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Treaty of San Francisco

Cat: HIS
Pub: 1951
#: 1813b

The Allied Powers and Japan


Treaty of San Francisco


  1. Whereas:
  2. Chapter Ⅰ. Peace:
  3. Chapter Ⅱ. Territory:
  4. Chapter Ⅲ. Security:
  5. Chapter Ⅳ. Political and Economic Clauses:
  6. Chapter Ⅴ. Claimes and Property:
  7. Chapter Ⅵ. Settlement of Disputes:
  8. Chapter Ⅶ. Final Clauses:
  9. Protocol:
  1. 前文:
  2. 第Ⅰ章 平和:
  3. 第Ⅱ章 領土:
  4. 第Ⅲ章 安全:
  5. 第Ⅳ章 政治及び経済条項:
  6. 第Ⅴ章 請求権及び財産:
  7. 第Ⅵ章 紛争の解決:
  8. 第Ⅶ章 最終条項:
  9. 議定書:
; ; Allied Powers; Archives of US; Be regarded as enemies; Bilateral treaty of peace; China; Civil air transport; Fishing regulation;Foreign armed forces; German assets in Japan; Internation disputes;; International Military Tribunal; Japanese Prize Courts; Most favored nation; Period of prescription; Prewar bilateral treaties; Prewar external debts; Property of Japan; Property of Allied Powers; Protocol; Prisoners of war of Japan; Ratification; Reparation; Restoration of peace; Ryukyu; Sovereignty; Waves all claims;

>Top 0. Whereas:

  • WHEREAS the Allied Powers and Japan are resolved that henceforth their relations shall be those of nations which, as sovereign equals, cooperate in friendly association to promote their common welfare and to maintain international peace and security, and are therefore desirous of concluding a Treaty of Peace which will settle questions still outstanding as a result of the existence of a state of war between them;
  • WHEREAS Japan for its part declares its intention to apply for membership in the United Nations and in all circumstances to conform to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations; to strive to realize the objectives of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; to seek to create within Japan conditions of stability and well-being as defined in Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter of the United Nations and already initiated by post-surrender Japanese legislation; and in public and private trade and commerce to conform to internationally accepted fair practices;
  • WHEREAS the Allied Powers welcome the intentions of Japan set out in the foregoing paragraph;
  • THE ALLIED POWERS AND JAPAN have therefore determined to conclude the present Treaty of Peace, and have accordingly appointed the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, who, after presentation of their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:

0. 前文:

  • 連合国と日本は、対等の主権国として共通の福祉の推進と国際平和と安全を維持し、戦後の未解決の問題を解決するために平和条約を締結する。
  • 日本としては、国連憲章の原則に基づき加盟を申請する意思があり、国際人権宣言を実現に努力し、国連憲章55条56条規定と戦後の法律で既に開始した国際慣行に沿う公的私的通商を通じて日本の安定と福祉の実現を希求する。
  • 連合国は、前述の日本の意思を歓迎する。
  • 連合国と日本は、全権大使を指名し、正当な手続きに沿って以下条文に合意し、本平和条約を締結した。

>Top Chpater I. Peace

  • Article 1:
    • (a) The state of war between Japan and each of the Allied Powers is terminated as from the date on which the present Treaty comes into force between Japan and the Allied Power concerned as provided for in Article 23.
    • (b) The Allied Powers recognize the full sovereignty of the Japanese people over Japan and its territorial waters.

第Ⅰ章 平和:

  • 第1条: [主権の回復]
    • (a) 日本と各連合国との戦争状態は、本第23条規定に基づき本条約日もって終了する。
    • (b) 連合国は、日本及びその領海における日本国民の全主権を承認する。

>Top Chapter II. Territory:

  • Article 2:
    • (a) Japan recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet.
    • (b) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores.
    • (c) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Kurile Islands, and to that portion of Sakhalin and the islands adjacent to it over which Japan acquired sovereignty as a consequence of the Treaty of Portsmouth of September 5, 1905.
    • (d) Japan renounces all right, title and claim in connection with the League of Nations Mandate System, and accepts the action of the United Nations Security Council of April 2, 1947, extending the trusteeship system to the Pacific Islands formerly under mandate to Japan.
    • (e) Japan renounces all claim to any right or title to or interest in connection with any part of the Antarctic area, whether deriving from the activities of Japanese nationals or otherwise.
    • (f) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Spratly Islands and to the Paracel Islands.

第Ⅱ章 領土:

  • 第2条: [領土範囲]
    • (a) 日本は朝鮮の独立を承認し、朝鮮(済州島, 巨文島(Port Hamilton), 鬱陵島(Dagelet)を含む) の全権利を放棄する。
    • (b) 日本は台湾及び澎湖諸島の全権利を放棄する
    • (c) 日本は、千島列島及び1905/9/5のポーツマス条約で得た樺太半島の部分及び周辺の島嶼の全権利を放棄する。
    • (d) 日本は、国際連盟の委任統治に関連し、1947/4/2付国連安全保証理事会決議に基づき日本の委任統治下の太平洋諸島の全権利を放棄する。
    • (e) 日本は、日本人その他の活動に由来する南極地域に関する全権利を放棄する。
    • (f) 日本は、南沙諸島及び西沙諸島に関する全権利を放棄する。
  • >Top Article 3:
    • Japan will concur in any proposal of the United States to the United Nations to place under its trusteeship system, with the United States as the sole administering authority, Nansei Shoto south of 29° north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands), Nanpo Shoto south of Sofu Gan (including the Bonin Islands, Rosario Island and the Volcano Islands) and Parece Vela and Marcus Island. Pending the making of such a proposal and affirmative action thereon, the United States will have the right to exercise all and any powers of administration, legislation and jurisdiction over the territory and inhabitants of these islands, including their territorial waters.
  • 第3条: [沖縄]
    • 日本は、国連に対し米国による北緯29度以南の南西諸島を唯一の信託統治権下に置くことに関する如何なる提案にも同意する。この地域には、沖縄諸島と大東島、小笠原諸島、西之島(Rosario)及び火山島、沖の鳥島(Parece Vela)、南鳥島(Marcus)を含む。米国はこれらの提案が実施されるまでの間、これら地域及び周辺の領海の領土及び住民に対する行政・立法・司法の全権力を行使する。
  • >Top Article 4:
    • (a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Article, the disposition of property of Japan and of its nationals in the areas referred to in Article 2, and their claims, including debts, against the authorities presently administering such areas and the residents (including juridical persons) thereof, and the disposition in Japan of property of such authorities and residents, and of claims, including debts, of such authorities and residents against Japan and its nationals, shall be the subject of special arrangements between Japan and such authorities. The property of any of the Allied Powers or its nationals in the areas referred to in Article 2 shall, insofar as this has not already been done, be returned by the administering authority in the condition in which it now exists. (The term nationals whenever used in the present Treaty includes juridical persons.)
    • (b) Japan recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan and Japanese nationals made by or pursuant to directives of the United States Military Government in any of the areas referred to in Articles 2 and 3.
    • (c) Japanese owned submarine cables connection Japan with territory removed from Japanese control pursuant to the present Treaty shall be equally divided, Japan retaining the Japanese terminal and adjoining half of the cable, and the detached territory the remainder of the cable and connecting terminal facilities.
  • 第4条: [日本の財産等]
    • (a) 本条(b)項を条件として、第2条規定の領土内における日本及び日本国民の財産、権利義務は、日本及び当該当局との個別協定に基づく。第2条の領土内における連合国及び連合国国民の財産は、まだ返還されていない限り、現状の条件で、統治当局に返還される。(なお、本条約における国民には法人を含む。)
    • (b)日本は、前第2条3条規定の地域における米国軍政の司令に基づく日本及び日本人の財産譲渡の有効性を承認する。
    • (c) 日本が所有していた領土との間の海底ケーブルは本条約に基づき平等に分割され、日本は日本側の半分のケーブル・付属物を保有する。

>Top Chapter Ⅲ. Security:

  • Article 5:
    • (a) Japan accepts the obligations set forth in Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations, and in particular the obligations
      • (i) to settle its international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered;
      • (ii) to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations;
      • (iii) to give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the Charter and to refrain from giving assistance to any State against which the United Nations may take preventive or enforcement action.
    • (b) The Allied Powers confirm that they will be guided by the principles of Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations in their relations with Japan.
    • (c) The Allied Powers for their part recognize that Japan as a sovereign nation possesses the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense referred to in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations and that Japan may voluntarily enter into collective security arrangements.

