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Creative Cities Developments
in Global Media Cities

Cat: ICT
Pub: 2006
#: 0605a

Larry M. Kubota



Creative Cities Developments in Global Media Cities


Larry M. Kubota




  1. Preface:
  2. Core Industries of the Creative Economy:
  3. Rise of the Creative Class:
  4. Creative Places:
  5. Creative Cities:
  6. List of Global Media Cities:
  7. Media Cities & Cultural Economy:
  8. What does this mean for Japan?:
  1. 序:
  2. クリエイティブ経済の中心産業:
  3. クリエイティブ階級の登場:
  4. クリエイティブな場所:
  5. クリエイティブ・シティー:
  6. メディアシティーのリスト:
  7. メディアシティーと文化経済:
  8. 主要点:
  9. 日本にとっては?:
  • Dr. Larry M. Kubota is CEO & Founder, Black Current Productions, Ltd., Visiting Professor, Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi Univ., and Fellow,Glocom, International Univ. of Japan.
  • This is a memo at the study group of The Japanese Institute of Global Communications (J.I. Glocom) presided by Prof.Takahiro Miyao on Feb.10, 2006.
  • Dr.ラリー・クボタは、一橋大Innovation Research研究所客員教授で、国際大学Glocom Fellow.
  • 本メモは2006年2月10日の国際大学情報発信機構宮尾尊弘教授主催の研究グループでのメモである。

>Top 0. Preface:

  • Industrial Economy is giving way to the Creative Economy.
  • US Capital spending on IT increased from 10% in 1960 to 35% in 2000.
  • Workers in industry in the US will fall below 20%.
  • Idea based corporations have easy access to capital.
  • Most important intellectual property isn't software or music or movies, it is what is inside people's heads.


  • 産業経済はクリエイティブ経済に取って代わる。
  • 米国のIT投資は10%/1960年から35%/2000年へ
  • 米国の産業労働者は20%以下へ
  • 頭脳依存企業は資金調達が容易
  • より重要な資産はソフトウェアでも音楽でも映画でもない。それは人々の頭の中にある。

>Top 1. Core Industries of the Creative Economy:

  • creative_economy


  • By market size in US$ B (1999)
  1. R&D
  2. Publishing
  3. Software
  4. TV & Radio
  5. Design
  6. Music
  7. Film
  8. Toys & Games
  9. Advertising
  10. Architecture
  11. Perform, Arts
  12. Crafts
  13. Video Games
  14. Fashion
  15. Art

>Top 2. Rise of the Creative Class:

  • Scientist, engineer, architect, designer, writer, artist, musician, or those using creativity in their work in business, education, law or health care.
  • US: 38 M members, 30% of the workforce.
  • Basis of creative class in economic.


  • 科学者、エンジニア、デザイナー、著者、芸術家、ビジネス・教育・法律・医療等の専門家
  • 米国では38M人、労働人口の30%

>Top 3. Creative Places:

  • Large cities and regions
    • variety of economic opportunities
    • stimulating environment
    • amenities for many possible lifestyles
  • "Geography of Cool"
    • center of artistic & cultural activity
    • active, informal, street-level amenities
    • clubs, cafes, cutting-edge music scene
    • "Media Cities"


  • 大都市・周辺
  • クールな場所

>Top 4. Creative Cities:

  • Creative Cities drive the economy.
  • Globalization produces new rankings of cities - "Global Cities"
  • Some high-ranking Global Cities do not rank high as Global Media Cities
  • Ranking Global Media Cities are mainly Western.
  • Profound influence on production and dissemination of media and, thereby, "culture"


  • クリエイティブ・シティーは経済をリード
  • 主として西側
  • 文化的生産発信

>Top 5. List of Global Media Cities:

  • Alpha Group (7):
    1. Los Angeles
    2. New York
    3. London
    4. Paris
    5. Berlin
    6. Munich
    7. Amsterdam

Beta Group (15)

  1. Toronto
  2. Copenhagen
  3. Madrid
  4. Hamburg
  5. Stockholm
  6. Milan
  7. Oslo
  8. Sydney
  9. Athens
  10. Barcelona
  11. Frankfurt
  12. Brussels
  13. Zurich
  14. Warsaw
  15. Budapest

Gamma Group (17)

  1. Chicago
  2. San Francisco
  3. Dusseldorf
  4. Boston
  5. Singapore
  6. Vienna
  7. Tokyo
  8. Hong Kong
  9. Cologne
  10. Prague
  11. Lisbon
  12. Melbourne
  13. Buenos Aires
  14. Mexico City
  15. Helsinki
  16. Rome
  17. Sao Paulo

>Top 6. Media Cities & the Cultural Economy:

  • Cultural economy is a prime mover for globalization processes in the urban system.
  • Cultural production clusters act as local nodes in the global networks of large media groups.
  • "World Media Cities" are cultural and media centers connected to urban cultures.
  • Globalization of large cultural enterprises
  • Integrated production clusters can generate locational advantages.
  • Urban clusters of cultural production
  • Brand Name Production: NY, Paris, Tokyo
  • Magnet for creative talent.


  • 文化経済
  • 世界のメディアシティー
  • ブランド生産都市
  • クリエイティブタレントの吸引

>Top 7. Main Points:

  • Culture industry economically organized by globalization of large media groups.
  • Global players network locally.
  • Urban centers of cultural production are linked worldwide.
  • Content and designs produced in a global urban city have a worldwide impact.
  • More than global corp. services and financiers, the media industry affects globalization with the cultural integration the world into a Western-style market society.


  • メディアグループ
  • ローカルなネットワーク活用
  • 世界とは雪像
  • コンテンツ・デザインは世界にインパクト
  • 西側的市場社会

>Top 8. What does this mean for Japan?:

  • Tokyo a third-rate global media city.
  • Japan has no other city competing.
  • Warner Bros,shifted their operation to China (Shanghai).
  • Sony is Japan's main media enterprise but located in NY and LA.
  • World's culture will be shaped by Western nations and firms, with China looming. ; Where does Japan go from here?


  • 東京はガンマ分類
  • 東京以外候補なし
  • Warner Brosは上海
  • SonyはLA/NY
  • 西洋志向、中国は?

>Top 9. Cf: "The Creative City Initiative":

  • The Creative City Initiative is examining amenity economics in five interrelated fields:
    1. Creative and Effective Leadership; devolution of government
    2. Economic Activity; cultural and sporting events
    3. Equity for All Citizens; ability to celebrate diversity, while uniting citizens
    4. Quality of Life; continue to stimulate creative interests.
    5. Paying for it; how they can stimulate economic development


  • リーダーシップ
  • 経済活動
  • 全市民による参加
  • 生活の質
  • 経済性
  • MIT's Lester Thurow states that creativity is the fuel of the information age. It is time to look at the relationship of amenities, creativity, technology and e-Commerce to the globally competitive region and its ability of attracting the best and the brightest.
  • 創造性は情報社会の燃料である (Lester Thurow)

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