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Out Of Thin Air - Note

- Dinaosaurs, Birds, and Earth's ancient atomosphere -

Cat: SCI
Pub: 2004
#: 1605

Kanzo Kobayashi


>Top <A>:

  1. amnion
  2. anapsid
  3. angiosperm
  4. annelid
  5. anoxia
  6. aperture
  7. appendage
  8. arachnid
  9. archaeopteryx
  10. archosaurs
  11. arthropod
  12. atrium
  13. auricle


  1. innermost membrane that encloses the embyo of a mammal, bird, or reptile.
  2. a reptile group characterized by a lack of temporal openings in the skull; turtles
  3. a plant of a large group that comprises those that have flowers and produed seeds enclosed within a carpel.; Cf: gymnosperm
  4. a segmented worm of phylum Annelida; earthworm or leech
  5. absence of oxygen
  6. opening hole, or gap
  7. a thing that is added or attached.
  8. a kind of spider
  9. oldest known fossil bird of late Jurassic
  10. a group of diapsid amniotes; consist of birds and crocodilians
  11. invertebrae animal of the large phylum Arthropoda, such as insect, spider, or crustacean; head+trunk+posterior region
  12. two upper cavities of the heart
  13. blood passes downward from auricles to the ventricle.


  1. 羊膜
  2. 無弓類
  3. 被子植物門
  4. 環形動物の
  5. 無酸素症
  6. 隙間, 小さな穴
  7. 付属肢
  8. クモ型節足動物
  9. 始祖鳥
  10. 主竜類 (ワニ、鳥類の祖先)
  11. 節足動物 <arthro+pod <arthromere 体節
  12. 心房
  13. 外耳

>Top <B>:

  1. bestiary
  2. biramous
  3. bivalvia
  4. brachiopod
  5. braid
  6. bryozoan


  1. a descriptive or anncdotal treatis on various kinds of animal; <beast
  2. dividing to form two branches
  3. aquatic mollusc having a hinged shell
  4. marine invertebrate of the phylum Brachipoda.
  5. threads of silk, cotton
  6. sedentary aquatic invertbrate of the phylum Bryozoa, which comprises the moss animals.


  1. 動物寓話
  2. 二足型付属肢
  3. 二枚貝綱
  4. 腕足動物
  5. 髪を編む
  6. コケムシ

>Top <C>:

  1. carapace
  2. cephalization
  3. cehalopod
  4. Chéngjiāng
  5. chiton
  6. Chicxulub
  7. chitin
  8. choanocyte
  9. chordate
  10. cilia, cilium
  11. cnidarian
  12. coalesce
  13. concomitant
  14. cornucopia
  15. crossopterygian
  16. cycad
  17. cynodont


  1. hard upper shell of a tortoise, crustacean, or arachnid.
  2. concentration of sese organs, nervous control at the aterior end of the body
  3. active predatory mollusc of the large class Cephalopoda; octopus  or squid
  4. aquatic invertebrate animal of the phylum Cnidaria
  5. marine collusc that has an oval flattened body
  6. Chicxulub crater in Yucatan
  7. a fibrous substance consisting of polyaaccharides, which is the major consituent in the exoskeletono farthropods.
  8. a
  9. large phylum Chordate comprising the vertebrates together with the sea squirts and lancelets.
  10. short microscopic hair-like vibrating structure found in large numbers on the surface of certain cells.
  11. flagellated cell with a collar of protoplasm
  12. come together to form one mass or whole
  13. naturally accompanying or assoicated
  14. an ornamental container shaped like a goat's horn
  15. a
  16. a palm-like plant of tropical and subtropical; abundant during Triassic an Jurassic eras.
  17. therapsids that first appeared in late Permian


  1. 甲殻
  2. 頭化
  3. 頭足動物
  4. 澄江
  5. キトン, ヒザラガイ
  6. チクフルーブクレーター
  7. キチン質
  8. 刺胞動物
  9. 脊索動物
  10. 繊毛
  11. 襟細胞
  12. 合体
  13. 付随する
  14. 豊穣の角
  15. 総鰭類、シーラカンス, coeseki lacanth
  16. ソテツ
  17. 犬歯類

>Top <D>:

  1. desciccate
  2. diaphragm
  3. dorsal


  1. remove moisture from
  2. a dome-shaped muscular partition separating the thorax from the abdomen in mammals.
  3. relating to the upper side or back of an animal


  1. 乾燥化
  2. 横隔膜
  3. 背面の

>Top <E>:

  1. echinoderm
  2. ectotherm
  3. endotherm
  4. entrain
  5. epitaph
  6. epithelial
  7. epithelium
  8. eurypterid
  9. exoskeleton
  10. extant