第Ⅲ章 安全:

  • 第5条: [国際紛争]
    • (a) 日本は、国連憲章第2条規定の義務を受諾する。特に、
      • (i) 国際紛争を国際的に平和・安全・正義を危険に晒さないような平和的手段によって解決する。
      • (ii) 如何なる国による領土の一体性や政治的独立に反対し、あるいは国連の目的に反するような力による脅威や行使に基づく国際関係を引き起こさない。
      • (iii) 国連が憲章に基づく行う行動を支援し、国連が取る予防的行動あるいは執行に反するいかなる国に対し支援を行わない。
    • (b) 連合国は日本との関係においては国連憲章第2条の原則に基づき実施されることを確認する。
    • (c) 連合国は、日本が主権国家として国連憲章第51条に規定する固有の個別的あるは集団的自衛権を有し、日本が自主的に集団安全保障を締結することを認める。
  • >Top Article 6:
    • (a) All occupation forces of the Allied Powers shall be withdrawn from Japan as soon as possible after the coming into force of the present Treaty, and in any case not later than 90 days thereafter. Nothing in this provision shall, however, prevent the stationing or retention of foreign armed forces in Japanese territory under or in consequence of any bilateral or multilateral agreements which have been or may be made between one or more of the Allied Powers, on the one hand, and Japan on the other.
    • (b) The provisions of Article 9 of the Potsdam Proclamation of July 26, 1945, dealing with the return of Japanese military forces to their homes, to the extent not already completed, will be carried out.
    • (c) All Japanese property for which compensation has not already been paid, which was supplied for the use of the occupation forces and which remains in the possession of those forces at the time of the coming into force of the present Treaty, shall be returned to the Japanese Government within the same 90 days unless other arrangements are made by mutual agreement.
  • 第6条: [外国軍隊]
    • (a) 連合国の占領軍は、本条約の発行後速やかに、かつ90日を超えない範囲で撤退する。但し、本規定は、外国軍隊が日本と連合国の1つ又は複数国との二国間又は多国間の協定に基づき、日本の領土内に駐留することを妨げない。
    • (b) 1945/7/26のボツダム宣言第9条に基づく日本軍の帰国について、まだ未完了の場合はこれを実行するものとする。
    • (c) 本協定発効時点で、占領軍の使用に供され、所有されており、また対価が支払われていない全ての日本の財産は、相互の別段の取り決めがない限り、90日以内に日本政府に返還される。

>Top Chapter Ⅵ. Political and Economic Clauses:

  • Article 7:
    • (a) Each of the Allied Powers, within one year after the present Treaty has come into force between it and Japan, will notify Japan which of its prewar bilateral treaties or conventions with Japan it wishes to continue in force or revive, and any treaties or conventions so notified shall continue in force or by revived subject only to such amendments as may be necessary to ensure conformity with the present Treaty. The treaties and conventions so notified shall be considered as having been continued in force or revived three months after the date of notification and shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations. All such treaties and conventions as to which Japan is not so notified shall be regarded as abrogated.
    • (b) Any notification made under paragraph (a) of this Article may except from the operation or revival of a treaty or convention any territory for the international relations of which the notifying Power is responsible, until three months after the date on which notice is given to Japan that such exception shall cease to apply.

第Ⅳ章 政治及び経済条項:

  • 第7条:
    • (a) 各連合国は、本条約発効後1年以内に、日本に対し戦前の二国間条約や協定を希望する場合は、いかなる条約や協定をも通知することで有効又は復活する。但し、本条約に整合するような変更加えるものとする。それらの条約や協定は通告後3ヶ月後に有効又は復活し、国連事務総長に登録するものとする。日本へ通告がなされない条約や協定は廃止されたものと見なす。
    • (b) 本条(a)に基づく通告は、通告国が責任をもつ国際関係に関わる領土における条約や協定の効力や復活を除外できる。但し、これらの例外適用が終了するという日本に対する通告日から3ヶ月間とする。
  • >Top Article 8:
    • (a) Japan will recognize the full force of all treaties now or hereafter concluded by the Allied Powers for terminating the state of war initiated on September 1, 1939, as well as any other arrangements by the Allied Powers for or in connection with the restoration of peace. Japan also accepts the arrangements made for terminating the former League of Nations and Permanent Court of International Justice.
    • (b) Japan renounces all such rights and interests as it may derive from being a signatory power of the Conventions of St. Germain-en-Laye of September 10, 1919, and the Straits Agreement of Montreux of July 20, 1936, and from Article 16 of the Treaty of Peace with Turkey signed at Lausanne on July 24, 1923.
    • (c) Japan renounces all rights, title and interests acquired under, and is discharged from all obligations resulting from, the Agreement between Germany and the Creditor Powers of January 20, 1930, and its Annexes, including the Trust Agreement, dated May 17, 1930, the Convention of January 20, 1930, respecting the Bank for International Settlements; and the Statutes of the Bank for International Settlements. Japan will notify to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris within six months of the first coming into force of the present Treaty its renunciation of the rights, title and interests referred to in this paragraph.
  • 第8条:
    • (a) 日本は、連合国によって締結されて又は今後締結される1939/9/1に開始された戦争状態集結のための、さらに平和の回復に関連する連合国のその他の措置に関して、全ての条約の全効力を承認する。日本は前の国際連盟及び常設国際司法裁判所終結のための取り決めを承認する。
    • (b) 日本は、1919/9/10のサンジェルマン・アン・レイの調印国に由来し、また1036/7/20のモントルー海峡協定及び1923/7/24のローザンヌで調印したトルコとの平和協定第16条に由来する全ての権利を放棄する。
    • (c) 日本は、1930/1/20のドイツと債権国間の協定及び1930/5/17の信託協定を含む附属書、及び1930/1/20の国際決済銀行に関し、国際決済銀行の定款に関わる全て権利を放棄し、全ての債務を免除する。日本はパリの外務省に本条約の発効から6ヶ月以内に、本項に基づく諸権利の放棄を通知するものとする。
  • >Top Article 9:
    • Japan will enter promptly into negotiations with the Allied Powers so desiring for the conclusion of bilateral and multilateral agreements providing for the regulation or limitation of fishing and the conservation and development of fisheries on the high seas.
  • 第9条: [漁業権]
    • 日本は、希望する連合国と公海における漁業の規制又は制限及び漁場の維持と発展に関する協定を速やかに締結するために交渉に入る。
  • >Top Article 10:
    • Japan renounces all special rights and interests in China, including all benefits and privileges resulting from the provisions of the final Protocol signed at Peking on September 7, 1901, and all annexes, notes and documents supplementary thereto, and agrees to the abrogation in respect to Japan of the said protocol, annexes, notes and documents.
  • 第10条: [中国]
    • 日本は、中国に関し、1901/9/7の北京で調印した規定及びその付属書や補足の覚書に起因する特権を含む全ての権利を放棄し、かつこれらの議定書、付属文書を日本に関して廃棄することに同意する。
  • >Top Article 11:
    • Japan accepts the judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and of other Allied War Crimes Courts both within and outside Japan, and will carry out the sentences imposed thereby upon Japanese nationals imprisoned in Japan.
    • The power to grant clemency, to reduce sentences and to parole with respect to such prisoners may not be exercised except on the decision of the Government or Governments which imposed the sentence in each instance, and on recommendation of Japan.
    • In the case of persons sentenced by the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, such power may not be exercised except on the decision of a majority of the Governments represented on the Tribunal, and on the recommendation of Japan.
  • 第11条: [極東国際軍事裁判所]
    • 日本は、極東国際軍事裁判所及びその他日本内外の戦争犯罪法定の裁判を受諾し、日本において課せられた日本国民に対しその刑を執行する。
    • これらの拘禁されている者に関する恩赦、減刑、及び仮釈放はこれらの事案の刑を課した1つまた複数の政府及び日本政府の勧告のある場合を除き、行使することはできない。
    • 極東軍事裁判所が刑を宣告した者は、同裁判所を代表者を出した政府の多数の決定のある場合を除き、行使することができない。
  • >Top Article 12:
    • (a) Japan declares its readiness promptly to enter into negotiations for the conclusion with each of the Allied Powers of treaties or agreements to place their trading, maritime and other commercial relations on a stable and friendly basis.
    • (b) Pending the conclusion of the relevant treaty or agreement, Japan will, during a period of four years from the first coming into force of the present Treaty
      • (1) accord to each of the Allied Powers, its nationals, products and vessels
        • (i) most-favoured-nation treatment with respect to customs duties, charges, restrictions and other regulations on or in connection with the importation and exportation of goods;
        • (ii) national treatment with respect to shipping, navigation and imported goods, and with respect to natural and juridical persons and their interests—such treatment to include all matters pertaining to the levying and collection of taxes, access to the courts, the making and performance of contracts, rights to property (tangible and intangible), participating in juridical entities constituted under Japanese law, and generally the conduct of all kinds of business and professional activities;
      • (2) ensure that external purchases and sales of Japanese state trading enterprises shall be based solely on commercial considerations.
    • (c) In respect to any matter, however, Japan shall be obliged to accord to an Allied Power national treatment, or most- favored-nation treatment, only to the extent that the Allied Power concerned accords Japan national treatment or most-favored-nation treatment, as the case may be, in respect of the same matter. The reciprocity envisaged in the foregoing sentence shall be determined, in the case of products, vessels and juridical entities of, and persons domiciled in, any non-metropolitan territory of an Allied Power, and in the case of juridical entities of, and persons domiciled in, any state or province of an Allied Power having a federal government, by reference to the treatment accorded to Japan in such territory, state or province.
    • (d) In the application of this Article, a discriminatory measure shall not be considered to derogate from the grant of national or most-favored-nation treatment, as the case may be, if such measure is based on an exception customarily provided for in the commercial treaties of the party applying it, or on the need to safeguard that party's external financial position or balance of payments (except in respect to shiping and navigation), or on the need to maintain its essential security interests, and provided such measure is proportionate to the circumstances and not applied in an arbitrary or unreasonable manner.
    • (e) Japan's obligations under this Article shall not be affected by the exercise of any Allied rights under Article 14 of the present Treaty; nor shall the provisions of this Article be understood as limiting the undertakings assumed by Japan by virtue of Article 15 of the Treaty.
  • 第12条: [最恵国待遇]
    • (a) 日本は、各連合国と、安定的かつ友好を基本として貿易、海運その他通商に関する協定を締結すべく速やかに交渉に入る用意がある旨宣言する。
    • (b) 該当する協定が締結されるまでの間、日本は本条約の発効から4年間は、以下とする。
      • (1) 各連合国、その国民、製品、船舶に対し以下の待遇を与える。
        • (i) 商品の輸出入に関わる関税、賦課、制限その他の規則の最恵国待遇。
        • (ii) 海運、航海及び輸入貨物に関し、さらに自然人及び法人の利益に関する内国待遇。この待遇には、税金の賦課及び徴収、有形及び無形財産権、日本法に基づく法人への参加、その他全ての事業活動及び職業活動の活動を含む。
      • (2) 日本の国営企業による国外における売買は商業的考慮にのみ基づくことを確保する。
    • (c) 但し、いずれの事項に関しても、日本は、連合国が日本に与える内国待遇又は最恵国待遇の限度の範囲において、連合国に内国待遇又は最恵国待遇を与えるものとする。前述の相互主義は、連合国の本国外の製品、船舶、法人、個人の場合、又は連邦政府を持つ連合国の州に居住する法人及び個人の場合は、これらの地域が日本に与える待遇に応じて決定される。
    • (d) 本条の適用する上で、差別的な措置が、内国待遇又は最恵国待遇を損なわないとみなされる場合には、当事国の通商協定に規定されている例外に基づく場合、又は対外的な財務上又は国際収支を保護する必要がある場合(海運及び航海を除き)、又は安全の本質に関わる場合、これらの措置は恣意的又は不当な場合でない限り、妥当なものと見なす。
    • (e) 本条における日本の義務は、本条約第14条の基づく連合国の権利の行使によって影響を受けない。又は本条約第15条に基づく日本の約束を制限するものではない。
  • >Top Article 13:
    • (a) Japan will enter into negotiations with any of the Allied Powers, promptly upon the request of such Power or Powers, for the conclusion of bilateral or multilateral agreements relating to international civil air transport.
    • (b) Pending the conclusion of such agreement or agreements, Japan will, during a period of four years from the first coming into force of the present Treaty, extend to such Power treatment not less favorable with respect to air-traffic rights and privileges than those exercised by any such Powers at the date of such coming into force, and will accord complete equality of opportunity in respect to the operation and development of air services.
    • (c) Pending its becoming a party to the Convention on International Civil Aviation in accordance with Article 93 thereof, Japan will give effect to the provisions of that Convention applicable to the international navigation of aircraft, and will give effect to the standards, practices and procedures adopted as annexes to the Convention in accordance with the terms of the Convention.
  • 第13条: [民間航空運送]
    • (a) 日本は各連合国との間で、それぞれの要請に基づき、国際的な民間航空運送に関する二国間また大国間の協定締結の交渉に入るものとする。
    • (b)これらの協定が締結されるまでの間、日本は本条約発効から4年間は、本発効日に連合国のいずれかが適用している航空輸送の権利に関する待遇を当該連合国に与え、航空業務の運用に関する機会均等を与えるものとする。
    • (c) 国際民間航空協定の当事国になるまでの間、日本は航空機の国際運行にその協定の条項を適用し、かつ同協定の条項による附属書に規定された標準方式を適用する。

>Top Chapter Ⅴ. Claims and Proterty:

  • Article 14:
    • (a) It is recognized that Japan should pay reparations to the Allied Powers for the damage and suffering caused by it during the war. Nevertheless it is also recognized that the resources of Japan are not presently sufficient, if it is to maintain a viable economy, to make complete reparation for all such damage and suffering and at the same time meet its other obligations.
      • 1. Japan will promptly enter into negotiations with Allied Powers so desiring, whose present territories were occupied by Japanese forces and damaged by Japan, with a view to assisting to compensate those countries for the cost of repairing the damage done, by making available the services of the Japanese people in production, salvaging and other work for the Allied Powers in question. Such arrangements shall avoid the imposition of additional liabilities on other Allied Powers, and, where the manufacturing of raw materials is called for, they shall be supplied by the Allied Powers in question, so as not to throw any foreign exchange burden upon Japan.
      • 2. (I) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (II) below, each of the Allied Powers shall have the right to seize, retain, liquidate or otherwise dispose of all property, rights and interests of
        • (a) Japan and Japanese nationals,
        • (b) persons acting for or on behalf of Japan or Japanese nationals, and
        • (c) entities owned or controlled by Japan or Japanese nationals, which on the first coming into force of the present Treaty were subject to its jurisdiction. The property, rights and interests specified in this subparagraph shall include those now blocked, vested or in the possession or under the control of enemy property authorities of Allied Powers, which belong to, or were held or managed on behalf of, any of the persons or entities mentioned in (a), (b) or (c) above at the time such assets came under the controls of such authorities.
      • (II) The following shall be excepted from the right specified in subparagraph (I) above:
        • (i) property of Japanese natural persons who during the war resided with the permission of the Government concerned in the territory of one of the Allied Powers, other than territory occupied by Japan, except property subjected to restrictions during the war and not released from such restrictions as of the date of the first coming into force of the present Treaty;
        • (ii) all real property, furniture and fixtures owned by the Government of Japan and used for diplomatic or consular purposes, and all personal furniture and furnishings and other private property not of an investment nature which was normally necessary for the carrying out of diplomatic and consular functions, owned by Japanese diplomatic and consular personnel;
        • (iii) property belonging to religious bodies or private charitable institutions and used exclusively for religious or charitable purposes;
        • (iv) property, rights and interests which have come within its jurisdiction in consequence of the resumption of trade and financial relations subsequent to September 2, 1945, between the country concerned and Japan, except such as have resulted from transactions contrary to the laws of the Allied Power concerned;
        • (v) obligations of Japan or Japanese nationals, any right, title or interest in tangible property located in Japan, interests in enterprises organized under the laws of Japan, or any paper evidence thereof; provided that this exception shall only apply to obligations of Japan and its nationals expressed in Japanese currency.
      • (III) Property referred to in exceptions (i) through (v) above shall be returned subject to reasonable expenses for its preservation and administration. If any such property has been liquidated the proceeds shall be returned instead.
      • (IV) The right to seize, retain, liquidate or otherwise dispose of property as provided in subparagraph (I) above shall be exercised in accordance with the laws of the Allied Power concerned, and the owner shall have only such rights as may be given him by those laws.
      • (V) The Allied Powers agree to deal with Japanese trademarks and literary and artistic property rights on a basis as favorable to Japan as circumstances ruling in each country will permit.
    • (b) Except as otherwise provided in the present Treaty, the Allied Powers waive all reparations claims of the Allied Powers, other claims of the Allied Powers and their nationals arising out of any actions taken by Japan and its nationals in the course of the prosecution of the war, and claims of the Allied Powers for direct military costs of occupation.

第Ⅴ章 要求権及び財産:

