Cost of a Nuclear Power Generation
Cat: ENE |
Kenichi Ohshima (大島堅一) |
13312u/18117r |
Cost of a Nuclear Power Generation
- This is an independent analyisis of cost of a nuclear power plant by Prof. K. Ohshima.
- It is a serous controversial issue wheather a nuclear power plant is economical or not; which would give decisive impact on the decision wheathre our society coexist with n-power plant or try to eliminate it.
- The cost should be total, including utility's cost and government subsidy, also covering not only normal operation costs but backend and risk factors after the operation.
- これは大島堅一教授による独立の立場からの原発のコスト分析である。
- 現在、原発が経済的か否かについては深刻な論争がある。それは、我々の社会が原発と共存するのか、それから脱却するのかの意思決定に決定的な影響を与える。
- そのコストとはすべてのコストであるべきで、それは電力のコストや政府の支援を含み、また通常時の運転コストから運転終了後のバックエンドやリスク要員をも含む。
Original resume
Japanese resume
1. Power generation cost before March 2011:
Fuel cost
Ope. yrs
Thermal (LNG)
Hydro (ex. small scale)
Wind (large scale)
Solar (PV)
Cost of power generation (Unit: yen/kWh); Source:
METI energy white paper in 2010
- This figure was based on the the resources & energy research committee of 2004
- This is calculated based on a model plant, which is assumed being built and opeartion on assumed availabillity ratio; i.e. generating cost is calculated by the total generation cost divided by the total production of electricity.
- Herein;
total generation cost = capital cost + fuel cost + opeartion & maintenance cost.
total productiono of electricity
= installed capacity × availability ratio × total operated years
- Intall capacity: kW × 365 days × 24 hours
- >Top Kind of power generation:
- Base generation
- Middle generation and peak geneartion: relatively lower availability ratio; around 50%, which is technically possible around 80%
- Nuclear power has relatively higher availability ratio; around 70%, mostly less than 80%; shown over 80% only 1995-2000.
- Real cost should be sum of:
- Direct opeartion cost (private cost) = depreciation + fuel + opeartion & maintenance, and
- Policy cost = R&D + Site location cost
- Environment cost
- R&D should include development cost of FBR and nuclear fuel cycle (reprocessing, waiste disposal, etc.)
- Site cost includes all subsidies to promote site location including , based on the electric power resouces promotion laws, special policy accounts, and improvement cost for site location.
- >Top Environment cost is the cost borne by the third party due to enviromental desruction. In the case of nuclear accident, conpensation cost, accident handling cost, decommissioning cost, restitution cost, and public adminstration cost.
- "Total Cost plus fee mechanism" of electric power company:
Thermal power
(General hydro)
(Pumped storage)
Unit: yen/kW
- Advertising expenses: 11.6B yen/2010; considered as pervasiveness and development related cost.
- Depreciation cost should be the average cost in long term.
1. 2011/3以前の発電コスト:
- 出典:METI エネルギー白書(2010)
- 原子力: 5〜6円/kWh
- 火力(LNG):7〜8円
- 水力(小規模を除く):8〜13円
- 風力 (大規模):10〜14円
- 太陽光:49円
- これは総合資源エネルギー調査会電気事業分科会コスト等検討小委員会の2004の計算に依る。
- この計算はモデルプラントの想定に基づく。
- ここで発電コスト=総発電コスト/発電量
- 総発電コスト=資本費+燃料費+運転維持費
- 発電量=設備容量×設備利用率×運転年数
- 設備容量=kW ×365日×24時間
- 発電の種類:
- ベース電源
- ミドル電源およびピーク電源:稼働率は約50%と低いが、技術的には80%可能
- 原子力の場合、稼働率は相対的に高く、約70%。80%を超えたのは1995〜2000の6年間のみ。全体を通して稼働率80%は無理。
- 真のコストとは
- 直接コスト (私的コスト):
- 政策コスト:
- 環境コスト:
- 技術開発には、高速増殖炉や核燃料サイクル技術コスト (再処理、廃棄物処理等)を含む
- 立地対策コストには、電源三法 (電源開発促進法、電源開発促進対策特別会計法、発電用詞節周辺地域整備法)にもとづく各種交付金
- 環境コストには、環境破壊に伴う第三者負担の費用。原発事故の場合、保証費用、事故処理費用、廃炉費用、原状回復費用、行政費用。
- 電力会社の"総括原価方式":
- 電源三法に基づく立地地域への交付金
- 原子力発電施設立地地域共生交付金
- 電源立地地域対策交付金:
- 原子力発電施設等立地地域長期発展対策交付金相当部分
- 電力移出県等交付金相当部分
- 原子力発電施設等周辺地域交付金相当部分
- 電源立地促進対策交付金相当部分
- 電源立地等初期対策交付金相当部分
- 原発1基当たり1240億円/45年間
- 20〜30億円/年
2. Power Generation Cost: (Real base)
- Unit: ¥/kWh (average 1970-2010); the author's calculation
Direct cost
Policy cost
R&D cost
Site subsidy
(General hydro)
(Pumped storage)
- Risk cost due to severe accident:
- IEAE calculation: 1/100,000 reactor-year
- Fukushima's case: 1/500 reactor-year
- Accident loss: ¥4.99T by Nuclear Energy Council of Japan; excluding decontamination cost and its administrative cost.