  1. a marine invertebrate of the phylum Echinodermata; such as starfish
  2. dependent on external source of body heat. Cf: endotherm.
  3. an organism that maintains its body at a metabolically favorable temperature; ⇔ ectothermy
  4. cause gradually to fall into synchronism with it.
  5. a phrase or words written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a toobstone.
  6. relating to or denoting the thin tissue forming the outer layer of a body
  7. thin tissue forming outer layer of a body surface
  8. a giant fossil marine arthropod in Paleazoic are, like large scorpions.
  9. rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially arthropods.
  10. still in existence


  1. 棘皮動物; ヒトデ、ウニ、ナマコ
  2. 外温動物、変温動物
  3. 内温動物、定温動物
  4. リズムに同調する。
  5. 墓標
  6. 上皮
  7. 上皮細胞, 上皮組織
  8. 広翼類
  9. 外骨格 ⇔endoskeleton
  10. 現存する

>Top <F>:

  1. faecal, fecal
  2. fauna
  3. flamboyant


  1. relating to faeces
  2. animals of particular region or geological period; Cf. flora.  
  3. tending to attract attention; bright, coloful and very noticeable.


  1. 糞便の
  2. 動物相
  3. 燃えさかるような

>Top <G>:

  1. gastropoda
  2. gnathobare
  3. grit
  4. gulp
  5. gymnosperm


  1. large class of mollusces which includes snails, sluges, whelks.
  2. "must have worked really hard." > "you must be smart at this."
  3. breath or swallow with difficulty
  4. seeds unprotected by an ovary or fruit; conifers, cycads, and ginkgo.; ↔ angiosperm


  1. 腹足類
  2. オオアゴザウルス
  3. 砂・小石; やる気/気骨
  4. ひと飲み
  5. 裸子植物

>Top <H>:

  1. hagfish
  2. therapsid
  3. hone
  4. hox genes
  5. hypoxia


  1. primitive jawless marine vertebrate, eel-like body.
  2. a grou of synapsids that includes mammals and their ancestors.
  3. sharpen; refine, peerfect
  4. homeotic genes
  5. O2 deficiency in a biotic environment


  1. メクラウナギ
  2. 獣弓類, 哺乳類の祖先
  3. 研ぐ
  4. ホメオティック遺伝子
  5. 低酸素症

>Top < I >:

  1. ichithyostega
  2. instigator
  3. invagination

< I >:

  1. an earluy tetrapod genus liven at Upper Devonian, of the first tetraods in the follil record.
  2. a person who brings about or initiates sth
  3. action or process of being turned inside out or folded back on itself to forma a cvity or pouch

< I >:

  1. イクチオステガ (370-355 ma)
  2. 扇動者
  3. 陥入

>Top <J>:



>Top <K>:



>Top <L>:

  1. larval
  2. lineage
  3. lophophore


  1. relating to or denoting the active immature form of other animals
  2. direct descent from an ancestor
  3. a structure in certain small marine invertebrates, having the shape of a horseshoe and being ciliated tentacles around the mouth; thre major groups of Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, and Phoronida


  1. 幼生期
  2. 血統
  3. 総担

>Top <M>:

  1. malacology
  2. mayfly
  3. meander
  4. mite
  5. molt, moult
  6. monoplacophora
  7. monophyletic


  1. a
  2. study of Mollusca, the second largest phytlum of animals after arthropods.
  3. (river) follow a winding course
  4. a minute arachnid whi has foru pairs of legs when adult. Many kinds live in the soil and a number are parasitic on plants or animals.
  5. shed old feathers, hair, or skin to make way for a new growth.
  6. bearing one plate molluscs
  7. decended from a commonn evolutionary ancestor


  1. カゲロウ
  2. 軟体動物学
  3. 曲がりくねる
  4. ダニ
  5. 脱皮
  6. 単板綱
  7. 単系統群

>Top <N>:

  1. nautiloid
  2. nemertean


  1. a mollusc of a group of mainly extinct marine molluscs which includesthepearly nautilus.
  2. member of  small phylum Nemertea, a ribbon worm


  1. オウムガイ目
  2. ひも形動物

>Top <O>:

  1. at odds
  2. offshoot
  3. orinithischia
  4. ostracoderm


  1. in conflict or at variance
  2. a side shooot or branch a thing that devlops from sth.
  3. bird-hipped dinosaurs
  4. an early jawless fossil fish of Cabrian to Devonian period.