  • 第14条: [賠償]
    • (a) 日本は、戦争中に連合国に与えた損害に関する賠償を支払うものと認識される。然しながら、これらの損害を完全に賠償し、かつその他の義務の履行に同時に応えるには、日本の資源が現在は十分でないと認識される場合には、それ故、
      • 1. 日本はそのように希望するよう速やかに連合国と交渉に入り、日本軍によって占領され損害を得た領土に関しえは、それらの国々に与えた損害を補償する必要があることを考慮し、日本人の役務をもって当該連合国の生産、引き揚げ、その他の作業に従事させる。これらの措置は、他の連合国の追加負担を課すことを避けるべきであり、原材料の生産が必要な場合は、当該連合国が供給するものととし、日本に外貨の負担を起こさないようにする。
      • 2. (I) 以下(II)項を条件として、各連合国は、本条約発効時点で、その管轄下にある以下の財産や権利を差し押さえ、精算、処分する権利を有する。
        • (a) 日本及び日本国民
        • (b) 日本及び日本国の代理人又は代行者
        • (c) 日本又は日本国民によって所有又は支配された団体
      • (II) 以下は前述の(I)項の権利から除外される。
        • (i) 日本が占領した領土以外で、連合国の一つの領土内で当該政府の許可を得て居住していた日本の自然人の財産。但し、戦争中に制限を受け、本条約発効日時点でこれらの制限が解除されない財産を除く。
        • (ii) 日本政府が所有し、外交及び領事の目的に使用された不動産、産、家具、備品、及び日本の外交官や領事館が所有する個人の家具備品その他の財産で投資目的でないもので、通常の外交及び領事機能遂行に必要であったもの。
        • (iii) 宗教施設又は個人的な慈善団体に属する財産で専ら宗教又は慈善目的に使用されたもの。
        • (iv) 1945/9/2以降関係国と日本との間の貿易及び金融関係再開の結果、正当に得た財産、権利等。但し、連合国の法律に反する取引によるものを除く。
        • (v) 日本及び日本国民の債務、日本国内にある有形財産に関する権利、日本法に基づき組織された企業の利益その他の証書。但し、この例外は、日本円表示の日本及び日本国民の債務にのみ適用される。
      • (III) 上記(i)から(v)までの例外に属する財産はその保持及び管理に正当な費用を支出条件に返還される。もしこれらの財産が精算されていた場合は、その代金が返還される。
      • (IV) 前述(I)項規定の財産を取得、保持、精算は当該連合国の法律に基づいて行使され、所有者はこれらによって付与される権利のみを有する。
      • (V) 連合国は日本の商標及び文学的及び美術的財産権について、各国が許す限り、日本を優遇することに同意する。
    • (b) 本条約に別段の定めがある場合を除き、連合国は、連合国の全ての賠償請求権、連合国及びそれらの国民が戦争中に日本及び日本人による行動に起因する請求権、及び占領に関わる連合国の直接軍事費の請求権を放棄する。
  • >Top Article 15:
    • (a) Upon application made within nine months of the coming into force of the present Treaty between Japan and the Allied Power concerned, Japan will, within six months of the date of such application, return the property, tangible and intangible, and all rights or interests of any kind in Japan of each Allied Power and its nationals which was within Japan at any time between December 7, 1941, and September 2, 1945, unless the owner has freely disposed thereof without duress or fraud. Such property shall be returned free of all encumbrances and charges to which it may have become subject because of the war, and without any charges for its return. Property whose return is not applied for by or on behalf of the owner or by his Government within the prescribed period may be disposed of by the Japanese Government as it may determine. In cases where such property was within Japan on December 7, 1941, and cannot be returned or has suffered injury or damage as a result of the war, compensation will be made on terms not less favorable than the terms provided in the draft Allied Powers Property Compensation Law approved by the Japanese Cabinet on July 13, 1951.
    • (b) With respect to industrial property rights impaired during the war, Japan will continue to accord to the Allied Powers and their nationals benefits no less than those heretofore accorded by Cabinet Orders No. 309 effective September 1, 1949, No. 12 effective January 28, 1950, and No. 9 effective February 1, 1950, all as now amended, provided such nationals have applied for such benefits within the time limits prescribed therein.
    • (c) (i) Japan acknowledges that the literary and artistic property rights which existed in Japan on December 6, 1941, in respect to the published and unpublished works of the Allied Powers and their nationals have continued in force since that date, and recognizes those rights which have arisen, or but for the war would have arisen, in Japan since that date, by the operation of any conventions and agreements to which Japan was a party on that date, irrespective of whether or not such conventions or agreements were abrogated or suspended upon or since the outbreak of war by the domestic law of Japan or of the Allied Power concerned.
    • (ii) Without the need for application by the proprietor of the right and without the payment of any fee or compliance with any other formality, the period from December 7, 1941, until the coming into force of the present Treaty between Japan and the Allied Power concerned shall be excluded from the running of the normal term of such rights; and such period, with an additional period of six months, shall be excluded from the time within which a literary work must be translated into Japanese in order to obtain translating rights in Japan.
  • 第15条: [連合国の財産等]
    • (a) 日本と連合国の本条約の発効から9ヶ月以内に、申請があった場合は、日本は、その申請日から6ヶ月以内に、1941/12/7から1945/9/12までの日本にあった各連合国及びその国民の有形無形の財産、権利を返還する。但し、所有者が脅迫又は詐欺によらずそれらを処分した場合はこの限りではない。これらの財産は、戦争により課せられた費用を免除し、その返還の費用を課さずに返還される。所有者又はその属する政府によって所定期間内に申請されない場合は、日本政府によって処分され得る。1941/12/7の時点で日本内にある財産で、返還されず、又は戦争による損害を被った場合は、日本の内角が1951/7/13に制定した財産補償法案の条件を下回らない条件で補償される。
    • (b) 戦争中に侵害された工業財産権に関しては、日本は1949/9/1施行の政令309号、1950/1/28の政令12号、1950/2/1 の政令9号、及びそれらの改正に基づき、前述の国民が、規定の期限までにこの便益の申請をする場合に限る。
    • (c) (i) 日本は1941/12/6に日本に存在していた文学的及び芸術的財産権は、連合国及びそれらの国民が出版及び非出版の作品について、その日以降引き続き有効であることを確認し、またこれらの権利は、戦争が勃発しなければ、日本においてその日以来成立したことを認める。但し、日本が当事者である協定等が、戦争勃発以来日本又は当該連合国の国内法によって廃止又は停止させられたかは問わない。
    • (ii) 権利者による申請も不要かつ他の如何なる手続きも不要で、1941/12/7から日本と連合国との本条約発効日まではこれらの権利の通常期間は除外される。またこれらの文学作品を日本において翻訳権を取得するために日本語に翻訳する期間としてさらに6ヶ月を除外する。
  • >Top Article 16:
    • As an expression of its desire to indemnify those members of the armed forces of the Allied Powers who suffered undue hardships while prisoners of war of Japan, Japan will transfer its assets and those of its nationals in countries which were neutral during the war, or which were at war with any of the Allied Powers, or, at its option, the equivalent of such assets, to the International Committee of the Red Cross which shall liquidate such assets and distribute the resultant fund to appropriate national agencies, for the benefit of former prisoners of war and their families on such basis as it may determine to be equitable. The categories of assets described in Article 14(a)2(II)(ii) through (v) of the present Treaty shall be excepted from transfer, as well as assets of Japanese natural persons not residents of Japan on the first coming into force of the Treaty. It is equally understood that the transfer provision of this Article has no application to the 19,770 shares in the Bank for International Settlements presently owned by Japanese financial institutions.
  • 第16条: [日本の戦争捕虜]
    • 日本の戦争捕虜として苦難を受けた連合国の軍人に補償の意思の表現として、日本は、戦争中中立であったか、また連合国として戦った国々における日本及び日本国民の財産は、その選択により、その財産と等価を国際赤十字に引き渡し、赤十字はこれら資産を精算しその資金を、赤十字が公平な方法で、捕虜であった者及びその家族のために、適宜国内機関に分配する。本条約第14条(a)2(II)(ii)から(v)規定の資産はこの移転の対象外とし、本条約発効日に日本に居住しない日本の自然人の財産も対象外である。さらに本条約の引き渡し規定は、日本の金融機関が所有する国際決済銀行の19,770株についても適用されないとする。
  • >Top Article 17:
    • (a) Upon the request of any of the Allied Powers, the Japanese Government shall review and revise in conformity with international law any decision or order of the Japanese Prize Courts in cases involving ownership rights of nationals of that Allied Power and shall supply copies of all documents comprising the records of these cases, including the decisions taken and orders issued. In any case in which such review or revision shows that restoration is due, the provisions of Article 15 shall apply to the property concerned.
    • (b) The Japanese Government shall take the necessary measures to enable nationals of any of the Allied Powers at any time within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty between Japan and the Allied Power concerned to submit to the appropriate Japanese authorities for review any judgment given by a Japanese court between December 7, 1941, and such coming into force, in any proceedings in which any such national was unable to make adequate presentation of his case either as plaintiff or defendant. The Japanese Government shall provide that, where the national has suffered injury by reason of any such judgment, he shall be restored in the position in which he was before the judgment was given or shall be afforded such relief as may be just and equitable in the circumstances.
  • 第17条: [捕獲審判所]
    • (a) 連合国の請求に基づき、日本政府は、連合国の国民の所有にかかわる日本の捕獲審判所の決定または命令を国際法に準拠して再審査するものとし、これらの事案の決定を含めて記録文書の写しをすべて提供する。このさい審査の結果、返還すべきとなった場合には本第15条の規定が適用される。
    • (b) 日本政府は、連合国の国民が原告又は被告として十分な陳述ができなかった訴訟について、本条約発効日から1年以内のいかなる時点でも、1941/12/7から本条約発効日までの間に、連合国の国民は、日本の裁判所での裁判を日本の適切な機関で再審査を申請することができるように必要な措置を取るものとする。日本政府は、これらの裁判の結果損害を受けた場合には、その者を裁判以前の地位を回復されるか、又はそれぞれの事情に応じて公平な救済を与えられるものとする。
  • >Top Article 18:
    • (a) It is recognized that the intervention of the state of war has not affected the obligation to pay pecuniary debts arising out of obligations and contracts (including those in respect of bonds) which existed and rights which were acquired before the existence of a state of war, and which are due by the Government or nationals of Japan to the Government or nationals of one of the Allied Powers, or are due by the Government or nationals of one of the Allied Powers to the Government or nationals of Japan. The intervention of a state of war shall equally not be regarded as affecting the obligation to consider on their merits claims for loss or damage to property or for personal injury or death which arose before the existence of a state of war, and which may be presented or re-presented by the Government of one of the Allied Powers to the Government of Japan, or by the Government of Japan to any of the Governments of the Allied Powers. The provisions of this paragraph are without prejudice to the rights conferred by Article 14.
    • (b) Japan affirms its liability for the prewar external debt of the Japanese State and for debts of corporate bodies subsequently declared to be liabilities of the Japanese State, and expresses its intention to enter into negotiations at an early date with its creditors with respect to the resumption of payments on those debts; to encourage negotiations in respect to other prewar claims and obligations; and to facilitate the transfer of sums accordingly.
  • 第18条: [戦前の対外債務]
    • (a) 戦争状態の介在は、戦争以前に存在していた債務及び契約(債券に関する契約を含む)及び戦争以前に取得した権利から生じる日本政府又は日本国民が連合国の政府又はその国民に対する、あるいは連合国又はその国民が日本政府又は日本国民に対する負債は、支払義務に影響を及ぼさなかったと認める。同様に、戦争状態の介在は、戦争状態以前に発生した財産の損害又は身体傷害又は死亡に関する請求権は、連合国の政府が日本政府に対し、又は日本政府が連合国政府に対し、提起又は最提起するものについても影響を及ぼさない。本項の適用は本第14条の権利を害するものではない。
    • (b) 日本は、日本の戦前の対外債務に関する責務及び日本によって債務と宣言された法人の債務について責任を確認する。また日本はこれら債務の支払再開について債権者と速やかに交渉を開始し、戦前の請求権や債務に関する交渉を促進し、その合計額の支払を容易にする。
  • >Top Article 19:
    • (a) Japan waives all claims of Japan and its nationals against the Allied Powers and their nationals arising out of the war or out of actions taken because of the existence of a state of war, and waives all claims arising from the presence, operations or actions of forces or authorities of any of the Allied Powers in Japanese territory prior to the coming into force of the present Treaty.
    • (b) The foregoing waiver includes any claims arising out of actions taken by any of the Allied Powers with respect to Japanese ships between September 1, 1939, and the coming into force of the present Treaty, as well as any claims and debts arising in respect to Japanese prisoners of war and civilian internees in the hands of the Allied Powers, but does not include Japanese claims specificially recognized in the laws of any Allied Power enacted since September 2, 1945.
    • (c) Subject to reciprocal renunciation, the Japanese Government also renounces all claims (including debts) against Germany and German nationals on behalf of the Japanese Government and Japanese nationals, including intergovernmental claims and claims for loss or damage sustained during the war, but excepting
      • (a) claims in respect of contracts entered into and rights acquired before September 1, 1939, and
      • (b) claims arising out of trade and financial relations between Japan and Germany after September 2, 1945.
      Such renunciation shall not prejudice actions taken in accordance with Articles 16 and 20 of the present Treaty.
    • (d) Japan recognizes the validity of all acts and omissions done during the period of occupation under or in consequence of directives of the occupation authorities or authorized by Japanese law at that time, and will take no action subjecting Allied nationals to civil or criminal liability arising out of such acts or omissions.
  • 第19条: [請求権の放棄]
    • (a) 日本は、戦争から生じる又は戦争状態から取られた行動から生じた連合国及びそれらの国民に対する日本及び日本国民の全ての請求権を放棄し、かつ、本条約発効日以前に日本の領土内での連合国の軍隊又は当局の職務や行動から生じた全ての請求権を放棄する。
    • (b) 前項の放棄には、連合国が1939/9/1から本条約発効日までに日本の船舶に関して連合国がとった行動から生じた請求権ならびい連合国に拘束された日本人捕虜及び民間抑留者に関する請求権を含む。但し、1945/9/2以降連合国の法律に認められた日本の請求権は含まれない。
    • (c) 相互放棄を条件として、日本政府はドイツ及びドイツ国民に対する全ての請求権は、戦争中の政府間の請求権や損害請求を含め、日本政府及び日本国民のために放棄する。但し、
      • (a) 1939/9/1以前に締結した契約及び取得した権利関わる請求権、及び
      • (b) 1945/9/2以降の日本とドイツの間の貿易及び金融関係から発生した請求権を除く。
    • (d) 日本は、占領期間中又は占領当局の指令の結果として行われ、又は当時の日本法によって行われた作為又は不作為の効力を承認し、連合国国民に対し、作為又は不作為から生じる民事又は刑事上の責任を追求しない。
  • >Top Article 20:
    • Japan will take all necessary measures to ensure such disposition of German assets in Japan as has been or may be determined by those powers entitled under the Protocol of the proceedings of the Berlin Conference of 1945 to dispose of those assets, and pending the final disposition of such assets will be responsible for the conservation and administration thereof.
  • 第20条: [ドイツの資産]
    • 日本は、1945年のベルリン会議での議定書に基づき、日本国内のドイツの資産を処分する権利を有する諸侯が決定した日本国内にあるドイツの財産を確実にするための適切な措置を取り、これらの財産の最終処分までの間、その保管と管理の責任を負う。
  • Article 21:
    • Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 25 of the present Treaty, China shall be entitled to the benefits of Articles 10 and 14(a)2; and Korea to the benefits of Articles 2, 4, 9 and 12 of the present Treaty.
  • 第21条:
    • 本条約の第25上の規定に関わらず、中国は第10条及び14条(2)2、また朝鮮は本契約の第2, 4, 9及び12条の権益を有する。

