond's central island, blossomed in lovely purple shades, while late cherries bloomed through green leaves, more wondrous still in their own way than the first blossoms of the season, and around the pond kerria roses flowered in extravagant profusion. through a rent in the lofty clouds came the call of a mountain cuckoo, as though in welcome to the sovereign. At the sight His Cloistered Eminence was moved thus to express himself:
    • Fallen to the pond from boughs leaning overhead,
      cherry petals drift so richly on the water that the blossoms are the waves!
  • The very sound of water tickling from among ancient rocks lent the spot an absorbing charm. The garden fence, entangled with vines, the flowing ridgeline of wooded mountains invited even as they defied the painter's brush. there before his eyes it stood: Kenreimon-in's hermitage, its eaves festooned with morning-glory vines, fringed with shinobu ferns and forgetting lilies, in spirit evoking those old lines,
    • "The gourd and rice chest often empty, thick weeds hem in Yan Yuan's hovel; tall goosefoot chokes off the path where rain beats on Yuan Xian's door."
  • The cryptomeria-bark thatch looked far too meager to exclude cold rains, frost, dew, or probing moonlight. Off behind it rose the mountains, and before it spread the fields. thin bamboo grass rustled in the wind. as often for the unworldly, cares thronged about her flimsy door. News came rarely from the city; no one sought her tattered fence. the only sounds she ever heard were monkeys calling on the hillside, springing there from tree to tree, or a woodman's ax, ringing as he felled his firewood load. Curling vine tendrils came her way, but a caller, hardly ever.
  • "Is anyone at home?" His Cloistered Eminence called. there was no answer. At last, from a great distance, an ancient nun appeared. "Where can Kenreimon-in have gone to?" the sovereign inquired. "To the hillside, Your Eminence, to gather flowers for the altar." "Has she then no one to do that for her? I know that she has renounced the world, but that seems too hard, "has run its course, hence her present misfortune. Why should she mind, when she has renounced concern for the flesh?" As one reads in the Sutra of Cause and Effect,
    • 'Who seeks to know past cause must look to present effect; who seeks to know future effect must consider present cause.'
  • Once one comes to understand past and future cause and effect, then one is free from sorrow. Prince Siddhartha was nineteen when he left his Gaya palace and, under Mount Dandaka, hid his nakedness with leaves. Up he climbed to gather firewood; down he went to collect water. Thanks to these austerities, he came at last to achieve highest, perfect enlightenment."
  • The sovereign could not make out whether her patched robe was silk or plain cloth, and he wondered that so shabby a nun should take this way. He asked her who she was, For a time better tears kept her from answering him. At last she mastered them and replied, "Painful as this is to confess, my father was the late Shinzei, minor counselor and novice: For, you see, I was once known as the Lady Awa-no-naishi. My mother was the Ki-no-nii of whom Your Majesty was once so fond. That you do no know me only confirms the ruin I have become." Overwhelmed, she pressed her sleeves to her eyes. The sovereign could not bear to look at her. "So you are Awa-no-naishi!" he exclaimed. "Yes, it it true, I did not know you. But I am dreaming, surely!" He could not keep himself from shedding tears. The gentlemen with him murmured among themselves, "I thought she was rather an unusual nun. Now I understand!" The cloistered emperor gazed about him. Dew-laden grasses in the garden leaned heavily against the fence while, beyond, overflowing paddies left nowhere dry for a snipe to land.
  • He approached the hermitage, slid the door open, and looked around. there stood the three divinities who come forward to welcome the soul. The hands of the central Amida held a length of five-colored cord. To the left hung a painting of Fugen, to the right one of Abbot Shandao, and, beside it, one of her son. there lay the scrolls of the Lotus Sutra and likewise Shandao's great treatises. No fragrance here of orchid or musk, only the smoke of altar incense. Vimalakirti's room, ten feet square, with seats for thirty-two thousand Buddhas summoned there from the ten directions, must, he felt, have been just the same. Sacred texts on strips of colored paper hung here and there from sliding doors. One bore this poem by a monk, formerly Oe no Sadamoto, composed while he was at Qingliang-shan: "Harmonies of music and song resound afar on that single cloud. Now comes the heavenly host in welcome, descending before the setting sun." and a little apart hung this, no doubt by Kenreimon-in herself:
    • Never did I think, then, that I should live one day among distant hills and behold the palace moon as a stranger, from afar!
