Mathematics to understand Deep Learning
Category: ICT
Published: 2017
Yoshiyuki & Sadami Wakui (涌井良幸・貞美)
up 17810
Mathematics to understand Deep Learning
; Axon; Back propagation method; Chain rule; Convolution layer; Cost function; Data dependent; Dendrite; Demon-Subordinate Network; Displacement vector; Gradient descent; Lagrange multiplier method; Learning data; Minimization problem; Neural network; Neurotransmission; Recurrence formula; Regression analysis; Sigmoid function; Similarity of pattern; Square error; Stress tensor; Synapse;
>Top 0. Introduction:
- Activity of Neuron:
0. 序文:
- ニューロンの働き
>Top 1. How to express activity of neuron:
- Neuron is composed of:
- Cyton: cell body (=neuron)
- Dendrites: Input of information
- Axon: Output of information
- >Top Unit step function vs. Sigmoid function (differentiable):
- Unite step function: Output is 0 or 1.
- Sigmoid function ($\sigma (z)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}$):
Output is arbitrary number.
- Activation function:
$y=a(w_1x_1+w_2x_2+w_3x_3-\theta)\; (\theta: $threshold)
- >Top Neural Network: (>Fig.)
- Input layer - Middle layer - Output layer:
- Input layer: no input arrows; output only.
- Middle (Hidden) layer: actually process the information
- this layer reflects intention of the planner.
- 'hidden demons' in the middle layer have particular properties, which are different sensitivity of a specific pattern.
- Output layer: output as the total of neural network.
- Deep Learning: neural network having many deep layers.
- Fully connected layer: All units of the previous layer point to the next layer.
- >Top Compatibility of Demons and their subordinates: (>Fig)
- Pixel 5 & 8 ON
- Subordinate 5 & 8 excited
- Hidden Demon-B excited
- Output Demon-1 excited
- The picture was judged to be "1".
- Thus, compatibility or bias of each Demon leads the answer; The network decides as a whole.
- >Top AI Development phases:
Logic dependent
Knowledge dependent
Robot; Machine translation
Data dependent
Pattern recog; Speech recog.
1. ニューロンの働きの表現:
- Neurotransmission (神経伝達):
- Input $z$は、以下2ベクトルの内積:
- Neural Network:
- Demons and their subordinates:
- Subordinates reflect vividly 4 & 7, and 6 & 9.
- Demon-Subordinate Network:
>Top 2. How the neural network learns:
- >Top
Regression Analysis:
Learning with teacher or without teacher: (>Fig.)
- With teacher: Learning data (or Supervised data)
- To minimize the errors between estimate and correct answer;
'Least-square method'; 'Regression Analysis'
- Total of errors: cost function $C_T$
- Weight parameter can take negative value, unlike the case of biology.
2. ニューラルネットワークはどう学ぶのか:
- Regression Analysis (回帰分析):
>Top 3. Basic mathematics for neural network:
- Inner products: $a・b=|a||b|\cos\theta$
- Cauthy-Schwarz inequality:
- $-|a||b|\le a・b\le |a||b|$
- $-|a||b|\le |a||b|\cos\theta\le |a||b|$
- Similarity of pattern:
- $A =\pmatrix{x_{11}&x_{12}&x_{13} \cr x_{21}&x_{22}&x_{23} \cr x_{31}&x_{32}&x_{33}}$
- $F =\pmatrix{w_{11}&w_{12}&w_{13} \cr w_{21}&w_{22}&w_{23} \cr w_{31}&w_{32}&w_{33}}$
- Similarity=$A・F=w_{11}x_{11}+w_{12}x_{12}+...+w_{33}x_{33}$
- Similarity is proportional to the Inner product of A and F.
- Stress tensor: (>Fig.)