>Top Chapter Ⅵ. Settlement of Disputes:

  • Article 22:
    • If in the opinion of any Party to the present Treaty there has arisen a dispute concerning the interpretation or execution of the Treaty, which is not settled by reference to a special claims tribunal or by other agreed means, the dispute shall, at the request of any party thereto, be referred for decision to the International Court of Justice. Japan and those Allied Powers which are not already parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice will deposit with the Registrar of the Court, at the time of their respective ratifications of the present Treaty, and in conformity with the resolution of the United Nations Security Council, dated October 15, 1946, a general declaration accepting the jurisdiction, without special agreement, of the Court generally in respect to all disputes of the character referred to in this Article.

第Ⅵ章 紛争の解決:

  • 第22条:
    • 本条約のいずれかの当事者の意見に、解釈又は実施に関する紛争が生じた場合で、特別請求権裁判所への付託その他合意された方法で解決されない場合は、紛争はいずれかの当事国の要請で国際司法裁判所の決定に付託しなければならない。日本およびそれらの連合国は国際司法裁判所規定の当事国でない場合は、それぞれがこの条約を批准する時に、1945/10/15の決議に従い、本条による全ての紛争に関し、特別に合意することなしに、判決を受諾する一般宣言を同裁判所に登録する。

>Top Chapter Ⅶ. Final Clauses:

  • Article 23:
    • (a) The present Treaty shall be ratified by the States which sign it, including Japan, and will come into force for all the States which have then ratified it, when instruments of ratification have been deposited by Japan and by a majority, including the United States of America as the principal occupying Power, of the following States, namely Australia, Canada, Ceylon, France, Indonesia, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Republic of the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America. The present Treaty shall come into force of each State which subsequently ratifies it, on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification.
    • (b) If the Treaty has not come into force within nine months after the date of the deposit of Japan's ratification, any State which has ratified it may bring the Treaty into force between itself and Japan by a notification to that effect given to the Governments of Japan and the United States of America not later than three years after the date of deposit of Japan's ratification.

第Ⅶ章 最終条項:

  • 第23条: [署名国と発効条件]
    • (a) 本条約は、日本を含めて、これに署名する国によって批准され、日本及び主たる占領軍である米国を含む以下の国家、即ち、豪州、カナダ、セイロン、フランス、インドネシア、オランダ、ニュージーランド、パキスタン、フィリピン、英国、米国の過半数により寄託された時に、その時点で批准している全ての国に関して発効する。
    • (b) 本条約は日本の批准の寄託日後9ヶ月以内に発効しなかった場合には、本条約を批准した国は、日本の批准書の寄託日から3年以内に、その旨を日本及び米国に通告することで、当該国と日本との間で本条約を発効させることができる。
  • >Top Article 24:
    • All instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America which will notify all the signatory States of each such deposit, of the date of the coming into force of the Treaty under paragraph (a) of Article 23, and of any notifications made under paragraph (b) of Article 23.
  • 第24条: [批准書の寄託]
    • 全ての批准書は米国に寄託し、米国は全ての署名国にこの寄託、第23条(a)項に基づく発効日及び第23条(b)甲に基づく通告を全ての署名国に通告する。
  • >Top Article 25:
    • For the purposes of the present Treaty the Allied Powers shall be the States at war with Japan, or any State which previously formed a part of the territory of a State named in Article 23, provided that in each case the State concerned has signed and ratified the Treaty. Subject to the provisions of Article 21, the present Treaty shall not confer any rights, titles or benefits on any State which is not an Allied Power as herein defined; nor shall any right, title or interest of Japan be deemed to be diminished or prejudiced by any provision of the Treaty in favour of a State which is not an Allied Power as so defined.
  • 第25条: [連合国の定義]
    • 本条約でいう連合国とは、日本との間で戦争を行い又は第23条に列記する国の領土の一部をなしていた国で、本条約に署名しかつこれを批准した国をいう。第21条を条件として、本条約は、ここで定義された連合国でない国に対し、日本のいかなる権利や利益も減損され、害されるとは見なされないものとする。
  • >Top Article 26:
    • Japan will be prepared to conclude with any State which signed or adhered to the United Nations Declaration of January 1, 1942, and which is at war with Japan, or with any State which previously formed a part of the territory of a State named in Article 23, which is not a signatory of the present Treaty, a bilateral Treaty of Peace on the same or substantially the same terms as are provided for in the present Treaty, but this obligation on the part of Japan will expire three years after the first coming into force of the present Treaty. Should Japan make a peace settlement or war claims settlement with any State granting that State greater advantages than those provided by the present Treaty, those same advantages shall be extended to the parties to the present Treaty.
  • 第26条:
    • 日本は、1942/1/1の連合国宣言に署名し、日本との戦争を行い、または第23条にいう国の領土の一部を構成しており、本条約の署名国でない如何なる国との間でも、本条約と実質的に同一また実質的に同一条件で二国間の平和条約を締結する用意がある。但し、このこの日本の義務は本条約発行後3年後に終了する。もし日本がいずれかの国と本条約規定以上の利益を与えた場合は、同様の条件を本条約の他の当事国にも適用する。
  • >Top Article 27:
    • The present Treaty shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America which shall furnish each signatory State with a certified copy thereof.
  • 第27条: [米国の公文書館]
    • 本条約は米国の公文書館に寄託され、その謄本を各署名国に交付する。
  • IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty.
  • DONE at the city of San Francisco this eighth day of September 1951, in the English, French, and Spanish languages, all being equally authentic, and in the Japanese language.
    [Signatures omitted.]
  • 以上の証拠として、以下の全県代表は本条約に署名した。
  • 1951/9/8にサンフランシスコ市で、英語、仏語、西語を等しく正文とし、また日本語でも作成した。

>Top Protocol:

  • The Undersigned, duly authorized to that effect, have agreed on the following provisions for regulating the question of Contracts, Periods of Prescription and Negotiable Instruments, and the question of Contracts of Insurance, upon the restoration of peace with Japan:
  • Contracts, Prescription and Negotiable Instruments:
  • A. Contracts:
    • 1. Any contract which required for its execution intercourse between any of the parties thereto having become enemies as defined in Part F shall, subject to the exceptions set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 below, be deemed to have been dissolved as from the time when any of the parties thereto became enemies. Such dissolution, however, is without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 15 and 18 of the Treaty of Peace signed this day, nor shall it relieve any party to the contract from the obligation to repay amounts received as advances or as payments on account and in respect of which such party has not rendered performance in return.
    • 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, there shall be excepted from dissolution and, without prejudice to the rights contained in Article 14 of the Treaty of Peace signed this day, there shall remain in force such parts of any contract as are severable and did not require for their execution intercourse between any of the parties thereto, having become enemies as defined in part F. Where the provisions of any contract are not so severable, the contract shall be deemed to have been dissolved in its entirety. The foregoing shall be subject to the application of domestic laws, orders or regulations made by a signatory hereto which is an Allied Power under the said Treaty of Peace and having jurisdiction over the contract or over any of the parties thereto and shall be subject to the terms of the contract.
    • 3. Nothing in part A shall be deemed to invalidate transactions lawfully carried out in accordance with a contract between enemies if they have been carried out with the authorization of the Government concerned being the Government of a signatory hereto which is an Allied Power under the said Treaty of Peace.
    • 4. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, contracts of insurance and reinsurance shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of parts D and E of the present Protocol.