- Cost per kWh: (availability 80%)
- IEAE calculation: ¥0.006/kWh
- Fukushima's case: ¥1.2/kWh
- Is a nuclear power plant insurable?
3. 真の発電コスト:
- 直接コスト+政策コスト (R&D+立地対策)
- シビアアクシデントによるリスクコスト
- IEAEの場合:100,000炉年に1回
- 福島原発の場合:500炉年に1
- IEAEの計算:¥0.006/kWh
- 福島原発の計算:¥1.2/kWh
- 原発は付保可能か
3. Backend Cost:
- One through method or Reprocession of spent fuel:
- Backend cost = Reprocessing cost + Disposal & storage of radioactive waste
- Period of storage: very long-term, say, several ten thousand years, or more.
- Half-life period:
- Pu-239: 24 K years
- Np-237: 2.14 M years
- Zr-93: 1.53 M years
- Backend cost (Unit: ¥T): by Resources Energy Council, METI (2004/1)
based on Rokkasha Reprocessing Plant in Aomori Pref., Japan.
Transuranic atoms
Reprocessing cost
Control of high-level radioactive waste (returned)
Control of TRU radioactive waste (returned)
Transport of high-level radioactive waste
Diposal of high-level radioactive waste
Geological disposal of TRU radioactive waste
Transport of spent fuel
Intermediate storage of spent fuel
Fabrication of MOX fuel
Backend of Uranime enrichment
- Controversial issues:
- Capacity of Rokkasho Plant (800 ton/y, or 32000 tons in 40 years) is about half of total spent fuel made in Japanese n-plants. Cost of the second processing plant is not considered.
- Processing cost of depleted uranium made in enrichment plant.
- Processing cost of recovered uranium made during reprocessing plant
- Processing cost of MOX spent fuel
- Development and opeartion cost of FBR
- Opearation and disposal from fabrication process of uranium fuel.
- Risk cost in the case of accident of the above plants
- Cost of the final geological storage, whose site is not yet determined.
- Economics of MOX fuel:
- Economic value: ¥0.9T (a)
- Reprocessing cost + MOX fuel fabrication = ¥12.19T (b)
- a-b: -¥11.29T
- Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center:
- collected fund for reprocessing cost: bumping up more in the future.
- Reprocessing cost: ¥244.5B
- High-level waste and TRU waste disposal: ¥69.6B
3. バックエンドコスト:
- ワンスルー方式か、使用済燃料の再処理か
- バックエンドコスト=再処理費用+放射性廃棄物処理+ 保管費用
- 保管期間は非常に長期間
- 半減期が長い核種
- Pu-239: 24000年
- Np-237: 214万年
- Zr-93: 153万年
- バックエンドコスト (左図):総合資源エネルギー調査会電気事業分科会コスト等検討小委員会による(2004/1)
- 再処理費用
- 返還高レベル放射性廃棄物管理
- 返還TRU放射性廃棄物管理
- 高レベル放射性廃棄物輸送
- 高レベル放射性廃棄物処分
- TRU廃棄物地層処分
- 使用済燃料輸送
- 使用済燃料中間貯蔵
- MOX燃料加工
- ウラン濃縮工場バックエンド
- バックエンドコストの問題点:
- 六カ所村再処理設備は、使用済燃料の半数しか処理できない。第二プラントの費用未計上
- 劣化ウランの処理費未計上
- 回収ウランの処理費未計上
- MOX使用済燃料の処理費未計上
- 高速増殖炉の開発運転費
- ウラン燃料の加工プロセスからの廃棄物の運営・処理費
- 上記プラントの事故リスク費用
- 地層処分費用(サイト未決定)
- MOX燃料の経済:-12.19兆円
- 公益財団法人原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センターでの電気料金からの積立:
- 再処理費用:2445億円
- 高レベル廃棄物・TRU廃棄物処分:696億円
- 今後も増大の見込み
4. Phase-out process of nuclear power:
- Process-1:
- Public opinion:
- 4567 opinitons to Nuclear Energy Council after the Fukushima accident: 98% is anti-nuclear: (immediate abolition 67% and gradual phase-out 31%)
- Demonstration:
- Continuous anti-nuclear demonostration to the Prime Misnister's office on Frindays; 60,000 people in Sept in Tokyo.