- Stress tensor ($T)=\pmatrix{\tau_{11}&\tau_{12}&\tau_{13} \cr \tau_{21}&\tau_{22}&\tau_{23} \cr \tau_{31}&\tau_{32}&\tau_{33}}$
- Google: 'Tensor-Flow'
- Matrix product:
- $AB=\pmatrix{c_{11}&c_{12}&\ldots&c_{1p} \cr c_{21}&c_{22}&\ldots&c_{2p} \cr
c_{n1}&c_{n2}&\ldots&c_{np}}=c_{ij}=\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^m a_{ik}b_{kj}$
- Hadamard product:
- $A\circ B=\biggl(a_{ij}・b_{ij}\biggr)_{1\le i\le m\\1\le j\le n}$
- Transposed matrix:
- $^tB\:^tA$ (>¶)
- >Top Differential: (Composite function = Chain rule)
- $\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{dy}{du}\frac{du}{dx}$
- $\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}
=\frac{\partial z}{\partial u}\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}
+\frac{\partial z}{\partial v}\frac{\partial v}{\partial x}
- $\frac{\partial z}{\partial y}
=\frac{\partial z}{\partial u}\frac{\partial u}{\partial y}
+\frac{\partial z}{\partial v}\frac{\partial v}{\partial y}
- $(e^{-x})^{'}=-e^{-x}$
- $y=e^u, \; u=-x:$ then, $y^{'}=\frac{dy}{du}\frac{du}{dx}=d^u・(-1)=-e^{-x}$
- $\frac{1}{f(x)}^{'}=-\frac{f^{'}(x)}{\{f(x)\}^2}$
- $\sigma (x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}$ (Sigmoid function)
- $\sigma^{'}(x)=\sigma(x)(1-\sigma(x))$ (>¶)
- Multivariable function: Partial differential (derivative):
- $\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}=\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x}$
- $\displaystyle\lim_{\Delta x\to 0}\frac{f(x+\Delta x, y)-f(x,y)}{\Delta x}$
- $\frac{\partial z}{\partial y}=\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial y}$
- $\displaystyle\lim_{\Delta y\to 0}\frac{f(x, y+\Delta y)-f(x,y)}{\Delta y}$
- >Top Lagrange multiplier method: Finding local maxima and minima of a function subject to equality constraints.
- Maximize $f(x,y)\; $ subject to $g(x,y)=0$
- $F(x,y,\lambda)=f(x,y)-\lambda(g(x,y)-c)$
- $\frac{\partial F}{\partial x}
=\frac{\partial F}{\partial y}
=\frac{\partial F}{\partial \lambda}=0$
- Approximate formula:
- $f(x+\Delta x)\approx f(x)+f^{'}(x)\Delta x$
- $f(x+\Delta x, y+\Delta y)\approx f(x,y)+
\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x}\Delta x
\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial y}\Delta y$
- $\Delta z\approx \frac{\partial z}{\partial x}\Delta x
\frac{\partial z}{\partial y}\Delta y$
- $\Delta z\approx \frac{\partial z}{\partial w}\Delta w
\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}\Delta x
\frac{\partial z}{\partial y}\Delta y$
- $\nabla z=(\frac{\partial z}{\partial w},
\frac{\partial z}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial z}{\partial y}), $
$\Delta x=(\Delta w, \Delta x, \Delta y) $
- >Top Gradient descent: (>Fig.)
- $\Delta z=\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x}\Delta x
\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial y}\Delta y$
- When $\Delta z$ becomes minimum: two vectors are in the opposite direction.
- $(\Delta x, \Delta y)=-\eta (\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x}
,\frac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial y})$
- $\Delta x=(\Delta x_1, \Delta x_2, ..., \Delta x_n)=
-\eta\nabla f
where $\Delta x$ is a displacement vector; $\eta$ is a small positive number;
- $\nabla f=(\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_1}
,\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_2}, ... ,
\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_n })$
3. ニューラルネットワークのための基本数学:
- Stress tensor:
- 転置行列:
- ¶ $A=\pmatrix{a_{11}&\ldots&a_{1n}\cr
\vdots&&\vdots\cr a_{m1}&\ldots&a_{mn}}$
- $B=\pmatrix{b_{11}&\ldots&b_{1p}\cr
\vdots&&\vdots\cr b_{n1}&\ldots&a_{np}}$
- $(i, j)$ element of $AB \; (=(j,i)$ element of
- $\pmatrix{a_{i1}&a_{i2}&\ldots&a_{1n}}
\pmatrix{b_{1j}\cr b_{2j}\cr \vdots\cr b_{nj}}$
- $(j,i)$ element of $ ^tB\: ^tA$:
- $\pmatrix{b_{j1}&b_{j2}&\ldots&b_{nj}}
\pmatrix{a_{i1}\cr b_{i2}\cr \vdots\cr b_{in}}$
- $\therefore \; ^t(AB)=$ $^tB\:^tA$
- ¶ $\sigma^{'}(x)
- Lagrange Multiplier (ラグランジュ未定乗数法):
Blue lines are counturs of $f(x,y)$
Red line shows the constraint $g(x,y)=c$
- 勾配降下法 (Gradient descent method)
- Displacement vector (変位ベクトル)
- ¶ $z=x^2+y^2; \Delta x=-\eta\nabla z=(2x, 2y)$
>Top 4. Cost function of neural network:
- Gradient Descent (Sample): (>Fig.)
