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Brief expession for presentation

Cat: LAN
Pub: 2015
#: 1299b

Kanzo Kobayashi

  • Brief and concise expression is not easy, but if we choose proper phrases or expression, which will be very persuasive in business presentation.
  • 簡易な表現は易しくはないが、うまく語句や表現を選べば非常に説得力のあるプレゼンとなる。

>Top <A>:

  1. 悪影響 akueikyo
  2. 圧迫する appaku
  3. である de aru
  4. 後入先出法 atoire


  1. can combat the adverse effects of inflation;
  2. suppress such asset valuation
  3. here is ... ;
  4. LIFO (last-in first-out) inventory method is used in inflationary period.

>Top <B>:

  1. 以下の場合 baai
  2. 場合によっては baaini
  3. ばかげたことに baka
  4. 微妙な分析 bimyo
  5. 物価調整後 bukka
  6. 分散 bunnsan


  1. if you are 1) a xxx;
  2. in some instances;
  3. absurdly;
  4. sensitivity analysis;
  5. CPI (Consumer Price Index) -adjusted;
  6. geographic diversification;

>Top <C>:

  1. 陳腐化 chinpu
  2. 悪い兆候 choko


  1. reflect growing obsolescence of assets
  2. bad sign

>Top <D>:

  1. 妥当性 datosei
  2. 同様に doyo


  1. cash adequacy;
  2. likewise; also

>Top <E>:

  1. 営業部長 eigyo
  2. 影響を受けやすい eikyo


  1. marketing manager;
  2. more susceptible to earnings; minimize its foreign currency exposure

>Top <F>:

  1. 不安定性 fuannteisei
  2. 浮上する fujo
  3. 複雑そうな fukuzatsu
  4. 不況の fukyono
  5. 不利な furina
  6. 不良債権 furyo
  7. 付帯的な futai


  1. vulnerability in raw material cost; volatile securities;
  2. keep your company afloat and turn a profit.
  3. through the seemingly complex world
  4. recessionary:
  5. hostile events without adequate provision for bad debts;
  6. collateral to the loan balance;

>Top <G>:

  1. 概観 gaikan
  2. 厳格な genkakuna
  3. 減債基金積立額 gensai
  4. 技術 gijutus
  5. 逆効果 gyaku
  6. 逆の動き gyakuno
  7. 業界標準で gyokai
  8. 今度は逆に gyaku


  1. take a look at financial measures for decision making.
  2. stringent environmental regulations
  3. sinking fund requirements;
  4. you'll learn techniques for analyzing ...;
  5. can adversely affect;
  6. counter cyclical business lines
  7. by industry standards; industry norms;
  8. in turn,

>Top <H>:

  1. 反対の動きをする hantai
  2. 発表 happyo
  3. 変動 hendou; 変動費
  4. 批判する hihan
  5. 控え目にする hikaeme
  6. (知識経験) 引き出す hikidasu
  7. 紐付けする tie
  8. 頻度 hindo
  9. 頻繁に hinpanni
  10. 頻発する hinpatsu
  11. ひんしゅく hinshuku
  12. 比例して hirei
  13. 本質 honshitsu
  14. 表現する hyogen
  15. 評価する hyoka


  1. couple with negatively correlated products
  2. publications;
  3. variance; variable cost;
  4. should frown upon forward exchange contracts;
  5. moderate increase in depreciation expense;
  6. draw on/upon another for help
  7. tie wage increases to improved productivity
  8. degree of frequency
  9. at short intervals;
  10. repetitive
  11. frown upon
  12. ratably; ratable value
  13. nature of the product;
  14. does not portray economic results;
  15. in appraising the product line;

>Top < I >:

  1. 一覧表 ichiranhyo
  2. 以外は igai
  3. (多分)意味する imisuru
  4. インフレ調整後 infla
  5. 意図した itoshita

< I >:

  1. checklist
  2. except for ... ;
  3. lower trends imply insufficiency in depreciation
  4. inflation-adjusted profit;
  5. be designed in;

>Top <J>:

  1. 実績値 jisseki
  2. 実現可能性 jitsugen
  3. 情報、内報 joho
  4. 剰余 joyo
  5. 重視しない


  1. be more factual than estimated;
  2. realizability of noncurrent assets;
  3. tipoffs to poor management;
  4. residual income;
  5. deemphasize products significantly impacted by inflation

>Top <K>:

  1. 大きな乖離 kairi
  2. 回転率 kaiten
  3. 売掛債権買取業者 kaitori
  4. 過剰な kajona
  5. 価格表 kakaku
  6. 拡大 kakudai
  7. 確認する kakunin
  8. かなり kanari
  9. 簡潔に kanketsuni
  10. 可能である kano
  11. 関連性 kanrensei
  12. 簡単に kantanni
  13. 過小表現 kasho
  14. 為替予約 kawase
  15. 気配 kehai
  16. 経営層 keiei
  17. 警戒する keikai
  18. 経験に基づき keiken
  19. 傾向がある keikou
  20. 計算する keisan
  21. という結果になる kekka
  22. その結果 sono kekka
  23. 健全性 kenzensei
  24. 結論づける ketsuron
  25. 気まぐれな kimagure
  26. 期末 kimatsu
  27. 近似 kinji
  28. 季節変動 kisetsu
  29. 既定の kitei
  30. 既得権 kitokuken
  31. 効果的なマーケティング kokateki
  32. 税金控除法 koji
  33. 控除する kojo
  34. 被る komuru
  35. 構成される kosei
  36. 好戦性 kosensei
  37. 構造 kozou
  38. 区別する kubetsu
  39. 繰延費用 kurinobe
  40. 極端に kyokutan
  41. 急速に kyusoku
  42. 急騰 kyuto


  1. a widening difference between;
  2. turnover rate;
  3. factoring accounts receivable
  4. overestimated expense;
  5. price catalogue and sales literature should be changed.
  6. boost in discretionary costs
  7. needs to ascertain the riskiness;
  8. significantly;
  9. be presented concisely and comprehensively;
  10. be susceptible of different interpretations;
  11. correlation coefficient between
  12. with relative ease;
  13. understatement; ⇔ overstatement
  14. forward exchange contract
  15. may be a sign of;
  16. suggestion to the management executive;
  17. be on guard against the danger; ⇔ be off guard
  18. you'll find rules of thumb to help ...;
  19. be likely to be;
  20. to measure risk;
  21. would result in understated expenses
  22. then; as a result; consequently; as a consequence; this is why; thus; so; so that; therefore; hence;
  23. evaluating a company's financial health.
  24. you conclude that;
  25. beware of erratic foreign exhange rates.
  26. end-of-term;
  27. nearness of assets to cash
  28. level out seasonal effects;
  29. foregone conclusion; a return foregone on the excessive balance;
  30. vested interest;
  31. marketing effectiveness
  32. the flow-through method reduces tax expanse in full credit
  33. recoup previous year reserves;
  34. inflation will incur a loss in purchasing power
  35. union militancy;
  36. what constitutes revenue recognition;
  37. segregate asses by rick category.
  38. overly dependent of;
  39. watch the deferred charges closely.
  40. inventory rises at a faster rate than sales
  41. cost makeup
  42. skyrocketing prices detracts from;

>Top <L>:


>Top <M>:

  1. マジか majika
  2. まかなう makanau
  3. まさしく masashiku
  4. 綿密に(調査) menmitsu
  5. 未承認に mishonin
  6. 密接な課題 missetsu
  7. 儲かる(商売)
  8. 問題解決には.... mondai
  9. 問題の多い mondaino
  10. 問題の箇所 mondaino
  11. もし... ならば moshi
  12. もたらす motarasu


  1. you can't mean that!
  2. a sufficient amount to cover;
  3. be a veritable cookbook
  4. carefully scrutinize realization risk;
  5. unwarranted accounting change
  6. to address the pertinent issues;
  7. lucrative new business
  8. Here is a problem-solver for ...
  9. questionable foreign profit;
  10. trouble spots;
  11. if realistic policies would have resulted in less profit, then the earnings quality would be lower.
  12. bring forth;

>Top <N>:

  1. 何をすべきか naniwo
  2. 年末 nenmatsu
  3. 任意 nin'i


  1. here's what to do;
  2. year-end
  3. at will; discretionary costs;

>Top <O>:

  1. に応じて ojite
  2. 思いつき omoitsuki
  3. 抑える osaeru


  1. to the extent that;
  2. whims of legislators
  3. curtail supply risk;

>Top <P>:


>Top <Q>:


>Top <R>:

  1. 利益喪失条項 rieki soshitu
  2. リスクリターン risk return
  3. リスク risk
  4. 利用できる riyou
  5. 労働集約的 rodoshuyaku
  6. 両建預金 ryodate
  7. 流行 ryuko
  8. 留意 ryuui