  • Glancing to one side, he noted what could only be her sleeping room. Draped over a long bamboo pole hung a hempen robe and paper bedding. All her damask, silk gauze, and brocade - the very best from our land and China - now amounted to only a dram. the senior nobles and privy gentlemen with he had seen her in her glory, and the memory was still vividly present to them all. Each wrung the tears from his sleeves.
  • Meanwhile, from up on the mountain, two black-robed nuns picked their way down the rocky path. "And what are they?" the sovereign asked. The old nun answered, holding back more tears, "The one with the basket on her arm - the basket filled with azalea flowers - that lady is Kenreimon-in. The one with the firewoood and bracken is Counselor Korezane's daughter, whom Lord Kunitsuna then adopted, the nurse of of His Late Majesty: Lady Dainagon-no-suke." She was still speaking when fresh tears flowed. Deeply moved, the sovereign wept, too. Despite having turned her back on the wold, Kenreimon-in felt too abashed to let him see her as she looked now. She only wished she could vanish from sight, but, alas, it was too late. Sleeves wet from drawing holy water every evening and wet again with early-morning dew form the hillside, she knew herself now helpless to dry them and so stood neither fleeing back up the slope nor hurrying into her hermitage, frozen by shame and misery. Awa-no-naishi went to her and took charge of the flower basket.

30. 大原御幸:(潅頂巻)*1

  • …此は卯月二十日余りの事なれば夏草の繁木が末を分け入らせ給ふに初めたる御幸なれば御覧じ慣れたる方もなく人跡絶えたるほども思し召しやられて哀れなり。西の山の麓に一宇の御堂あり 。即ち寂光院これなり。古う作りなせる泉水木立由ある様の所なり。甍破れては霧不断の香を焚き樞落ちては月常住の燈を掲ぐ。ともかやうの所をや申すべき。庭の夏草茂り合ひ青柳糸を乱りつつ池の浮草波に漂ひ錦を曝すかと誤たる。中島の松に懸かれる藤波の裏紫に咲ける色青葉混じりの遅桜初花よりも珍しく岸の山吹咲き乱れ八重立つ雲の絶え間より山時鳥の一声も君の御幸を待ち顔なり。法皇これを叡覧あつてかうぞ遊ばされける。
    • 池水に汀のさくらちりしきてなみの花こそさかりなりけれ
  • 古りにける岩の断間より落ち来る水の音さへ故び由ある所なり。緑蘿の垣翠黛の山絵に書くとも筆も及び難し。女院の御庵室を御覧ずれば軒には蔦牽牛這ひ懸かり忍交じり忘れ草
    • 瓢箪屡空草滋㆓顔淵之巷㆒藜藋深鎖雨湿㆓原憲之枢㆒
  • とも云つつべし。杉の葺目も疎らにて時雨も霜も置く露も洩る月影に争ひて堪るべしとも見えざりけり。後ろは山前は野辺いささ小篠に風騒ぎ世に堪へぬ身の習ひとて憂き節繁き竹柱都の方の言伝は間遠に結へる籬垣や僅かに事問ふ物とては峰に木伝ふ猿の声賤が爪木の斧の音これらが音信ならでは柾の葛青葛来る人稀なる所なり。
  • 法皇、人やある人やある、と召されけれども御答へ申す者もなし。ややあつて老い衰へたる尼一人参りたり。女院は何処へ御幸成りぬるぞ、と仰せければ、この上の山へ花摘みに入らせ給ひて候ふ、と申す。さこそ世を厭ふ御習ひといひながらさやうの事に仕へ奉るべき人も無きにや。御痛はしうこそ、と仰せければこの尼申しけるは、五戒十善の御果報尽きさせ給ふによつて今かかる御目を御覧ぜられ候ふにこそ、捨身の行になじかは御身を惜しませ給ひ候ふべき。因果経には
    • 欲知過去因見其現在果欲知未来果見其現在因