- <Middle layer>
- $\pmatrix{z_1^2\cr. z_2^2\cr. z_3^2}
\pmatrix{x_1\cr. x_2\cr. x_3\cr.\ldots\cr. x_{12}}
+\pmatrix{b_1^2\cr. b_2^2\cr. b_3^2}
- $a_i^2=a(z_i^2)\; (i=1, 2, 3)$
- <Output layer>
- $\pmatrix{z_1^3\cr. z_2^3}
\pmatrix{a_1^2\cr. a_2^2\cr. a_3^2}
+\pmatrix{b_1^3\cr. b_2^3}
- $a_i^3=a(z_i^3)\; (i=1, 2)$
- <C=Square error>
- $C=\frac{1}{2}\{(t_1-a_1^3)^2+(t_2-a_2^3)^2\}$
- <$C_T$=Cost function>
- $C_T=\displaystyle\sum_k^{64} C_k$
- $C_k=\displaystyle\sum_k^{64} C_k\frac{1}{2}\{(t_1[k]-a_1^3[k])^2+(t_2[k]-a_2^3[k])^2\}$
- Applying Displacement Descent:
- $\Delta x=(\Delta x_1, \Delta x_2, ..., \Delta x_n)=
-\eta\nabla f
\; $ (where $\nabla f$ is Gradient)
- $(\Delta w_{11}^2,\ldots,\Delta w_{11}^3,\ldots
,\Delta b_1^2,\ldots,\Delta b_1^3,\ldots)
- $=-\eta \Bigl(\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial w_{11}^2}
,\ldots,\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial w_{11}^3}
,\ldots,\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial b_1^2}
,\ldots,\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial b_1^3},\ldots\Bigr)$
4. ニューラルネットワークのコスト関数:
- 勾配降下法 (例):
>Top 5. Back propagation method:
- Square error; Minimization problem of Cost function:
- $C=\frac{1}{2}\{(t_1-a_1^3)^2+(t_2-1_2^3)^2\}$
- $\delta_j^l=\frac{\partial C}{\partial z_j^l}\; (l=2, 3, \ldots)$
- $\frac{\partial C}{\partial w_{11}^2}
$\frac{\partial C}{\partial z_1}^2}
{\partial z_1^2}{\partial w_{11}^2}
- $z_1^2=w_{11}^2x_1+w_{12}^2x_2+\ldots
- $\frac{\partial C}{\partial w_{11}^2}=\delta_1^2x_1
- >Top <General formula>: from partial differentail to recurrence formula.
- $\frac{\partial C}{\partial w_{ji}^l}=\delta_j^la_i^{l-1}$
- $\frac{\partial C}{\partial b_j^l}=\delta_j^l$
- Forward & Back Propagation:
- <Forward Propagation>
- Read the data.
- Set up the default data.
- Calculate $C$.
- Square error $C$.
- <Back Propagation>
- Calculate $\delta$ by Back propagation method.
- Calculate Cost function $C_T$ and its gradient $\nabla C_T$.
- Update Weight $W$ ana bias $b$ by Gradient descent method.
- Return to 3.