  1. acceleration clause;
  2. risk-return comparisons
  3. riskiness;
  4. you'll use statistics for forecasting; employ short-term credit
  5. labor-intensive business;
  6. compensation/compensating balance;
  7. fluctuation in price or with fad
  8. warning; beware ...;

>Top <S>:

  1. 再調達価格 saichotatsu
  2. 最善の戦略 saizen
  3. 先取特権 sakidori
  4. (帳簿から)削除 sakujo
  5. 様々な samazama
  6. 制約 seiyaku
  7. 先期 senki
  8. 節税対策 setsuzei
  9. 資本集約的 shihon
  10. 仕掛品 shikakari
  11. 指向する shikou
  12. 一般的な市況 shikyo
  13. 辛抱強い shinbo
  14. 信用力のある
  15. 焦点を当てる shoten
  16. 承認 shounin
  17. (本国への)送金 sokin
  18. 損なう sokonau
  19. 備え sonae
  20. 損益分析 soneki
  21. それによって soreni
  22. 相殺 sosai
  23. 想定 sotei
  24. 推奨 suisho
  25. 推測 suisoku
  26. 即ち、sunawati


  1. replacement cost;
  2. the bet possible strategies
  3. lien;
  4. write-offs;
  5. as varied as; diversified;
  6. external/internal constraints on the business
  7. prior period;
  8. tax shelter
  9. capital-intensive business;
  10. work-in-process
  11. to move company toward ...;
  12. general market conditons and the behavior of the economy overall
  13. patient liabilities (supplier with a long-standing relationship); ⇔ 'pressing liabilities (bank loan payable, tax)
  14. creditworthy;
  15. to help you quickly pinpoint; to highlight problem;
  16. revenue is being recognized only when warranted
  17. fund repatriation;
  18. impair the net income; skyrocketing prices detracts from;
  19. accounting cushion;
  20. break-even anlysis draws upon contributon margin analysis
  21. thereby;
  22. a trade-off between risk and return;
  23. it is assigned an index number
  24. suggestion; take particular note of
  25. gauging either management performance
  26. in short,

>Top <T>:

  1. 滞納 tainou
  2. 対策 taisaku
  3. 大抵の場合 taitei
  4. 担保価値
  5. 多様 tayo
  6. 手掛かり tegakari
  7. 定番 teiban
  8. 提言 teigen
  9. サービス提供 teikyo
  10. 定量分析 teiryo
  11. 手元に置き temoto
  12. これらを通して toshite
  13. とは ... である towa
  14. 当座比率 toza
  15. を通じて tsujite
  16. つもりじゃなかった tsumori
  17. 強気相場 tsuyoki


  1. delinquent taxes;
  2. what to do;
  3. in most instances;
  4. collateral value of property to the principal balance of a loan
  5. be plentiful
  6. here are some signposts to;
  7. staple; staple industry
  8. suggestion;
  9. rendering of services
  10. quantitative analysis;
  11. keep it handy for easy reference throughout;
  12. throughout, you'll find ...;
  13. earnings quality refers to ...;
  14. quick ratio; acid test ratio;
  15. during the course of business;
  16. I didn't mean it.
  17. bull market; ⇔ bear market

>Top <U>:

  1. 売り易い uriyasui


  1. salable; salability of assets

>Top <V>:


>Top <W>:


>Top <X>:


>Top <Y>:

  1. 役立つ yakudatsu
  2. (主要)要因 yoin
  3. 予算措置 yosan
  4. 与信枠 yoshinwaku
  5. 予測できない yosoku
  6. 要点を押さえている yoten
  7. 弱まる yowamaru
  8. 有効である yuko
  9. 揺らぐ yuragu


  1. present ... to help you evaluate; how it facilitate;
  2. what are the key factors?
  3. budgeting process;
  4. open lines of credit;
  5. uncontrollable factors; less predictable;
  6. be clear, concise, and to the point;
  7. when sales are lagging;
  8. in effect;
  9. the more vacillation in earnings, the lower the earnings quality.

>Top <Z>:

  1. せざるを得ないほど sezaru
  2. (良くないものの)増加 zoka


  1. injured his back to the extent that he had to retire from;
  2. buildup;
  • It is rather difficult for non-native speaker to express difficult concept by easy words. But it is a way to get fine brush to describe in painting with delicate touch.
  • 難しい概念を易しい言葉で表現するのは非母国語の人にとっては難しい。それは微妙なタッチの細い絵筆を獲得するようなものである。

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