  • と説かれたり。過去未来の因果を予て悟らせ給ひなばつやつや御嘆きあるべからず。昔悉達太子は十九にて伽耶城を出で檀特山の麓にて木の葉を連ねては膚を隠し峰に上つて薪を採り谷に下りて水を結び難行苦行の功によつてつひに成等正覚し給ひき、とぞ申しける。
  • この尼の有様を御覧ずれば絹布の分きも見えぬ物を結び集めてぞ着たりける。あの有様にてもかやうの事申す不思議さよ、と思し召して、抑も汝はいかなる者ぞ、と仰せければこの尼さめざめと泣いて暫しは御返事にも及ばず、ややあつて涙を押さへて、申すにつけて憚り覚え候へども故少納言入道信西が娘阿波内侍と申す者にて候ふなり。母は紀伊二位、さしも御いとほし深うこそ候ひしに御覧じ忘れさせ給ふにつけても身の衰へぬるほども思ひ知られて今更せん方なうこそ覚え候へ、とて袖を顔に押し当て忍び敢へぬ様目も当てられず。法皇、されば汝は阿波内侍にこそあなれ。今更御覧じ忘れける、ただ夢とのみこそ思し召せ、とて御涙塞き敢へ給はず。供奉の人々も、不思議の尼かなと思ひたれば理りて申しけり、とぞ各感じ合はれける。
  • さて彼方此方を叡覧あれば庭の千種露重く籬に倒れ懸かりつつ外面の小田も水越えて鴫立つ隙も見え分かず。御庵室に入らせ給ひて障子を引き開けて御覧ずれば一間には来迎の三尊おはします、中尊の御手には五色の糸を懸けられたり。左には普賢画像右に善導和尚並びに先帝の御影置きたり。八軸の妙文九帖の御書も懸けられたり。蘭麝の匂ひに引き替へて香の煙ぞ立ち上る。かの浄名居士の方丈の室の内には三万二千の床を並べ十方の諸仏を請じ奉り給ひけんもかくやとぞ覚えける。障子には諸経の要文共色紙に書いて所々に押されたり。その中に大江定基法師が清涼山にして詠じたりけん。
  • さるほどに上の山より濃墨染の衣着たる尼二人岩の懸道を伝ひつつ下り煩はせ給ひけり。法皇御覧あつて、あれは何者ぞと仰せければ老尼涙を押さへて申しけるは、花篋肱に懸け岩躑躅うち添へて持たせ給ひたるは女院にて渡らせ給ひ候ふなり。爪木に蕨折り具して候ふは鳥飼中納言維実の娘五条大納言国綱の養子先帝の御乳母大納言典侍局、と申すも敢へず泣きけり。法皇も哀れげに思し召して御涙塞き敢へさせ給はず。女院も世を厭ふ御習ひといひながら今かかる有様を見え参らせんずらん恥づかしさよ、消えも失せばや、と思し召せどもかひぞなき。宵々毎の閼伽の水結ぶ袂も萎るるに暁起きの袖の上山路の露も滋しくて絞りやかねさせ給ひけん山へも帰らせ給はず御庵室へも入らせおはしまさずあきれて立たせましましたる所に内侍の尼参りつつ花篋をば賜はりけり。
  • 1172/2/10 平時子 (建礼門院)高倉天皇の中宮
  • 灌頂 (かんじょう): 菩薩が仏の位に達すること。結縁灌頂・投華灌頂
  • 1185/3/24 壇ノ浦の戦い; 教経・知盛討死; 平家方 都へ連行
  • 1185/5/1 建礼門院出家
  • 1185/6/5 義経, 腰越状
  • 1185/6/23 宗盛父子 京にて晒首; 重衡 木津にて斬殺
  • 1185/7/9 京 大地震
  • 1185/9 建礼門院 大原寂光院入り
  • 1185/10/18 頼朝追討の院宣; 11/3 義経, 九州総地頭として九州平定のため京を離れる (実質 200騎で都落ち)。
  • 1185/11/7 義経, 伊予守・検非違使懐妊
  • 1185/11/11 義経追討の院宣
  • 1185/11/25 義経討伐軍。頼朝出陣→"法皇は日本一の大天狗"
  • 1186/3 九条兼実 (頼朝推挙) 摂政
  • 1186/5 後白河法皇、大原女院訪問
  • 1192/3/13 後白河法皇崩御
  • 1191/2 建礼門院59 (高倉天皇皇后・安徳天皇母)崩御; "山里は物のさびしき事こそあれ 世の憂きよりはすみよかりけり"
  • 1199/1/13 頼朝没

>Top 31. Passage Through the Six Realms:

  • … Kenreimon-in ventured to speak again: "Born the daughter of the chief minster, Taira no Kiyomori, I became in time an emperor's mother. The realm and the four seas lay in my palm. From the very first spring salutation to the clothing color changes, season by season, and to the buddah-names litany that closes the year, I enjoyed such honor from regent, ministers, and senior nobles that I rode, as it were, the clouds of the transcendent heavens, surrounded by eighty thousand celestial admirers. No official, however minor, held me in anything short of awe. As at home in the Seirhyoden, as in the Shishinden, I was feted withing jeweled blinds. In spring I gave my heart all day to the cherry tree before the Nanden; amid the fiercest summer heat I scooped up, for casual pleasure, fresh water from a cooking spring; in autumn I was never allowed to watch alone the moon on high; and on freezing, snowy winter nights, many-layered covers warmed me. I desired everlasting youth and coveted the Penglai elixir that confers immortality. Yes, I wished only to live forever.