  1. 争って
  2. 派生物
  3. 鳥盤類
  4. 甲冑魚

>Top <P>:

  1. paddle
  2. paedomorphism
  3. pant
  4. paroxysm
  5. pennatulacea
  6. pigment
  7. pinnacle
  8. placderm
  9. placenta
  10. plummet
  11. polylacophora
  12. postulate
  13. protozoan
  14. pterodactylus
  15. Punctured Equilibrium


  1. a short pole with a broad blade at one or both ends.
  2. retention by adults of traits previously seen onoy in the young
  3. breath with short, quick breaths, typically from eertionor exictement.
  4. a sudden attack or outburst of a particular emotion or activity
  5. a
  6. natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue
  7. the most successt or assume existence, fact, or truth
  8. a
  9. vascular tissue in which O2 and nutrients can pass from the mother's blood into that of the fetus <flat plate
  10. fall or drop straight down at high speed
  11. a
  12. a
  13. a single celled microscopic animal
  14. a
  15. most morphological changes occur during speciation events rather than gradually.


  1. 幼形保有
  2. 抑えきれない感情、激発
  3. ウミエラ目
  4. 色素
  5. 頂点
  6. 板皮類
  7. 胎盤
  8. 急に下落する
  9. 多板綱
  10. a
  11. 原生動物
  12. 翼竜
  13. The Big Five: OLPTK

>Top <Q>:



>Top <R>:

  1. reconcile
  2. relent
  3. rudimentary


  1. make consistent with another
  2. abandon or mitigate a svere or harsh attitude, especially by finally yielding to a request.
  3. relating to an immature, undeveloped, or basic form


  1. 調和させる
  2. 静まる
  3. 基本的、初歩的な

>Top <S>:

  1. scaphopoda
  2. scar
  3. scourge
  4. secrete
  5. septum
  6. sessile
  7. siphuncle
  8. skeletal
  9. a slew of
  10. sobriquet
  11. springtail
  12. squirt
  13. stolid
  14. stoma
  15. stromotoporoid
  16. stymie
  17. surmise
  18. synapsida


  1. a
  2. a jark left o the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely.
  3. a whip used as an instrument of puishment
  4. produce or discharge
  5. a partition separating two chambers
  6. fixed in one place; immobile
  7. calcareous tube containing living tissue running through all the shell chambers.
  8. relating to or functionin as a skeleton
  9. a large number of
  10. a person's nickname.
  11. a minute primitive wingless insect; aboundant in the soil and leaf litter.
  12. cause a liquid to be ejected from a small opening in a thin jet.
  13. calm, dependable, showing litle animation
  14. any of the minute pores in the epidermis of the leaf or  stem of a plant.
  15. extinct sessile coral-like marine organism, occuiring from Cambrian to Cretaceous.
  16. prevent or hinder the progress of
  17. suppose that something is true without having evidence
  18. a fossible repitle showing ancestors of mammals; mammal-like reptile


  1. 掘足綱
  2. 傷跡
  3. むち、たたり
  4. 分泌する
  5. 隔膜
  6. 固着した
  7. 推量する
  8. 骨格の
  9. 多数の
  10. ニックネーム
  11. トビムシ
  12. 噴出させる
  13. 無表情、鈍感な
  14. 気孔, 気門
  15. 層孔虫類
  16. スタイミーの状態にする
  17. 臆測
  18. 単弓類、哺乳類型爬虫類

>Top <T>:

  1. taxon, -xa
  2. thecodontia
  3. therapsid
  4. thermoreguration
  5. thorax
  6. trachea
  7. turbinal
  8. tunicate


  1. a taxonomic group of any rank; species, family, class.
  2. aquatic crocodile-like phytosaurs
  3. a group of synapsids that includes mammals and their ancestors.
  4. ability of an organism to keep its body temperature within certain boundaries;
  5. part of body of a mammal between neck and abdomen
  6. fine chitinlus tubes in the body of an insect
  7. each of three thin curved shelves of bone in the sides of the nasal cavity in warm-blooded vertebrates.
  8. a marine invertebrate of a group which includes the sea squirts and salps.


  1. 分類群
  2. 槽歯類
  3. 獣弓類
  4. 体温調節
  5. 胸部
  6. 気管
  7. 尾索動物
  8. 鼻介骨の

>Top <U>:

  1. urchordata


  1. a group of chordate animals that comprises the tunicates


  1. 尾索類

>Top <V>:

  1. vascular
  2. ventral
  3. venticle
  4. vertebrate
  5. viscera


  1. relating to or cosisting of a vessel(s), or plant tissues
  2. animal of posseseeion of a bckbone or spinal colmn; including mammal, birds, reptiles, amphibian, and fishes.
  3. two main chambers of the heart.
  4. relating to the underside of an animal or plant; abdominal
  5. internal organs in the main cavities of the body


  1. 導管; 維管束
  2. chordate
  3. 心室
  4. 脊椎動物
  5. 内蔵; 腹腔

>Top <W>:

  1. wreckage


  1. remains that has been badly damaged or destroyed


  1. 難破、残骸

>Top <X>:



>Top <Y>:



>Top <Z>:



  • a
  • a

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