- Prime Minister Naoto Kan:
- It was epochal that Prime Mister required Chubu Electric Co., Ltd. to stope its operation due to insufficent safety measures. Chubu accepted the Prime Minister's request and stopped the opeartion of Hamaoka nuclear power plant, which is standing just on the presumable epicenter of Tokai earthquake in the future.
- Business world:
- Federationof Economic Organizations: showed prudent resposne to anti-nuclear sentiment.
- Some business learders shows clear opinions like Masayoshi Son of Softbank; and Johnan Shinkin Bank shows breaking with nuclear power.
- Hasegawa of Japan Association of Corporate Executives supports diminishing ratio of nuclear power generation.
- Proecss-2:
- Unfeasible new site:
- In the first place, getting approval of new site of nuclear power plants had become difficult even before 3.11 accident; thus maintenance or expansion of nuclear power ratio has become unrealistic.
- >Top East Japan in particular:
- All nuclear plants in east Japan suffered; not only Fukushima Daiichi unit 1-4, but also unit 507, Fukushima Daini, Onagawa and Totsu nuclear plants of Tohoku Electric, and Tokai of Japan Atomic Power Co.. Kashiwazaki-Kariha unit 2-4 plants of TEPCO have stopped since Chuetsu earthquake in 2007. and the unit 1 and unit 5-7 come actually under question. Municipal authorities would less likely accept their reoperation.
- Particularly, Fukushima prefecture established the Fukushia recovery vison, emphasizing safe and sustainable society.
- Hurdle of reopeartion of nuclear plant:
- Approval from NRC of Japan, and prefectural and local governments; including safety stress tests (active fault zone, etc.), disaster-prevention measures within 60km area, and public hearings or local referendum in some cases.
- Age of opeartion with the limit of 30 years in principle. (In Japan, there are 15 n-plants older than 30 years, which seem be uneconomical to clear the enhanced guideline.)
- Antidisaster measures of possible earthquake and tsunami.
- German case:
- German government (Angela Merkel, Premier) decided to abolish German 17 nuclear plants by 2022.
- German Renewable Energy Act (REA) came into force in 2000 and gave tremendous boost of renewable energyies in Germany.
- Renewable Energy Policy Network for 21C (REN21): Clear vision to turn away from fossile fuels and nuclear and centralized electricity towards decentralized energy production.
- Process-3:
- Saving energy could be economically effective.
- ESCO (Energy Service Company) gives saving energy consultancy.
- TEPCO sold 14% less electricty in July-Aug. 2011.
- Process-4:
- Potentiality of sustainable energy, estimated 5,180 TWh, though availability ration of solara PV and wind are relatively lower. The present capacity of all electricity generation in Japan is 907 TWh. The former is 5.7 times more.
- FIT (Feed-In Tariff), or minimum price standard and connection guarantee matter.
- Innovation by falling FIT (degression of 1% per year)
- Process-5:
- In 2012, there was acturally no nuclear operation, (except Ohi plant of KEPCO)
- Cost calculation of shifting to sustainable energy:
- <Premise>:
- Saving electricity consumption 15% (like 2011/7-8)
- Share of sustainable energy will be 20% in 15 years (rather than METI'S 20 years plan)
- <Calculation>:
- Saving electrictiy consuption 15% is equivalent to the half of nuclear power plant generation
- Addtional fossil fuel cost is ¥3.16T. The half of this amount (¥1.58T) is needed in the first year, which will be decreased according to the development of sustainable energy. The average will obe ¥0.58T.
- Addtional cost of sustainable energy will be ¥1.47T annually, subjec to the sustainable share wiil be 20% in 15 years.
- Therefore, about ¥2T annually is needed in 15 year.