  • 本署名者は、契約、時効期間、(手形)引受機関、及び保険契約に関する疑問について、日本との平和回復に伴い、以下承認する。
  • 契約、時効、引受機関
  • A. 契約:
    • 1. 以下F.項で敵側となる当事者間の交渉実施に必要な如何なる契約も、以下2.と3.を例外として、当事者が敵側となった時点から消滅したものと見なす。このような消滅は、本条約第15条18条の規定を妨げないし、如何なる当事者も行為の対価として受領した前払や支払を返済することの義務契約から免れない。
    • 2. 上記1項の規定にも関わらず、消滅することの例外となるのは、本条約第14条の権利を害さない範囲で、如何なる契約の部分も可分として有効であり、F.項に規定する敵側となる当事者間の交渉を求めない。契約は可分でない条文については、その全体として無効と見なされる。以上は、本条約の署名国として、当事者の国内法や規則を条件とする。本条約は如何なる契約や当事者を超える正当性を有するかが、本条約の条件となっている。
    • 3. A.項においては、本条約における連合国として調印した政府としての承認を与えて、敵側との間の契約に基づく正当な取引についても無効と見なされることはない。
    • 4. 前項に関わらず、保険および再保険の契約は本議定書のD.およびE.項に基づきなされるものとする。
  • >Top B. Periods of Prescription:
    • 1. All periods of prescription or limitation of right of action or of the right to take conservatory measures in respect of relations affecting persons or property, involving nationals of the signatories hereto who, by reason of the state of war, were unable to take judicial action or to comply with the formalities necessary to safeguard their rights, irrespective of whether these periods commenced before or after the outbreak of war, shall be regarded as having been suspended, for the duration of the war in Japanese territory on the one hand, and on the other hand in the territory of those signatories which grant to Japan, on a reciprocal basis, the benefit of the provisions of this paragraph. These periods shall begin to run again on the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace signed this day. The provisions of this paragraph shall be applicable in regard to the periods fixed for the presentation of interest or dividend coupons or for the presentation for payment of securities drawn for repayment or repayable on any other ground, provided that in respect of such coupons or securities the period shall begin to run again on the date when money becomes available for payments to the holder of the coupon or security.
    • 2. Where, on account of failure to perform any act or to comply with any formality during the war, measures of execution have been taken in Japanese territory to the prejudice of a national of one of the signatories being an Allied Power under the said Treaty of Peace, the Japanese Government shall restore the rights which have been detrimentally affected. If such restoration is impossible or would be inequitable the Japanese Government shall provide that the national of the signatory concerned shall be afforded such relief as may be just and equitable in the circumstances.
  • B. 時効期間:
    • 1. 権利の時効又は限定又は人や財産に関する保全手段は、戦争状態を理由に調印国の国民を巻き込み、権利を保全するために必要な要件での法的な行動が取れなかったことは、戦争勃発の前後に関わらず、権利の留保と見なされる。これは一方では日本領土内の戦争の継続、他方では調印者は領土内で日本に供与したものとされ、本項での権益となる。これらの期間は、平和条約の発効をもって再開する。本項の規定は、金利や配当クーポンまたは証券の支払提示に対する返済の期間計算が、クーポンや証券の所有者への支払いが可能になった日付から計算される 。
    • 2. 戦争期間中、必要な形式を満たす実行ができなかった場合、その実行が日本の領土内でなされ、本条約の連合国の調印でできなかった場合、日本政府は、その被った権利を回復する。もしこれらの回復が不可能又は公平でない場合、日本政府は状況に応じて適切な救済措置を調印国の国民に与える。
  • C. Negotiable Instruments:
    • 1. As between enemies, no negotiable instrument made before the war shall be deemed to have become invalid by reason only of failure within the required time to present the instrument for acceptance or payment, or to give notice of non-acceptance or non-payment to drawers or endorsers, or to protest the instrument, nor by reason of failure to complete any formality during the war.
    • 2. Where the period within which a negotiable instrument should have been presented for acceptance or for payment, or within which notice of non-acceptance or non-payment should have been given to the drawer or endorser, or within which the instrument should have been protested, has elapsed during the war, and the party who should have presented or protested the instrument or have given notice of non-acceptance or non-payment has failed to do so during the war, a period of not less than three months from the coming into force of the Treaty of Peace signed this day shall be allowed within which presentation, notice of non-acceptance or non-payment, or protest may be made.
    • 3. If a person has, either before or during the war, incurred obligations under a negotiable instrument in consequence of an undertaking given to him by a person who has subsequently become an enemy, the latter shall remain liable to indemnify the former in respect of these obligations, notwithstanding the outbreak of war.
  • C. (手形)引受機関:
    • 1. 敵対関係によって、戦争前には引受機関がなくなり、必要な期間内に支払を当該期間に提示不能となるか、または受領不能や支払不能を引出人または裏書人に通知不能となるか、あるは戦争中は形式を充足できなくなる。
    • 2. 引受機関は手形の引受または支払を提示されるか、または引受不能あるいは支払不能を引出人または裏書人に通知するか、または引受機関内で保持したまま戦争中を経過する。当事者は戦争中は提示するか、当該機関に申入れするか、引受不能または支払不能であることを連絡することができない。本条約発行後3ヶ月以内に、提示、引受不能または支払不能の申立ができるものとする。
    • 3. もし、戦争前あるは戦争中に、手形引受の結果、機関への支払義務が生じると敵側と見なされ、後者はこの債務に関し、戦争の勃発に関わらず、前者への支払義務が残存したままとなる。
  • D. Insurance and Reinsurance Contracts (Other than Life) which had not terminated before the Date at which Parties became Enemies.
    • 1. Contracts of Insurance shall be deemed not to have been dissolved by the fact of the parties becoming enemies, provided that the risk had attached before the date at which the parties became enemies, and the Insured had paid, before that date, all moneys owed by way of premium or consideration for effecting or keeping effective the Insurance in accordance with the Contract.
    • 2. Contracts of Insurance other than those remaining in force under the preceding clause shall be deemed not to have come into existence, and any moneys paid thereunder shall be returnable.
    • 3. Treaties and other Contracts of Reinsurance, save as hereinafter expressly provided, shall be deemed to have been determined as at the date the parties became enemies, and all cessions thereunder shall be cancelled with effect from that date. Provided that cessions in respect of voyage policies which had attached under a Treaty of Marine Reinsurance shall be deemed to have remained in full effect until their natural expiry in accordance with the terms and conditions on which the risk had been ceded.
    • 4. Contracts of Facultative Reinsurance, where the risk had attached and all moneys owed by way of premium or consideration for effecting or keeping effective the Reinsurance had been paid or set off in the customary manner, shall, unless the Reinsurance Contract otherwise provides, be deemed to have remained in full effect until the date at which the parties became enemies and to have been determined on that date.
      Provided that such Facultative Reinsurances in respect of voyage policies shall be deemed to have remained in full effect until their natural expiry in accordance with the terms and conditions on which the risk had been ceded.
      Provided further that Facultative Reinsurances in respect of a Contract of Insurance remaining in force under clause 1 above shall be deemed to have remained in full effect until the expiry of the original Insurance.
    • 5. Contracts of Facultative Reinsurance other than those dealt with in the preceding clause, and all Contracts of Excess of Loss Reinsurance on an "Excess of Loss Ratio" basis and of Hail Reinsurance (whether facultative or not), shall be deemed not to have come into existence, and any moneys paid thereunder shall be returnable.
    • 6. Unless the Treaty or other Contract of Reinsurance otherwise provides, premiums shall be adjusted on a pro rata temporis basis.
    • 7. Contracts of Insurance or Reinsurance (including cessions under Treaties of Reinsurance) shall be deemed not to cover losses or claims caused by belligerent action by either Power of which any of the parties was a national or by the Allies or Associates of such Power.
    • 8. Where an insurance has been transferred during the war from the original to another Insurer, or has been wholly reinsured, the transfer or reinsurance shall, whether effected voluntarily or by administrative or legislative action, be recognized and the liability of the original Insurer shall be deemed to have ceased as from the date of the transfer or reinsurance.
    • 9. Where there was more than one Treaty or other Contract of Reinsurance between the same two parties, there shall be an adjustment of accounts between them, and in order to establish a resulting balance there shall be brought into the accounts all balances (which shall include an agreed reserve for losses still outstanding) and all moneys which may be due from one party to the other under all such contracts or which may be returnable by virtue of any of the foregoing provisions.
    • 10. No interests shall be payable by any of the parties for any delay which, owing to the parties having become enemies, has occurred or may occur in the settlement of premiums or claims or balances of account.
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    • 11. Nothing in this part of the present Protocol shall in any way prejudice or affect the rights given by Article 14 of the Treaty of Peace signed this day.
  • D. 保険及び再保険契約(生命保険以外)で当事者同士が敵側になった日以前に終了しなかったもの。
    • 1. 保険契約は、当事者が敵側となった事実によって解消されたとは見なされない。但し、敵側となった日以前のリスクが追加し、被保険者は、保険料相当の金額または、契約に基づき有効な当該保険の対価を支払済であるとする。
    • 2. 前項の基づき有効となる場合以外の保険契約は、存在しないものと見なされ、如何なる金額も返済されない。
    • 3. 再保険契約は、当事者同士が敵側となったと見なされる場合は、その日付以降の全ての引出しは無効となる。但し、海上再保険条約に基づく航海保険は、リスク譲渡の条件に基づき自然に期限消滅までは有効と見なされる。
    • 4. 任意再保険契約は、リスクが付随し保険料その他の対価により有効となっている再保険は通常的に支払われている場合は、再保険契約に別段の定めがない限り、当事者同士が敵側になると確定した日までは有効である。但し、航海保険に関わるこれら任意再保険は、リスクの譲渡条件に従い自然の終了日まで有効とみなす。
    • 5. 前条に規定された以外の任意再保険契約、及び被害超過分に関わるあるいは被弾再保険に関わる被害超過再保険契約は(任意であるか否かを問わず)、存在しなかったと見なされ、これに基づく支払い金額は返還され得る。
    • 6. 協定または再保険契約の別段の定めがない限り、保険料は按分比率で調整される。
    • 7. 保険または再保険契約(再保険協定に基づく譲渡を含む)は、いずれかの当事者の国民または連合国あるいは同盟国による敵対行為に起因する損害は付保されないと見なされる。
    • 8. 保険が戦争中、保険原本が他の保険者に移管され、または全面的に再保険された場合は、当該の移管又は再保険は、自主的あるいは行政によるあるいは合法的な行為である場合の如何を問わず、認められ、原本の保険者の債務は如何又は再保険の期日で終了したものと見なす。
    • 9. 同一の二人の当事者間の協定あるいは再保険が一件以上ある場合には、それらの間での勘定の調整を行い、その結果の斬打紀を確定し、全ての残高勘定(未払の損害準備金を含む)を計算し、全ての金額はかかる全ての契約または前述の条項に基づく返還額を含め、一方の当事者の他方に対する債務として計算される。
    • 10. 当事者同士が敵側となるより、保険料の支払又は残高の精算によって生じる一方の当事者による支払金額の如何なる遅延に対しても金利は生じない。
    • 本頁は2018/4/19 00:54に編集され、クリエイティブ・コモンズの条件に従って入手う可能となる。追加の利用条件は当該サイトを参照のこと。
    • 本議定書は、本条約第14条規定の権利を損なうものではない。
  • E. Life Insurance Contracts:
    • Where an insurance has been transferred during the war from the original to another Insurer or has been wholly reinsured, the transfer or reinsurance shall, if effected at the instance of the Japanese administrative or legislative authorities, be recognized, and the liability of the original Insurer shall be deemed to have ceased as from the date of the transfer or reinsurance.
  • E. 生命保険契約:
    • 戦争中に元の保険から他の保険者あるは再保険に移管された場合は日本の行政当局によって承認されれば、元の保険者の債務は保険の移管または再保険の時点から消滅したものと見なす。
  • >Top F. Special Provision:
    • For the purposes of the present Protocol, natural or juridical persons shall be regarded as enemies from the date when trading between them shall have become unlawful under laws, orders, or regulations to which such persons or the contracts were subject.
  • F. 特別規定: [敵側と見なし]
    • 本議定書の趣旨に鑑み、自然人又は法人は、これらが契約当事者となり法律や命令またはその他の規則に基づき取引行った日からは敵側と見なされ、不法とみなされる。
  • Final Article:
    • The present Protocol is open for signature by Japan and any State signatory to the Treaty of Peace with Japan signed this day, and shall, in respect of the matters with which it deals, govern the relations between Japan and each of the other States signatory to the present Protocol as from the date when Japan and that State are both bound by the said Treaty of Peace.
      The present Protocol shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America which shall furnish each signatory State with a certified copy thereof.
    • IN FAITH WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Protocol.
    • DONE at the city of San Francisco this eighth day of September 1951, in the English, French, and Spanish languages, all being equally authentic, and in the Japanese language.
      [Signatures omitted.]
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  • 最終条項:
    • 本議定書は、日本及び本条約に本日の署名国に対し開示され、日本および本議定書署名国のとの間の関係を規定し、本日付の議定書として日本及び署名国双方を拘束する。
    • 以上の証明として全権大使は本議定書に署名する。
    • 1951/9/8にサンフランシスコ市にて、英語、仏語、西語にて等しく正文として作成され、さらに日本語でも作成された。
      • 本頁は2018/4/19 00:54に編集。
      • 本文はクリエイティブ・コモンズとして作成適用され、関連サイトの使用条件に合意したものとする。
  • This historical document is still valid and affecting Japan and other countries as the result of WWII.
  • In particular, the other important countries concerned like Russia, China, and Korea are not included as the signatory countries.
  • Postwar settlement and agreement looks like more demanding and complicated than the notice of proclamation of war.
  • この歴史的文書は、まだ有効で第二次世界大戦の結果として日本や他国に影響を与えている。
  • 特に、他の重要な当事国である露中、朝鮮は著名国に入っていない。
  • 戦後の取り決めと契約は、宣戦布告よりも要求項目が多く複雑である。

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