- <Matrix representation>
- $\pmatrix{\delta_1^3\cr \delta_2^3}
=\pmatrix{\frac{\partial C}{\partial a_1^3}\cr
\frac{\partial C}{\partial a_2^3}}
\circ \pmatrix{a^{'}(z_1^3)\cr a^{'}(z_2^3)}$
- $\pmatrix{\delta_1^2\cr \delta_2^2\cr \delta_3^2}
=\Biggl[\pmatrix{w_{11}^3& w_{21}^3\cr w_{12}^3& w_{22}^3\cr
w_{13}^3& w_{23}^3 }\pmatrix{\delta_1^3\cr \delta_2^3}\Biggr]
\circ \pmatrix{a^{'}(z_1^2)\cr a^{'}(z_2^2)\cr a{'}(z_3^2}$
5. 誤差逆伝搬法 (BP法):
- $C$: 二乗誤差
- $\delta_j^l$: Unitの誤差の定義
- <コスト関数$C_T$の最小化問題>
- 最小条件の方程式
$\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial x}=0,
\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial y}=0,
\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial z}=0$
- 勾配降下法:
勾配$(\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial x},
\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial y},
\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial z})$
- 誤差逆伝搬法:
Solved partial differential value by
recurrence formula.
- Forward propagation & Back propagation:
>Top 6. Translation to neural network language:
- Favorite pattern of a demon:
- Gradient of Cost function $C_T$
- >Top Convolution layers:
$=(\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial w_{11}^{F1}}, \ldots,
\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial w_{1-11}^{01}}, \ldots,
\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial b^{F1}}, \ldots,
\frac{\partial C_T}{\partial b_{1}^{0}}, \ldots, )$
- 1st term: Partial differential of filter.
- 2nd term: Partial differential of unit weight of output layer.
- 3rd term: Partial differential of unit weight of 'convolution' layers.
- 4th term: Partial differential of unit weight of output layer.
6. ニューラルネットワークの言葉に翻訳:
- Feature Map by convolution of Filter-S:
- Convolution layers (畳み込み層):
- Picture >Similarity >Convolution (Weight) >Convolution (Output) >Pooling:
- Mathematics for deep learning relates mostly partial differential. Recurrence formula are easier for computer to calculate than partial differentials, and are used instead.
- It is interesting to understand how AI understand analog picture to digitized recognition, by doing complicated mathematical calculations. It is as expected that computing ability in quick calculation is a decisive factor.
- Computer itself is no more smart but is only speedy in calculation.
- ディープラーニングの数学は、特に偏微分に関連する。コンピュータにとっては、偏微分より漸化式の法が得意なのでよく代用される。
- AIが複雑な数学計算によって、どのようにアナログな図をデジタル認識するのかは興味深い。それにしても予想通り、コンピュータの計算力の早さが決め手である。
- コンピュータ自体がスマートという訳ではなく、単に計算が速いだけなのである。
Mathematics to understand Deep Learning
Category: ICT |
Yoshiyuki & Sadami Wakui (涌井良幸・貞美) |
up 17810 |
Title |
Mathematics to understand Deep Learning |
ディープラーニングがわかる数学 |
Index |
Tag |
; Axon; Back propagation method; Chain rule; Convolution layer; Cost function; Data dependent; Dendrite; Demon-Subordinate Network; Displacement vector; Gradient descent; Lagrange multiplier method; Learning data; Minimization problem; Neural network; Neurotransmission; Recurrence formula; Regression analysis; Sigmoid function; Similarity of pattern; Square error; Stress tensor; Synapse; |
Résumé |
Remarks |
>Top 0. Introduction:
0. 序文:
>Top 1. How to express activity of neuron:
1. ニューロンの働きの表現:
>Top 2. How the neural network learns:
2. ニューラルネットワークはどう学ぶのか:
>Top 3. Basic mathematics for neural network:
3. ニューラルネットワークのための基本数学:
>Top 4. Cost function of neural network:
4. ニューラルネットワークのコスト関数:
>Top 5. Back propagation method:
5. 誤差逆伝搬法 (BP法):
>Top 6. Translation to neural network language:
6. ニューラルネットワークの言葉に翻訳:
Comment |