4. 脱原発のプロセス:
- プロセス1:
- 世論動向:福島事故後の原子力委員会への意見、98%が反原発 (67%が即時停止、31%が段階的停止)
- 反原発デモ:毎週金曜首相官邸へ
- 菅直人首相:中部電力浜岡原発の操業停止を養成。中部電力はこれを受諾。
- 財界:経団連は、脱原発には慎重だが、一部の経済人 (ソフトバンク、城南信金等ほ)は、脱原発に積極的。
- プロセス2:
- 新規立地確保困難:新たな原発立地は、3.11以降困難。原発比率の維持と拡大は非現実的。
- 特に、東日本:福島第一(1-4は廃炉、5-6も廃炉の方向)に留まらず、福島第二、東北電力の女川、東通、日本原子力発電の東海、東電の柏崎刈羽は中越沖地震の影響で、未だに2-4号基は停止。5-7号基も停止中。再稼働に地元了解を得るのは困難。
- 特に、福島県は、持続可能な社会を目指す「福島県復興ビジョン」を提唱。
- 原発再稼働のハードル:原子力規制委員会、立地県、立地自治体から、活断層問題、安全対策、60km圏内での定期的な防災訓練、公開ヒアリング、場合によっては住民投票など必要。
- 運転期間は、原則30年以内。
- 日本では、現在30年以上の古い原発は15基ある。
- 予想し得る地震・津波対策
- ドイツの事例:メルケル政権は、国内17基の原発を2022までに全廃を約束。
- 21Cに向けての新エネルギー構想(REN21)、化石・原子力・集中型エネルギーから分散型エネルギー開発へ
- プロセス3:
- 省エネルギーは、経済的効果がある。
- 省エネルギーのコンサルティングサービス(ESCO)
- 東電の電力販売量(2011/7-8)は14%減
- プロセス-4:
- 再生可能エネルギーの可能性は、稼働率は相対的に低いが、発電量の可能性は、5.18兆kWhになる。2010年の日本の発電量は、9074億kWhで、前者はこの5.7倍もある。
- FIT (固定価格買取制度)、系統への接続保証は重要
- イノベーションーに応じてFITも下落の見直し (年1%で漸減)
- プロセス-5:
- 2012年は、実質的な (関電の大飯原発を除き)原発は稼働していない。
- 再生可能エネルギーへの転換コスト計算:
- <前提>:
- 電力節電15% (2011/7-8並)
- 再生可能エネルギーは15年間でシェア20%に増加
- <計算>:
- 15%の節電は、原発による発電量の半量
- 追加購入する化石燃料費用は、3.16兆円。この半分の1.58兆円が初年度、その後は再生可能エネルギーの普及に伴い漸減。年平均では0.53兆円
- 再生可能エネルギーの追加コストは、15年でシェア20%とすると、年間コストは1.47兆円
- 従って、年間約2兆円が、今後15年間に亘って必要
5. Electricity Generated (1965-2011):
- Source: Resources and Energy Agency, METI; Unit: 100 GWh
- Electricy generated in 2011: loss of nuclear power generation was covered by oil and LNG generation.
- Generation capacityas of 2010/3: 237.15 GW, among these 48.85 GW is nuclear (20.6%), which is 188.3 GW without nuclear. The peak electricity consumed was 159.13 GW on Aug. 7, 2010.
- Problem is electric power interchange from adjacent utilities has not been functioned well.

5. 発電量推移 (1965-2011):
- 出典:資源エネルギー庁;単位億kWh
- 2011福島事故以降は、原子力の部分は石油と天然ガスが補充。
- 2010/3の発電容量は、2.37 億kW、この内、原子力は48.85百万kW。従って原子力抜きでは、1.88億kW。
- 2010年のピークは8月7日の1.59億kWで、これを満たすことが可能。
- 課題は、電力会社間の電力の融通がほとんど行われていないことにある。
- Nuclear tehcnology is not only one of the sources of power generation, but relates to the histrical background of development nuclear weapons, and also rerates to the technologic breakthrough in 20C. It is just like the opening of pandra box.
- 原子力技術は、発電源の一つであるだけでなく、核兵器開発の歴史的な背景とも関連している。またそれは、20Cの技術ブレークスルーとも関係している。それは正にパンドラの箱を開けてしまったようなものである。
Title |
Cost of a Nuclear Power Generation |
原子力発電のコスト |
Index |
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Why? |
Original resume |
Japanese resume |
1. Power generation cost before March 2011:
1. 2011/3以前の発電コスト:
2. Power Generation Cost: (Real base)
3. 真の発電コスト:
3. Backend Cost:
3. バックエンドコスト:
4. Phase-out process of nuclear power:
4. 脱原発のプロセス:
5. Electricity Generated (1965-2011):
![]() |
5. 発電量推移 (1965-2011):
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