  • Dawn and dusk ushered in such renewed delights that (so I felt) the beings whose reward is heaven could hardly enjoy pleasure greater than min. But then, early one autumn in the Juei years, for fear of a man named, I believe, Kiso no Yoshinaka, the whole house of Taira fled the city that had long been our home, left our own capital a burned-out ruin, and from place to place that to us were once only names - Suma to Akashi, along the shore - we wandered, absorbed in our misery. All day we cleaved the waves with dripping sleeves; all night we cried like plovers on a sand spit. Shore by stretch of shore, island by island, we saw places famed in song and story but could never forget our home. Thus denied refuge anywhere, we seemed clearly to be suffering that ineluctable fivefold decline. All of us in the human realm taste the sorrow of parting from someone we love and the distress of keeping company with someone we detest. The four pains and the eight agonies touch us.
  • At any rate, we were somewhere called Dazaifu, in the province of Chikuzen, when this fellow - his name was Koreyoshi, I think - drove us all the way out of Kyushu. the mountains and plains seemed spacious enough, but we could not stop to rest anywhere. Lat that same autumn, the moon we had watched high above the palace now floated over vast reaches of sea. So days and nights passed. The tenth month had come when Lord Kiyotsune said to himself, 'The Genji drove us from the city, Koreyoshi hounded us from Kyushu. Like netted fish, we have no escape. I have no life left before me.' And he drowned himself in the sea. That was the first of our afflictions. We spent the days riding the waves and the nights confined to our ships. Because tax goods no longer reached us, nobody could prepare me meals, and when there was anything to eat, there was no water to wash it down. there we were, on the vast ocean, but salt water is not fit to drink. Such are the sufferings, I felt then, that plague the realm of the hungry ghosts.
