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What is CRM?

- The advent of new type of marketing method -

Cat: ICT
Pub: 2003

Kanzo Kobayashi


  1. Self-Introduction:
  2. Overview of NTI (J/V of NTT & Itochu):
  3. Siebel Systems In.:
  4. Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories Inc.:
  5. CRM market:
  6. Siebel Funnel:
  7. Sales Productivity:
  8. Genesys Middleware T-Server:
  9. Avaya PBX/Swithch Definity:
  10. Universal Q:
  11. Keywords (Acronym):
  • Nippon Telecomatique Inc., a 50/50 joint venture of NTT and Itochu, is a solution provider of CRM business, representing Genesys and Siebel, worldwide top brand package software of CRM solution.
  • Call Center is based on the CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) technology, which integrated a century-long-developed telephony technology and rapidly growing computer technology. Also, IT technology enabled to give more alternatives and initiatives to customers side. Call Center is nowadays called as Contact Center or Customer Center, which is playing more important function as portal of the enterprise; where is the first place to meet with possible customers. Once the portal site is attractive and satisfactory to the customers, who will be repeaters or loyal customers.
  • 日本テレマティーク株式会社 (NTT/伊藤忠 50/50の合弁)
  • CRC事業本部でのプレゼン資料
Key presentation

>Top 0. Self- introduction:


  • My career is composed of two parts: content and media.
  • Since 1969 until 1985, I was involved mineral resources development, especially nuclear fuel for nuclear power plant in Japan. The business activities covers lots of developing areas like West Australia, Saudi Arabia, and other developing areas in Asian and Latin American countries.
  • Since 1986 until now, my business field totally changed into IT business sphere: in 1985 became a historical year, when Telecom Business Law was deregulated in Japan and NTT Public Corp. was privatized.
  • Itochu Corp, as a major trading company, challenged to pursue new business opportunities; Information Systems and Technology Div. (IST) was organized in Itochu hq, aiming to be a investment task force for emerging IT business. I was a member of IST.
  • In 1990, I was sent to HBS business school in Boston, short but very incentive curriculum course. 1990 was the peak year of Japanese economy; analysis of Japanese economy including severe Japan bashing debates was done during the class.

>Top 1. Overview of NTI



  • Telematique is a compound word of French Telecommunication + Informatique, which was advocated by Giscard d'Estaing, former French president to express forthcoming new media age in beginning of 1980's.
  • Nippon Telematique Inc. (NTI) is established in 1985, when Japanese Telecommunication Business Law was deregulated and NTT Public Corporation is privatized. NTI's original function was to promote CAPTAIN (Japanese Videotex) system. As the result, the idea pursued by Videotex was realized in the Internet
  • Now NTI functions as valued added reseller of network related hardware like products of Sun Microsystems, Cisco Systems, and security devices, etc. mainly targeting NTT group companies.
  • Also NTI is a solution provider of system and network, making the systems from the beginning or integration using package software.
  • Mr. K. Kojima, originally from NTT, is our president. NTI has offices at Tokyo-headquarter, Osaka and a development center at Sendai, also overseas liason at Santa Clara.
    Our sales revenue shows steady growth owing to active investment by NTT group companies, including NTTDoCoMo and NTTData.
  • CRM Business Division, where I'm assigned as GM, is challenging new business establishment.

CRM solution partners:



  • NTI is pursuing three layered CRM solution: Avaya's (formerly Lucent Technologies, the world biggest PBX maker) "Definity" as a PBX/ACD, Genesys's "T-Server" as a middleware which is a software to connect PBX and application, and thirdly, if needed, Sibel as an application software.
  • Both Genesys and Siebel are the world famous and established software corporations with lots of successful site installation bases.
  • Both software is Japanized and is proven to function well in Japanese environment.

>Top 2. Siebel overview:


  • Siebel Systems Inc. is one of the most rapidly growing venture company is Silicon Valley.
  • Thomas M. Siebel, CEO and founder is writing a famous 'Virtual Selling ' which describe well the concept of CRM. Several key topics are quoted here.
  • Mr. Tom Sibel has experienced as a cofounder of Oracle, then founded Gain Technology and now is CEO of Siebel Systems Inc. Ms. Pat House, co-founder of Siebel and Dr. David Schmaier, CTO are key persons of Siebel.
  • Siebel product is one of the most rapidly growing software and is becoming defacto standard in the market as front end solution.

Siebel Sales:
Sieble Sales


Sieble SW Share:

Sieble SW Share:

>Top 3. Genesys Overview:


M. Porter

>Top 4. CRM Market
CRM market


Enterprise Voltex:
Enterprise Voltex

Enterprise Package:
Enterprise package

>Top 5. Siebel Funnel:
Siebel Funnel


Sales Economics:
Sales Economics

Siebel Business Modules:
Siebel module

>Top 6. Sales Productivity:
Sales productivity


Total Sales Quality:
Total Sales Quality


>Top 7. Genesys T-Server:


Status management:
Sales management


>Top 8. PBX/Switch - Definity:
PBX Switch


Case: Callcenter of carrier:
Call Center case

Click & Mortar:
Click & Mortar

>Top 9. Uinversal Q:
Universal Q


Callcenter evolution:
Callcenter evolution

Callcenter ACES rules:
Callcenter ACE rules

>Top 10. Key Words (Acronym):
Key words


Response to troubles:
Response to troubles

  • This is one my major output during working at Nippon Telematique, J/V of Itochu and NTT
  • If someone asks me what is the specialty in IT business, I surely reply that is CRM. Because CRM software contains the essence of business; the relationship between supplier and buyer as well as understanding of marketplace as the environment.
  • これは、日本テレマティーク株式会社での主要な成果物の一つである。
  • 誰かが、あなたのITビジネスの専門は何かと問うなら、それはCRMであると答えたい。理由はCRMソフトウェアにはビジネスの本質が含まれているから。それは売り手と買い手そして環境としての市場の理解でもあるから。

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