  • When we won at Muroyama and Mizushima, we all managed to take heart a little, but then, at that place they call Ichi-no-tani, most of the men of our house came to grief. No more court dress after that, or ceremonial wear. No, everyone left went about clad in steel, and battle cries rang out day and night; just so, I felt sure, do the ashuras howl in their endless battles to overthrow Indra.
  • And once ichi-no-tani had fallen, fathers found that they had outlived heir sons, wives their husbands. The least fishing boat stirred fear that it might be the enemy, and white herons clustered in some far grove of pines looked terrifyingly like Genji banners. The battle between Moji and Akama-no-seki seemed certain to be our last, and Lady Nii, my mother, left me her final instructions. 'Our men have next to no chance of lasting out this day,' she said, 'and no distant relative who might survive could be expected to devote himself to praying for the rest of us. But it has always been the custom to avoid killing a woman in battle, so see that you stay alive, to pray for His Majesty and to assure all of us a happier rebirth.' those were her words. It all seemed a dream. But then a wind blue up, thick cloud covered us, our warriors panicked, and our fate was sealed. No one could do anything to save us. It was all over.
  • Lady Nii took the emperor in her arms and advanced to the side of the vessel. Looking very frightened, he asked, 'Grandmother, where are you taking me?' To her little sovereign, she said, near tears, 'Why, doe Your Majesty not understand? Tenfold good karma from past lives gave you birth as lord over the realm, but evil influence intervened to bring your good fortune to an end. First, Your Majesty, if you please, face east and say good-bye to the Grand Shrine of Ise; then, trusting that Amid will welcome you into his Western Paradise, face west and call his Name. Our land, a scattering of remote millet grains, is not a nice place. I am taking you now to a much happier one, the Pure Land of Bliss.' In these words she address him, weeping. Robed in dove gray, his hair in side loops like any boy's, cheeks streaming with tears, he pressed his dear little hands together, prostrated himself toward the east, and bade farewell to the Ise Shrine, then turned to the west, calling the Name. Lady Nii then took him in her arms and sank with him into the deep. At the sight, tears blinded my eyes and I felt the heart within me fail. I would gladly forget but cannot; nor can I bear the memory. the shrieks and screams of those who remained sounded to me as deafening as the cries of sinners burning in hell.

31. 六道:(潅頂巻)

  • …女院重ねて申させ給ひけるは、我が身平相国の娘として天子の国母と成りしかば一天四海皆掌のままなりき。拝礼の春の初めより色々の更衣仏名の年の暮れ摂禄以下の大臣公卿にもてなされし有様は六欲四禅の雲の上にて八万の諸天に囲繞せられ候ふらんやうに百官悉く仰がぬ者や候ひし、清涼紫宸の床の上玉の簾の内にてもてなされ春は南殿の桜に心を留めて日を暮らし九夏三伏の暑き日は泉を掬んで心を慰み秋は雲の上の月を一人見ん事を許されず玄冬素雪の寒き夜は褄を重ねて暖かにす。長生不老の術を願ひ蓬莱不死の薬を尋ねてもただ久しからん事をのみ思へり。明けても暮れても楽しみ栄え候ひし事天上の果報もこれには過ぎじとこそ覚え候ひしか。
  • さても寿永の秋の初め木曾義仲とかやに恐れて一門の人々住み馴れし都を雲井の余所に顧みて故郷を焼野原とうち眺め古は名をのみ聞きし須磨より明石の浦伝ひさすが哀れに覚えて昼は漫々たる波路を分けて袖を濡らし夜は洲崎の千鳥と共に泣き明かす。浦々島々由ある所を見しかども故郷の事は忘られず。かくて寄る方なかりしかば五衰必滅の悲しみとこそ覚え候ひしか。人間の事は愛別離苦怨憎会苦共に我が身に知られて候ふ。四苦八苦一つとして残るところも候はず。さても鎮西をば維義とかやに九国の内をも追ひ出だされ山野広しといへども立ち寄り宿るべき所もなし。同じ秋の暮れにもなりしかば昔は九重の雲の上にて見し月を八重の潮路に眺めつつ明かし暮らし候ひしほどに神無月の比ほひ清経中将が都をば源氏が為に攻め落され鎮西をば維義が為に追ひ出ださる。
  • 網に懸かれる魚の如し。何処へ行かば遁るべきかは、長らへ果つべき身にもあらず。とて海に沈み候ひしぞ憂き事の始めにて候ひし。波の上にて日を暮らし船の内にて夜を明かす。貢物もなければ供御を備ふる事もなし。適供御は備へんとすれども水無ければ参らず。大海に浮かむといへども潮なれば飲む事なし。これまた餓鬼道の苦しみとこそ覚え候ひしか。
  • 室山水島所々の戦ひに勝ちしかば、一門の人々少し色直つて見え候ひしが、一谷とかやにて一門の人々半ば過ぎ討たれ、宗徒の侍共数を尽くいて滅びにしかば、各直衣束帯を引き替へて鉄を延べて身に纏ひ明けても暮れても軍呼ばひの声の絶ゆる事もなかりしは、修羅の闘諍帝釈の争ひもこれには過ぎじとこそ覚え候ひしか。
  • 一谷を攻め落されて後、親は子に後れ妻は夫に別る、沖に釣する舟をば敵の舟かと肝を消し、遠き松に群れ居る鷺をば源氏の旗かと心を尽くす。さても壇浦とかやにて軍は今日を限りと見えしかば、二位尼申し置く事候ひき。男の生き残らん事は千万が一も有難し。たとひ遠き縁は生き残つたりといふとも我等が後生弔はん事も有難し。昔より女を殺さぬ習ひなれば、いかにもして長らへて主上の御菩提をも弔ひ我等が後生をも助け給へ、と申し候ひしを夢の如くに覚え候ひしほどに風忽ちに吹き覆ひ浮雲厚く棚引き兵心を惑はし天運尽きて人の力にも及び難し。
  • 既に今はかうと見えしかば二位尼先帝を抱き参らせて舟端へ出でし時あきれたる御有様にて、抑も尼前我をば何方へ具して行かんとするぞ、と仰せければ二位尼涙をはらはらと流いて幼き君に向かひ参らせて、君は未だ知ろし召され候はずや前世の十善戒行の御力によつて今万乗の主とは生れさせ給へども悪縁に引かれて御運既に尽きさせ給ひ候ひぬ。まづ東に向かはせ給ひて伊勢大神宮伏し拝ませおはしましその後西に向かはせ給ひて西方浄土の来迎に預らんと誓はせおはしまし御念仏候ふべし。この国は心憂き堺にて候へば極楽浄土とてめでたき所へ具し参らせ候ふぞ、と泣く泣く遥かに掻き口説き申されしかば山鳩色の御衣に鬢結はせ給ひて御涙に溺れ小さう美しき御手を合はせまづ東に向かはせ給ひて伊勢大神宮に御暇申させ給ひ、その後西に向かはせ給ひて御念仏ありしかば、二位尼先帝を抱き参らせて海に沈みし有様目も眩れ心も消え果てて忘れんとすれども忘られず忍ばんとすれども忍ばれず。残り留まる人々の喚き叫びし有様は叫喚大叫喚の焔の底の罪人もこれには過ぎじとこそ覚え候ひしか。
  • 119011/7 頼朝上洛; 11/9正二位大納言、 11/11右大将
  • 1191/2 建礼門院36または1213年58?崩御
  • 1192/3/13 後白河法皇66 崩御
  • 1199/1/13 頼朝51没
  • This Heike story describes various historical events happened in a revolutional period in 12C Japan between the advanced western region and the emerging eastern region, based on the Buddhist view of the prosperous will inevitably perish over the time.
  • 平家物語は、革命期の12C日本で起こった先進的な西国と新興の東国地域での歴史的な出来事を、仏教的な盛者必衰の見解に基づいて記述したものである。

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